Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
5 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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They were out of time, Bethany wasn't able to get the remaining people with her own shadow travel powers, and there wasn't any more time to get anyone else. Mary stepped off the Blackbird, and looked at those still around before fire started swirling and it went right through the walls, seemingly, but that was about it. There was a loud explosion that shook everything, and the entire hanger around them started to rumble and shake. There were a few windows of sorts in the hanger, so they would all be able to see what was going on outside, at least a little bit.

They'd be able to see metal getting flung off and away, mixtures of that along with every so often fire bursting past. Somehow, by some miracle. They're little life boat was seemingly able to hold together. Putting people on the Blackbird had mainly been in the event that the hanger completely was obliterated, but given the fact that they were somehow managing to keep it together was a miracle.

There was still the slight issue of how to get the thing back to Earth without fully crashing.

They likely were going to have to use the Blackbird to ferry people from the metal structure once they got there, but as of right now, those holding it together were likely going to have to work together to move it that way. Magneto actually would probably be doing most of the heavy lifting with that part considering his powers. He seemed to figure that out as he maneuvered the structure around so they could more easily see where they were sort of steering, and he started moving the structure towards Earth again.

There was so much debris and all from the remains of the asteroid floating along now by their small life boat. Where the base had been was completely gone, save for the debris field, without that you would never have known that it had been there in the first place. It would likely take a while to get back to Earth, but that definitely was better than the alternative for what could have happened otherwise.

That could have ended worse, but that wouldn't do much to fix the fact that no matter how hard they had tried, they couldn't fully save everyone.

A week later

It was a bit of a sort of dreary day, sort of fitting for where it was after all. A small, older cemetery in France that was hidden away a bit. It wasn't too common for there to be visitors in the area, at least not right now, which is one of the many reasons she knew exactly who would be one of the few people to actually go there, aside from the caretakers for the place. Didn't take long to find him, and she didn't say anything at first, a hood pulled up over her head as she walked up, but kept her distance slightly, knowing fully well what the person she was approaching was capable of.

Bennet du Paris paused in his contemplations, in his prayer. His beloved's grave had decayed over the centuries, his lover and comrade in arms just dust beneath his feet. He had not been a mutant, after all - he did not bear the cross in his genes, the X. Bennet had gone somewhere that he could not follow, a place where no human could follow. And yet the wound was fresh, the grief as if he had lost him just yesterday, rather than centuries ago.

"I would remind you that this is a place of mourning," Bennet said softly, aware of his company. "A sacred place. If you are here to kill me, then know that the eyes of my Lord is upon you here."

"Who said that I was going to kill you? That sort of thing, even I know that's a bit of a low blow to do it in a place like this," she responded, giving him a bit of a smile as she walked over towards him. "That's not why I'm here anyway."

He tilted his head, peering down at her. "Then speak, child."

"I actually was wondering if you might potentially help me with something, choice is entirely up to you on whether or not you are even mildly interested in the idea. Just need to know what you answer is sooner rather than later, sorry for the rush."

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

"I always liked the stories my dad tends to tell about his adventures and all," Klara said with a bit of a shrug towards Prudence when she made her comment about everything. She personally always liked to hear stories about everything in general, it just so happens to typically align with Asgardian history for the most part. Even when her father tended to overexaggerate everything just a little bit, trying to figure out the full truth from that is half the fun.

Her attention shifted towards her cousin again as she once again reiterated the question. Well yeah, duh, they needed to drain the cup so there wasn't water in it. Technically trying to just disconnect the horn from the ocean would make sense, but honestly where was the fun in going with the obvious solution? Besides, it was more fun to try to drink from the cup first instead of anything, so she wasn't too surprised when Prudence decided to do just that and emptied the water, so she looked at Runa, "So will you help us now?"

Zelda Flynn

Location: Gym
Skills: N/A
Costume: Rogue

Zelda was just kind of glad that the whole adventure was seemingly over. That had been not the greatest sort of situation to be in, and she was more then happy to see it dealt with and over. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly had happened with Kate and Diana, considering the bite on her neck, but figured maybe now wouldn't be the time to ask. Cassie was already taking off to go somewhere else and not actually mentioning what had happened with her which was kind of dumb but oh well.

It took a moment for her to get her bearings, and honestly she felt better about running around in another reality than here right now in the school. "Um... Bye," she ended up saying to the others there, before she left the area, namely so she could go be off somewhere else by herself, because that situation was horrible. Plus they were lucky that something bad hadn't actually happened.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Her Dorm
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

The message played out a bit, and she rolled her eyes slightly. She was still a bit surprised that Victoria had gone to her for help, when she knew that they didn't exactly get along because Victoria decided to play military dictator or whatever. That was the only true problem she had with her, but oh well. This was going to be an interesting thing. Zari went to stop by the dorm room first, figuring she'd grab Mr. Eyeball, as well as the toolbelt she had gotten earlier that day, figuring it would probably be useful.

"01010111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001?" the robot beeped a bit at her as it followed along after her out of the room.

"Well, we're apparently helping out with some weird tech thing, still no actual idea what's going on with that, but oh well, let's get going," Zari responded, before heading out of the room. Going down to the room that was hidden or something that Victoria had indicated to her. This was still a bit weird, but oh well, can't be helped, time to fix things. Whatever the tech issue was, the whole Ultron or whatever thing mentioned was weird to her, since Ultron last she checked was dead, well as dead as a weird robot thing could be anyway. Some weird SHIELD thing or whatever, she wasn't sure, she just vaguely knew the name.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/Ahr]

Janelle wasn't entirely sure what was going on with everyone. Aside from it sounded like Leandra had gotten fairly hurt or something based on the cries of pain, but she was suspiciously quiet now when it came to actually talking. So whatever happened had to do with her mouth, that much was obvious now. Everyone started talking about what to do with her now, and Demetri (the idiot) was talking about how she was the only one with any potential info and now couldn't tell them. So she was assuming that there were no more monsters right now.

From what she knew and had heard, Leandra wasn't going to tell them anything anyway. "We dahn't need 'er to talk to potentially get info... You can tell a laht about a persahn wit what goes through their mend and subconscious. I can put 'er to sleep and see about enterin and viewin 'er dreams ahr sahmethin similar, and we can see if we can get de info you want dat way," she commented with a bit of a shrug. Figuring she'd give them the option of doing things that way.

Jason Gauger

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Sword Fighting

Well this was not going to end well, considering Atlas was supposed to be the one holding up the world, and clearly he had gotten someone else to do it. The cyclops were attacking them, and luckily he managed to avoid getting hit by one of them that had charged forward to attack. This was not going to be a fun fight, that much was obvious, and Jason instantly pulled his sword out again, figuring now was definitely a good time to attack the cyclops.

He charged forward attacking the one that had initially charged at him, and swung his sword. Nothing fancy, he was just going for a simple attack to try and kill the thing. Didn't take much as he swung and took the cyclops down, and his attention turned towards the other monsters in the area. Charging forward, he managed to take down another one, turning it to dust. As he managed to do so, he tried to attack one last one, but his swing missed, oh well, at least he managed to take down two of them.

Marygold Isley

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Sword Fighting

Mary was wondering what best to do and who to target, when she barely managed to avoid one of the cyclops coming towards her and attacking her. Guess that answered that question as she swung her sword in response back to the monster, turning it to dust in a bit of revenge. Her attention shifted towards the other monsters, and she managed to take down two more near her. Now that they were down a few of the cyclops, they had time to actually focus on getting Atlas back to doing his job.

That's when she noticed Stella and what the hell she was doing. Her eyes went wide, wondering what the hell the kid was even thinking with regards to that. She took the entire freaking sky onto her back! "Stella what are you doing?? You should not be doing that at all! What are you thinking?" she said instantly as she raced over to where Stella was, wondering what was going through her head.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Klara looked at the horn that Runa had, her eyes going a bit wide. "Ooooooh is that what I think it is?" she asked, smiling, looking at the object. Prudence tried to drink from the horn, and didn't seem to make much of an effect on the horn or its contents. That more or less confirmed what the horn was, and Klara was happy at the chance to manage to try drinking from it. Even though drinking it dry was going to be virtually impossible. Annika confirmed that sort of thinking, before she ended up walking away and doing something else, who knew what.

When Prudence asked her about the horn, she was more than happy to explain it. "My daddy told me about it. Annika is right, that draining it does seem like it'd be impossible. But when telling the story he always said there was a bit of a moral to it. My dad, being Thor, he boasted to the giants that he could beat them in just about anything, name the contest and he's the best right? Well, the giant decided to put that to the test in a few different ways. I don't remember each of the different tasks except for the last two... Being the horn and trying to lift the giant's cat or something like that. The thing is he failed at each of the tasks, or so it would seem. The day after the contests the giant commended him for his efforts, since he still accomplished feats no mortal could have. For example, the Ocean horn. As Annika said, has one end connected to the ocean. And my dad wasn't able to empty it, he was given three drinks from the horn, but couldn't obviously because it was the ocean. But he did manage after the third swig to drain it halfway. The cat he managed to lift a little bit but wasn't able to lift it fully. According to him, the giant told him the next day that he was actually worried he'd manage to drain the ocean since he got it empty so far down. And the cat was the world serpent in disguise, so the fact that he managed to move it at all was impressive. The point of it wasn't to actually be able to accomplish those tasks at all, as the odds were impossible. That being the moral, to try your best and don't be afraid of failing, you can still accomplish impressive feats, even if it doesn't seem like you did at first..."

With that, Klara walked over and grabbed the horn. "I know I can't drain it dry, but I want to try my best to do something worthwhile and impressive anyway. Plus I want to try it out anyway, always have ever since I heard the story." she said with a smile, before tilting the horn up to her mouth and started to drink as much as she could from it, getting a big swig of salt water from it.

2 Minutes Until Unavoidable Destruction

Mary, whatever you’re going to do, do it already! Guin's voice went through her mind, and she let out a bit of a sigh from that. Of course mentally there were a few things going through her mind currently. The main thing being that they could not know. She was going to ensure that they didn't know that something was wrong with her. Probably was a bit of sheer luck that of all people she was with right now, it was Jaclyn. Who didn't know the biggest secret about her that everyone else knew.

It gave her a chance to practice keeping that whole thing hidden.

Her eyes started to shift back to their normal green color as she took a deep breath, and Mary gave her a slight smile, "Nice job! Give me a minute." she said to her, her voice seemingly starting to go fully back to normal, and didn't seem off in anyway then what it had been before the explosion.

We're heading there in a minute, was trying to get some more people out, she responded to Guin. Guin wouldn't be able to tell that anything was seemingly wrong with her from the way that she spoke, aside from slight hints of the stress this whole situation.

Jaclyn would be able to continue doing the directional vines along the walls as they ran along. Whenever they came across anyone, Mary would seemingly use her powers and vines to send them a lot closer to the hangar to make everything easier. On the outside everything seemed to be going well.

Internally things most definitely were not. But she wasn't going to tell anyone about that.

"Alright, that's enough, let's get the hell back to the ship, hold on," she said as she grabbed Jaclyn before teleporting them back to the initial hallway, before she took off towards the hangar.

The pair wouldn't get too much farther, before Pietro zipped into view, "Heading my way?" he asked the pair, and she couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Just get us back to the ship if you can."

"Sure thing," was the response as Pietro raced both her and Jaclyn back to the ship and the hangar in general.

Pietro had managed to find a few stragglers nearby that he had raced back to the ship before he had found Jaclyn and Mary. But now it was getting a bit too close to them needing to be there for him to head off anywhere to try and get everyone off the station.

As for what Max and Guin were doing, there was both good and bad news with regard to what it was that they were trying to do now. They had managed to get around 50 people into the area now, but the sort of trickling of people in stopped. Likely due to people being super far away from the hangar. However, Guin with Max's help, would be able to find a whole bunch of people elsewhere on the station, likely the remaining 50 people still, and their exact locations.

The problem was more on Max's side of things with trying to open portals over there. No matter how much Max tried, the portals were not wanting to open. He wasn't able to get them to open, and time was really running out at this point. The odds of getting all 50 of those people back to the hangar was slim. Even though the odds to begin with of getting everyone didn't help much either.

Mary went over to the group there, "Everyone on board now, we're basically going to need to get going, the hangar has to act like a life boat, and that still might not be enough so as many as possible get on that ship."

Lance and Mira were basically working on getting the ship up and going, and trying to get as many people whose powers likely wouldn't be helpful in protecting the hangar completely onto the Blackbird as possible. The ship was likely going to end up over capacity. There wasn't any way to avoid that, and hopefully people didn't seem to mind getting kind of shoved together and a lot closer together.

The entire area was starting to rumble, fairly violently. Those working to hold the hangar together were managing it, but even still it was difficult to not allow the shaking and rumbling to sneak through it. This wasn't necessarily going to end well, and at this rate, they were going to have to brace for the explosion.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: N/A
Costume: Rogue

She was thrilled with the idea of getting back to the school and out of there. They were going to end up in a really bad situation no matter what they did, so they had to deal with it. In response to Kate's words about being banned from Camelot, Zelda had a bit of a response, "Um... Actually they don't like mutants in general around here fun fact, so it was only a matter of time before the trick I pulled to convince them that at least I wasn't one would unravel and we'd be in bigger trouble for it... Though I didn't technically lie, I just really stretched the truth, makes covering things up easier if you at least somewhat tell the truth, even if it is exaggerated..."

Zelda didn't say anything else for an explanation, still unsure how the hell they had managed to pull that off and get out without being caught or in bigger trouble than they were initially. She was glad that they were back now and had managed to rescue Cassie. That was all that really mattered. Though a part of her did wonder what it was that had happened to Cassie and how she had ended up there in the first place, but Diana had already asked that after freeing her, so she wasn't going to repeat the question.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

Zari froze for a brief moment, almost like she was spacing out as she tilted her head to the side slightly. The message from Victoria came through, Zari usually tried to stay somewhat connected to her phone, at least somewhat vaguely mentally in order to keep tabs in messages and all, she did it normally without much thought at this point, and it was easier then her sitting there and pulling out her cell phone. So she glanced over at Andy and Mary Sue for a moment as she followed along after the two of them. Upon sort of hearing/seeing the message, she had to stop herself from laughing a bit at it.

So Vicki needed her help? Well this was definitely entertaining.

She wasn't entirely sure what it was that Victoria was so worried about, but Zari let out a bit of a sigh, before turning to look at the other two. "Sorry, I might have to come rejoin you guys later, apparently someone seems to be having a bit of a technological emergency and is kind of begging for my help and it sounds like it can't wait. Don't wait for me, I'll join you guys later to either continue the movie, or watch another one after it okay?" she said with a wave at the pair of them, before responding to Victoria's message.

To Victoria
I'm on my way, where exactly are you? And before you ask, I already knew, I just didn't think it was a big enough issue for it to pop up in conversation. Android's can have feelings and emotions and everything too, aside from my girlfriend my best friend is literally a robotic eye. I knew what you were the instant I met you. You've been making things a bit of a bigger issue then you needed to with regards to that, and worry too much about it. I'll meet up with you and we'll see what we can do.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Klara still was giggling a bit at the entire situation with Jack and the fact that she had actually managed to knock him down to the ground a bit. Of course there was still all of the chaos and all around her going on, and others were starting to head off to deal with the bigger issue at hand (the end of the world and all) and her attention shifted back towards what Runa was saying. About her apparently dying at some point in her timeline, at least she had ended up dying in battle alongside her father, she always was a bit of a daddy's little girl.

Then came the question that Runa posed, and Klara tilted her head slightly. "I mean I'm probably going to go join in the fight in an attempt to do something. But that's because it's what I want to do. Even though I'm younger then everyone else I still want to at least try something, so that's what I'm going to do probably. What you do is up to you though." Klara said towards Runa with a slight smile, even though she knew that her cousin couldn't see her face.

Zelda Flynn

Location: Otherworld
Skills: Pop Culture, Perception, Problem Solving
Costume: Rogue

Zelda was honestly a bit surprised that they actually bought it and seemingly were letting them go. Sort of anyway. What they said and the smile on Arthur's face was a bit unsettling. They also didn't seem like they were the type of people to listen to most reasoning, at least what helped in her case she wasn't technically lying. She had only been stretching the truth a bit instead. Which was the only reason she could at least somewhat confidently lie directly to King Arthur's face.

That's when she noticed the jar in the far back, sitting on the table. Inside of it was Cassie trying to get their attention. She wasn't sure if America saw her or not, but there was no way they'd be able to just walk across the room to grab it and just walk out of here. That wasn't going to work out at all. No, they needed to grab Cassie from at a distance, so Zelda had an idea cross her mind, but she whispered so only America could hear her. "Be prepared with a portal, so we can get out of here as soon as I grab something." They needed to get Cassie out of there.

Without really moving much, Zelda started to focus a bit, creating almost like a small hand of sorts over by the jar. "Sorry for disturbing you all, we're just going to see about leaving..." she started to say, before she had the hand pick up the jar and zip over to them. With America creating a portal, they'd be able to get out of there. Zelda wasn't even sure where they were going when they stepped through the portal, but they got out of there with Cassie at least.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Viking

"Fiiiiiiiiiine, we can watch one with less blood and gore, but to me those ones are always the best ones," Zari said with a slight giggle as Andy was talking about what sort of movie they could watch in the meantime. Leaving the dance seemed like a better option right now, it was getting a little boring in general, at least in her opinion. So heading off to watch a horror movie was a great idea to her.

She tilted her head to the side slightly as Andy mentioned a movie that might be a good choice for them to watch. It definitely sounded like an interesting movie to her, graverobbing aliens just sounded entertaining to her. "I'm all for it, sounds like a fun movie, let's goooooo! I don't care if a movie is black and white I just wanna go watch something," she said happily, figuring they should get going to go watch the movie already.

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kjærlighetens Kraf

Klara listened intently to what Runa was saying with regards to her history and why she wouldn't aid them in potentially stopping all of this. Upon hearing about Ragnarok, her eyes went wide. Of course she knew what that was, every Asgardian knew about Ragnarok, the end of times. It wasn't something so simple to explain what fully was supposed to happen (she wasn't entirely sure) but she knew vaguely what the end result of everything was supposed to be. "I understand," she said, giving her cousin a smile. Though she knew that couldn't exactly see it.

However, her brain swiftly turned to fury very quickly, as Jack straight up killed her cousin. It didn't matter necessarily that Runa had come back moments later laughing. No. No one did anything like that to her family! "Sit boy," she said as there was a slight hint of pink that flashed but nothing seemed to happen. Her eyes flashing with anger, she pointed her hand directly at Jack, "I said SIT!!!!" she yelled, with a bright flash of pink light, and Jack would suddenly crumple down to floor in a bit of a heap now. "Don't you dare try to hurt my cousin ever again! No one does that to my family!"

Yeah, Klara was definitely pissed off.
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