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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Everdark
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Klara was still giggling a bit, namely with regards to the amount of glitter everywhere as of right now. She always had fun with that sort of thing, tended to make it a bit easier for her to follow along after people and find where they went. Or in this case just because she felt like everywhere they were needed glitter. Everything was better with it in her opinion, and the Everdark definitely needed it. As did everyone who was with her, hence why she had thrown glitter around like she usually did.

A portal opened up, and Runa started talking about something that didn't make sense to her, something about them wanting to destroy everything? That was the gist of what she understood, and Jack's talking wasn't exactly helping out with her understanding. It didn't matter though, people were starting to head through the portal, so Klara was going too. However the explanation of where they were once they got through the portal wasn't exactly the greatest. "...Wait where are we?" she asked incredibly confused as to what place Jack was sort of describing or at least just naming. This place was really weird and not something she'd ever seen before.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: Pop Culture
Costume: Rogue

Zelda still wasn't sure if this whole situation was a good idea to start pressing further into a situation that they didn't know fully about. Of course, it was made apparent that Cassie had at least been this way, and the idea of such a time gap wasn't entirely surprising to her. Especially since it was an alternate dimension, plus she wasn't entirely sure how America's powers worked fully so that also could have had something to do with it, but it was hard to say either way really.

"I'm fine going with anyone," she ended up saying with a shrug. She at least had seemingly more knowledge about this sort of place then the other three did, so that was useful. She wasn't necessarily the best at tracking others though, so she wasn't entirely sure how things were going to work out in the long run. "...Though trying to find her is going to be like trying to find a needle in a haystack with how big this place is..."

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

"...That doesn't sound pleasant or anything, not fun at all," Zari said to Andy, looking over at her for a moment. Apparently no one else actually thought what they were dealing with was cool or interesting. Sure, being scared in a haunted house or something was normal, but also sometimes just laughing a bit at how scared you were could be just as fun afterwards. Though most people didn't seem to think like that, so oh well with that one.

She nodded a bit in agreement with Andy about seeing about getting away from the haunted house now and do something else. At least people weren't really paying much attention to them or anything because someone else was having a bit of a breakdown and causing everyone to stare at them. That being April, though she was a bit curious as to what April had seen in the maze, she didn't seem to be doing too well. Zari kind of wanted to see what was going on, but one, she didn't actually really know her practically at all, and two, she already had a bunch of people around her.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: Hypnokinesis

Well things seemed to be escalating with regards to everyone around her. She could tell that there were monsters that was starting to cause issues, but she didn't know what they were, but she could vaguely tell where they were. Then came apparently Kristin deciding to try and take a swing at her with her spear. "What de? Watch where you're swengin!" she said instantly to Kristin, not able to really tell that there was anything wrong with her, aside from the fact that she tried to attack her.

Deciding that she had enough of this, she decided to try to put the monsters asleep. Janelle was also aiming to put Cassian and Kristin asleep too, because Cassian was being stupid and Kristin had tried to attack her. Something had to be slightly disorienting or something to her, as despite Kristin being the closest, she missed her entirely. However she did hit the Empousa and Cassian, who all would slump to the ground sound asleep. She was hoping that she had managed to get everyone causing chaos for the time being anyway.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Sword Fighting

Was it really that surprising that chaos erupted and the werewolves decided to start attacking them? Not really. He'd been expecting that and was a bit surprised that it took that long for the werewolves to actually attack them. He went to draw his sword before he got thrown backwards, and almost got stabbed before a vine shot out of nowhere and knocked the werewolf away from him. He couldn't exactly tell which person had actually done that (there were more then a few people who could have done that) and he got back up on his feet.

Drawing his sword, he instantly went straight for the nearest monster and took a swing at them. The sword didn't really connect too well against the werewolf. So Jason instantly went in for another attack, and the sword went straight through the monster this time, killing the thing and he took a step back, looking to see what other bits of chaos were happening around them.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Knives

At least they all had been somewhat prepared for the inevitable fight that ensued. Mary was about to start throwing knives when one of the monsters decided to attack and strike at her with a sword, causing a nasty gash across her arm. "Well that was rude," she mumbled, as she looked at the werewolf that had decided to strike at her. The first thing she needed to do was put at least a little bit of distance between her and the creature.

Thinking nothing much of it, she put a little distance between them rather quickly as she drew forth a throwing knife and took aim. Clearly the gash on her arm wasn't helping her aim, as her first throw sort of just kind of grazed the werewolf instead of actually doing any damage. Mary instantly grabbed another knife, and threw it with much better accuracy now and managed to not instantly kill him, she did at least mortally wound the thing so it was going to die fairly soon, so that was something at least.

"I don't think they plan on crashing us into Earth. We should have maybe noticed that by now considering we've been able to see outside of here multiple times, and have been in control rooms and at computers fairly recently so we should have potentially been able to spot that, and plus that would then kill them potentially too, which wouldn't make sense. It'd be harder to leave too if we were going that way because obviously re-entering the atmosphere probably would not be good," Mary started to say, shaking her head as everyone started rattling off a few possibilities. There were way too many variables to be able to predict what exactly the end result was that they were hoping for.

"Well I'm going to follow after Guin," Lance said instantly as he took off after Guin and in that direction.

"Not too many here can create illusions," Magneto responded to Jaclyn, "As to how many mutants there are in this facility, there are around 100 people, that would be including all of us right here. They are somewhat scattered around the place, and it might take some time to round everyone up into one place to evacuate, never truly imagined there would be so much danger in here from one of our own." he then added, directing that towards Max.

"Max, you aren't staying here or doing anything reckless I'll kick you off this station myself if you try," Mary added, looking at him and shaking her head. "I might be able to get a decent amount of people transported somewhere else, plus we've got the Blackbird to get the remaining stragglers, and the pods that got us up here to begin with. So that's probably about plan F if we get to that point." She wasn't going to mention the added fact that the odds of them being able to coordinate 100 people to do anything or manage to get them all to one spot for a transport was not very high. Meaning the odds of them saving everyone on the station... That wasn't something she really wanted to think about right now.

"...Wait a second..." she muttered, an idea popping into her head, before walking right up to Miranda. "Ok, so I don't know enough about your powers and how they fully worked, but you had some form of telepathic ability involving memories or something aside from your illusions right?"

"It's called Retrocognition, it allows me to see the memories of others, and occasionally when that's popped up I've used me illusions to show others what is seen. Why?"

"Think that might work on him? At least enough to figure out what's going on?"

"Perhaps, I can certainly try but a lot of people tend to try and have some form of mental defenses against anything like that," she said, before walking forward to where Cortez was who still wasn't really moving and put her hand on his arm.

The hallway suddenly had a bit of an illusion summon up around those there. They'd easily recognize Cortez and a woman who were talking about something.

"So the goal is to try and destroy the place once the pods or whatever gets up here?" the woman said to Cortez.

"Just think how many points all of this will be worth though, all those deaths. We'll definitely win the game. Everyone else will probably give up Anne just think of it."

"I mean we don't even fully know what the prize is, but alright, what's the plan?"

The illusions disappeared and Miranda stepped back, but Mary was instantly thinking of what the hell was going on. "...It's all a game..." she said rather slowly, trying to think of what else to do. Annie had asked what the plan was, but she very much did not have one. They had to deal with this sort of thing sooner rather then later. Though one easy thing they could do would rely a bit on needing everyone to get into one place. "I'd say send the speedster to try and find everyone around here and get them all in one place, but odds are most people might not react too well to him being around. Which means we need there to be a way for us to let them all know without Pietro playing messenger."

"Could have JAclyn copy my power, but then you'd run into the problem of burning through too many calories and potentially passing out. Hence why I always carry food around," Pietro said with a shrug, before adding, "I'm going to go catch up with them,", and then he took off in a gust of wind.

"This is way too screwed up and way too many moving parts... Because all of these ideas to evacuate are pointless unless we can let the others here know to get to one place. Jaclyn if you want to try playing a speedster for a little bit or something go for it, since that's currently the best potential idea on how to do it, unless anyone else has other suggestions."

Before reaching the room with the crashing and what sounded like destruction, Guin would get a telepathic message from Mary, Apparently this whole thing is a game. Literally. They are trying to gather points in some stupid game, and in this instance the more people who die apparently on this asteroid the more points they get or something like that. Really messed up.

Mira had also decided to go along with the group going after Cortez's sister, and as that group entered the room, they would see a lot of fire. Computers were smashed and the room had small fires surrounding the area. What had been left of the main console had been destroyed and alarms were blaring even more as the base was starting to shake a bit, but it was difficult to tell whether that was from the destruction they came across in the room, or something else. A woman was there with a weapon in her hand and was just blasting away at a bunch of the stuff still in the room.

"...Well this looks not so great..." Mira said, not entirely sure what to do, but the woman didn't seem to notice the group there.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Everdark
Skills: N/A
Spells: Rosa Glittereksplosjon

Klara was very aware of Runa collapsing to the ground next to her without warning. "Runa? Runa? Are you okay?" she asked instantly, sort of nudging her a bit with her hand to try to get to move or wake up, but nothing seemed to happen with that. She wasn't sure what had happened, but her attention got pulled from Runa, to the chaos that Jack seemed to be causing near them with the whole incinerating the monsters and just destroying everything. Honestly that was a bit dramatic if you asked her.

She eventually started looking around, seeing if she can find her soul since just about everything was dead now, and eventually, she spotted the same sort of pink orb that had been ripped from her before, and she ended up getting it and her soul just sort of went back into her. "Yaaaaaaay!" she said happily as she decided to use some magic and suddenly there was a rather large burst of glitter that then covered everyone around them in a bit of a dusting of pink glitter. Klara didn't say anything, just giggling a bit, though she wasn't entirely sure where they were going or what they were doing now.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: Pop Culture
Costume: Rogue

It took a little bit for her to register what all was being said, and as they walked along, she started taking in her surroundings more and more. The most obvious thing was the castle and the crest on the banners, which were clearly from Camelot, that was something a bit obvious. However she started thinking about any other bits and pieces she knew of the place. The main thing was that Captain Britain was definitely connected to the place, and myths and folklore about the Fae tended to play a big part in how things were with people from there.

"...That's the crest for the Pendragon family, so currently it seems very much like we're in Camelot and King Arthur, which means that those legends and myths are true here," she ended up saying to the other three as they walked closer to the guards and all who then asked what they were doing. She was about to say something else that likely would be vital for interactions with people, when Diana started talking. Uh oh, that's not a good thing, "Um... The rules of the Fae if I remember correctly tend to apply to people here... Which means um... You really shouldn't give them well... Your name..." she then said rather quietly so the guards couldn't hear her.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

"That was so cool!" she said gleefully to Andy, "I saw another me who was a cyborg it was cool, but also really freaky but honestly it's fun to kind of laugh about how freaky and creepy it was... Honestly the idea of being a cyborg is both really cool but also I don't think I want my body to be at least partially taken over by tech, that is so weird," she added, before looking behind her and seeing Mary Sue come out and she was crying. She instantly walked over to Mary Sue and hearing Andy trying to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" she asked gently to Mary Sue, looking at her, and not sure what all she could really say or do to try and help the situation. She didn't really know the girl, so she didn't really know what to say to make her feel better. Things were definitely weird with that haunted house considering what popped up inside of it. Each instance was tailored to the person who walked through it, personally Zari wanted to learn how that worked and how Nimue did it, more specifically the type of magic she had done to do it.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A

The others were seemingly becoming set on that course of action to go through the doors now and to go off and find the person who was now stuck in Tartarus. That certainly was an interesting development, and she just shrugged slightly when Kristin complimented her. "You can see dings around you, I can 'ear dings around me, naht dat beg o' a deal," she said as people started heading off to try and find Cassian.

She wasn't at all surprised that Cassian was very much mentally off the deep end so to speak right now, Nancy then proceeded to threaten with having her dragon set him on fire. "I could always just sahrt o' smack 'im in de face a few times, dat snapped Zeke out o' it befahre," she offered, though she was fine with Nancy lighting someone on fire for being stupid at this point now. They really didn't have time for this, at all.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

Jason wasn't sure what to expect when they got up closer to where they were heading. Which he still wasn't entirely certain where exactly they were going or what they were doing once there. Things weren't always super clear about that sort of thing, but he didn't say anything else with regards to what's going on, and just sort of followed along after the others. Heading up the trail, before eventually, they were interrupted by the howling of wolves, and others popping up near them

This was not something he expected, and hearing Niah's words about them made it a bit apparent she definitely knew these guys. Which was either a good thing or a bad thing, but based on the conversation it definitely seemed to be the latter. Great, now they were having to deal with this instead. They were likely heading for a fight, but not instantly it would seem, he just rested a hand on the hilt of his sword, waiting to see if they'd make a move first or not.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

More chaos was coming their way, so this was not something she exactly was too thrilled about. But it was to be expected. Actually Mary was surprised that it had taken this long for more chaos and monsters to show up. Werewolves could just be added to their list of problems and encounters on this quest. She wasn't entirely sure this was going to work out in their favor, and Niah's comment wasn't fully needed, especially after the werewolf explanation, but she didn't say anything.

"Well this is definitely going to be interesting," she muttered under her breath. Thankfully they were in a large area that had plenty of plant life and such she could more easily use her powers if she needed to. Which she was more then prepared to do that if need be, but she was fully prepared to go fight with her throwing knives, trying to keep them at a distance would be the best thing to do in a fight against the monsters here. She was more then ready to potentially fight if need be.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Rogue

Well this was definitely not something that she expected to hear. Someone going in but not coming back out again was concerning. And definitely something that the teachers should have potentially prevented if they had allowed the haunted house to be there to begin with. This was a bit strange to her, but everyone started going into the portal that was still open currently to see about trying to find Cassie Lang. Well, the party was a bit lame (in her opinion) and she figured that it might be better to try to help out. So thinking nothing more of it, Zelda stepped through the portal after the other three.

The world definitely was a bit odd to say the least, as her outfit shifted to be reminiscent of a Rogue type sneaky character. A little ways in the distance she could make out the others having already gone a bit ahead, and she raced along until she caught up with them. Giving them a slight wave, before she spoke as she walked along with them, "...So how did Cassie end up here? It doesn't seem like anyone else who went through the haunted house got brought here or anything..." she ended up saying, looking at the three others.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: Sword Fighting
Costume: Viking

"Eh, I don't really care one way or another. Problem is she doesn't get fully she can't actually hurt me in anyway, as long as she doesn't try to be a dictator or try to get people to do stupid things, then we'll be fine," she ended up responding as they eventually got up to the front of the line for the haunted house. Zari was super excited to see what was in store for them inside, and thinking nothing of it, Zari went straight on in without a care in the world. How bad could it really be?

It was a bit weird, being there, but eventually she saw a figure up ahead of her. Someone else near her, and Zari decided to call out to them, "Hello there!" she said happily, as the figure turned to face her, and what she saw surprised her.

She saw herself. Sort of anyway.

This version of her looked to be almost like a cyborg, her left eye seemed to have been replaced with a robotic one, as well as her left arm seemingly being completely robotic as well. Zari could sense the tech that was there, and there definitely was a lot of it. Almost like it was kind of keeping her alive or something. But the cyborg wasn't the only figure sort of there, next to her was a sort of familiar looking robotic eye. Sort of familiar because Mr. Eyeball no longer looked like his usual self, having gotten a few upgrades or something like that, but it was a bit eerie to think about.

This can't be good.

"Well Mr. Eyeball, looks like we've got some company... We probably should see about doing something about that," the other Zari said with a smirk, before the robot fired off a laser at her, which Zari dodged out of the way of.

"Rude! I've been meaning to give him a laser forever you're just mocking me at this point with that!" Zari complained, before pulling out her sword. She was super glad she had decided to bring her real sword as opposed to taking the fake axe that came with the costume.

The other Zari instantly drew her own sword, before the pair instantly charged at each other, both swinging their swords in almost perfect sort of movements. Clearly this other sort of twisted version of her was able to almost perfectly mimic and predict her own movements. So they were at a bit of a stalemate at first, the other Zari seemed to laugh a bit at Zari herself now. "You are a bit pathetic now aren't you? You call yourself an Asgardian, well where is your strength? You always be weaker then everyone else there. You act like you aren't bothered by anything, but you and I both know that's the thing that bugs you and always will."

"I have accepted that fact! Mostly anyway! If I get it, great, if not then so what? It's not the end of the world if I don't. I just make up for it with being skilled at what I do!" Zari said, managing to knock her back away from her.

"No you haven't. See I have that strength, more strength then you ever can have," she responded as her version of Mr. Eyeball started from the sounds of it, laughing at her.

"Strength isn't everything you know!" as they continued the fight, once more becoming deadlocked again.

"Just give up. You're no warrior, you barely even really are a Valkyrie."

"Wrong!" this time she managed to knock her back, but she was definitely having a harder time with this fight then her counterpart.

"No, you're wrong," she said, before charging again, and the pair were fighting, but the former's superior strength started to show. And eventually, her counterpart managed to disarm her and knock her sword away. Right when she was about to go through with killing her, her counterpart disappeared revealing the exit. Zari quickly grabbed her sword up off the ground, definitely a bit freaked out from the experience.

But she couldn't help but be impressed by the haunted house and thinking that it was amazing! Now that she was out, she definitely thought it was the coolest thing around and definitely the highlight of the dance if you asked her.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Everdark
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Klara really hated being in a fight that she felt sort of useless in. She'd been specifically told not to cut and slash at the monsters since that would make more of them. Ok, fair enough, that just meant that her sword was out, right? Wrong! Because she also had been told that fire was the best option to sort of burn and disintegrate them to prevent them from multiplying. That basically just took everything that she had left in her repertoire out of commission. Considering the last time she tried to use her powers to charm one of these things since the adults around her hadn't done anything to help her, resulted in her losing her soul to begin with. So she very much was not in a rush to try that again.

So as of right now, she wasn't sure there was anything she could do.

Her magic and powers weren't as strong as those around her, which sort of left her a bit stranded. However when Annika used her spell, that resulted in them not being able to hear anything, she noticed that Runa likely couldn't hear, and Jack wandered over to her to maybe guide her. If only he could actually hear her, because it was stupid for him to do that since obviously he actually would be able to do something against the Green Eyed Ones, whereas Klara could not. Walking over, she sort of waved her hand a bit at Jack, trying to get his attention, before pointing at him putting a hand on Runa's shoulder and shaking her head, before walking over and deciding to hold the hand of her cousin hoping it wouldn't freak her out or startle her. Hopefully Jack would get the hint to not worry about Runa, but instead would go back to doing damage against the monsters instead.

Something was off. This was not seemingly working out, not so much the fact that they were going against Cortez, but more of, the fact that he wasn't really fighting back. Something was seriously wrong with that. Why wasn't he actually trying to get away? Sure, he seemed intent on causing chaos, and was doing a really good job at that, but still. What was the point of all of this? There had to be a reason. The question is, what was it? "...Something is wrong. Sure he's causing chaos with powers but... He's up to something... Don't you think it's a bit odd that he hasn't really fought back? No... This is a distraction... But not entirely sure why or what even his actual plan is..." Mary said, though it was more of to herself than to anyone in particular.

Her attention shifted slightly towards Guin now as Guin would be able to hit Cortez in the face with her kick, giving him a decent black eye. "...This reminds me of back at the mansion, when Mesmero attacked. He turned everyone against each other, to serve as a distraction for something else. We learned why eventually but still, that didn't exactly work out... Something's definitely up with this, more then what meets the eye..."

Mary was half paying attention to anything as Neil would be able to cut Cortez up a little bit with metal shrapnel, causing him to bleed a bit with his attacks. His whole instant seemed to be trying to go for people who might have chaotic powers to cause destruction. Why? Well the easiest answer would be that he was trying to stall them to accomplish something. That once again led to the question of why would he do that? When they initially encountered Cortez, he had powered up her and Perry's powers. Perry was a newer member of the team, whereas Mary's powers were likely decently known but it'd also be known that her powers in space aren't as effective as they are on Earth, while Perry was a wild card, her powers unknown. Okay, that led to them eventually encountering the people from earlier, those who manipulated various elements. He probably had known of their powers or at least vaguely had.

Which led to the here and now, where Cortez had initially targeted Magneto and Max's powers.

That one was interesting, since Magneto is obviously well known, Max from what she knew was known partially because of the whole Genosha thing. So it was possible Cortez knew how chaotic his powers were... But then... Why was Cortez causing all of this to happen? Why now? There were so many questions with regards to it that she wasn't entirely sure. "There's just way too many variables and explanations... Way too many questions and I guess he's not going to just tell us. Guess we just punch him a bit more or something and figure it out..."

As if right on cue, a green colored fist came out of nowhere and slammed right into Cortez throwing him backwards with tremendous amount of force and a bit of a crack. The restraints that Mary and Max had on him held, barely though and they did give ever so slightly from the strength, so at least the crack didn't seem to be his back snapping in half or something. But his arms seemed to be a bit loose, likely having somewhat gotten broken from the hit and he let out a scream of pain at this point. Mary turned to look over at Lance who was just shifting back to normal, but there was hints of green on his face as he did so. But now the burns he had seemed to be gone now. "I thought we said don't shift unless you have to?"

"...I was getting tired of him screwing with everything, burns hurt, and I heard someone say punch him so I did. Also the thought just crossed my mind... Do you think he could potentially cause that to go haywire because that would not end well."

"I'd prefer not to find out."

Unfortunately, knocking or severely injuring Cortez did not seem to stop the powers he already had messed with. As Carolina would still have a bit of a hard time going back to her body, but it did seem like she was starting to get the hang of it again, so that was something. Annie's powers were still sparking here or there, but didn't seem to zap anyone else, so yay for that.

Magneto's powers were finally starting to slow down a little bit, though the walls were still rattling a bit but at least he seemed to have figured out (somewhat anyway) how to control his abilities. Though maybe it isn't recommended to anger him. Something that Robert was probably going to figure out very quickly. "Don't you dare yell at me and speak of that which you know next to nothing about," Magneto had snapped at him instantly, as he did so the metal was starting to rattle even more.

"Erik just stop there is a whole lot more that needs to be dealt with you can try to use him as a pincushion later or something," Miranda spoke up. She had been relatively quiet during the encounter, as she wasn't exactly easily able to get to where Cortez was, and the trying to distract him with illusions for the plans didn't seem to pan out and work out that way. Flynn meanwhile had chosen to stay back as well, since his powers were not ones he wanted to use in an area with a lot of people in it, and getting up close also didn't exactly seem to be the best idea either.

"Yeah seriously just shut up about your damn ego no one right now cares, we mainly care about not letting Cortez try to kill everyone on board so thanks for the not skewering me with metal I guess for that. Makes you wonder if you had more control over that then what appeared."

"I do not know what you are referring to, aside from the fact that I manage to at least seemingly slow it down in it's trying to destroy the hallway we're all in."

"...Wait so the metal just magically shifted around me without much of a care in the world as if I wasn't really there?"

"I was trying to stop the metal entirely, that is all I did."

Pietro was insanely confused at this point, but paid no attention to that conversation anymore as he turned to actually look to see what was going on with those who had been dealing more specifically with Cortez. Honestly if his father hadn't managed to regain some control of his powers when he did, Pietro had been prepared to race through the metal and tackle him.

The gears were continuing to turn in Mary's head, before a sort of sinking feeling popped up, a lot stronger when she realized something and remembered a bit of a vital piece of information. "...His sister... Where is his sister?" she then asked out loud, looking at everyone around her.

"Whose sister and what do you mean by that?" Mira asked, a bit confused by what it was Mary was going on about.

"Cortez has a sister, she's on board. Cortez couldn't possibly seemingly take down this place by himself. He'd need some help and it was mentioned he has a sister here with him. He's distracting us from something. So where is she?" Mary finished her question right when another alarm started blaring.

"...Guessing from that sound she might have been the backup plan to if he couldn't get Magneto to rip this place apart by accident. I mean this is a space station, and as was proven earlier this place can get holes blasted into it fairly easily. The main thing powering it probably if it got damaged severely it might be able to blow everything... Kind of like the one weakness point on the Death Star in Star Wars, instead of just blowing holes in it, find the one spot to take everything out, probably a lot quicker."

"Yeah and we just walked right into Cortez's hand with that."
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