Avatar of Heat


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3 yrs ago
Undertow only makes me think of Tool. Good album though.
3 yrs ago
Incest in 1x1 interest check. Opinion invalidated.
3 yrs ago
Yeah don’t ever recall BLM charging the US Capitol building, scaling the walls, attacking Capitol police and breaking windows to enter.
3 yrs ago
RIP America 1776 - 2021. We had a good run.
3 yrs ago
If I am made mod I will do what everyone truly desires and delete the status bar.


  • Male.
  • Twenty six years old.
  • EST USA timezone.
  • Been RPing since 2011.
  • Mainly into sci-fi RPs.
  • GM'd and been a player in too many roleplays to list.



Feel free to hit me up if you wanna RP with me or have a RP idea you think I might be into.

Most Recent Posts

Loving the CSes from everyone! Keep up the great work.

The deadline to apply has passed, character applying may reopen down the road.
… to end report. Operations with Bravo Company of the 121st have proceeded as planned. All operations run smoothly with casualties never straying above acceptable mission parametres. Mission brief for Operation #2142.5 will commence at 1200HRS Coruscant time. It will once again be re-iterated to all squad leaders that ‘callsigns’ or ‘nicknames’ are against protocol and that surnames, rank or serial numbers are to be used at all times.

Next report scheduled for 0830HRS tomorrow. KT-124 signing off.

The stars were silent as an Imperial warship, Tempest, hovered calmly above the ruined world of Lotho Minor. A pair of TIE fighters rocketed over the horizon, making their way back to the orbiting vessel as they finished their routine patrol around the world having discovered no anomalies in the space around the colossal collective trash heap. The planet was covered with junk and trash accumulated from all over the galaxy where it was simply dumped on the surface. Toxic sludge mountains of garbage rose high into the skies of the planet, as disgusting stench filled fog made visibility difficult on the surface. But the great Galactic Empire has made use Lotho Minor, establishing a facility designed to collect any useful metals scavenged from the trash filled world.

Inside the Tempest, boots of Stormtroopers sounded against the floor of the starship as activity filled the halls. This was the home of two hundred of the 121st Stormtrooper Battalions finest. Some troopers went through routine training, keeping themselves in top shape and form. Others chatted amongst themselves, strong brotherhoods and bonds established between many of the soldiers. In the deeper inner workings of the ship, within the conference room gathered the various squad leaders of Bravo Company seated around a table. Each of them had their helmets off, awaiting the briefing they had been summoned for by the ranking officer aboard the Tempest.

Sergeant Kavis Vytuia sat silently in one seat, grasping a cup of water between his hands though he was otherwise motionless. Around him some of his fellow Stormtroopers made idle chitchat, killing time until their Captain made her entrance and their briefing began. Kavis lifted the cup gently to his lips, and took a long sip. As he set the cup down his hand scratched his stubble covered chin, his thoughts were of his family. It had been almost eight months since he had last seen his son Kylain, and his wife Wina. It wouldn’t be long until he would get to see their faces, lift his son up in his arms and hug Wina tight. But for now duty was the most important thing, they were orbiting this filthy junk world for a reason.

Captain Loretta Raidne walked into the room. Uniform crisp and ironed. Boots shone black in stark contrast to that of the white stormtroopers. She wore the white shirt of an ISB Officer, black trousers creased perfectly as they should be and her hair flat and straightened to perfection. She wasn’t oblivious to the whisperings and the looks she received on behalf of her looks, she merely had no interest in anything anyone aboard the Tempest had to offer.

Loretta's first command the Tempest wasn’t the most impressive ship of the line. A Vigil-Class Corvette it was the smallest vessel created by Kuat Drive Yards that was part of the Imperial Star Destroyer family. 255 Metres long, but armed to the teeth for her size. She had to be glad for it however, not every ISB officer got a command so early on in their career, let alone a command of their own ship and detachment of Stormtroopers. She looked out on the junk infested world of Lotho Minor. Thousands of years of junk had been dropped onto the planet, making it an inhospitable wasteland.

Vast machines crawled the surface burning down the junk, and it was the brainchild of some Imperial analyst that there had to be valuable resources somewhere on the planet. A facility had been constructed, piles of junk sorted and burnt down into resources that the Empire could use to further its expansion and solidify its hold on the galaxy. Turning from the viewport Loretta paced out of the bridge. Upon leaving the room her escort made a move to join her and she waved them dismissively. Unlike some higher echelon individuals she didn’t feel the need to be `guarded` on her own ship. To do so would convey weakness, and her guards knew this. Datapad secured under her arm, she inserted her keycode to the briefing room and walked in. Instantly troopers stood at attention.

“At ease.” There was the sound of rustling as they all returned to their seats.

“You’ve all read Mission Dossier number two-one-four-two point five. So I won’t bother you with the intricacies of the mission again. Lieutenant Stanza has failed to report in for four rotations. Initially this was believed to be a communication error however we are still receiving automated signals from the relays in orbit. Our job is simple, we’re going to deploy on the surface and secure the facility. After that is done we’ll bring the facility online while reinforcements arrive to take responsibility for the facility. First Platoon will lead the way.” She nodded her head over at Second Lieutenant Quee. Since Bravo Company's inception of the 121st there had been no position with a higher turnover than that of first platoon lead. Loretta merely hoped that this one would last a bit longer than the previous one. “Followed by second and third. Fourth will remain aboard ship as a reserve.” She nodded to Major Shep. A grizzled looking woman, butch and built like most of the men in the room.

Major Shep being the official Company Commander, despite it being attached to Loretta and her `task force` if it could be considered such a thing. Shep took a step forward, taking over the central podium as Loretta backed off. Clearing her throat. “Now listen up shinies…”

As the commanding Major Shep gave her pep talk, the assembled squad leaders listened, fires lighting up in their eyes. She also detailed a brief plan of battle, Kavis’ and his soldiers would deploy to the south of the facility, moving with haste and smoothness in order to secure it no matter the situation was down there. The sergeant didn’t know what knocked the base out of communications. The natives to Lotho Minor were filthy, nomadic beings who stayed out of the way of Imperials’ operations on the world. He wasn’t sure they would be able to take over a fortified Imperial facility but he wasn’t discounting anything. Still, he had a bad feeling in the back of his head about this mission, but shook that away as simply pre mision jitters.

Kavis knew his squad was good, damn good for just about any operation handed to them by command. He wasn’t going to be frightened by some junk thrifters, even if they had decided to organize a revolt against the Empire. They’d pay dearly if that was the case. Of course there were other potential explanations, Slavers were one, they were all too common in the Outer Rim. But they normally weren’t stupid enough to tangle head on with Imperial forces, especially not a base on such a disgusting, unappealing world. He knew whatever they faced down there they would easily crush and move on. He didn’t want to spend too much time down there, on that filthy little junk heap.

Then the squad leaders were dismissed, their meeting finished. Each of the troopers rose to their feet and left the room, Kavis was one of them. He pushed his chair in, then quickly cracked his neck and stretched. He exited the room behind a chatting group of his fellow sergeants, then turned down the hallway. Kavis slipped his helmet on, then after ensuring it was on securly he reached activated his communicator, speaking to his squad.

“Alright troopers, I need you each ready and willing, then assembled in the hangar, we have a mission to go on.”

The Galactic Empire reigns supreme, the Emperor's firm grasp holding the galaxy tight. For years they have ruled, putting down and oppressing any they see fit. Rumors of a rebellion have sparked, but these words are but passing whispers.

The Empire's elite and feared STORMTROOPERS patrol the galaxy, keeping order on hundreds of planets. Everyday dozens of men and women enlist in hopes of joining the hallowed ranks of the galaxy's finest.

A highly trained squad of soldiers have been assigned to patrol the unpredictable Outer Rim of the galaxy. Little do they know a seemingly mundane deployment is about to become far more....

"In the past, we'd secretly enjoyed putting down a local insurrection or two. They kept the troops sharp and the Empire feared, but these Rebels were different. They were organized, they were growing, and they were everywhere."

The year is 5 BBY, 15 years have passed since the fall of the Galactic Republic. It is the age of the Empire. The Separatists and their leaders have been crushed, and have returned to the fold of the Empire. Only minor pockets of resistance remain. The Jedi traitors have been purged from the Galaxy. It is the age of the Empire. It is the age of peace, law and order.

We are the Emperor's fist. We patrol the Galaxy enforcing peace on planets that would otherwise be a chaotic mess. We are the first ones in the thick of battle when the Emperor's enemies rear their ugly heads. We face the enemy when they are at their strongest, and we don't stop until we achieve our objective. We are the Empire's finest. We are the Stormtrooper Corps.

Welcome to the 121st Battalion, trooper. Specializing in enforcing martial law, domestic subservience, quelling uprisings, "adjusting" governments, or even toppling civilizations, the 121st is a military division of the STC that largely patrols the Outer Rim. The 121st is a dreaded sight for any world to have the misfortune of harboring anti-imperial sentiment.​

OOC Info

Welcome to the Beat, a Star Wars roleplay centered around the Empire's greatest soldiers. This is a reboot of the original RP, which was previously created by @vietmyke and which I co-GMed.

This RP centers are a player character filled squad of Stormtroopers. Everyone will be a human of course, and majority of the squad will be enlisted (non-clones). There may be one or two cloned soldiers, depending on what the squad composition is like. Each trooper will have a role within the squad. Players are encouraged to create interesting, complex characters. The RP will be set in the early days of the Rebellion, as the plot progresses our Stormtroopers will be dragged into the conflict further and further, presenting all sorts of plot twists, choices and developments.

Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their willpower and strength, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this RP that shows us the perspective of the "bad guys". I want this RP to really show the Empire's finest, their sacrifices and duties and that they're not just faceless baddies for the 'good guys' to kill.


1. Follow all the site's rules.
2. The usual, no godmodding, metagaming, mary sues, gary stus, etc, etc.
3. This is an advanced level RP, so IC posts should hold up to this standard. I prefer quality > quantity, but a few solid paragraphs per post is great.
4. Please roleplay in 3rd person, it's a pet peeve of mine.
5. Characters can die. Your characters are not invulnerable. While I'd like to avoid killing off player characters when they don't want them to die, stupid acts may result in death.
6. Original characters only. Everyone plays a human stormtrooper, no Jedi, Sith or Mandalorians.
7. Be mindful of your fellow players, please don't be an asshole.
8. To show you've actually read these rules please put 'Imperius Unitada ober Totallex' at the bottom of your CS.
9. Join the Discord chat. Its free and makes communication that much easier.
10. By joining this RP you acknowledge that GM's (and any co-GM's) word is law. I am also open to input on anything you feel may make the RP more enjoyable.

Character Creation

Being a part of the galaxy's finest soldiers is no easy task. At this point most of the Stormtroopers ranks are composed of enlisted, non-clone soldiers. The remaining clones are aged, though some do still exist in the ranks. For an appropriately aged Imperial citizen in the galaxy to become a Stormtrooper they must follow several ground rules:

  • All Stormtroopers are humans, aliens are an extreme rarity within the Galactic Empire. Imperial propaganda actively supported state-sponsored ethnocentric xenophobia and fear-mongering. While not every character will be racist towards aliens, it is likely that at least a few will be.
  • Women were a rarity in the Stormtrooper ranks, but some female troopers did exist. Imperial women seeking to become Stormtroopers have to pass the same fitness and endurance tests as male recruits.
  • Characters are likely to hold pro Imperial views (this may change as the RP progresses). To become a Stormtrooper one has to be very, very committed to doing so. It's akin to joining the Navy Seals. You wouldn't join that if you disliked America and weren't all in to join. The extreme amount of Imperial propaganda in the Imperial Academies is another important factor to note, as well as younger characters who were educated on Imperial worlds.
  • Individuality is something that is wiped away in Imperial Academies, Stormtroopers operate as elite teams, like a well oiled machine. Each character in the squad has a role, and is expected to perform that role as well as possible. The following are some roles characters may choose:

  • The squad is led by a single sergeant (played by @Heat, their second in command is a corporal, though there may be two depending on squad composition. Below them the rest of the squad is made up of privates (trooper rank). Our squad is a part of a larger platoon (the 1st) which is a part of a larger Company (Bravo Company) which is a part of the 121st Battalion.


Standard layout available to the 121st:
Special equipment:

Character Sheet

Please post a CS waiting to be judged to the OOC, if accepted then it is to be moved to the Characters section.

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