Avatar of Drache


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7 mos ago
Current One of my D&D campaigns turns 25 years old this month.


It took me 10 years to finally fill one of these out, but I finally did it. Welcome, stranger.

I'm Drache. I'm a millenial leftist living in the US deep south. I'm a queer polyamorous kinkster. You can find me at PRIDE, at Ren Fair, at the local farmer's market, and the monthly dark party. I play D&D, I play Skyrim, and I play with gags and blindfolds. I'm your elder femdom, even though my bones hurt.

During the day I'm an emergency animal medical professional with 20 years in the field. On my off time I'm a dog show enthusiast, a karaoke singer, a baker, and a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator. I'm a collector of rare houseplants, of rescued exotic birds, of books, of tattoos. I'm the most feral spouse with the most domestic skills. I'm perpetually exhausted but endlessly impulsive.

If you're looking for a partner to share in your high fantasy, in your dark themes, in your deranged kinky monsterfucking, send me a PM.

What else is there to say?

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<Snipped quote by Drache>
I dunno... maybe you can simply talk to them like a normal human being instead of asking for their clit size. Discuss the RP, start the IC, get a few post in and find out your partner is a female with 3 children. Find out they have a certain profession or they are going through college.

We're not talking about talking to your partner like a normal person though. I do tend to find things out about my partners in this way. We're talking about people who state up front that they will ONLY play with a certain gender partner. That isn't allowing for any chance of getting into the RP before finding out personal details about people. That's insisting on finding out intimately personal details up front.

And this isn't about choice either. If I want to specifically choose to play with someone who has a high skill and experience with like...a battle RP, then I can list that in my interest check. Assuming that a male player is going to be my best option for that is sexism. No matter how you slice it, grouping people into gender categories based on the assumption of what kind of RP they will be best at is sexism.

I guess if you want to choose to be sexist, that's fine. Just call it what it is. You can't hide behind calling it a 'preference' or a 'choice' when your criteria is flawed.

Edit to add: I also find it disheartening that so many people would dismiss a non-binary partner out of hand. If too many people insist on finding a partner that is male or female that doesn't leave a lot of options for people who are neither.

To be honest I disagree with your entire post and premise. There is a massive difference between specifying your preference in the content of your RPs (which does include the gender or sexuality of your CHARACTERS) and restricting people on this site based on the player's actual real life gender/sexuality/etc.

You failed to give any example as to why preference in your partner's gender actually makes a difference. If I asked to RP with you, would you ask me my gender? If I turned out to not be a straight female would you actually refuse to RP with me? Why? Please explain why my gender actually affects the content of any RP we might create together.

I am also waiting to hear how people actually verify the gender of their RP partners.
It just seems really odd to me to care that much about a set of genitals that you will not be interacting with in any way, shape, or form, and it really says a lot about who you are as a person, not to mention your priorities when it comes to RPing (going back to the dating-site thing.)


Does my RP make my clit look too big?

I disagree with you, Nutts. In my experience some of the best romance/fluffy RPers have turned out to be gay men, and some of the most aggressive battle-oriented players have turned out to be chicks.

When I am negotiating RPs with people I state my preferences for what kind of RP I want up front. My player's gender, sexuality, race, whatever is literally of ZERO consequence. I don't even ask until later. I find it personally demeaning and offensive when I see people saying "I'm a guy looking for female RPers" or "Woman looking for guy players ONLY." I avoid those RPs like the plague. Not only do they almost always turn out to be terrible RPers, but there is almost ALWAYS a significant amount of OOC drama associated with those people as well.

I don't tell my gender up front either. I have gone by male and female pronouns on this site and I never bother to correct anyone.

There seems to be a big misconception that people generally only want to play the same gender/sexuality that they are in real life. That's not true for a good portion of the people here. Even those who write "female looking for male" they actually just mean they are wanting to play a female character against a male character regardless of the actual gender of their partner.

Here's an example of one like that:

But then there is an example of a shitty one:
♪ At this time, I'll only roleplay with male partners.

Fucking really?

I'm curious. When people post this kind of crap do they actually grill everyone who approaches them? Do you actually ask, "are you really a guy? Can you send me a dick pic to prove it?" Are people really so thick and short-sighted to think that a chick can't play a male character? Or a dude can't play a female character? Do these people never play characters that are gay when they themselves are straight? Or aliens with no gender? Or intersex characters?

On a site where you're pretty much anonymous it doesn't make sense to be that picky. There's no way to verify anyone's gender. Anyone can lie. If you're that "uncomfortable" then a site like this one probably isn't the best choice. I have yet to hear a legit reason for this kind of personal gate-keeping.

Does no one ever think outside the box?

I mean, I get it if you are a straight chick and you want to play an RP about a straight chick who ends up with a straight dude. Whatever. But what the fuck does your partner's gender have to do with it? Most of us are here to have fun and better our own writing skill. What kind of world would this be if legit authors were restricted to only writing characters that matched themselves.

Boring as fuck.

Been working on getting @Drache's request up to scratch.

Here's a very early (greyscale, when it's finished it will be in full colour) rendition of her, still alot to be done and it'll probably be changed quite a bit by the final version (e.g. wings, shoes, belt, hat, hand, background ect). I've been thinking about changing the pose as well since the anatomy isn't quite right yet:

@Drache I wanted to ask if you wanted her necklace/amulet and her ear piercings in her outfit?

WOW! That's amazing! I love the style!

Her snout seems really long, almost horselike.

And sure! If you want to draw the jewelry that would be great. Maybe not the necklace since the front of the dress is so intricate. Maybe an anklet instead?
@Mae Take your time. I don't need it done by Halloween.
I'm interested! I have references.


Love the Halloween themeeee!

I would love to see her wearing a halloween sexy witch costume with black and white striped arm bands and a black dress and black hat. And a pumpkin somewhere.

References for my character (I commissioned these from other artists):

Personality: Haughty/hotty, domineering, smug. What you would expect from a half-dragon firemage.
Shout out to the wonderful @Ophidian for sticking with me until our first RP together drew to a lovely and touching close. It might not have turned out like what we were anticipating, but that's far from a complaint. This gentleman is as clever as he is conscientious and I couldn't ask for a better partner, and that goes for both his delectable posts and our inspiring and reflective OOC chatter.

Cheers, love, to many more! <3
You're good. Thanks for fixing it. I hope you find loads of people to RP with. Consider it dropped. :)
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