Avatar of BoyMom035
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 301 (0.11 / day)
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    1. BoyMom035 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Im sorry i havent been on in so long. Things are kinda rough at the moment, but ill be back as soon as possible, for those that are still with me
6 yrs ago
Crown and Coke: Check. Call of Duty Black Ops 3: Check. Awesome night: About to commence ;)
6 yrs ago
I'll be working on replies over the next few days and I'll try to get as many as I can out this weekend. Sorry for the long wait guys.
6 yrs ago
Things are still kinda hectic on my end, but I'll try to get out some replies here and there when possible :)
6 yrs ago
Some real life issues have come up and there's a good possibility I may not be able to get on a lot for a while.


I'm assuming the reason you're reading this is because you want to know more about.. me! So, here are some fun facts :)

I am 28 years young

I am a straight female

I'm a housewife, and mother to three boys. Four if you count my husband ;)

I love junk food

Proud horror movie fanatic

I love the smell of books, and the sound gravel makes when it's walked on

I hate beer

My favorite video games are Mass Effect 1,2, and 3 (Although the ending sucked), and Donkey Kong Country

I'm super laid back and friendly and love chatting and making friends

If you want to know about my preferences concerning Roleplays, you can read all about it HERE. It's still a work in progress so bare with me on that.

This bio is also a work in progress, and more will be added as it comes to me :)

Most Recent Posts


I should be done with my CS later today. I'll get it posted as soon as I finish :)

So, did you have a plot already in mind?


Name: Lilya Vasiliev

Known Name: Lainie ?

Age: 22

Personality: Liliya is a sweet, and caring woman. She grew up with very little (after the attack) and therefore, helped others when she could. That being said, she can be very sarcastic and Tom boyish. She loves to laugh and joke, but knows when to be serious.

Brief Bio: After the attack on the Vasiliev family, everyone but Liliya and her grandfather survived. Though she got left behind unintentionally, and was never seen or heard from again. Liliya was assumed dead.

She grew up in an orphanage, but got kicked out when she was 18, since she was of age. She spent the next several years trying to figure out who she was and where she really belonged. She always felt like there was this huge hole missing from her life. After saving up enough money to head to Paris, Liliya decided that's where she would start her search.

Liliya has a necklace with a small round pendant. On the front, it has an emerald in the shape of a star. On the back, the phrase "Together in Paris" is engraved. It was given to her by her grandmother on her birthday before the attack. They had planned on leaving for Paris the day after the attack happened. The only one that made it, was her grandfather.


Lydia Thorn



Lydia grew up in a small town with a drunk for a father. He would abuse her physically and sexually as a child, and even up into her teenage years. One day, at the age of 16, she had, had enough and used his own rifle to kill him. That was 12 years ago. Lydia had a few close calls where she was almost caught, or killed, resulting in several lovely scars. From town to town she roams, zig zagging her way so as not to leave a straight line trail. Living a hard lonely life, it's been a bit hard for her to trust easy, normally choosing to say as little as possible when around other peoole, unless necessary. If she sees her picture posted up anywhere, she tears it down, hoping To avoid recognition.


* Her trusted steed, Charlie
* Her dad's rifle
*Her pistols
* Her knife


* Despite having the rifle, Lydia is much more of an up close and personal sort of fighter.
* She's a woman, and has that special charm that women have to get what they want.
* Can ride the hair off of a horse

Name: Suzette "Suzie" Lily Hawkins

Age: 20



Height: 5'2"

Weight: About 125 lbs.

Background: Suzie was born into a middle class family. Her mother stayed at home, watching after her, and her two other sisters, and her father was a woodcutter. She grew up just like any other middle class child, except she was the kind of girl that enjoyed things that boys liked. Playing knights, using large sticks as sword or knives. Having adventures and saving the world. Her sisters thought her odd, and often left her out of their own games. That didn't bother Suzie though. She cared not for dolls and pretty dresses, although she wore dresses all the time. They were usually always stained with mud.

As she grew older, she quit wearing dresses all together and started wearing clothes more like her fathers. Pants, boots, tunic shirts. She let her hair grow out, and kept it in a braid, all the time. Her father had made her a dagger for her 13th birthday, and even taught her how to use it. From there, things escalated. When she was good enough with the dagger, her father taught her what self defense he knew. When she was good enough at that, they started practising sword fighting with wooden swords. On her 18th birthday, he made her a sword, and several more daggers.

Throughout the years, she continued to practice everything she knew, perfecting everything. Why she did it, she wasn't real sure. All she knew, was that she wanted to be able to defend her family, or country if need be. And one day, her time to defend both came about. That was when she joined the King' s army.

Why you joined: Suzie joined the King's army because her homeland was being threatened. As a child, she had always pretended to be out on adventures, ridding the world of terrible creatures and bad people. When the King called upon the warriors of his Kingdom, Suzie jumped at the opportunity. Of course, she knew it wouldn't be like her childhood, but that didn't stop her. The chance came to defend what she loved, so she jumped at it without hesitation.

Personality: Suzie has always been the fighter in her family. She's always been independent, and wanted to do things on her own. She was raised to always have respect for any and everyone, has no tolerance for disrespect. Her temper is short, and has hardly any patience. These two traits cause her to sometimes be a ticking time bomb. Despite those traits, she is a friendly person who loves to be around people. She's laid back and loves a good joke as much as the next person. If she is treated with the Same respect she gives others, she can be as sweet as pie, and a joy to be around. Suzie has always been the strongest of the three sisters, and can hide her emotions if the need arises. She would gladly give her life for someone else, especially those she loves or deems her friend.

Madelynn McTavish

Age/Grade Year:
22/Junior Year

Gender/Sexual Orientation:

Criminal Justice

Madelynn is a happy go lucky kind of girl. She loves to laugh and enjoys a lame joke or pun as much as the next person. She's quite shy around people she doesn't know, but once she gets to know someone, talking comes easy. Although quite reserved with her opinions, and dislike of confrontation, she's not afraid to speak her mind if the situation calls for it.

Growing up with a family that had successful careers, Madelynn wanted to do the same when she got older. She had changed her mind several times over the years as to what to wanted to do with her life. Surgeon. Psychiatrist. Lawyer. When she was a junior in high school, she started watching crime dramas on T.V. Soon after, she started watching true crime shows, and that's when she decided she wanted to be a homicide detective. Madelynn enjoyed puzzles and brain teasers, and the sight of blood, or a dead decomposed body wouldnt bother her like it would most people. So, when she got to college, that's what she went for.

Your Relationship with other Characters:
Acquaintance(s): Lt. Jake Fueller

Anything You Want to Add:
Madelynn has a cherry blossom branch tattoo down her spine.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Grade: Senior (12)

Appearance: Delilah

Orientation: Straight

Why are you here?: Although not a goody-two-shoes, Delilah is neither a trouble maker either. Shes just out for a good time. Better than being at home, staring blankly at the t.v., right?

More will be added as they are created :)
Got us quite a few law-ish students in here it seems :)


Yep, I'm cool with it *thumbs up* :)
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