Avatar of DarkwolfX37


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3 mos ago
Current "I've spent a lot of time thinking about my past... My mistakes... And I've come to the conclusion that I was right about everything."
7 mos ago
"What you know will kill you but you will die laughing."
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12 mos ago
Hey, you know what's annoying? Being self-centered. Getting mad at people for doing something instead of something else when they're just having fun sucks. Gotta love self-loathing, too.
1 yr ago
"You were last seen the day you disappeared."
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1 yr ago
"There will always be shitheads. That's why they'll always try to out-shit them." - yourMoonstone | Reminder that all fanart is illegal. |
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@Dark Cloud

Hehe, it may be a bit embarrassing but I stand by my earlier comment about messing with people.

If you still want info on Yami I can give you the short or long version, just let me know which you want.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Yes too soon Yami...Indeed too soon...I'm glad I will have your interest in fact I'll let you leave for a price...

*Listens to something you can't hear*

Uhuh... Yeah I'll tell him. So uh... Have you thought about how your power works?
@DarkwolfX37 Mind telling me a little bit about Yami.

Where do you want me to begin? We have a wiki.
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>


You understand nothing...

*The force destabilizes and folds in itself as the molecular structure of it collapses*

I could corrupt your being or disrupt your molecules perhaps consume your essence...You have no power here...

*Blinks and another droplet appears and does the same as the first did earlier*

Too soon, too soon, huh?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

You can however trap others here....

Don't worry, messing with people is the least of my favorite things to do~
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

It won't change my realm Yami...Go right ahead...

*I say looking bored*

*My eyes turn violet and I say a word though no sound come from my mouth. The sound of static pulses once from everywhere and the sound moves towards me in a sphere*


*I say another word though there is no sound and the wave of static sound pulses once outward from me in a sphere*


*At the places I pointed at a metaphysical corrupting force that is diametrically opposed to your own spreads slowly, forming white threads that slowly intertwine around themselves as they move towards the center where you sit, causing the void to expand slightly as a crack would expand ice*

If you can get out of this, I'll be watching your career with mild interest~
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

He is in absolute control of his realm it's whatever color he wants, here he is Omnipotent.
But yes it's black but purification won't work if that's your angle, if he corrupts something or someone long enough it becomes irreversible.

Got it~
@DarkwolfX37 Be very careful, you won't be able to harm Ded. You entered his domain where he is at peak power and essentially unkillable.

So uh... what color is that void? Black?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

*The droplet never touches the void as it glides towards my out reached hands*

*Looks between it and you then laughs*

You are...An amusing little gnat Yami but why are you here? You do know your trapped now?

*It shouldn't be possible but the overwhelming corruption of my domain prevents escape*

Your stuck in my web little gnat...So why did you fly into my trap?

*Looks around*

There. *Points at a specific spot*

There. *Points at another spot*

And there. *Points to a third spot*

Wanna see a neat trick?
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Well well...I didn't even need to leave my domain...How nice of you to be my first victim...

*A throne of shadows appears and I sit down leaning lazily on my arm as I look at you with my piercing eyes*

Tell me...Your name...Before I decide to kill you.

*My eyes half close and a droplet physically appears behind my head, falling slightly to be lower behind it*

Again, mel-o-dra-ma-tic.

*Rolls my eyes*

I'm Yami, of course.
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