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Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
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RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/Ahr]

She didn't say anything more with regards to the chaos or whatever that was happening. Janelle was pretty certain that any interactions she had with Leandra (if any) had been kept to a minimum, so she didn't fully care who it was that was working with the monsters. All she seemed to know was that Leandra was a bit insane it would seem, and apparently Demetri had been friends with her at one point from the sounds of it. Go figure he'd be friends with the crazy person working with the monsters who also had thrown Cassian behind the door.

There wasn't eovbmuch time for her to comment or say anything about it before she got thrown backwards and disoriented slightly from it. She moved her hand to her head and felt a little bit of blood there coming from an injury, it took her a moment to reorient herself as she got up off the ground, and now she had time to comment about something. "O' course Demetri is friends wit de crazy demigahd, what else is new," she muttered as the fighting seemed to cease a bit at the moment.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

Jason just sort of waved off Persephone when she asked him if he was alright. During the fight he hadn't actually gotten really injured or anything, so he was perfectly fine with moving on to get going. The others seemed to be doing alright now with the healing and all, so they should probably get moving. At least that's what he thought about it after all.

Getting to the building at the base of the mountain, he wasn't entirely sure what to really expect after all. Though seeing some people he didn't instantly recognize there. It was a weird sight to him to see, and the one guy who had what was obviously Zeus' lightning bolt in his hands asking what they were doing, and now that was not a question he was sure he really wanted to answer.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

Mary gave Persephone a slight smile, "Thank you," she said, before turning to look at the rest of the group. "I'm all for heading out," she commented to the others. Eventually she was glad that they were all heading off to continue onwards to their quest. Or well, at least the quest for the other three. She and Andy had already accomplished their own goal of getting the sword. This quest was mainly for the other three to accomplish, at this point they were just tagging along.

The room that the eventually entered was a rather large one, she didn't necessarily recognize the person who was now literally holding up the world, but it didn't take much to figure out who the person was holding Zeus' lightning bolt and sitting on the throne there. "Aren't you supposed to be the one with the weight of the world on your back?" she said to Atlas, wondering how this whole situation was going to go.

8 Minutes Until Unavoidable Destruction

Of course Jaclyn decided to basically ignore her entirely, that was not a good thing. There were numerous reasons why she had headed off elsewhere. One was because she had an idea on what to do in order to get some others out of there, the second was because the little voice in the back of her head was basically yelling at her and she sort of needed to get away from everyone with the chaos in order to calm it for the moment.

"There is actually numerous reasons why I said to head to the hangar and not go this way. A few I can't tell you. Powers wise though, going to be blunt what you're referring to is not a power you can copy, at all, like you aren't able to copy Lance's Hulk form shift, since those aren't really powers in the same sense as what we've got and would likely kill you. Now, wasn't planning on using that anyway, for a variety of reasons unless for a last minute thing. However, to my actual powers, most people assume my powers are useless when I'm not on Earth or outside on the ground or something, that's very much not true," she said as she kept going along. Eventually the pair would come across quite a few people seemingly confused as to what the commotion was, and they didn't seem to be prepared to head off.

"Well this is interesting, alright I know a lot of you don't like me, but if you don't listen we're all going to be dead. Everyone is going to the hangar right now because this place is going to blow up, any of you have any sort of teleportation power?" Mary was getting straight to the point with regards to it, unfortunately all of them instantly shook their heads.

Letting out a bit of a sigh, Mary pulled a plant seed out of her pocket, and vines started erupting from it, swirling around, before shooting out towards all of them, the vines began to glow and in a flash those in the area aside from the two of them were gone. "They should be closer to the hanger now, back where we were initially and I held the place together when Magneto's powers were going haywire, I used vines to stabilize the hallway, so that at least got them closer," she explained simply, before the ground around them started to rumble a bit. The walls by them were violently shaking and something was creaking a bit.

There was a loud boom from nearby, and the ceiling above them started to shake, before another explosion erupted, and a hole was ripped in the ceiling above them. Without thinking or hesitation, Mary grabbed Jaclyn's arm and surrounded both of them with fire as they were yanked out of the hallway and out into space. It took a moment for her to get her bearings, before she instantly sent them back down onto the floor of the hall that they had been in. Vines shot up towards the opening, and started tying together, eventually plugging the hole entirely, and the fire disappeared around them now.

She looked at Jaclyn, rolling her now red eyes slightly, "Glad you tagged along now? Come on if you don't want to wait around to get blown up," she said, before taking off down the hall again.

Back in the hangar, Pietro just shook his head a little, "Don't over do it Guina," he said to her, before taking off in a gust of wind.

People were still slowly getting into the hangar from other places. A few came from the portals that Max had set up, others just came charging in from the hallways, Annie among them though she'd be out of breath a bit. However something was going horribly wrong with one of the portals. The hall on the other side of it was starting to shake violently, and the sounds of explosions on the other side were also very much audible. Also known as that hall likely wasn't going to be around for long. The shaking was progressively getting more and more violent and there was the sounds of more explosions.

The walls were also starting to rattle a bit, and Mira now was taking no time in hopping into the pilot's seat on the Blackbird and was starting up the engine, making it so that it was ready to go the instant as many people as possible were on board.

With Perry and Neil, Pietro raced next to them, and looked at them, "Well, better to be prepared, some people who aren't used to the speed sometimes feel a little sick afterwards," Pietro warned the pair, before racing along with the three of them (Neil, Perry and Anne) and whisked them into the hangar, though afterwards both would feel a little nauseous from the run. Pietro took off again, not even taking the time to say where he was going in the meantime.

Lance was doing a headcount. They had a majority of the team with them currently, and aside from that, they had gotten about 24 other people in the area. They were evacuating a lot more slowly then one would want, especially considering the fact that there were supposedly around a hundred other people there. "This is going way too slowly," he said outloud to no one in particular. "It's like the Titanic where no one believed the boat was sinking, I don't think everyone believes the place is actually going down."

The comparison did seem to be valid, considering how many people were currently there, and he walked over to Guin, "Also, we're missing 3 people, Pietro just raced off again, guessing to try and grab some more people, Mary and Jaclyn haven't gotten here at all." he said to her.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: Pop Culture, Perception, Problem Solving
Costume: Rogue

This, this was problematic. She really should have figured something was insanely wrong, and said something maybe over the whole situation with them popping into view in the middle of the throne room. Of course they were going to actually be met with hostility. Then came the other words that stuck out in her mind. The words referring to them as witchbreed. America she was pretty sure wasn't a mutant (right?) but she herself was. And that was not going to end well, since it seemed like they were going to have to deal with that discrimination here.

Right now, she sort of just wanted to break down and panic, she was very desperately doing what she could to remain calm (honestly later she likely was going to full on break down), since the only way out of this would be to convince them that they weren't mutants. Which at least they only had to convince them about one of them, since they wouldn't necessarily be lying about America. This was not going to be easy, since straight up lying wasn't going to be easy. The only way would be to not entirely lie, maybe just to stretch the truth a bit.

That's when she got an idea.

"Apologies your highness," she started to say, her voice a little shaky as she spoke, looking over at Arthur specifically. "We didn't mean to drop in like this, however you insult us with the term witchbreed. For we are not that. Her powers are magic, which created the portal that lead us here, as for me. I am a child of one of the gods, my mother is the host of the goddess Athena, though to you she likely would be known as Minerva," she was definitely not going to mention that her dad was a mutant, that would only end poorly for her. "As for why we're here, well, we actually are trying to find a friend of ours who fell through a portal or something and ended up here."

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

"Awww no blood or gore? Sad, those are always some of the better ones, depending anyway on the film," Zari said, kind of sad over the idea of not seeing a bunch of blood and gore or fighting and all in a horror movie. What was the point in them if there wasn't a lot of death and destruction or what not with it. Any without it was kind of dumb in her opinion, but oh well.

The commotion over by the haunted house seemed to be winding down a little bit, with Leah and Sabine doing, something. Actually she wasn't entirely sure what sort of thing they were doing. Probably something entertaining to say the least. Made her wonder what exactly was up with that still, but she looked towards the other two again, "So do you two want to stick around here or head off to go look at movies?"

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

She was a bit confused as to why Runa wouldn't help or anything, it was odd to her. "Why?" she ended up saying to her cousin, figuring it'd be best to straight out ask. She then turned to look at the others who were around, "...Also how dumb is it to sit there and insult the person whose help you are wanting? You shouldn't be insulting her at all! Doesn't sound like anyone actually even knows what caused this whole thing in the first place, so why are you arguing about it? And no one is going to kill anyone!" yup even though she didn't fully know anything about why Runa wasn't going to help, no one was going to basically insult her cousin if she had anything to say about it, plus they were threatening Runa's life now!

Klara didn't say anything immediately following that when Jack handed her the book to read from instead. Honestly this was getting to be incredibly time consuming and annoying. Sure she could read, but it was going to be a little slow, she wasn't super fast or anything like that. So she just sort of started reading out the really weird words, not too sure what she'd expect with it honestly. But if Jack tried anything against Runa because of his threats she'd have more to say about that.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/Ahr]

She just shook her head in the direction of Demetri's voice, "Actually if you paid attention towards anythin it wasn't really addressed towards 'er, dough I dedn't know dat's what 'appen sence I can't see what 'appened! I just 'eard and could tell dere were sahme attempts at fightin, and sahmeone swengin at me, none o' whech were successful. De cahmment was mahre towards those who instantly decided to start swengin wethout care, whech frahm de sounds o' it would actually 'ave ended up bein you. So de cahmment was mahre towards you den anyone if you are takin such great ahffense to it."

She was basically completely done with Demetri clearly not getting how to actually pay attention. How was she supposed to know half of what he said? All she knew was that someone, which she figured was Kristin only from the comments she made and the fact that she was somewhat close by to her. Otherwise there was no way for her to know that is what happened to Kristin at all.

Janelle wasn't even entirely sure where it was they were going, but she figured they were heading to the basement, reaching the area they were supposed to go she figured, there was the sound of someone talking, and it wasn't necessarily a voice that she recognized, maybe but she wasn't sure entirely, though it sounded like others were familiar with the person, even if she herself wasn't for an instant. Though whoever it was being there was definitely not a good thing.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

Well that was over with now, thankfully. The werewolves had all taken off and the leader was now turned to dust, which meant they could probably go onwards again without worry for a few minutes. But they probably shouldn't be rushing too fast since a few people had some injuries that they needed to deal with first, so he was perfectly fine with them waiting a few minutes to move on past this area.

"Was a bit anticlimactic, seemed like at the beginning of the fight it would have ended after a little bit more, not that I'm complaining because those things were annoying," Jason agreed with Damon, looking at the others as Niah was treating the injuries on the two who had seemingly asked for it. They hadn't even reached their goal yet and they were running into issues and monsters left and right, this was definitely going to continue to be a long quest.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: N/A

She was just glad that the whole situation was over, werewolves were no joke, and if she had to guess, it would have been only a matter of time before someone potentially got turned by one. That would not have been a good thing and would have resulted in bigger issues then what they already had to deal with. Definitely made things interesting for a quest, but still wasn't a good thing for survival and other issues they had to deal with, since she really didn't want to deal with anyone else dying.

Walking over to where Niah was with the two younger ones, she turned to look at Andy and Stella, "Are you two okay?" she asked them, though she herself still had the nasty cut on her own arm. She was more concerned about the two younger ones. Her own cut was a bit painful, but she just hoped that the two of them were alright now that their injuries were dealt with. Which was a good thing, since they probably should get going from here, since the fight likely caused some noise and who knew when another group of monsters would show up to attack them.

14 Minutes Until Unavoidable Destruction

Well crap, this was not good.

Mary's eyes went wide and she fully understood Ed's words about hurrying out of there. Actually they needed to go, right then and there. There was no time, there was no way to accomplish this. They were going to lose, and fail, and a lot of people were going to die because of it. She looked at her watch and noticed that time was definitely running out. When Guin spoke they had 20 minutes until everything blew up, and now obviously they had less than that. Of course, it seemed like only a few people knew just how little time they had based on the reactions around her, and that was something that needed to be fixed now.

"Stop Max we don't have time to stand here waiting to boost everything or whatever right now! Just heard back from the other group a moment ago, we have less then 15 minutes to get off this rock before we all blow up. Everyone get to the hangar now!" she said instantly as she looked back the way the others had gone in order to try and think of some sort of plan to get everyone out.

Problem she couldn't see a way they actually could right now. There was too much going on, and too little time to accomplish everything.

Mira's eyes went a bit wide hearing the explanation as to what was going on, they really needed to get moving. Looking at the map again, she was trying to figure out where best to get people to get here from. "There are a few ways to get to the hangar from the other side of the base, but there are too many pathways that might be a bit more difficult for others to go through. Not sure how to get people from there to the hangar more quickly unless there is a whole bunch of teleporters of some sort, but that's about it. There are a few junctions that might be able to work to get people to, but getting them out of there in the time limit... Just doesn't really seem possible..."

"We'll figure something out, at least get as many people as possible out, but everyone here, get going to the hangar, now," Mary then responded, before she seemingly took off in the direction opposite of the hangar.

Saying nothing else, Mira just shrugged and took off running towards the hangar now, following along after Ed now and racing into the area a bit out of breath from the run, seeing what Ed was doing. Seemed like to her he was trying to turn the hangar into a rather large sort of life raft or something, that would at least give them some time before all hell broke loose.

Magneto and them followed along in that direction as well, though Magneto fully understood what Guin's idea was, and he was already doing so, the walls seemed to shake ever so slightly to tell he was using his powers, but he was reinforcing everything. Unfortunately the only way to tell how well he was doing that, was to have it blow up and see how it held up.

Pietro was in the room with Guin and them, and seeing what happened with Guin, he rather easily picked her up off the ground. "I can get us all there, just might take a few trips, I'll be back along in a minute or two, after I get her over there and make sure she's okay," he said instantly, before taking off with Guin in his arms and racing towards the hangar, reaching there and setting Guin down on the ground by the Blackbird, You okay Guina?"

Lance started heading that direction now towards the hangar, following along after Perry now as she started heading that way. They really needed to move, but he wasn't entirely sure what to do about everything now that they had the sister knocked out and were dragging her along. Things were going to go haywire and get more chaotic now that they were running out of time.

Back in the hangar, it seemed that the messaged was at least getting to some people, as a few people came running into the hangar, a few people who were just on the station. So it seemed like some others were heading that direction, which gave them some hope of being able to get people to safety.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: Rosa Glittereksplosjon

"No one answered my question as to where we are!" Klara said rather loudly as she was more or less guided along to where everyone else was heading, towards some weird building she didn't recognize or anything like that. Everything was definitely a bit weird and chaotic. Plus not to mention the fact that in her mind there still wasn't enough glitter around. Seriously glitter tended to make everything better, brighten up the moods and makes it so that things aren't so dark and dreary.

Hence why during the whole everyone explaining everything, she decided to throw more glitter up in the air that then exploded and covered glitter all over everyone once again, and she started giggling like crazy, to the point where she wasn't fully paying attention to the words that Jack was saying they all needed to repeat or whatever. Which was probably not a good thing.

"Through heart and something of the Fourth Eternity, the world hears something something I don't know, what words am I supposed to be saying again? You expect me to repeat something back so easily why?"

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: Pop Culture
Costume: Rogue

Zelda just sort of nodded, not really sure what to think of what was going on or the sort of plan, but she was just fascinated about where they were. This place was just incredible to her, and she always thought based on the limited knowledge she had, it would be interesting to go to. However this was not something she had expected to be doing when she headed to the dance at the school today (or was it night? Time differences were definitely a bit weird).

Anyway, she stepped through the portal after America and looked around at where they had ended up. The throne room was definitely interesting to look at, but her attention was immediately drawn towards those in the room. Easily she recognized King Arthur himself and his queen Guinevere, and what looked like a few nights around him. The third somewhat recognizable person was the one that she instantly went to thinking could potentially help them. "That looks to be Merlin... If anyone here might be able to help us it'll probably be him..." she whispered to America, motioning somewhat in Merlin's direction.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

She wasn't sure why Mary Sue seemed to think that she wasn't invited to go get something to drink or to munch on. The whole situation with regards to April was definitely a bit more entertaining at this point after April left, and with April and Sabine confronting Nimue about it was fun to potentially watch. However Andy was already wandering to the table with the drinks and such, so she followed along without too much of an afterthought, figuring that Mary Sue was following along after her.

"What movie would we even watch or start with? There are so many..." Zari asked, looking over at Andy, figuring she probably knew some that would be entertaining to watch. She didn't fully know what sort of movies were really around on this world at the moment. She didn't actually know what sort of movies were around or whatever, both past and present, so she didn't know what they'd watch or anything, she'd leave it up to the others to choose.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/Ahr]

Janelle was just about done with all of the group for the most part with regards to them hoping to actually accomplish anything. The people around her seemed to not figure out the simplest of solutions, since sometimes outsmarting your opponents instead of charging in swinging was a better solution in her mind. So why did everyone constantly feel the need to go in swinging without thinking of what they were doing? Nope, because she was surrounded by morons for the most part.

"What 'appened is dat you decided to take a swing at me," Janelle muttered under her breath with regards to Kristin's question, before paying attention to what else was being said around her. Namely people referring to what she was doing as "quick thinking" which to her was a dumb way to talk about it. "Maybe if people actually used deir 'eads befahre fully chargin in if pahsseble ahthers might actually comb up wit decent ideas," she then said out loud to everyone else.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Sword Fighting

Things were definitely going out of control with regards to the whole werewolf situation. They definitely seemed a bit out numbered and not doing too well with regards to things on their side of the fight. They kind of seemed to be losing a bit when the monsters decided to try and pounce on all of them. One of them had managed to knock him down to the ground having landed on his back, knocking him down to the ground, making this a really really bad situation.

Jason instantly moved onto trying to get the monster off of his back, and luckily managed to throw the thing off. He rolled over and back up onto his feet, grabbing his sword into his hand once again. Without a second thought he swung it and killed the werewolf quickly. Though he started looking for the closest monster to hack at if needed.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Chlorokinesis

Mary was trying to figure out the best way to figure out what was going on or what to do. They weren't doing the best with this fight and she personally just wanted it to be over. She was kind of just over with the leader sounding like he was being a bit cocky and trying to get underneath Niah's skin in general. Which was honestly was not seemingly making the situation either. Though he was clearly needing to shut up and stop with the whole villain monologuing really.

Then came the other issue of the other wolves deciding to pounce on everyone else. Which unfortunately included her as one tackled her to the ground and was trying to choke her. Mary tried to get out of the grip, but wasn't able to, so she switched to a different tactic of trying to summon up vines to toss him up. Her first attempt was not exactly working out for her, but her second attempt resulted in her managing to throw the monster off, allowing her to be able to get up off the ground.

20 Minutes Until Unavoidable Destruction

Guin would easily assess the damage, and unfortunately, nothing was salvageable at all with the consoles or anything. However she would be able to get one monitor to at least give her some indication of what was about to happen. The thing powering the base and everything around them? It was about to overload, and there was no way it was possible to fix everything in the amount of time that they had. Which to say was not much time.

20 minutes. That's all the time they had to get back to the ship and get as many people as possible off the base.

Anne wasn't seemingly doing anything, though she did smirk slightly when she saw what Guin was doing, but she didn't say anything else to them at all. Actually she seemed somewhat okay with them just not doing anything, "You're too late you know, clock's ticking," she eventually said, looking at the group who was there.

Lance was a bit concerned about that, and walked over to where Guin was, "Ok, how bad is it?" he asked, figuring she had already assessed how bad the situation was. Though based on how trashed the room was already, it was pretty apparent that it was bad. Really really bad.

Over where the others are with Cortez, Miranda shook her head slightly, "Unfortunately I don't think that will work too well. His mind seems to have some defenses, and so he is able to resist my attempts to pull forth memories. Hence that was the best one I could do for the moment, sorry."

"Doesn't matter, we can figure out whose responsible later, one problem at a time. Right now we've got to get people out of here first, then we can try to sort that out." Mary said, looking at the others as she listened to the ideas that others were saying.

This was beyond a difficult situation, and she heard Guin's words about perhaps needing Magneto to do something, Alright, good to know. Currently we're still trying to figure out how to get everyone off the station. How much time do you think we have before everything goes to hell?

"The hanger area would make the most sense, to have everyone meet up at... But maybe we should see about heading that way now to maybe get there too so we don't maybe have to worry too much about getting all of us off the station too if we need to in a hurry."

"We do have a system like that that is in the main control area, though I do believe that there are a few other places that it can be accessed." Magneto said with regards to that suggestion.

"One problem with that? The room closest to us? According to Guin it's completely smashed apart, so the PA system likely won't work, at least closest to us." Mary said, shaking her head at the suggestion. "So maybe we can see about trying to boost either someone's telepathy or something in order to attempt to do it would be the easiest solution. We likely could make it work with the power sets we have, in order to accomplish a goal like that, but the actual system near us is not going to work out too well for it."
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