Avatar of Birdboy


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current The holidays are always so hard for me, I am sorry for such slow replies but I promise I haven't forgotten!
7 mos ago
Happy halloween
7 mos ago
Feeling sad, is it new profile pic time?
9 mos ago
"it is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words alone will not reach." -Android 16
1 like
9 mos ago
False Prophet I hope things get better for you. Take it one day at a time and try to find solace in the simple things in life.


Just a small, fragile birdboy with a huge beak. I used to be Manapool, but we don't talk about those days. I have been here a while if you couldn't tell.

In all honesty, I am 23 and in a committed relationship outside of roleplay. I work as a cook who works nights. I'm a big fan of seeing people's food they make and learning about new foods if you ever want to share. I enjoy tabletop games, card games, and video games as well as reading comics in my spare time. Your typical nerd, you might even find me at conventions!

Most of the time I stick to Superhero groups and Play by post D&D here. I have admittedly begun taking far fewer rps. I prefer Fantasy and Superheroes as a genre but can find myself interested in Sci-fi settings too! My main fandoms are Fallout, Marvel, and Souleater but I have a lot of niche interests like Hylics, Neopets, and Monster High. If you have a strange fandom you want to rp? I am the kind to at least take a look at the source material!

These days I am closer to a low to mid Casual roleplayer. I want at least a paragraph from replies and don't mind dipping lower than casual if it fits the flow better. I am capable of writing decent long posts but expect me to take eons to reply. I also must warn you that I tend to lose a lot of steam in the winter months.

Most Recent Posts

@Spike you will find out when I reply to your last post. I am at work rn

Ezra was surprised as his hand outstretched to shake was neglected by the other girl but her name was enough for him. He shoved his hands into his pockets and listened one about what she planned to do. He perked up at the topic of catching a Pokemon.
"Well hey, maybe that's how I'll pay you back! Me and my Pokemon could help you catch something! Let's look aro-" he began to blabber in a jolly tone. He was cut off by a sound in the distance and turned to see another girl. Ezra began to wonder if they were flocking to him from every direction. He was surprised to be asked if he was lost. Looking around, he had to admit this was a territory he'd never encountered.
"I'm just wandering. Doesn't mean I'm lost, I'm heading to the town just over the horizon there" he answered, pointing directly south.
@Raptra yeah, just long enough to let you guys do some role-playing. Get to know each other
Whao, things kicked off fast! I'll post something tomorrow after work
not my best work and I can retry/edit if you all would like. I was more so wanting to give you all a chance to start the roleplay. Tell me what all you'd want to be changed when you get a chance.
The jagged terrain of the rocky alps mountains seemed to jut and spear outwards along the old road cutting through. Through these thin passes and long tunnels, a school bus drove by. It turned more agile than the long vehicle seemed capable of. The snowy tops of the huge mountains loomed over all the while as the bus clunked on through the quiet roads. The bus itself was fairly empty, only a few young men and women where scattered through the bus as it made it's way down. The only outlier was a bus driver, some older man with leathery skin and black hair with greying string flaking in here and there. He wore a worn old red trucker hat with some unknown, older Italian company's logo on it.

As they rolled through another tunnel, the school came into view. Cradled up high on a jagged mountain peak was a sloping villa of marble and granite. The highest point was a large building with Corinthian pillars holding up the higher level to allow balconies on the top floor. Below is where unassorted buildings of varying sizes and designs, with roads of cobblestone leading between. Along the paths were well-kept ferns and beautiful flowers and at the lowest plane were three greenhouses and far more raised planting beds for crops around them. It was completely empty. Not a single soul seemed to walk through the streets and not one of the windows revealed a silhouette.

The bus kept driving forward, and now that the students had seen Empyreus Academy, they would most likely understand now just the kind of stay they'd be having.
@Balthazar007 fair enough! I'll do that after work
That's up to you man
@Spike we could do that. I'll set one up soon but I am not all too well versed in how to work it's bots.
sweet. Now I just have to start this
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