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<Snipped quote by Fractured>

The air moves the sands naturally, creating natural vibrations. Our natural footsteps would disturb this, and the worms can sense that from miles away. However, this style of movement folows the movement of the sands, making it seem as if we were never there.

I'll give it a go.
*Tries again, paying attention to the natural movement of the sands*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*nods in semi-approval*

Excellent control, but try again. Eye the sands, watch as it flows. You sould be flowing just along with it naturally.

What should I be looking for?
Stilgar: *packs his belongings, and wakes up the rest of the crew*

Come, we must make for the sietch while it is still dark. The great Shai Hulud and his kin will not be as active in this ared during this time. But you must follow my every move, moving with the sand and not agaisnt it. Creating such a natural pattern will throw off our sound, so that the worms do not percieve us as animals for feeding.

*he shows them an odd way of movement, seemingly with no direction, yet still getting from one side of the cavern to the other*

Just as I did. Attempt this now.



*Replicates the movements, following the same path as you*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*swings at your arm with one hand and the other I shove a grenade into the wound, I jump back before it violently explodes*

*With the explosion, I’m sent rocketing off the side of the mountain—I swing my scythe into the mountainside to slow my descent, but the rocks crumble under the weight and I plummet to the base, obscured from sight*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*spins the blade as I close in with low positioning, slicing at your stomach*

*It tears open with ease while I lurch for your arm, my flesh already beginning to stitch itself back together*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Fine! I’ll play your game!
*after firing a quick charged blast and I spin to dodge a swipe from the spinning scythe and pull out a hilt that ignites into a black plasma blade in a loud hiss that I use to block your scythe from spinning*

*Hooks into the plasma blade and yanks hard*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*keeps firing as my eye glows brighter, yelling*

*Continues to spin my scythe, some of the bullets piercing the defensive disk and blowing holes into my flesh, and I reach toward you face*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*the barrels begin spinning and I dive to the side, rolls and unloads a continuous barrage of bullets at you from both of my hand-cannons*

*The first several carve a chunk out of my neck before I respond with a continuous spin of my scythe and slowly approach*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*blocks with one of my hand-cannons, staggering back*
You are smiling? That’s sweet. Didn’t think there was a softie under all that bad mojo jojo.

*Lifts my scythe and brings it crashing down on your head*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*the device on your chest beep three times and pumps bacta-fluid that begins to slightly heal you and keep you stable*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*stands straight up, my hand cannons whirring and my eye glowing bright*
C’mon man, I think you need to sit down and take a break.

*Launches into a wide swing of my scythe diagonally across your torso*
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