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@Burning Kitty Yup, that’s what she assumed when she was told someone fell.
Okay, cool. That’s better anyway, don’t want anyone being too strong.

And hey, I posted a reply, because I didn’t want too many posts to come in without any reactions to previous events. But don’t feel the need to post now, we ought to wait for others to get in there.

I guess Tess is going to catch the spider-flu from her exposure to the other victims in the nurse’s office.
Tess had passed some parents in the hall, having a hurried conversation with the school Principle, Dr. McMahon. They stopped talking as she approached, and the principle quietly moved their conversation to a nearby unused classroom.

As she entered, Nurse Liz Hopkins looked up at Tess from where she’d been re-checking on of the other kids’s temperature. “What?! Another fainting?” And she bustled off out the door, forgetting entirely to provide Tess with her required medication.

In her anxious state, it did not even occur to her to quarantine the room and keep Tess out. She still thought it was something they had served at lunch.


Meanwhile, Bruce ran his fingers through his hair. They came back wet with cold sweat. He looked back at Oberon. “I think so. I feel better, some. A little nauseous. Did you... did all of us black out?”
It is done, if you didn’t catch it. I actually don’t think it moves him much in the rankings.
@Burning Kitty hey, if it’s not too much trouble, could you move your best and worst ranking into that second post you made? Just to make it more immediately evident.
Just letting you know, I am doing one final edit to Hurley's Stats to make him fastest boi.

Oh, I was actually going to skew Bruce toward strength to increase the divide between them.

Stand by for power tweaking from me, though. I’m definitely changing some, I just don’t know how exactly yet.
@Burning Kitty You mean like a different trial number? I’ma be straight with you, we’re just going to hand wave that there is a lot of different spider DNA in the virus vector, to account for the variety of powers presenting.

EDIT: I see what you mean now, actually, my bad. I’m leaving that answer despite not actually answering your question because I figure it might come up anyway.

And hey, thanks for that ranking, that’s really helpful to have.

@webboysurf Yeah, to you and everyone, if you’ve got the go ahead you still have it.

And what the fuck, are you guys giving me a new plot for our third arc?
<Snipped quote by Gisk>

Then that means they were successful and they have their own Spider-Men.

If my character were to donate blood would those who receive it become a Spider-person? If so and she found out, there might be a plague of Spider-people. Spider-island anyone?

No, it doesn’t.

So far no transformation.

0% of human subjects(so far) successfully gain powers, 83% die in the attempt. That leaves 17% who survived, but gained no powers.
@tobiax I mean, play what you think would be fun. I didn’t know all of that about the spider sense, but that’s actually kind of how I was hoping it would work when someone has a stronger one. So it could definitely come out to be more like esp or prophecy or somethin, it depends on how you want to write it.
@Burning Kitty Do you mean because of the “no specimin surviving” bit? That is referring to the altered spiders, not the humans. The spiders always die, the humans usually die.
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