Avatar of Dead Cruiser


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1 yr ago
Current It's too late. Always has been. Always will be.
1 yr ago
Life is just death in drag.
3 yrs ago
He has no friends, but he gets a lot of mail. I'll bet he spent a little time in jail.
4 yrs ago
jesse i have no money for fuckijg bills and steam sales
4 yrs ago


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@Mintz Well hopefully she doesn't get gimped too much. Unlike your supermans of the world Viltrumites don't do much besides their flying brick deal. Really their only powers are 1. Go fast 2. Punch hard 3. Never die.
Didn't realize the OOC was already up, I can start working on Terra.

Been needing something self-indulgent in my life lately.
Yeah you can count this as on indefinite hiatus, I just don't have the time and wherewithal to run a PBP right now.
I could be interested in this, and have a character idea.

Sorry, having a lot of shit crop up lately, still keeping an eye on this, just won't have time to start the IC for a little while yet. My spring break is in a couple of weeks, expect this to go live around then.
Dandelion stepped out from the dorm building to the walkways hosting the club signups, and immediately took a step back in shock. The didn't get far, immediately bumping into Dr. Greene who was a step behind them. Their chaperone laughed and righted them, patting Dandy on the back. They stared wide-eyed at the massive assembly of people lining the hallway and milling about. They had genuinely never seen so many humans in a single place at once. Besides recordings, they had seen almost nothing on Earth at all.

Both Dandelion and Dr. Greene had moved in weeks before, quietly, and their enrollment had been completed with an equal amount of discretion. Dandelion was still something of a sensitive project the IPL was concerned, and they wanted Dandy's affairs handled quietly. Up until this point, things had been quiet. Dandelion and their chaperone had walked the grounds some before this, in early mornings when the few students that had also moved in were still asleep. Suddenly being in a full room of students... this was a test not only of how successful the IPL had been at acclimating Dandelion, but indeed of how sound an idea this had been in the first place.

Still nervous, Dandelion looked back at their handler with panic written in their mismatched eyes. Dr. Greene's kind eyes met theirs, and they smiled back at them reassuringly. Elizabeth Greene was a tall, attractive woman, possibly in her late thirties. Pale eyes, bright red hair, and milky-white skin combined with her height made her quite eye-catching, possibly moreso than the hybrid she stood behind. She carried a satchel of instruments over a white labcoat. What appeared at first glance to be a high collar rising up from the coat was actually part of a rubbery full-body suit in hospital green. The lip of the "collar" was a mechanism upon which a dome-shaped visor could be locked to hermetically seal the suit. Her glasses were silver-framed and had a camera and small computer attached. She gave Dandy another push toward the crowd, and they took a few steps forward. Hesitating at first, until they heard Dr. Greene's steps behind them, and then they confidently strode forward.

Dandelion stopped at each and every club recruiting station, and listened with rapt attention to all of their information and offerings. This of course was after a thorough introduction/interrogation by Dandelion, but once they felt satisfied by their first battery of questions, they hung on every word the club organizers said. Any brochure, sticker, or badge they were offered they gleefully accepted, and before long Dandy's red jumper was covered in pins and stickers, and they had a sticker for the music appreciation club on their cheek. While most of the representatives had been taken aback by their barrage of questions, so far there had been no negative reactions to Dandelion, and they seemed to be integrating smoothly.

After five terrible years of war, peace has finally returned to the Northern Territories. After their surprise invasion five years ago, and the grueling war that followed, the Scarlet Empire has agreed to a tenuous peace with the human kingdoms of the North. Their conditions for the armistice were simple: to be ceded the modest parcel of land which they claimed as conquest, and for an exchange of royal hostages. One human of royal blood was to be exchanged for one of immortal blood, so that none would dare to threaten the peace for which many mortals as well as vampires gave up their lives. However, the North is still ravaged by war, and trust does not come easy to humans nor vampires. Schemes within schemes unfurl, and the future of both races hangs in the balance.

This is a 1x1 concept I've been trying to get off the ground for a long time, with a few different iterations. Basically, Your Character is the royal hostage being offered up to the vampire kingdom called the Scarlet Empire, following their surprise invasion and pursuant war of conquest five years ago. They were beaten back almost entirely when an armistice was reached, and now you have been offered up as a sacrificial pawn to ensure that the peace is kept.

Your character is most likely a low-ranking princess of the royal family of (INSERT KINGDOM HERE), a youngest daughter or niece of the reigning king. Mine is the heir to the Scarlet Empire, a far more valuable hostage as the Scarlet Empire was effectively the loser of the war. However, the idea of being a hostage does not sit well with him, and he has some plans of his own.

The RP would start with the arrival of the vampiric delegation to your character's royal palace, where the hostage "exchange" is meant to take place.

Inquire within if you enjoy:
  • Vampires
  • Gothic fantasy
  • Worldbuilding
  • Court politics
  • Noble intrigue
  • Fancy clothes
  • Byronic antiheroes
  • White-haired anime pretty boys
  • High writing standards
  • Complex characters

I'm not huge on smut but I take what I can get. Send me a PM if this piques your interest. I'm very picky!! Looking forward to someone that can contribute to the world and keep up with me in terms of writing quality and complexity. Looking forward to hearing from you!
@yoshua171 I apologize if I implied you were wasting my time; I didn't want to waste yours. I think if you like this concept you could make a character bespoke for the RP that suits it, but if that's not your desire then I wish you well.
@Randomness While it wasn't mentioned on your CS, I would be fine if N'vui were white-souled. Normally plants, animals, and other non-sapients wouldn't have enough of a soul to be considered an Inheritor, but you would obviously be the exception.

They remind me moreso of the Mokolé from Werewolf the Apocalypse. They're the were-lizards/crocodilians/dinosaurs/dragons that possess a genetic memory that stretches back to the age of Dragon-Kings (ie the Mezozoic).

Anyway the idea is fine I just want to make sure it lines up with everything else alright.

@King Cosmos I do like this character... and I think it works in overall concept. I just have a couple of things I'd like to work out better. How is she gaining spirit power? Is this something anyone can do if taught, or is she being imbued by spirits somehow? What is her motivation for mastering basically every spirit power? Is there a distinct focus that her powers trend around? Again I'm not crazy about this "easy immortality" among percievers.

The beginnings are there this just needs some more work.

@yoshua171 Just to start I want to say that I'm not into having two characters in one sheet. There is another character that's a three-in-one, and you can refer to my notes on that for how I would prefer that sort of thing.

The length of the CS is another issue. @Lewascan2 is definitely right, because the simple fact is that I'm a very busy person, and prefer to avoid wasting people's time with ideas that I won't like. Having a cut-down CS also makes it clear to me what's important to how the player wants to write the character, and makes it clear what is fluff.

I can also say right now that you're going to need to massively trim down their world's concept. Having their own "multiverse," worlds, gods, cosmology, reincarnation, all of that is 1. unnecessary because we're already playing in a pretty grand cosmology with its own rules for that sort of thing and 2. won't really be the focus of this RP.
Been reviewing character sheets. I need to come up with a position for all of the "immortal" perceivers that we seem to be inundated with. It really defeats the purpose of having a black-soul inheritor if they're immortal anyway. Or perhaps they only believe that they are.
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