Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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4 mos ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
7 mos ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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1 yr ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
1 yr ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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1 yr ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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It's not that great. :/

I have officially settled in to my first ever apartment and I now have wife. 3 cheers?
Edit: That may be the most awkward typo I’ve ever made. Wifi*

Placeholder draft. I plan to expand on what's here now that I have another chance to.

With my power, I, the DigiDestined, will restore the Digital World.
And also write a better CS while I'm at it.
Uh... I guess if this is the one that's going to be actually going, can I apply here as well?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

How in the world did anyone discover this?

I don't know but it's astounding.
Alright, so I'll start with apologies for not saying anything so far. I'm not good about interacting with people I don't know very well, so I'm sorry for seeming to disappear right after I was invited into the discord. I've been reading everything though, but I'm now doubly confused.
I had most of a post ready and was finishing it up when the latest IC post went up and I was completely confused by it. I couldn't tell what was going on in it, so I was waiting for the next IC post to get my bearings back, but apparently this is being ended now?
I guess I'm just wondering if I could join the new one or if I shouldn't bother. Either way, good luck with it, I sort of wish this one hadn't died before it started like all the other digimon RPs I've seen.

Isn't that definitely cheating though?
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