Avatar of Dezuel


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1 yr ago
Current Some of the damn quotes from old 80's animation is damn gold. If english isn't gonna cut it, just swap to ones native language and you have yourself some good comedy. Unlike hollywood post year 2000
1 yr ago
Prepare for oblivion...
1 yr ago
36yo today, one step closer to oblivion.
3 yrs ago
Let the roleplaying shenanigans ensue! Fun times!
3 yrs ago
Nationbuilding buisness is underway!


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Think we'll need a few more ^^
@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y@VitaVitaAR@KoL[Rin]

Couldn't add mentions in my post due to it lagging like hell when I edited it. Too much text or something.

Cosplay? Movies? What are those things? Some weapons perhaps.

Menomaru turned his gaze to Nanoha and stopped in his tracks and gave a low. "Hmm.."

"Threatening a captive. Is that befitting of someone seeking to aid these humans?" Menomaru mused.

Menomaru didn't quite understand what the soldier was talking about until she said that they were all from works of fiction. Fiction? The very idea came to Menomaru with utter disgust. That he would have been created by humans? That he a greater demon would be somehow made from humans?

He narrowed his eyes the more he pondered on it. The soldier asked if we could be from different worlds. That must be it. I couldn't be a creation of a human. It's impossible. It's wrong. He calmed himself down abit as the grass around him had begun to blow slightly due to his rage building.

The soldier woman had however given him a name for the heavily armored girl. Mordred. That and having some outburst about saint quartz? What is that? The small blonde girl with the ice powers had also had the gall to ask these humans about himself. How dared she not ask him herself. He was way above these humans in terms of power and intellect or so he believed.

As if they would know anything about him anyways. But there was a turn in his luck just now. The humans were trying to persuade them to come with them. This was a welcome sign which he could make use of. Taking him to their castle he could bargain with their leader. Humans easily submit to greed and power.

"Nanoha. Mordred." Menomaru said out loud, having obtained their names just recently. "You do want answers to your questions. Do you not?"
The humans wanted to take them to their superiors. Perfect. Soon he could turn the tide and have the entire city wage a war against these people which had taken him prisoner. Humans were weaker in comparison to demons. But in sufficient numbers they would certainly do.


Emilio pondered on the situation. The army didn't know of Wong. But they would surely know the commander? The one who Wong refered to as his excellency. Wong wouldn't have wanted him to kill humans who were in the army. Though NOA psychiccers, NOA sympathizers and renegade psychiccers would be free for him to chase down and kill.

There were many questions in his head right now. More than he could handle. He had to find some answers. Tenshi seemingly were at ease in going with them, and also saying she were a celestial. An existance beyond humans. A psychiccer then? Emilio couldn't gaze into her heart though like psychiccers could do to oneanother unless guarded actively, like people such as Wong did.

Emilio shrugged abit and moved to sit down in the back of the car alongside Tenshi. Being in a vehicle like this was uncommon to him. Usually he was flying when needing to go somewhere. They were all driven to a building, one which Emilio had not seen before. Led into a room where many men sat about clad in black.

Tenshi said a word which had Emilio feel abit of sweat. Father. Emilio didn't like the word. He didn't want to think about it either. Whereof Tenshi went ahead to sit down, Emilio remained standing. The voice of one of the men snapped Emilio out of his thoughts and his head would move up to the screen above displaying different scenes, some of places and people he had never seen before. But then he saw familiar faces.

Wong.. and... Emilio raised his hands to his head as if having a cluster of headaches pouring in. The girl with the pink hair, the young man with the tall blonde hair with a red stripe. He knew them. They were very important. If only he could remember. Pain filled his head further. He saw a man in white hair and blue attire. He knew who that was. The leader of NOA.

"Hngh....Keith" Emilio rocked his head back and forth with his right hand at his forehead. His eyes twitching as he tried to keep his mind intact. Something deep within his mind was reaching out to him, at the same time he felt another force pushing it back. Then finally his eyes flung open wide as he heard the word. Past. Past deeds. The word past flung back and forth inside his head. As his facial expression went blank.

He could hear it again from Tenshi. "what I have done in the past?". Emilio then saw flashes from his past. The pink haired girl and the blonde young man. The fights they had been in. The time he spent as a test subject for the army and the pain that involved. The time when that woman died. The time when he had killed his family in self-defense after they realized he was a psychiccer, or as they saw it. A demon. He couldn't make out who it was right now, only that they were important to him.

"Haah... aaaaaahhhhh!" Emilio yelled out in pain as emotional parts of his past was being surfaced, things that the brainwashing he had been through had done it's best to suppress but could not erase.

The brainwashing that Wong had put him through was effective however, it wouldn't let him go so easily. Though it could not hold back the amount of power he held within. The horrible power which he regarded like a curse, two years ago before he was caught by Wong during the explosion of the old NOA headquarters.

But now he was in a room with black clad men. Whose striking resemble reminded him of those which headed out to capture psychiccers.
It was too much. Too much. They had stopped talking but the amount of things flooding to his head was too much.

Suddenly and without much warning after his yell his spectral, angelic looking wings would spread out of his back and stretch out across the room. They were not physical in nature and could be moved through without problems. They were only manifestations of his power. The power of light.

Emilio put his both hands close to oneanother and as he did, light began to gather inbetween them. "I-I don't believe it!" He screamed out and three rays of light energy would fly out from him. One to his left, another to his right and one straight ahead straight towards the giant monitor. The force of each of these rays was enough to blast through a cement wall or send anyone caught in the way flying and take quite the damage. They also emitted a sound while travelling through the air.

He would have a slightly panicked expression, like a cornered animal who were locked up and faced with seeing it's abuser again. He quickly darted for the door in which they've entered and started running down the corridor to any nearby room to collect himself.


Alberich was about to give the captain a reply of his own when the latter had already turned around and was walking away.

He narrowed his eyes as he walked towards the van and got into the back. Whereof the soldiers would carry his sword or leave it behind. He knew he could call it to him if necessary, it was after all a part of his god robe. His armor.

The ride in the van was decently quiet. Alberich felt like a prisoner. Him? A god warrior. All he had done was defend himself against those women which had stalked him. As the drive finally came to a stop and he was released from the van. Alberich inspected his surroundings, as if memorizing the building and then he was led inside alongside the rest.

Still with his makeshift cuffs on him. "My sword." Alberich stated coldly to a nearby soldier.

Alberich was the last one led into the room and placed himself on the far right in the room. Before him were many men dressed in black suits, sitting by a table. He felt like a prisoner indeed. Or a slave on an auction. It irritated him. He was from one of the noble families of Asgard. He found this to be highly irritating.

Alberich thought just about moving up to also sit down on a chair but stopped in his tracks on seeing the screen.

"What the-" Slipped from his lips as he saw images and scenes from his fights against Athena's saints and of his fellow god warriors aswell as Polaris Hilda. The title read Saint Seiya?

Alberich's eyes widened for each passing moment and his mouth opened whereof he wanted to place his hand at it but couldn't due to the cuffs. These people had watched him in Asgard already. They were there watching him while he was fighting and... what? They had recorded his thoughts on that! How was that even possible? He didn't think out loud that allowed others to hear.

He was baffled. These people had somehow pulled him from his own world into theirs? Then this wouldn't even be the same world? But another dimension? Alberich thought that maybe he would get more answers as time went on but now even more questions have popped up in his head. The other young man in the room, who had been brought in with him seemed about as surprised as he was as he glanced to the side.

Though he was holding unto his head, likely suffering from some sort of concussion or migraine as far as Alberich could decipher.

Then they've began to talk about him. Alberich turned his attention to the men by the table and he collected his thoughts and assumed his colder and more calm demeanor. "How exactly does that make me different from yourselves? If you didn't have ambition and influence you wouldn't even be here. Then you know all this about us and have somehow dropped us into this place."
Alberich eyes narrowed further and he gave a cold stare ahead to all the black suited people by the table. "I, Delta star, Megrez Alberich shall consider your terms with one of my own."

His eyes flickered for a moment. "Set me free. Give me my sword and give me access to your largest library, and in turn I shall aid your homeland until I find a way to return to mine."

Before he could ask them what they thought his attention snapped to Emilio who had begun to suddenly scream out and reveal some form of wings. The whole thing catching Alberich abit offguard, he began to stumble backwards abit and on seeing the young man shoot a ray of light towards his direction Alberich threw himself out of the way, landing on the floor out of harms way but with a expression of sudden surprise.

Kyoran Morisaki

Kyoran having shrugged at the girl with the tail instead made his way over to the gym where he heard the last part of the ceremony or so it seemed. "Fight huh?" Kyoran grinned and then followed the rest of the C ranked people out of the gym. He wanted to warm up first before taking on that girl who was talking at the stage. Who would provide him with a good warm-up? His eyes searched for a suitable target. He wanted some fun. To stir the pot abit. Anger the rest or spread fear amongst them.

He decided to go up to the girl who had previously sat recruiting for the journalist club.
Kyoran raised his arm and in a slight wave. "Yo! Want to play with me girl? Think you could keep up with me? Heh..heh."
He wanted to pick on some really weak ones, it usually meant someone tough would try step up in their defense and he would get more effect by beating them up too.


Andou Reimu

Looks like the ceremony was over. The council was pretty much what he had imagined they would be like. A overclass like nobles high on their golden thrones. They however surely had quite the potent amount of skill and power to be where they were. Reimu didn't doubt that one moment, but as it was for now his plan was to remain unnoticed and stay clear of fighting until he had gathered some information about each indvidual and their powers.

From there he could work out a tactic and way of dealing with them if he would have to fight them. Eventually he would have to. Since he was going to be as strong as he possibly could be. Rise in rank was inevitable. But not in recklessness or hurry. That was a way to find oneself clueless to ones surroundings and eventually fall because of it.

Reimu knew that the first step to attain greater power was knowledge. Thus the library would surely be the best place to start with. Yuu had begun eating her apple as she carefully followed Reimu towards the library. Trying their very best to avoid bumping into someone on the way there.

Gilbert Dawning

Gil was happy that the ceremony was over though it opened up an issue for him. He couldn't continue training until they cleared things up abit. Though right now a shower was more attractive. Gil headed into the lockeroom and undressed before grabbing his towel and shower gel, before walking into the showers.

He turned on one of the showers and began to wash his hair and body until finally he placed both his hands against the nearby wall. Lightly slamming his fists into it.

"Damn.." He hated to be around the corridors, the classrooms and the library. That meant people could possibly come to pick a fight with him and he had to beat the living hells out of them. He really didn't want any S rank to fight him either. That meant him becoming S rank himself and he did not want that spot. All the work involving it and... being social.

The thought caused a shiver to trace up his spine and he gulped down his worries. Perhaps he could fake illness and place himself into the sick bay? But that meant also talking to people. Damn he hated people. He took his towel to his hair and then after drying himself he wrapped it around his waist. That's when he noticed to his horror there was a woman icon on a nearby door.

Crap! The damn ceremony signs had covered the icon on the door! He was in the wrong lockeroom! This was the girls lockerroom! He screamed on the inside. A scream which would have been heard throughout the entire academy had he not placed his hand before his mouth.

He had to hurry and get dressed. He made his way out of the shower area and to where his clothes were. A sign of relief on his face. None had entered. He grabbed his clothes and was just about to begin take his clothes on. A noise of some girls talking and suddenly the door began to creak and open. He instictively lunged himself into a open locker and pulled the door close, taking his clothes with him. The locker had no lock on it. This was bad. No. It was worse than bad.

At this rate he would not only be known as a grunting loner but also a pervert and get more trouble. Gil peeked out of the small line-like holes out of the locker to see if the coast was getting clear. The sight he met was the back of a girl in the locker in front, and he saw her unbuttoning her bra at the back, before raising a towel to her chest and rushing into the showers.

Gil felt the sweat travel down his neck and he gulped. He had to wait until they had cleared the area. Damn the council for covering the signs with those damn posters!
Same here. To solve things regarding Rusalka's characters you could just have them receive IC phonecalls and have to excuse themselves if deciding to proceed onwards.
Yeah, Hannya already posted. Waiting on Misao to react to what Kyoran is doing.
This RP seems promising, I hope to have some fun interactions soon. Once everyone has located themselves in the gym!

Just thought I should mention that you put Gilbert as a C class/1st year student. When I wrote him in as a A rank/3rd year one.
Gilbert Dawning

Gil was somewhat startled by the announcement that people should gather up in the gym.
He had forgotten. So that's what all these banners and things were for. The welcome ceremony would take place in the gym. Crap.

Gilbert pulled himself to a wall as the doors flung open and people started to pour in. He wanted to go take a shower but he knew that if he did then he would likely be cussed at and get into a mess with those who were holding the ceremony.

So there he stood, arms crossed with a slight bit of sweat on him, wearing his sleeveless undershirt and his gym jacket around his waist.
Seeing all manner of students pour in, a few familiar faces which he had seen before. The student council ofcourse. People he had beaten up and some people he had seen every now and then which had stayed out of his way.

His eyes fell on Takao recognizing him. That guy. He should train more or study. If you be average at both you won't get much out of being here. Gilbert's eyes moved away from Takao and to look at his own arms. Hes still probably better than me at studies and at being around people. I just need to stay in class A for this year and I should be allright. I don't have to be one of the S class. The amount of work they put into their things isn't really my thing either.

@Lord of Evil

Andou Reimu

Reimu raised his eyes and looked around as the announcement was made to gather up in the gym. Arriving too early would not be a good idea as it would show eagerness and such would surely be drawing attention. Being late would on the other hand likely be cause for another form of unwanted attention. Arriving somewhere inbetween was ideal to try meld in with the crowd.

"Yuu. We are going to the gym. Things are about to begin. I want you to give it your best okay?" Reimu looked to Yuu with one of his eyes covered behind his hair.

"We are likely having to fight eventually. Remember what I told you to do if you get into trouble?"
"Yes. I should defend myself and let you know, Reimu-sama." Yuu replied as if she had been hand-fed to provide that answer for the last few days.

"That's good. Yuu." Reimu offered a soft smile and patted her on her head before leading her to the gym and gathering up by the other new students. Trying to remain somewhat in the background as good as he could before sitting down at a chair with Yuu next to him. She tilted her head to the side as she looked Reimu over before turning her attention to the stage and the people on it.

Time to learn what there is about everyone in here. Their powers and weaknesses. It will come to use when the time finally arrives where you would have to fight. I wish we wouldn't have to fight, but the things in this world has been fighting since the beginning of time. I am part of this world aswell, and I need to fight in order to become better at using my powers.
Then when I finally have mastered it... I will change everything!

Reimu's eye glimmered for a moment before he raised his eyes to the stage, making sure to avoid eye-contact as much as possible.
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