Avatar of Emma


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Its been like a year since I logged on...the ads are an annoying new thing?
1 yr ago
Being an adult with a job, how does one come back to RPing?!
4 yrs ago
Was excited to dye my hair blue tonight...it is now obsidian black....oops
5 yrs ago
I want to get back to RPing so bad. The new job schedule is killing me. How do ya’ll manage when you have a full time job?!
6 yrs ago
Windows 10 update...its been at 6% for fifty god damn minutes. I have post I need to write Mr. Laptop hurry the hell up!


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Yay For Boredom

@BiffleChump Awesome! Can't wait to look it over!

@pintofwhiskey - @Chiro - @Haeo - @Shovel - @Jerkchicken

How are your Character sheets coming along? I am super excited to read them. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to bat some ideas off me feel free to PM me. I know two of you have said you’re interested in joining but have to see how your schedules work out, and that’s totally fine. Feel free to make a CS and hop into the IC later.
If anyone wants help finding a pic for their character, I would love to help!! Just PM a description!

I can also photoshop colors. So if you found the perfect pic but you want the hair/eye/skin color to be different, I can change it for you.
How is it going y'all? :)

My favorite type of character to play is the bad boy with the heart of gold.

Yes, yes, and yes. They are my favorite characters to read, and write with.

I am so exited for this RP. I've been waiting for an interesting and creative one to pop up, so thank you for this!

Just to clarify though, Mierea is officially accepted?

@Sonnenschein Alright I finished Mierea's CS Here you are!

Also I’m totally willing to change stuff around if someone wants to play as Mierea’s sibling or cousin or something.

And if you don’t like the background or it doesn’t fit the Sweet kingdom Image I can redo it!
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