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@Dark Cloud

Jumping out of the coffin and looking around the room, "Where am I? Why was I trapped inside of a coffin?" He asked the strangers. He thought that they would have the answers to his question.

Do you want me to delete my post and save it for later?
Hello, I was just wondering if there would be room for one more? I was thinking about creating a former soldier turned detective or a gangster who is knowledgeable in the occult?
@Dark Cloud

Ah sorry, I misread your post, Well I do hope things get better for you bud.
@Dark Cloud

I am sorry to see you go, you are always welcome to come back when you are ready.

Fair, sorry about that. I will change the headers.
I hope my posts are not too short or lack characterization. Please let me know if need to add or change anything for my posts.
@Dark Cloud @Darked13

Wan Baw Mcgraw

Day 0, Morning, Church

Wan turned towards Gats with a soft smile on his face, “My name is Wan Baw Mcgraw, it’s nice to meet ya two.” Turning his attention towardsArch, hiding the fact that he was quite jealous of the other goblin’s new device. “A blessin from the gods? Sounds like a crock of shite mate. It was probably that bracelet ya got on, that let you have that fern growing on ya arm. Where did ya find the bracelet man? It could be some sort of ancient weapon or device, from some sort of ancient civilization.” Of course to offset the rather rude statement, he apologized and continued on with the conversation. “That’s good to ear. I’ve been starving for the past couple of hours now.” Rubbing his now growling stomach. “Maybe you guys could help me scavenge for some tech? I’ve been ichin to make something like that bracelet ya got.” He said pointing to Arch’s bracelet.


Henry “Jello” Allin, September 7th

Henry woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm on his phone. Lazily turning off his alarm and waiting three mins before getting out of bed. Moving towards his bathroom starting his daily ritual. A part of his ritual was styling his hair into a rather large mohawk. Coming out of the bathroom and getting dressed in his regular attire. That being a white shirt, overalls, black combat boots, pink socks, and a plastic Mickey Mouse watch. After finishing his morning ritual, he started to make himself some breakfast. Cooking himself a grilled cheese sandwich and bacon, topping it off with a banana and almond milk. While watching tv, he noticed a report about some bank robbers stealing money from a local bank. Being reminded of how useless the cops were, they could have caught these guys but would rather focus on innocent black men who they assume were criminals. Ever since the accident he had thought about becoming vigilant. Way the pros and cons for a couple of weeks now, he came to the decision that it would be a bad idea to be vigilant. He did not want to spend most of his life behind bars.

The day before the incident happened, he had finished fixing his motorcycle. His cycle was having some engine problems, something that was hindering his current job as a pizza boy. After the incident, he was quarantined by some doctors and guys with hazmat suits. He thought he was dying, and understandably he was very worried about his wellbeing. From what he was told by the doctors, he was hit by some sort of unknown gas. The origin of his gas unknown to them, which did relieve his anxiety. “What do you mean you don’t know what the gas does?” Throwing his arms in the air in frustration. “We do not know the effects of the gas at the moment, however, he will have to keep monitoring you. Just so we know you are not infected with any type of virus.” The doctor responded, doing a terrible job trying to reassure Henry. During that time he was studied like a lab rat but was finally released after a couple of weeks of being terribly sick. Vomiting and being disoriented filled his days in the hospital. He was worried that he was going to die, even going as far as contacting his father about his last will and testament. But thankfully he did not die and got some superpowers in the end. He thought it was a good deal overall.

Finishing his breakfast and getting out of his apartment, making sure that it was locked. There were a couple of times where his place was broken into. Making his way towards the apartment’s garage and getting onto his bike. Heading towards his job at Poppa’s Pizza.
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