Avatar of DracoLunaris


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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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Hm, trying to figure out what to post. Only downside of being support, not much I can do mid combat without a few offensive support abilities.

Dodge everything trying to kill the healer perhaps? 50+% of support game play is trying to avoid being focuse fired down and killed after all.
@Holy Soldier @Zarkun
I'm swapping over my char's missions. Piper on shadow and Constantina on warcraft.
seeing as I have to chars, one goes in each. In the spirit of the upcoming leadership assignment a Coinflip has decided that Constantina is going to fight titans, which will make this a pretty normal mission for her all things considered.
Ok, I just got back into XCOM, now I kinda want an arc to be messing with all that stuff and maybe forcing our characters into an XCOM like battle for a bit. Dunno if that'd work, but it'd be pretty fun.

Combine them with some zombies maybe. Zombie arc sounds fun.

so what you want is Chryssalids then. you monster, you've doomed us all.
I hate to be one of those people, but your post involves actions that don't take Zer0's into account. Figured I'd point out in case your just overlooked things thinking that Zer0 was still somewhere else or something, but he did just pull off an aerial maneuver to knock the hat off of the Rabbid in question. (Which may or may not work, obviously, but it's still attempted.)

no no it's fine to point that out. my apologies. let me just edit that a quick moment

edit: and done

Level 1 EXP: //////////////////// (9/20)
Location: Ancient Gardens
wordcount: 946

As they approached the battlefield it became clear that the hooded exposition giver did actually know his stuff, or was at least capable of making decent guesses, because here could be found what looked like an ongoing civil war between Galeem’s forces. Two factions of robots fought both each other and the rabbid faction within a racetrack turned junkyard. One set of robots was made up of rather boxy bots who’s main advantage seems to be the deployment of large blue energy shields that guarded them from fire, the other of imitations of crude imitations of the human form armed that came in a multitude of variants, most notable giant titan bots and dedicated healers. Finally it seemed that the rabbids where rapidly approaching their full roster in terms of forces, lacking only valkyries and peek-a-boos if the king remembered his son’s retellings correctly. Frankly this entire war was was a great affront to the noble sport of mario kart in Bowser's opinion, the three way battle making made the usual cart races such a place would contain look like leisurely sunset drives drives in comparison. Finally at the end of the field was someone whose presence could be felt even from this far away, though instead of fear the king notably only experienced a sense of relief.


It was a little odd that they looked like one of the human robot variants, yet seemed to be working with a boxy robot but it didn't bother the king too much. Perhaps he was making his minions fight each other as well as the rabbids for his amusement? Not something the king would do personally of course, but these were all just robots after all, so he could see the appeal, wasteful as it might be.

The king himself arrived at this second set of crossroads just in time for the strategy discussion/speeches to commence. Like most of the others these were promptly ignored by the king, though instead of charging head first into the fray Browser instead took an interest in one of the many junk piles found in the scrapyard. While his claws digging through the metallic detritus Bowser made some vaguely affirming noises in response to the centurion and michel’s strategizing before finding what he was looking for.

“AH HA. HAVEN’T SEEN THIS PIECE OF JUNK IN A LONG TIME BUT IT’S PERFECT.” he exclaimed as he dragged a rusty old-fashioned-themed purple cart emblazoned with a spiky mustache emblem from the scrapheap. Bowser promptly rammed his hand through one of the doors before his claws cleaved through the floor of the vehicle, fingers wrapping around the spine of the chassis before stabbing back though the frood once more. Grinning to himself the king marched past the centurion with his improvised tower shield, one inspire by the energy shield equipped Eradicator Omics and Crushers battling in the central field.

“COME ON. LET’S GET YOU A MORE SUITABLE WEAPON.” he said to him, before hurrying after the direction of the team’s leroy jenkins-esque charge.

When bowser arrived at the pit stop the battle was well underway but his arrival most certainly did not go unnoticed, primarily because it was punctuated by a roar and a tire that had been ripped from the Wario Shield smacking into an unfortunate Pyrobot. This resulted in an almost immediate response in the form of a hail of gunfire from most of the combatants not immediately engaged with one of the heros or each other. The king laughed menacingly at the seeming ineffectiveness of this warm welcome.The bullets did minimal damage to his scaled limbs that was quickly repaired by Blazmate, ricocheted off of his shelled chest and made mincemeat of the Wario Shield that did its level best to guard the king’s face, the bulky front hood blocking shots primarily due to defence in depth.

“YOU HAVE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME” he roared, pointing his free hand past his face guarding shield at the Smasher who had the king’s hat, who at that very moment was somewhat preoccupied with critting ass and sticking fools. Undeterred the king advanced into the chaos rushing forwards as the rabbid’s where thrown into chaos by ratchet’s medic annihilation, ramming his warrior shield in the way of the the Smasher’s overhead swing at roadhog. The two massive shields collided with a mighty clang followed by a the horrendous sound of metal crumpling as the Warrior car turned shield lost the contest of might and was promptly reduced to scrap metal as its structural integrity was brutally compromised and it promptly fell to pieces, leaving the king with sore fingers holding a rather large metal stick that was the car’s spine and a pile of scrap metal at his feet. Still, it its 10 seconds of service it had done its job admirably, keeping Bowser’s face free of lead and leaving the smasher on the backfoot. The king's face was left guarded by naught but warding hands and caught was as of balance by his clash with the Smasher as the massive rabbid was itself, right in time for Zer0's lightning fast attack on it's hat. The ninja dashed into the triple brute melee, navigating though the ocean of big buff boys like a slippery eel to deliver a sword blow to the King's massive stolen hat. Bowser's eyes locked onto this even as he was reeling from the aftershock of the block, watching with bated breath, hoping to see that blow to succeed at dislodging the hat and dreading that it may have harm the hat's occupant.

"EXP earned for posting is as follows: <750 words is 1 point, 750-1250 is 2 points, and 1250+ is 3 points"

Level 1 EXP: //////////////////// (7/20)
Location: Ancient Gardens
wordcount: 619

Sadly the Master lacked much in the way of specifics regarding the nature of the guardians. One was identified, some key wielding warrior. That was at least something that was unique enough that it could stand out but as for the rest:


He asked before Tora’s own question shed some additional light on Galeem’s control. Not direct puppetry but rather evilifying juice. That sounded pretty useful honestly. Bowser filed this away for future schemes. The fact that the guardians where under Galeem’s direct control was of less concern, the king failing to grasp the danger of alerting their ultimate enemy to their existence before they had disabled all of its defences.

The king then headed deeper into the gardens, carefully eyeing the rabbids incase they got tired of mischief and attacked them while slowly recollecting most of his army as he traveled till they all reunited at the location of the unconscious roadhog. Now with everyone back together there where a couple of things to deal with.

First was a bit of scouting information arriving from Blazermate about the source of the distant sounds of combat, namly a butt load of robots. The healer’s description made them sound a lot nastier than anything the squad had faced so far but the king was sure they could handle it regardless, He just needed to avoid being shot in the face in the process. “GOOD TO KNOW. NO SIGN OF GENO FROM UP THERE?” he asked, a somewhat concerned about the fact that the wooden doll had not been seen since he blasted off away from them way back at the crossroads.

“OH GOOD YOU’RE NOT DEAD.” was bowser’s main response to the return of the beat up cowboy and the poetry ninja, but he was interested to see the results of one fourth of the master’s explained uses for souls. The grenade launcher was quite the impressive piece of work, though it was a little surprising to see the cowboy toss it to the tiny furry man instead of keeping it for himself. Not much of an explosives guy perhaps? Regardless, more firepower was more firepower no matter whose hands it was in.

Speaking of more firepower Bowser turned his attention to the fat man whom the Master was reviving. The bulky brute was rather a dramatic waker, pushing his weight around and demanding answers. A man after Bowser’s own heart it seemed, but the king was quick to try and force his will upon the man to get him to get in line with his plans.


The with the natural order of things seemingly firmly set in place the next issue to deal with was the bout of clamoring about kirby’s absence that began to grip the party. The king felt slightly guilty moment to realise he had accidentally misplaced their savior before his attention was brought to the thieving rabbids by people paying more attention to their surroundings than him.

“GAH! THEY HAVE MY HAT!” He started, before hastily adding “ALSO PROBABLY KIRBY?” before any further shouting was cut off by the thunderous sound of Michel’s sniper rifle. Seeing others racing ahead of him again king acted as if the sniper shot had been a Starting Pistols and began a thumping jog after the rabbids.
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