Avatar of DracoLunaris


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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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That is good to know. I'll restore it to the original state.

Sorry bout this repeatedly second guessing myself everyone.
Ok so in hindsight that post was super de railing so I've edited it to be less, uh, disruptive to what everyone was doing.

Suffice to say there was mixed reactions to bowsers bellowed demands. The most noticeable one was a gun pointed at his head and a distinct lack of answers. There was also a lot of confusion, threats and a few attempts to beget calm mostly made from the ends of weapons. Suffice to say the king was not best pleased with the response he got initially. In Fact he was rapidly becoming rather furious. His meltdown was briefly halted by the arrival of the blue clad puppet who remembered bowser far better than bowser remembered them “Yes. Hello Geno. I…” he began, but Bowser was unable to continue with what would have been an unconvincing lie about remembering Geno’s name as the chaos around him continued to unfold causing his fury to build ever further. Humans angry at him, humans angry at each other, it all bled into itself apart from one little detail upon which bowser immediately laser focused.

"You failed, Samurai! The marshmellow lives!" shouted one of the armored humans at another which brought to attention the fact the a humanoid robot had apparently revived kirby. Kirby was the only other person who had been where bowser had been before the light. Kirby was unique among the in that he had been injured while the rest of them were simply dazed. Here was the potential for answers and he could get them if only he could have a moments peace to get them.


Getting shot at was what finally caused Bowser’s temper to be pushed over the edge. It didn't matter that things were just at that very moment seeming like they might be calming down, nor that the courier announced he had shot at something outcalled a “deathclaw” rather than Bowser because the king was pissed, confused, had had his prid stung by defeat at the hands of Galeem and had literally zero anger management skill. His blood boiled, steam shot from his ears and nostrils as he descended into a rage, stomping the ground angrily over and over, the impacts of which caused a thunderous retort, while roaring.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! All of you shut up! RAAAAAGH!”

The dragon ended his tantrum with an eardrum shattering roar accompanied by a skywards bout of flame, after which he angrily snatched up his snow white top hat that had fallen off when he was knocked unconscious, angrily placed it on his head, gave it one of those little side to side adjustments you do to get it sitting right and then he stomped over to the recovering kirby, ignoring literally everyone as went. Upon his arrival bowser unceremoniously plonking himself down on his butt in front of the pink puffball, the thud of the impact causing a shockwave to ripple out through the grass. Slaping his hands against his knees and, holding them for support, the beast leaned in and ask the puff ball, with a much quieter but no less furious voice, too “ex-plain”

wordcount: 510
and with that I am done for the day.
edit: i expect to wake up 700 more posts tomorrow. don't let me down team

Bowser did not wake particularly gracefully, pushing himself up from the ground and and absentmindedly stretching his arms above his head while giving of a loud yawn/groans as if he had just woken from a pleasant nap. It was in the middle of this stretch that the King suddenly froze, his eyes shooting from drowsy halfliddendess to wide open in an instant, as he remembered what he had been doing before he lost consciousness. He quickly lowered his arms back down into a fighting stance and glanced too and fro to take in his surroundings. However instead of the anticipated army of master hands and the their strange winged controller he and the others had been facing down only moments ago he instead found a large number of unfamiliar individuals, most of them unconscious, all spread out over a random grassy hill. Well, mostly unfamiliar.

The koopa king had the unique advantage of knowing not one but two of the people around him. One was the still sleeping puppet who he vaguely remembered knowing from one of the times his castle had been stolen. The time with the massive sword. The other was the pink blobby fellow, with whom he just stood alongside to to do battle and who now lay on the ground with a gaping sword wound in him and was surrounded by most of the awake individuals baring one who stood away from the groop, bloody sword in hand. It only took a few moments for Bowser to come to the wrong impression.

The king roared and dramatically pointed to the swordsman as he bellowed “who are you people!” the hand drifted quickly over to point at the wounded Kirby and his onlookers “and what have you done too… uhhhhh” there was an awkward pause during which the gears in the king's mind slowly ground on and he absentmindedly snapped his fingers while he tried to remember the pink one’s name. “Kir..boy?” he finished hesitantly before barreling with instantly renewed gusto into more questions “Also where am I, what happened to everyone else and where is the glowy wing ball thingy that blasted me with light? I demand answers!”

wordcount: 362
a vote for ridley in a futile attempt to maintain a monopoly over the villainous lizard king theme
Now that I think of it, if second/third chars also get kindred spirits then Ridley could be one of those for Samus
Michael is basically an isekai protagonist. normal human killed by glowy multiverse annihilation beam only to be revived in fantasy world
Poor Bowser...

Poor everyone else! woe betide any who dare challenge the self proclaimed king of awesome. Besides, somebody got to deal with this plague of humans slowly taking over the roster.

A little bit of burning should do the trick. I hear roasted grizzled badass is delicious.

edit: I will not be held responsible for any hypocrisy on my part that occurs during the run-time of this rp, no matter how premeditated it may be.
@Lmpkio I vote for Samus, if your still taking votes that is.

Your characters will not know one another off the bat. You'll get an idea of what's going on when the OP appears.

inevitable initial internal party combat due to ignorance incoming I imagine

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