Avatar of Delta44


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I'm going to try my hand at drawing my gf as a Pokemon trainer with her six favourite Pokemon for valentine's/our anniversary. Wish me luck!
4 yrs ago
Got a drawing tablet, time to draw porn
4 yrs ago
Seeing actual bushfire footage looks straight out of Hell... It moves so quickly and so powerfully, literally the trees just ignite. You firefighters are absolute legends, but please, don't die.
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today ain't Christmas, it's garbage day!


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T H E N E R D / T H E L E G E N D
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side;
D E L T A 4 4
together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world.
Just you...
and me.

Welcome to my little personal den of Hell! Sorry, sorry, I meant my personal profile. Same thing, right?

I'm a roleplayer, same as any around here. I've been doing it for about five years now, coming up to six in September. Its been quite the time, thinking back. I started out fresh as can be, understanding the basics of writing but never quite knowing how to become better, or become as great as those around me. In the end, I did the only thing I really knew at the time:

Write as much garbage as possible and hope for the best!

As you can see, that particular tactic fucking failed.
Jokes aside, I like to think I've developed a lot over the years, both as a writer and as a person. However, absolutely nothing can dissuade my weeaboo ways and supporting my OTP with all that I can freaking muster! If you haven't already guessed, said OTP is Chrom x Robin (Chrobin) from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Highly recommend the game, there's a reason (other than nintendo's cheapskate attitude) that it hasn't dropped in price, it's honestly the best place to start off in the series. And hey, maybe you'll end up addicted like me and want to buy every game on the 3DS like a fucking loony?

Speaking of loonies, the Fire Emblem Chrobin Comic Dub Project has recently finished, so for those of you who also appreciate the best ship in existence, I highly recommend it. Hell, even if you're not interested in that, I do highly recommend watching it for those into fantasy love stories. The quality improves drastically with each episode, so trust me when I say by the end of it you should be thoroughly impressed. It has helped motivate me in ways I can hardly describe with words, and so I thought the least I could do was put this out there. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I know it was the perfect thing for me.

"Do you think you can tip any of the scales in here?"
"Chrom, for the love of Naga, I'm thinking..."

"So I heard."

"There are better places
to take a nap than
on the ground, you know."

Most Recent Posts

@eclecticwitch Yee we got an open door policy now c:
And I just remembered Eliott is still skeptical of her, so until they can talk things out I can't do shit XD Dangit!
@Shard Thank you for that, now I can only think of Morgana from Persona 5 singing I Need A Hero XD

@RumikoOhara OK that's it, Sydney is getting Eliott's love and affection :D
@ShwiggityShwah Eliott will join, though she might not be all sunshine and roses ;) Alter-egos do that :D
Aww, thanks for the kind words, guys! ^-^ Don't worry, there'll be more Silas/Eliott interaction later in the night ;)

The former vigilante wasn't particularly attentive to her surroundings, and gave in to the momentary respite the park provided. The sounds of nature, however artificial they were, ushered her into a state of relaxation. She leaned back against the tree, finishing the remainder of her sandwich, before picking up the fantasy novel. The previous entry had left off at a cliffhanger, so she was eager to-
"Hey, Elliot. How are you settling in?"
A squeak, not from a mouse but a girl, was his response.

It was easy to see he had accidentally frightened her, considering how her body jolted. Eliott's heartbeat was running at a million miles an hour, and she looked warily about for the person who had greeted her. Upon seeing Silas' face, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh... Silas..." She said between breaths, slowly calming herself down, hand resting on her heart. "You... frightened me a little..."
She quickly set the book down between her legs, stacked on top of the philosophy one she had also taken. A firm tapping of the ground beside her indicated she was inviting him to sit. Apparently she was calm enough to want to talk. She was usually hard to approach, unless she felt comfortable. Her mind finally caught up with his question. "O-oh, uhh, I'm settling in OK, I think... I haven't talked to many people. Joseiah is funny. I like Valora. I want to know more about the people here, especially Epsilon team."

Her fingers absentmindedly pulled at the grass, twirling them round and round. She couldn't keep any sort of eye contact, but was able to speak clearly with her focus on the greenery. Her head was trying its best to think up something to keep the conversation going, but she never felt confident in her ability to converse. However, before he could speak, an idea struck:
She offered the toasted sandwich to Silas. It still radiated warmth from beneath the foil, and he could see a slight tremble as she held it out to him. She still couldn't face him, but it was the least she could do to be courteous. "I made it in case someone came up here... Or if I was still hungry..."
Her mind automatically caught on to her mistake.
'Oh no!' She thought, anxiety slowly creeping in.
'He's going to think I'm fat for saying that...'

@Prosaic If you'd like we can collab with our next post? c:
I also won't be posting tonight, as it's time for me to go to bed c: Looking forward to some interaction with Silas! I hope you don't mind @Prosaic! :D I wonder how this plot hook of mine will turn out? :3
(Hint: Eliott may have a few questions about his power and dead people)

Im going to give you active participation in the story, with the ability to adjust the scene for narrative appeal. If you need to blow something up for your post, you can probably go ahead and do it. If you need to show off some sick wrestling moves on some NPC guards, you totally can.

So like you said, I'll narrate the scenes and changes for each character or group, probably splitting my posts between them for each group. Ill try to be as specific and detailed as possible, using pictures to better narrate the scene, most of the time offering paths and choices and things to interact with. There will be no, go down path A, turn over at path B kind of thing, get back on path A.

But again, if you need to do something that changes things a bit, I'm going to let you do it and Ill react and change the scenes accordingly.

I hope I'm answering your question.

Just for the players' sake, I'd like to ask: would there be anything in particular that may require the GM's consultation? c: We wouldn't want to do things which might accidentally change the story, after all XD
If you want, can transfer Pidgeon over here, though I'm enjoying what we have rn ;) Still my eyes will be watching! c:
Just a little somethin-somethin if anyone cares about Eliott c:
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