Avatar of Guess Who


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Goodbye Miura. One of my favorite fantasy authors of all time has gone too soon.
4 yrs ago
Don't forget, they made another new hero named Screentime. A meme loving superhero who got his powers from exposure to internet gas. He has the ability to basically be a smart phone.
4 yrs ago
Sometimes I open up a new tab on my browser and I forget what I intended to do with it... What am I doing here again?
5 yrs ago
When did I do that?
5 yrs ago
Whenever you're feeling down, just remember that this man is cheering you on: youtu.be/KxGRhd_iWuE


Most Recent Posts

Renatus "The Huge Fucking Nerd" Gadow
Nora Evans

Why? Why did this have to happen to me? This was the only thing going through Nora's mind as she stood in the middle of the club room in her shredded clothes. At least the others that were in Tsumiki's peerage seemed to be polite enough to avoid staring at and ogling her. In fact, one was nice enough to try and give herself something to cover her body with. "Y-yes, a cup of tea would be nice," she replied to Kenji, reaching forward to accept the vest he had also offered her.

Even more people the girl did not recognize would also enter the room, causing her to wonder what she had done for fate to be so cruel to her like this. At least they seemed to not be exceptions to how courteous her fellow reincarnated devils were. "Th-thank you, b-but I think I'm fine with this for now," Nora replied to Ekibe as she pulled on the sleeveless garment already given to her, letting out a sigh of relief now that she felt more comfortable with what she had on. The only reason she turned down the offer was to avoid being a further bother to the group then she already was, causing such an unnecessary scene by coming here like she had. "So what was it that Senpai wanted you to tell me about?" she questioned her fellow rook.

As Ekibe would tell her of all the duties and powers she had received that their king had skimmed over, the blond girl would take a seat in whatever nearby chair appeared comfortable enough. She would also be sure to not ignore Kenji's further kindness and thank him for the tea he'd made for her, sipping it as she listened.
And I'll be sure to post up tonight, as soon as I finish creating my character for Charak's RP.
i really like the new autosave function for this website!

Yeah, that's cool. Though I find it annoying that we now get notifications every time someone posts in the OOC or IC. Like what's the point of mentions now?
@Guess Who

Did you try Angel beats?

Yep. Marathoned it with a friend of mine back when I was still first getting into anime.
Nora Evans

@Demon Shinobi

Nora closed her eyes in contemplation as she listened to her King explain some of the sacrifices she must now make with her new life as a devil. Never in her life had she ever wanted to hurt another being, not even the bullies of her old schools. Back then, all she had wanted to do was defend herself from further harm and ridicule. The thought of not only hurting but possibly killing someone, even someone evil enough to arguably deserve death, sounded like a decision she wasn't sure she could make. However, the only other choice open to her would be for her to die in their place. Would the threat to her own life be enough to spur her to make that choice? To end the existence of another living being? She couldn't say. Only time would tell.

"Alright, I... I guess I don't have much else of a choice," she replied. Nora still sounded reluctant, her voice filled with self-doubt and hesitance, but agreement nonetheless. Reaching out toward Tsumiki, the blond haired girl took his hand and followed him back through the portal to meet the rest of the peerage. "Oh, wait. Let me first get chan-" She began to say before being enveloped in the red light of the magic circle.

@Polaris North@Spanner@TheHangedMan

"-ged," was the first thing that the three boys would hear as Nora and Tsumiki appeared inside the club room. She hadn't expected the trip to be so... Well, instant. The newly appointed Rook had at least thought she would have time to change into something more appropriate for leaving her home. The only reason she had noticed it now in the first place was because the adrenaline pumping through her system, due to the panic her sacred gear had induced, had finally worn off. Her red, plaid pajamas that had once covered just about every inch of her body, had become tatters thanks to the brittleness power of Crystal Corruption.

Her pants that had once reached down to her ankles, now only covered about half of her thigh. The button up shirt she'd been wearing had now become sleeveless, with the body of the garment only covering her breasts and revealing her entire midriff. It could have been much worse, other female classmates of Nora's were sure to wear much more revealing clothing during non-school hours, as that would be when the academy's uniform policies would no longer be in effect. At least none of her companions could see what sort of underwear she liked to wear. Still, the newly-reincarnated devil was used to more modest and prudish outfits and was made extremely uncomfortable by where events had led to. Grasping at what remained of her top, she attempted to pull down what fabric still remained so as to block the boys' view. The only other thing she could do now was stammer and stutter a series of incomprehensible sounds as she endeavored to collect herself.
Me watching Steins;Gate:

I still didn't cry @Delta44! My record still remains untarnished!

<Snipped quote by Guess Who>

My god, I never thought of it that way . . . truly, you have enlightened me. If boobs were a religion you would have converted me.

I should start a cult. Worship the two true gods. Left boob and right boob.
@Guess Who

The easiest way to explain it, is this~

But yeah.

Something like that.

I'm a boob man myself, my reasoning being that anyone can have a nice rear or great pair of legs, but only women can have amazing boobies.
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