Avatar of Deadlyrose9641


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2 yrs ago
Current To all my partners, Father’s Day plans today so no replies till tomorrow or Monday thanks for the patience
3 yrs ago
To all partners waiting on replies, I have come me down with something , so I won’t be posting rn. I’ll keep you updated and in the loop
4 yrs ago
Welp I’m back. Sorry for leaving without warning to all my partners
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4 yrs ago
Guild seems quiet today
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4 yrs ago
My roommates dog has broken two glass tables now... Pitbulls
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"to your point, I'm confused right now." she said plainly as she looked at the man, who she faintly remembers from a few days ago. "Wait, So i should go pick up some stuff for tonight, I'll be back in a bit." she said as she moved away from the counter.

The Blue shimmering light flashes, momentarily blinding Luna's field of vision. She was not use to such bright lights. She materialized and looked around at, what she would call, her new home. A new chance to shed her past, and move forward. She arrived with nothing more then her teady bear and MP3 player. A part of her regretted applying for the school, nothing good would come from her magic. Most saw her use of shadows as mischievous, sinister, or evil. But that boothered her less, then the burden she placed on those around her, She hoped she wpuld make friends in her time hear, but she was afraid her roommate won't like her at all.

She scanned the people walking through the campus. She looked out at the night sky for a moment, before moving away from the glyph. She started to walk towards the dorms, She noticed a few students talking, and decided she didn't want to be a bother to them. She moved to a tree close by and sat down, clutching her teddy bear. She listened on to their conversation, hoping she might be able to find a little more info about what she should do now. She decided that if she wanted to make friends she would have to be outgoing. She stepped around the tree, hidden completely by the shadows. She approached the cheerful girl, standing slightly closer then she probably should have by the time she lowered her obscurity revealing her self.

"The shadows are lovely this time of year. Obscuring pain, and danger. An easy place for Mischief to hide." she was nervous talking to someone, so she obscured herself again without thinking, and continued to speak from her invisibility, while walking around the two, "When you focus on the light, or the moon, you miss all the little things that love in night." she revealed herself once more now standing on the opposite side of Melody. "Don't you think?"
She giggled a bit, "Well you heard the lady, Sorry, maybe next time." She said as she continued to sit there, looking more comfortable all the sudden, She took another swig of coffee finishing it off, before pulling out a baileys shooter, "Can i get another cup of coffee?" she said as she laughed again. "and without the webcams, how will we broadcast it over the internet?"
Amy's face got nervous at the boy inviting himself, or offering to hangout with her, She had never exactly learned how to interact properly with the opposite gender, no matter the circumstance. "I-I, Sure if thats....what you want." She said as she began to nervously drink coffee and stare at mandy and then the man, back and forth. She then looked at Mandy with a weird look, one she hadn't given since highschool, "Mandy i gotta use the bathroom,"
Running off statistic here, assuming a similar climate to the real world, B.U.M should be just above freezing right now, I'll check back before I finalize my post, just saying because part of my post say's it's chilly.

I thought we weren't suppose to post IC yet
Luna and Melody should definately be roommates, though. Her being so happy, and Luna being so Introverted.

She giggled at Mandy head banging to her music, "You never accepted or declined my invite, which means you agreed obviously, So my room tonight, haha, we can watch some bad movies or something." She said as she laughed more,


"So your in school, then? What are ya studying?"
I've been doing silly sculptures since I was 12, the pastry is just a better medium because people either eat it or I'm forced to trhow it out when it gets gross; otherwise I'd have a storeroom filled with the damn things."

"I didn't know you use to sculpt, that's pretty cool, Mandy." she then turned her attention to the man,


"So how was your first night, haha, did Elmer wake you up with his yelling? You get use to it." she laughed
So much has happened....

Anthony is gonna look up and wonder where the hell everyone else came from. And then he is gonna clean some damn windows so that he doesn't spend several hours trying to read one goddamned page!!!!

and when your done, the bathroom by my room need a good floor waxing
<Snipped quote by Kaesus>

3-8 hours, tops.

I Can't wait
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