Avatar of FernStone


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Done with uni forever, whoo
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Constantly dead from uni and physical health shit
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I've got the flu, so responses are gonna be slow
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I actually have some time to roleplay, for once
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Character Archive

Mid 20s. Been here a long time, generally only join friend's rps. Constantly tired. Masc nonbinary, preference for they pronouns but he are ok too!

Most Recent Posts

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy@Prosaic@Mike73@He Who Walks Behind
The Reid Farmhouse – Main House

“Hmm,” Min just nodded in response to Britney. Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to efficiently get around the place anyway. There was enough of them to cover all of the place in no time. He moved off to the side, peering into the study with slightly narrowed eyes. It seemed like a logical place to keep information, but if John Reid wanted to keep it secret… well he wouldn’t put it in there, would he? That was just too obvious.

“I’ll come to the upper floors.”

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy@Zombiedude101
The Reid Farmhouse – Garage

“I did not know that,” Rien gave a slight shrug to Kimberley, but at least looked like they felt a bit bad. Then again they didn’t care all that much. Okay, so it had been a bit insensitive. But it wasn’t going to hurt anyone here.

They went back to searching in the back of the truck but weren’t really coming up with anything. They guessed it was just a bit too obvious a place to put super secret information you didn’t want to get out. It was all just tools and shit like that.

Jordan found something, though, and Rien was more than happy to stop searching to head over and see what it was. The sooner they finished this shit the better. They kind of wanted to get out of here without getting caught and without too much effort. Or before something worse turned up to try and kill them.

“What the fuck?” Rien looked over the photos that Kimberley showed everyone with a slight frown. Not creepy at all. It was all a bit weird. Then a thought occurred to them.

“This is just a shot in the dark, but the weird god child said something about a previous generation of Awakened,” they pointed to the last photograph. “Do you think that’s them?”

@Surtr Inc@Ciaran
The Reid Farmhouse –Barn

Caelea had no idea what the girl she handed the stick to was going to do, but she figured it was better to move out of the way. Though in her case her way of doing that was to just step behind Hagan - he could take the brunt of whatever happened. She was so small that he basically acted like a wall that she could hide behind. She kind of wanted to see what was going to happen anyway so she could still peer around him.

Well that was quite an abstraction that blew away all of the shit. A bit handy really. And there was that nifty wall that she'd just about seen appear in front of Hagan. Was that his? He looked just a little confused about it.

"Didn't know you had some kind of magical protection from literal shit," she said, mostly joking, before heading over to the hatch that they'd found in the middle of the barn. Of course this guy had a creepy tunnel under his barn. Why wouldn't he? She only hoped it didn't lead to some freaky place that had nothing to do with all the stuff happening to them. She had to say that the tunnel wasn't the most appealing thing, she wasn't a fan of fan of cramped spaces. But it was the place with the biggest chance of actually containing something.

And damn it was long.

"You scared of the ghosts down there, huh, Hagan?" Caelea teased, though her tone was slightly cautious. She did hold some of his hesitations about it. What happened if they for stuck down there. "I kinda have to agree that it's the place we're most likely to find something. I'm sure it's safe enough, what’s the worst that can happen in a dark tunnel?"

Okay a lot of things, but she wasn't the kind of person to let that get to her. The tight space bothered her more. It would be constraining.

"We should probably go into it but stick together while doing it." A bit quieter, she added. "I can't believe I'm advocating teamwork."

Shaking her head, she went over to the opening and easily climbed down the ladder. She shuffled to the side to give Hagan room to come down and pulled out her phone to turn on it’s (shitty) flashlight. The tunnel creeped her out a bit but she wasn’t going to let it get to it.

She just hoped they actually found something down here.

Yes i do! A nice long summer break to dedicate to writing and sewing far too many cosplays xD
I'll be getting something up tomorrow probably, too late tonight for me
Okay, I'm gonna just go ahead and start the main event after a few more posts.

@FernStone Since the peeps outside are the stars of the main event, and I'm pressed for time, I'll get to a Justin/Claire response later.

That's cool, makes sense to leave that out if anything and means there's less that I need to respond to.

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy@Prosaic@Mike73@He Who Walks Behind
The Reid Farmhouse – Main House

Min stayed silent as the group for the main house formed, observing the people around him. Britney’s response to the more mousey girl’s question confirmed that it was more than just a normal question. There was no way that was what she’d wanted to answer. What is something to do with the girl’s abstraction? Min wanted to know but didn’t know how to figure it out.

Their group ended up the largest, which wasn’t really a surprise. The main house would probably hold the most secrets – and even if it didn’t, Britney did. He followed everyone else to the house, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully as Britney managed to get the window open. Plant powers, perhaps? He made a mental note of that.

The more he knew about everyone’s abstractions the better.

Thankfully the questioning girl went in through the window and got the door open for them in no time. He was quick to move past everyone and into the house, brushing his hand along with door and nodding to Rita.

The images that came into his mind as he touched the door weren’t useful at all. He knew that John Reid had used it the most and when it had been made. Not information he really needed. He looked around the hall with a slight frown. Where would they even start?

“Does anyone know the layout of the house?” he turned to the group that he asked, but his gaze was on Britney. She was most likely to have an answer, after all.

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy@Zombiedude101
The Reid Farmhouse – Garage

“I can’t promise anything about the drawings,” Rien grinned, though it was obvious she was joking rather than serious in response to Billy. “And it’s fine, no hard feelings.”

Then some other guy stuck his foot into the ground and damn. Rien was not prepared for that at all. They were beginning to think they had gotten the short end of the stick here. “That’s so cool, can you walk through walls like ghosts do in the movies? Wow.”

When they reached the garage, they couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh. “Of course this guy has a garage full of junk. Couldn’t just make our lives a little bit easier by leaving the important information lying around, could he?”

At Kimberley’s suggestion that they searched the cars first, Rien switched on the flashlight of their phone and headed towards the truck. Billy seemed to have the other car pretty well covered. They went around to the open back, since they had no idea how to get into a locked car, and started looking through the stuff there.

“I don’t think it matters if the car is in a shit state, a dead guy doesn’t need to drive!” Rien couldn’t help but call back, loud enough for the guy to here.

And then there was the sound of the trunk unlocking. Wow, efficient. There might be some stuff in there – though who would keep things in the back of the car they were working? The others could probably get that so Rien kept looking through the pickup truck.

@Surtr Inc@Ciaran
The Reid Farmhouse –Barn

Caelea gave a nod of acknowledgment to the silver haired girl who said that she’d join (it seemed better to be polite, even if she didn’t know her). She then turned to Hagan with a roll of her eyes.

“Hey, asshole,” she retorted, though her tone was light and it was obvious she didn’t mean it. Unlike most of the people in this town she actually got on with Hagan. “Pretty sure that won’t be happening, I ain’t going to go weak at the knees just cause some ghost appears.”

Still, she was glad to have him along. It made her feel a bit more comfortable. Caelea could handle herself pretty well but sometimes you just needed a big guy with a baseball bat. She didn’t really believe in ghosts but she knew that Scott Reese was real and would rather not take him on.

“Even if it doesn’t affect the ghosts, I’m sure they’ll be scared by you’re attempts to hit them,” Caelea teased with a slight smile as she headed to the barn. They had quite a small group, but hey a group was better than none. And she kind of preferred it that way anyway. Less people to irritate her.

The inside of the barn wasn’t exactly pristine, but Caelea couldn’t say she expected any less when Hagan pulled open the doors. It had been left for however long.

“Can’t say I like the idea of having to avoid shit while looking around,” she frowned, though the smell didn’t really bother her at all. It was just a bit of a pain.

Then the other girl that had tagged along asked for a stick to air out the place. Caelea didn’t quite know how that would worked since it was a big barn but whatever. It didn’t seem like anyone else was going to get something so she moved into the barn, avoiding most of the mess to grab a rake she’d spotted before coming back out. It was stick like enough.

“Will this do?”

@Surtr Inc
The Reid Farmhouse – Outside

Tuyen couldn't help but feel a bit relieved as the other groups went towards their destinations, leaving just a few of them to watch. She was relieved that Min hasn't stuck around. It had been difficult enough spending the time immediately after the support group group without letting slip how difficult she was finding everything at the moment. Though he'd seemed happy enough just to fill her in and then talk about what he thought about it. Didn't really give her much room to talk which was fine by her.

She only caught her name from what Justin said, but was pretty sure it was just a greeting anyway. She shook away the distracting thoughts and headed over to him with a slight smile. "No you haven't. Hey, nice to meet you, I’m Tuyen.” Tuyen gave Claire a wave even as she realised it was kind of redundant to say her name when Justin had already said it. The taller girl was kind of scary looking, but in a kinda attractive way. That thought totally didn’t make her uncomfortable. Disgusting. She wasn't so sure about the smoking buddy thing too, but hey she wasn't one to tell people what to do.

The question was something that she had to give thought to. What did she think of the group so far?

Weird. Mixed. Intimidating. Judgemental. Difficult. Argumentative. A pain. She didn't know which thoughts were hers, and which were not.

"That's not exactly an easy question, Justin," Tuyen ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't really worried about what the two would think about what she said (aside from her constant self doubt) but it didn't mean she was sure of what to say. "There's a lot of people which goes without saying. I can't say that I like all the arguing and clashing personalities. I don't think I stuck around long enough earlier to really get a good read on the whole group. Some people some nice enough, others... I don't know. But I don't think that working together is going to happen. It's not a well formed group."

For once she let her more negative thoughts seep through into what she said, rather than just staying positive. It was hard to stay positive about a situation where a ragtag group was expected to save an entire time from some unknown creature.

"I'm glad that I know some people in the group, at least, but I also know that some of them don’t work well with people." Min came to mind, but Tuyen didn’t say that out loud. Last thing she wanted to do was add more fuel to the fighting between those two. She gave a light shrug. "It’s hard to have much of an opinion on people I just met a few hours ago.”

Yup they're all done thankfully! I'm very glad of it, nice to actually relax
Well I'll probably get a response up tomorrow since I have to write a bunch for each character so I won't manage today. Pretty sure all the stuff with my characters was responded to

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy
The Reid Farmhouse – Mason Square

Tuyen had turned up with Min, who both had a car and a stubborn mindset that meant he was getting the time with his cousin he’d had planned before the shitstorm of a meeting. Though, for once she was thankful when he’d filled her in on what had happened in the room. Otherwise she would’ve just been more confused.

The shadow had been surprisingly quiet but that didn’t make her relax at all. She was just waiting for it to make a move. It always did and it had been messing things up for her recently.

“Are you sure you want to join,” Min stopped Tuyen as they got out of his car, earning a somewhat confused look. “You seem tired and had to leave before.”

Tuyen was surprised that Min had even noticed. For all his brains he wasn’t the best at reading people. Maybe it was her who wasn’t hiding it well.

“I’ll be fine, I want to find out what’s happening,” she gave what she hoped was a genuine looking smile. He didn’t argue with her and they both headed towards the group. She was glad, though she was one of the few people Min didn’t tend to argue with.

Min looked around the farm, taking it all in, already thinking. Splitting into groups was efficient. Which building did he think would be most beneficial for him to go into? The main building probably contained the most information, but if the man had wanted to hide something it probably wouldn’t be in there.

“I’ll stay outside,” Tuyen spoke quietly, mostly for Min’s benefit. She wouldn’t be much use if something did turn up but for some reason the thought of going into a dead man’s home freaked her out a bit. And she knew that if it freaked her out now, then her mind would almost definitely play tricks when she was in there. And she knew at least one person staying outside which helped.

“I’ll help with the main building,” Min offered, stepping towards Britney. Unlike the short girl, who’d asked if she could come along, Min just assumed that he could. Although the question seemed to hold some kind of meaning to it that he didn’t entirely understand.

While it surprised Tuyen that her cousin didn’t stick to her like he normally would, Min was here to get information. He’d figured that Britney knew the most of them all so being in her group seemed logical. He was sure the main building would hold of information that they might need.

@Surtr Inc@Atrophy
The Reid Farmhouse – Mason Square

There was so much to think about after the meeting. Rien had thought that the whole power thing was cool until they’d realised it had come with responsibility. They didn’t go well with responsibility. It was a pain and something they didn’t care much for.

The idea of everyone dying wasn’t really appealing, though. Rien wasn’t particularly attached to anyone but that didn’t mean they wanted their adoptive parents to die. Nor their friends. That would still hurt.

They weren’t really sure how exploring the house of a dead guy would help but whatever, it wasn’t like they had anything else to do.

“I like the sound of easy mode,” Rien piped up, pretty quickly deciding to join searching the garage. “The lazier I can be the better, you know.”

So Billy had been a bit of a dick earlier, but Rien had absolutely no problem joining the same group as him. They didn’t hold a grudge. Ever. Well, maybe once or twice, but rarely anymore. They just didn’t have the energy to care that much. It wasn’t like the guy had even wronged them that much. Not to mention the fact he got a bat in his face, so Rien was pretty sure they were even.

“Though I have to say, it’s not the smallest garage around.”

The Reid Farmhouse – Mason Square

Caelea had turned up with everyone else, though she largely ignored them all. She’d been thinking about what the godlike kid had said when she asked about those without powers. Something to do with controlling air while looking at her, or something. She hadn’t had time to try it and had no idea how to start. How did she even do something like that?

She was glad that Britney had suggested splitting up – better chance for everything to not descend into one big fight. And it meant she didn’t have to spend anymore time listening to her talk. Better for them all.

“I’ll go to the barn,” Caelea spoke up, deciding to actually take an active roll for once. No one else had offered to go there, and the only other group she’d consider being with was those keeping watch. But she was here for some answers and wouldn’t be able to just sit around. “Will probably need a few people to go with me.”

She wasn’t a big fan of working in a group, but she wasn’t stupid enough to think she could cover the barn herself.

I plan to make a post today, but sometime later
<Snipped quote by FernStone>

I don't want to read about your characters anyway.

Well it's good me being to lazy to write benefits us all
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