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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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How was it that the third floor was creepier and more decrepit than the second? As Bak stomped down the hallway she hoped it wouldn't become a pattern. What if the floors higher up were too weak to support her? All it would take was one giving way and she probably wouldn't stop until she ended up in the basement.

The stairs had put her right in front of apartment 308, a room that was so obviously haunted just from the vibe that she'd only needed to switch to thermals for confirmation. After that she'd continued her search, slowly and cautiously like last time. 307 had nothing but a door barely hanging on its hinges, but she gasped slightly when she spotted blazing red-orange outline of a living form in 306. From the looks of it they were splayed out on the floor, surrounded by three cold shapes. Her pace quickened toward the door, which alerted the imps. The ceased whatever it was thy were ding and took up positions behind the body, putting it between them and whatever was coming toward their room. She saw a bright ball of red as on of them conjured a fireball as she prepared to smash in the door. Then she heard a noise.

A sort of electric sizzle, followed by two short, high pitched screams. Bak cocked her head to the side, confused, and looked back at the outlines of the imps in 306. Even through the wall she could tell they were just as confused as she was as two more balls of red flared to life. Bak took three quick steps back behind the corner as the door opened up and someone stepped into the hallway. Another followed after them, and she could hear their voices echoing in the cluttered hallways. Then another one showed up from the other side of the hall? Who were they? St. Laural's kids were still down on the first floor, she thought.

She leaned forward and too a quick peak around the corner at them. Was that...oh nooooooo.

The human body is made up of 60% water. This already made it frighteningly good at conducting electricity, but Bak had the misfortune of also being around...at least 20% metal. Which meant, to Bak, that she was at least 80% susceptible to lightning attacks. This had been proven last year by the man now lurking around the corner like a waiting doom. What were Kings boys even doing here in the first place? Today, of all days! It was like this had been planned out by some sort of spiteful god. The feeling of electricity rocketing around her body like a teenager with a new drivers licence in a country with no speed limits was the third most awful experience she had ever had. There was no way she could take that guy while he was alone, and he had two friends with him.

She thought about what she should do. Hide out until the coast was clear? No, she could not even move without her footfalls alerting them and if they even vaguely looked they would find her standing here. She pressed her gun barrel against the wall and considered going for broke with a full barrage and praying she knocked them all out. Did that have a chance of working? If it didn't Zap, Crackle, Sizzle, and that would be that. She could blow up part of the building, dump them all down to the second floor, but, oh! No, no, no. The rest of the committee was down there. What if the floor fell on someone? No, no, too risky. No way in hell. No way they could fight up here, she couldn't risk that. Besides, if she got bogged down here the St. Laura's kids would be coming up behind and she'd never re-take the lead she'd gained.

That left diplomacy, and that didn't have a history of working out well in her favor. Bak sighed. She wished Clara was here.

There came a sudden, loud knocking as Bak tapped her gun against the wall. "Hello?" she called out to them from around the corner. "Vigilantes, da? I do not know what you are doing here, but I do not want to fight. I do not think we have reason to. I am coming out now, please do not be shooting at me. Thank you." With that the armor and guns of her forearms rotated backwards to free up her hands and she stepped out from around the corner, hands raised, palms out. She waved at them a little. "You see? No silly business. Please do not Zap."

Tyger Tyger...

After turning invisible, Cyan jumped to the side of the room opposite of most of the group, both to avoid the tiger charge and so he woulnd't be in the way of people fighting. However, the jet of water shot by Andriem increases the force at which he leaps, and he slamed against the wall. It took a couple seconds for him to recover from the shock of the impact, as well as the confusion of being suddenly soaked. The water also caused his invisibility to be slightly less helpful, as one would notice water droplets appearing and falling to the ground wherever he stood if they were to pay attention.

Once he steadied himself and cleared his head, he flipped his coin with the terms of Heads: the tiger becomes very sleepy, Tails: he becomes very sleepy. While it wouln't necessarily mean either would fall asleep, it would definitely impact their ability to fight.

Unfortunately, the result of the coin flip was tails. Cyan found himself beginning to feel very drowsy, as if it were what should've been the end of a very long and abnormally eventful day. As his muscles forced themselves into relaxation so did his sense of urgency to some extent. Despite the tiger being a mere few yards away, he no longer felt as threatened by it as he had before. He was invisible, and he knew the other students could handle it completely fine on their own. He wasn't nearly stupid enough to consider himself out of danger, however.

Because of his now sluggish movements and thoughts, the boy decided it best to get further out of the way and allow the rest of the group full rein of the battlefield. After moving slowly along the wall, Cyan made a short dash to underneath the staircase and ducked down, then peeked back around to watch the fight. Even if he was in no shape to be involved directly, he didn't want to not do anything. He could at least watch and use his coin in case of an emergency and one of them got hurt.

Kath dashed away, just in time to avoid the water stream shot by Andreim towards the tiger. She peeked back, furious that he would endanger her in combat. She saw Cyan leap away and into a wall as a result of this brash decision, but she had to admit that it somehow worked. The tiger was slowed down, and now they had the perfect chance to act. Kath caught Andreim's eyes, and she saw the boy was looking at her. Did he expect her to use her powers? She shook her head, not sure what to do. If she used her powers, then she'd be liable to do something stupid. She isn't in full control of her powers yet. But if she didn't transform, she'd be partly useless.

She grit her teeth together and made up her mind. She'd enable her fire to consume her mortal vessel, and then hope to quickly move on after that. She closed her eyes, and felt a soothing warmth engulf her body. When Kath opened her eyes again, her body began to glow in a yellow hue, exponentially getting brighter and brighter by the second. Her skin lost its tone completely, replaced by a strong yellow light, and her facial features started to be overtaken by the glow of her skin. Still, her mind was calm. She hadn't much time however before she'd begin to be more and more enthralled by the consuming fire inside and the heat of the battle.

In an otherworldly quickness, fueled by her ability, she placed her hands together, and released a ray of concentrated heat through the water and at the Tiger. Kath felt the heat part from her body through her palms, and as the ray passed through the water it quickly turned it into scorching hot steam that was now propelled into the face of the tiger.

Samoth witnessed the Tiger charge at his friends. He wasn't quite close enough to pose a physical threat, but he couldn't stand by and watch. But his fellow students knew their way in a engagement, luckily. He heard Liselotte call two of her shadow servants into existence, putting some defense between herself and the tiger.

He saw Andreim summon a stream of water, launching is across the Tiger's path and, in the meanwhile, throwing Cyan against a wall; away from the rest of the group and, more importantly, the beast. Even though the boy was invisible, Samoth's observant gaze saw the water dripping from his small form. It helped that he could sense the fox-boy's mind as well.

Katherine thought quickly, summoning her inner flame and releasing a powerful beam of heat at the demonic beast. Samoth could feel the heat from where he was standing, mostly further away than the group. 'Landing as many attacks as possible would be vital to a quick defeat of this beast,' he thought.

He focused his consciousness on the Tiger. In his mind he could feel a telekinetic mass build up around the creature, forming a cage. One side, from which his peer's attacks where coming from, was left open.

This would leave the beast wide open to an attack, and prevent any movement besides into the attack.

As he did so he closed some of the distance between himself and the beast, coming to the frontline of the group.

The tiger ran forward, claws tearing at the floor, demonic teeth glistening with hunger. It's only though was the rush forward, dive into the middle of this lot and kill, kill, kill. The water was in the way, but that was no matter to it. It readied its powerful legs to leap above such a paltry obstacle and crash down among the huddled mob of its prey.

It wasn't expecting the boiling hot steam that caught it full in the face, blistering its eyeballs on impact and causing it to let out an agony filled roar that shook the light fixtures of the room. It pulled off its charge, running to the side, but found itself slamming into something solid. He ran the other way and slammed itself again. It roared and thrashed inside its psychic cage, desperately lashing out with claws and bursts of electricity as steam continued filling it.

Lise studied the actions of her teammates, looking for an opening. She hadn't really watched them fight ever, so this was definitely new. If anything, she was surprised everyone managed to spring into action so quickly.

That being said, the current steam blast didn't seem to give much of an opening for her servants to attack. However, she knew that attacking from unexpected angles may be the best way to subdue the giant hellcat. With a silent command, she waved her servants into action. The shadow butlers' almost hazy forms jumped upward, defying gravity by landing on the ceiling and readying to slam down onto the cat once the brunt of the steam attack had finished. She intended for them to hold down the cat for a lethal strike, if their initial attack wasn't enough.

Cassius found it difficult to utilize his powers with the nature of the fight. A small corridor staircase with a tiger doesn't bode well with his AOE centric powers, also the fact that explosions have to originate from himself meant he had to stay closer to avoid hitting his fellow students.

His hair stood on edge at the distance he stood close to the tiger, he made a mental note that being in melee range of it was likely not a good idea due to the electrical aura it exuded. He found a small angle that allowed him to attack without affecting his teammates. He stood close enough to not let the line of explosions stretch long enough, he also tried to limit the explosion range to hit just the monster. If necessary he could slam down from the roof and use a melee attack.

Even thought hot jets of water and steam were hitting the beast, it seemed to have no intention on stopping its assault. Kath wondered where some beast like this could come from, and thought she didn't know the answer, she guessed that whoever was behind the disappearances was also behind this beast. She saw Samoth run up and use his powers, just in time as she felt her body cooling down. She closed her palms, the beam of heat dissipated, and she readied herself into a fighting stance.

She took a few steps to the side, and glanced over to Andreim. "Hey aquaman, can you close the hydrant for a sec?" Though the water was helpful for defending, she had only barely accumulated heat when she began using her powers and she felt sluggish enough to know that she wasn't going to be useful for such an attack. If she wanted to get things done, she'd have to get up-close and personal with that tiger. She felt waves of heat emanate from her body as she regained her power. It seemed much harder to wait with every passing moment, her sight focusing on the beast, and her fist clasping even harder to prepare for the whopping she was about to give when she gets close.

Seeing that his team was seemingly well prepared for the engagement, Samoth ceased his focus on the cage. Cyan was seemingly out of harms reach, as the psychic could feel his mind some yards off from the area in which they were engaging. Samoth was quite attuned to the presence of the fox boy's consciousness, as he was one of the few people he would actually prefer to talk to, so sensing him through all the muddle was easy. Liselotte had her shadows set up in a fashion that could defend both her and Andreim, as well as Katherine if she chose to back up if things got too hot. Choosing a new target for his focus, Samoth sent a bolt of pyschic energy at the beast's back legs as he himself moved forward. As he approached, he produced a psychic glaive, with which he lunged at the Tiger's front set of legs. Immobilizing this beast seemed like a smart option. Something that that couldn't move, couldn't attack. Usually.

The assault of steam and heat ceased, giving the tiger a chance to catch its breath. It was blind, yes, but its other senses were keen. It knew now that it was dangerous to break through the stream of water it could still hear flowing to its side. It could feel that whatever cage had contained it had dissipated. It could smell everyone in the room. Three in front of it, past the accursed water. Two to the right. One, enticing smell off to its left. That one. It should kill that one. It had been horribly scalded and the situation was terrible. At any time it could just be caged again. It could not see. But if it could get one, if it could get just one for its master, it would be content.

The tiger turned its face toward Cassius and started its charge. It was the last mistake the creature would make.

It had barely started running when it heard Samoth dash up behind it while its back was turned. It tried to lash out with its back legs, anticipating some attack, but instead felt shocking pain shoot up its nerves. For a brief moment it had a premonition that its legs had been cut off. It didn't have time to correct that thinking as it felt a pair of impacts from above, two things slamming into it like meteorites. It hadn't been able to scene them, of course. Liselotte's butlers were shadows. They had no small, they made no sound, and they carried out their duties with elegant precision. The steam had stopped and so they attacked from their ceiling perch, just as their lady had commanded.

It's back legs paralyzed, its front held in place by Liselotte's servants, it could do nothing but thrash weakly in their grip.

Cassius' eyes squinted at the tiger's movement, it was slowing down and weakening from the repeated barrage of the school's strongest. Each movement became more sluggish and predictable compared to when it started. It was to be expected, even if it did take longer than predicted. He normally didn't like taking centerstage like this, but he was certain this beast wasn't native to this house, and it reminded him of a certain individual from another school, as such they had to be done with this soon to have any hopes of catching up.

Bracing his legs he jumped high right above the tiger, and with a deft turning of his hips his legs planted firmly on the roof of the floor with such speed that he hung there for a few seconds. With another burst of explosives at his feet, he reared his right leg in a downwards ax kick towards the towering hellbeast. A large explosion came erased the tiger and him from the view of the others, the very force of the kick gave life to the creaky, decrepit building.

Out of the explosion's gray smoke came an ashen Cassius whom coughed once and patting his now tattered school pants,
"Well, shall we?

The book tumbled to the grass as Orpheus raised both hands and backed up. "I'm sorry. Sorry. I just wanted to see what you were doing. I'm not used to people acknowledging I'm there when I observe them like this." He said, expressionless. He thought about for just a second, his left eye now without purpose and rolling around randomly in his head. "I just now realized how bad that sounds, but I'm from another world and we have a pretty unique situation going on there."

This was actually bad. He had no idea what that weapon was, no clue what would happen if she fired it. He had to deescalate the situation. "My name is Orpheus and Euryale. You can use either one, I don't mind which. You can think of me as something of a scholar of humanity. This is kind of what I do, I study people to try and figure out what they're doing, what they're thinking. I once watched a man contemplate a leaf for sixty-seven straight years and then eat it. He never even looked up. I'm still not sure what was going on there. I'm sorry for babbling like this. You might not be able to tell, but I'm really quite afraid right now. Is this a gun? What does it fire?"
@Drifting Pollen
Bak left Gilliam alone to deal with the threat in that room and continued on down the hallway alone, sweeping her eyes around the doorways to catch any hint of presence. It was lucky the most of the doors on this floor were intact. She could see them, cold little clumps huddling in some of the rooms doing god knows what. Whatever it is imps did with their free time. There was no way they didn't hear her, feel the tremors of her footfalls, but they were cowardly. Clearly whatever was out beyond the boundary of their chosen rooms was bigger than them, and vicious as they were they had a primal sort of intelligence that told them to wait for easier prey.

The ghosts were a different story altogether. She could see them too, sort of. They devoured all the heat around them, turning them into indistinct blue clouds to her eyes. Occasionally one would glide wistfully through the walls n a path from from one room to another. She would wait if she saw a cold spot coming, hold her breath, and stand stock still so that they wouldn't notice her in the dark. She would look at them though. She'd turn off her thermal vision to catch the transparent specters. They looked like emaciated corpses, their faces sunken and skin either leathery or pale and bloated to a disgusting degree. Some of them had visible wounds, a stabbing here, a blown out stomach there, one drifted by with an ice-pick jammed halfway into her head. None of them seemed to notice her, but that was because she kept her distance. If one managed to surprise her...she had to be careful.

She continued on to the end of the hallway, her vision still not piking up the tell-tale red of a living human body. What she did find, however, was a door set into the end of the hallway. A stairwell, from the half-broken sigh that hung above it. She pushed it open. There were plenty of people searching the second floor, it was better for everyone if she continued up to the third. There was no telling how soon the Laurels would make their way up here.

She walked into a dimly lit concrete stariwell, the steps spiraling around the wall going up and up into the darkness. "Hello, nemesis." She whispered, squaring her big clompy metal legs with the bottom step like a gunfighter at high noon. "We meet again." Bak had a bad history with steps. Her lower legs had long ago grown over with almost 100% machinery in order to better support her weight. Her feet in particular were clumps of steels fashioned into something that resembled chicken feet, something that the adults of her village took as one of the many signs that she was a demon witch from the bowls of the underworld and the other children took as inspiration for their taunts. One of the common chants was simply "BAK BAK BAK" repeated ad nauseam until she either went away or started shooting. Their wide frame and long toes were really good for keeping her balanced on solid ground, but climbing stairs was a different story when half the thing was hanging off the back of the step. Combined with the backpack throwing off her center of balance and making it so standing on one leg for any period of time was a risky proposition and stairs became a dangerous balancing act. You just had to get a rhythm to it, that's all. You had to move quickly and carefully and try to keep leaned forward at all times. Not too forward though, because that would send you slamming face first into the stairs. She had gotten the hang of it at this point, but her first seven months at St. Lucifer's had been a nightmare for this.

She was most of the way up the first flight when the ghost fell, screaming like a banshee and scaring her half to death. She only caught a glimpse of its plummeting form as it flew past down shaft of the stairwell, but that and the sudden noise was enough to make her scream out loud and instinctively swivel her guns in its direction. This caused her foot to slip right off the step, and gravity took over from there as she tumbled with all the grace of an out of control landslide back to the start.

She was just starting again when it dropped through the middle of the stairwell again. This time Bak swiveled around and rushed to look over the banister to see the ghost plummet into the concrete floor below and vanish in a puff of ethereal dust. She waited this time. A few minutes later the ghost plummeted again. And again. And again. Every few minutes the ghost, a women with long black and a grossly bruised and swollen neck, dropped down the stairwell to endlessly repeat what had to be her own death. Bak shook her head. What in the world had happened to this apartment? What had made it such a focal point of pure misery, and what had a bunch of goodie two-shoes St. Laural's kids been up to when they went missing in such a place?

By the dozenth time Bak saw the women go past she was over it, and calmly trudging her way up to the third floor. "Shut up!" She said as the woman went screaming past once again.
"I guess..." Curwen said, in deep thought, looking between the school and his allies. "Okay, first things first we've got to control this crowd. If you (@Storybookandco) think you can make that work, be my guest. Neuralize the lot of them. Daniel, could you assist him with that until your scrying supplies get here? I think you're barking up the right tree trying to track down that demon and we need to do that as soon as possible. I have my own methods of searching things like that out, so I'm gonna layer that effort on top of yours."

Saying this he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a few vials of chalk white ash, labeled with names like "Spot," "Fido," and "Killer."

"Now Gynar, I think you have a good idea about the name. We don't have enough information, so lets go find some facts. While they're busy with this mess we should head inside and secure the hostages. I hope to the outer gods the demon wasn't spiteful enough to kill them on its way out, but if it was I'll need your help to carry them somewhere more private so I can talk to them anyway. They'll have information we need, and I'd like you to scan them over with your gizmos to see if you can pick up on any demonic residue from their bodies, if we have a proper sample we're one step closer to finding this things name and taking it down. We should save trying to get the kid fired for later, for now we've got to do all we can here."

"Any objections, gentlemen? Air them now, 'cause if not lets get to work."

Orpheus sniffed the air in the guest room, enjoying the atmosphere that had been so lovingly crafted, before turning to the maid that had led his to his room. "Is there a menu here, or anything like that? No? Never mind then, if you can just go and get me one of everything the chef is capable of preparing that would be splendid." He didn't even wait for her to respond as he spun around and picked one of the many books off the shelf at random and flipped it open, only understanding the maid had left as he heard the door shut on the way out. He didn't mind if she didn't bring him his meal, he only wanted it for the flavor anyway, he could get it in the city later if there was time. Time was really the problem, there was not enough time. Now that all the important things were done with he was ready to get down to his passion and pack as much scholarship as possible into the limited amount of time he would be staying here.

The book itself seemed to be an official history of the original timeline, or at least what had been pieced together by the scholars of this world. He wondered if he could get copies off all of these brought back to his own world. Human culture was the fascination of many a Terminal, but there was so little of it they had found compared to how much there must have been. The world was wonderful, yes, but it was mysterious and perhaps these books covering the evolution of different timeline humans would shed some light on the ones that had created the Servers and the Terminals.

Deciding to take his time in the garden, he was surprised to see another human hard at work destroying it. He'd never seen a human do something like that before, but the way she was working intrigued and exited him. Human science was something they knew even less about than culture. He crossed his legs in the air, leaving the door swinging open behind him, and floated over for some good old fashioned human observation. There was a sharp electric popping sound as he synchronized his eyes from one another so that he could continue reading his book while observing the human, but that was the only noise he made has he recorded her work over her shoulder.

@Drifting Pollen
@KillamriX88 I don't know why I didn't do this earlier, but I thought I'd write out Bak's POV from her and Rurik's first meeting because I need you to know how important it was.

"Who is that? What's happening? Is that the cops?" West asked wearily, looking around to see every possible vague indistinct shape she could. There was no more gunfire, and the guy had spoken with a voice of authority, and the way thery were talking seemed to imply that they had some sort of authority to dole out punishment. Wst was suddenly overcome with light headedness as she felt the tension of the situation start to drain out of her, and her mouth started moving almost independently of her own will. "I'm pressing charges!" She said, trying to turn and face the direction she thought the voice had come from and inadvertently toppling backwards over the terrified dog flat onto her ass. She didn't let that break her train of thought though. "Me, and my friend here," she continued, gesturing from her new position in the direction of the nearest indistinct blob with the shoe she still had clutched in her good hand, "Have been assaulted and robbed. We have suffered emotional distress. My hand feels like it's broken, I'm not sure how that happened. He has my gun! That is my gun! And my wallet! I would like my wallet and my gun! And my glasses! You better not have broken my glasses!"

She would keep going in this breathless, frazzled state unless something stopped her.
Unlike Rurik, Bak was not that tactful.

"PFFFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed. "Gilliam! Gilliam, I am sorry, but your facehehehehehe!" She clasped her hands over her mouth to try and muffle the sound. The St. Laural's kids were already here, after all, but him being so serious about it just made it funnier. It took a bit for her to get control of herself. "You should do that at party." She said, between a last few dying giggles. "We must find mirror. You must see."

"But first the mission." she said, suddenly remembering why they were here in the first place. She followed Gilliam as he snuffled down the hallway, looking around. Christine and Rurik had taken the opportunity to run out on them, and she couldn't honestly be sure whether they were searching the floor or canoodling somewhere private. Perhaps both? She'd seen such spooky haunted house rendezvouses in Rhean movies. It did not often end well for canoodling couple. Luckily for her there was an easy way to check where they were. "Switching to thermal vision mode."

The camera affixes right under her artillery guy blinked on and Bak's sight was instantly transformed into a series or blue hues. She swung around, clomping in a circle to get as much as she could. There was the bright red of Gilliam, a ways back there was a spot that was deeply cold that could be no one but Christine, and between them a lot of anomalous cold spots. She couldn't see any other living bodies from where she was, though. Perhaps if she walked around more.

AS she completed her turn she stopped, and urgently whispered "Gilliam, stop." Through the walls of the busted in apartment door they were about to pass she three small cold spots moving in unnatural ways, positioned around the door ready to pounce. "Three in room we are about to pass. Two hugging right side of doorway, one crawling on ceiling. Not ghosts, probably." she continued, slowly raising up her guns and pointing to where she could see each enemy. "I do not wish to be loud yet."

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