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@Gareth Yes, I read that.

Um, if it has merit or not depends on if you can get enough people running games every day of the week in various time zones so that you will always have something to join, when you feel like joining it. And while I can't possibly know how many people are interested in an idea like this, the sheer manpower required to pull something off like that probably doesn't exist on this forum. You're asking a large group of people to fill a niche this forum doesn't really cater to. Which is why I suggested roll20.

Well thank you for your insight and your site suggestion and your help.

I guess yeah I was looking in the wrong place.

Again thank you for your help.

At the end of my post I wrote "Does the idea have merit? That's all I'm looking for."

So does the idea have merit here?
I know this is a forum and play by post.
Don't worry I know that.
I also know about roleplays and signups and all of that.
Don't worry I know that.
I also know that people have different timezones and busy lives and all of that.
Don't worry I know that.
I know there are table top roleplays on the site.
Don't worry I know that.

Please take what I'm writing seriously.
And just help my idea please.

For myself, I'm desiring something to enjoy quick. 'easy come and easy go', if you've ever heard that phrase?

Like maybe a table top type adventure thing that could happen regularly during the week?

It could be an ongoing adventure or different adventure on different days?

Someone could run it far in advance as a weekly thing to play for anybody and just translate the weekly time to different timezones for people's quick understanding?

Does the idea have merit? That's all I'm looking for.
I'll step in as interested.
I'm interested.
@coolcatkim22 Do you want me to just fire up a character sheet?
@Gareth you better not mean GAREN, he's FUCKING CANCER

is that a typo of my username?
@Zeroth I want to join. Would you consider Gareth for this roleplay?
I am deeply interested @Indra
@Forgiveness Yeah ditto, bro get your stuff sorted then when stuff settles you can return
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