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Leo’s fingers scratched at the now smooth skin of his freshly shaven face as he studied his reflection in a mirror. The growth from his last adventure was now gone, his thoughts were occupied with wondering if a full shave had been a mistake. He found his face now looked too youthful, boyish even. He tried to picture himself with a grand set of side whiskers or a dignified mustache, wondering what would be most becoming for a future Duke. It was far too late to debut such a look for tonight’s ball, so such thoughts would have to be revisited. He did not want to be late for tonight's occasion.

Returning to court had been something he’d thought over with even more consideration than what sort of facial hair would be most fashionable. Since his father's disappearance, he had spent his time looking for any escape from dwelling on grief. Most recently had scaled a grand mountain in the frozen north, but even when his body reached absolute physical exhaustion his mind stayed consumed by Duke Feralt’s mysterious disappearance. It was upon the snow-drenched peak of the mountain, gazing upon one of the most beautiful sights his eyes had ever beheld, that he realized there was that would distract his mind from this grief.

So back to court in Caesonia, it was. A place filled with secrets ready to be uncovered. If there were answers to be gleaned this would be the place for it. Then word had reached his ears that for the very first time Alidasht would be in attendance, and so his fate was sealed. Leo would simply never miss his chance to be among the first to greet those from such a mysterious and exotic land. His thoughts were all finely focused on making the best possible impression; a good scrubbing to remove months of time in the wilderness, a trip to the barber, and a fine new suit for the occasion. He wore a dark shirt, dark gray trousers, new shoes, a red and gold embroidered vest, and a dark velvet coat with shiny gold buttons and embellishments on the sleeves that echoed his vest. He tipped his matching top hat at his reflection before heading off to the palace. Being late, after all, was far from the impression he wanted to make.

He entered shortly after his mother, Dutchess Alice, and her, well whatever his mother’s mistress was these days, but Leo would be damned before he ever referred Valerie as a Dutchess. The pure joy that rolled off the pair as they danced was nauseating. Not because his mother had chosen a lesser as a companion, not even because his mother had chosen another woman, but the fact that she had chosen anyone at all and flaunted it in front of the entire court made him sick. His father had barely been gone a year, there were no assurances he was even dead, and it made such a display a slap in the face. Leo still grieved his father. Thea, no matter the brave face she wore or the lengths she went to in order to hide it, grieved too. All while his own mother couldn’t even be bothered to fake an ounce of grief for her own husband.

Thankfully before the anger and disgust could reach his face, the grand spectacle that was the entrance of the Alidasti began. A breathtaking procession of exotic flowers and animals proceeded the Sultan and his family as they made their way into the ballroom. Everything about them enthralled and enchanted, the show of wealth and power, the seemingly effortless confidence, and, of course, the beauty of these strangers. Then there was the most magnificent creature he’d ever seen, a massive dark and sleek cat who let out a roar that shook him to the core. Hope ol’ Lorenzo has not brought the ferret tonight. He thought because what now stood in the royal ballroom was clearly a beast who had perfected the art of the hunt.

Despite the burning curiosity, now was not the time to approach the foreign royals. Even as the son of a duke they outranked him by miles and Leo would show them no signs of disrespect. So he made his rounds around the room, bowing to those he ought to and exchanging pleasantries. For Leo servants were basically invisible until he wanted something and eventually he sent one to bring him a glass of wine. The feasting tables were currently far too crowded with lesser nobles, including a fellow who appeared to have put no effort into taming a horrendous cowlick atop his golden hair. He had no intention of being seen around that bunch and, glass in hand, he set off to find someone interesting to talk or dance with.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro@Infinite Cosmos, Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess, and a rival ship and her crew @FunnyGuy
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

Nym prepared to fire the cannon just as he saw seven riflemen take up positions to fire upon the crew of The Harem. He ducked down, taking covering against the side of the ship just as the shots rang out. He took a deep breath as the briny air now mixed with the scents of gunpowder and blood, not just the enemies, but from some of his own crew as well. The sea herself then came to The Harem’s defense, a mighty wave struck the enemy and only reinforced his own belief that the sea really did love him as one of her own children. Nym didn’t waste any time to stop and take stock of whatever damage the gunshots might’ve done to the others, firing the cannon as Captain Lizzie shouted the order, then covering his ears as Tigerlily shouted an order of her own. The boom of cannons blasted forth just as Tigerlily let out her scream, a combination of sonic power, cannonball, and shrapnel was sent forth towards their enemy.

The bits of metal the cannon spat out would be enough to do damage to flesh and sail but would at least leave the enemy vessel intact. Nym hadn’t chosen this fight, Barboda had, it wasn’t necessary but since they were already in it he would be damned if he was going to risk life and limb and see nothing in return. The enemy had guns, supplies, and at least a few over there who had to have at least a few jewels and he hated to see a single piece of that possible loot go to waste if it could be helped. As far as the crew of The Harem went, all but Tigerlily were basically strangers to him, and if the siren was screaming she was still breathing, so he kept his focus on the enemy and if anyone was wounded they could tend to themselves. There had been a couple of demihumans looking ready to board The Harem a few minutes ago, so Nym drew his cutlass and prepared to greet them.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy, Aurora@Mole, Champ the hourse
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf found himself trapped between the two elves and feeling like a child caught between two squabbling parents. Slick wanted to gamble, Aurora didn’t want the group to separate. Leaf thought they both made sense and didn’t want to pick a side, but luckily Aurora was pretty crafty and quickly swung Slick to her side. Then he felt more like a third wheel as the two were basically flirting and-

Wait. Holy Shit. Were Slick and the other two, not elves? HUMANS? Leaf just sort of stood there for a moment, mouth ajar, as his mind ran circles piecing everything together. Before he had a chance to say a thing Slick was already back to fast-talking.

And speaking of Slick the little pixie’s goal of setting the man up with Sophie wasn’t going well because Slick was so wrapped in Aurora’s words that Slick even let the woman call him fragile. Leaf doubted many folks got away with something like that. So just like that swimming was decided as the group activity. Leaf still had no plans to dunk himself in a big pool of water so he shrugged and took the reigns of Champ the horse without complaint. He wasn’t about to stand in the way of romance between the human and elf by whining or playing the third wheel to some swimsuit shopping trip. Slick and Aurora went one way and Leaf headed off to attempt to bond with a horse.

Hold on. Slick probably wasn’t even a real bounty hunter! Leaf realized long after he and the cowboy had parted ways. He was starting to catch on as to why the man was called Slick.

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter, Captian Verencia@Funnyguy
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 107 amas

For a brief moment Orias starred at Yuka with a puzzled expression, then as he got the full picture of what she suggested, an army of birdwomen with ‘large bazooms’ distracting the dark elves, he chuckled. In a surprising stroke of good fortune just after they had discussed finding allies here a birdman approached, a Captian at that. While he was not someone high up enough to make a true alliance with he certainly could lead them to someone who was. Orias studied the man that introduced himself as Captian Verencia and asked them to hand over their weapons. Both Yuka and Xavier were quick to speak, Yuka being flirtatious and agreeable, while Xavier refused the request. He gave a nod of approval to Xavier, he didn’t like the idea of being disarmed any more than the other man did. He had no intention of allowing himself to be disarmed.

“Captian you have my word we will show no, unprovoked, aggression here. As representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom, in a time of war, I hope you’ll respect our right, and need, to a means of defense, these are dangerous times after all. We had hopes of discussing an alliance between our kind,” he gestured to himself and Xavier, “And yours. The Sun Elf Kingdom would like to see Roshmi City sovereign again, and I’m sure you do not want these vermin beneath your door.” Orias spoke and as he did he moved forward, keeping his hands away from his sword, and addressing the Captain directly.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor-Plaza
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy, Aurora@Mole, Sophie@princess, Caelen@Alivefalling,
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf nodded in agreement as Slick not only spoke highly of the Myriamor mix but went on to add that everything here was tasty. The young cat beamed with pride and his tail swished with excitement to hear Slick speak highly of Myriamor. Leaf held a deep love for the city he called home, it held few flaws, and when compared to anywhere else he’d been Myraimor bested all of them. Sophie and Caelen also seemed to be enjoying the city as well, and Leaf chuckled at Caelen’s slip up. If Alette was still intent on playing matchmaker the little pixie would have a lot more work to do.

“No offense to the elven kingdom but Myriamor is Avalia’s hidden gem, every day spent here is truly a special occasion and reason to celebrate. But if swimming and drinking aren’t your thing then I must also recommend the markets here, stocked with just about anything you can imagine, from shiny trinkets to the rarest of spices. Or The Grand Domed Greenhouse, a botanical wonder, not only a sight to behold but a delight for all the senses. After our friends have cooled off in the swimming hole, of course.” Leaf agreed that it was best not to split up the group too much but offered some suggestions he thought might appeal to the more reserved elf, Aurora.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: River Port-Beach
Interactions: Rus@Potter, Eris and “Valerie”(Raven)@Tae, Annya @princess
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

When given the choice between lounging around the beach and spending the day smashing slime with a mallet, Bowyn had found the choice an easy one. Despite the easy amas, running around getting splattered with slime guts in the sweltering heat was an easy pass. While this left him stuck with an elven princess and her cohorts at least Rue was there as well.

Bowyn had no idea what made the beach so appealing to others; the air had a foul tint of brine and fish, it was hot and even the occasional cool breeze only served to assault him with more of the ocean smell, and then there was the sand that covered everything. The beach was the complete opposite of home. His village where the ground was covered in soft, fluffy, snow, and the air was always crisp and clean. He couldn’t be entirely sure whether the nauseating feeling in his stomach was the foul beach air, the oppressive heat, or his own homesickness. Probably all three, but Rue looked so happy that Bowyn kept all his complaints to himself and managed to contort his face into a smile every now and then. He didn’t even mention the flying squawking rats that Bowyn personally found more of a nuisance than the slime, which was at least quiet.

As the slime day extermination began Bowyn only found himself more sure of his discission. Even from a distance the absolute fervor that swept the crowd as they mindlessly lost themselves in violence was a terrible sight. Sure, the slime was thought to be a mindless creature, but it was also harmless and just trying to follow its own simple nature. Only to be pulverized by others motivated by coin and given permission to unleash unbridled aggression. Most unsettling of all was how much easier the scene was to watch as he imagined the slime to be dark elves instead, and for the ooze to be blood splattering from slashed skin.

Bowyn’s upbringing had been entirely traditional by fae standards, taught to respect all life no matter how simple the creature. When an animal was slaughtered it was out of necessity, for food and survival, but respected even in its death. This was just slaughter for fun and profit, and it only reminded him of how eager he was to do the same to dark elves. Despite the unbearable homesickness that never faded, he knew he no longer belonged in his village. He was no better than those out there smashing slime, worse even, as dark elves were more complex than slime. He was sick, infected with the same rage and appetite for violence as the very race he hated. His home was no longer a place for someone like him.

With every smash of a mallet, he thought of how he would spend the rest of what remained of his life away from his home, far from the only place he wanted to be, and felt a dread so overwhelming it threatened to crush him.

Then there was Rue handing out seashells with a kind smile. He accepted his gift, grateful for a reason to look away from the slime slaughter. Bowyn turned and twisted the shell in his hands, eyes fixed on how it reflected the light of the sun and how at just the right angle the glittering sheen matched the faint lavender in Rue’s hair. Then Eris spoke up asking Annya about her plans, but phrasing it as if it were simply optional to share details with the rest of them.

“Or seeing as how many of us are offering to risk our lives in this elf conflict, feel free, obligated even, to share any grand plans.” He added after Eris had spoken. He had yet to see any evidence of these all-powerful humans the light elves were said to have. If they were following the wrong elf he’d rather know sooner than later.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 107 amas

None of the stories or paintings of the Avian City did it justice; the small islands that floated above Roshmi City were more spectacular than he could’ve imagined. The magic that kept the city aloft was almost palpable in the air and, with reverence, he realized that up here he was now closer to Solaris than he’d ever been before. Closer to the sun, its warmth, its light, served to make the experience feel almost sacred. Orias was grateful that Yuka took the time to pause and let them enjoy the moment. He took the moment to close his eyes and turn his face towards the sun with the hope that channeling the light, closer than ever to its source, would be the spark needed to reignite his fading magic. His hands clumsily formed a small orb of light, a concentrated expression of his magic, that he released as an offering towards the sun, towards the mighty Lord Solaris.

Here the light of the sun was brighter, the magic around him felt stronger, and yet his own magic felt no different. It struggled to shine, an unworthy offering to a god so powerful one had to close their eyes to look in his direction. There was the thought that maybe more time here could leave him more fully restored, that there was some secret to his own magic to be gleaned in this city that floated closer to the heavens than any place below. And, he was here with near strangers, it would be so easy to simply part ways here and focus instead on taking in the magic that settled here and revitalizing his own power. He lingered on that thought, of staying in a place that felt hopeful and sacred.

But he’d been spared in the execution of princes, his fate passed to one who hadn’t deserved it, and to linger here would be an insult to that. Orias couldn’t spend the war thinking of himself while his sisters carried the burden of the fight down below. He wondered how the Avians kept perspective when everything down below looked so insignificant this close to the heavens. Based on the information from Yuka, the Avians were doing all they could to provide aid rather than secluding themselves in their floating sanctuary. Which lead his mind to another option, one that could at least leave them with a bit more time spent amongst the heavens.

“While we’re here, this is as good a place as any to make some allies, Avians have the reputation for being bold and noble, and clearly aren’t so willing to bow down before dark elves.” Orias suggested.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro@Infinite Cosmos, Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess, and a rival ship and her crew @FunnyGuy
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

The sea began to grow agitated, Nym could feel it in the rocking of the ship, although the clouds had spoken of no storm on the horizon. The sea wanted violence, and she was the only god he bowed to, and her request would have to be honored. If Ardyn was lying in wait somewhere with another ship, as Lizzie expected, getting rid of this first ship seemed the best way to even the playing field. It was Barboda who first answered the call for violence, shooting the fairy from the sky, and filling the briny air with a hint of metallic blood. His nostrils flared taking in the scent, feeling the charge of excitement rush through him. The bit of magic his heritage granted him hardened his skin, no longer smooth but sandpaper course and tough enough to withstand a blade.

He didn’t wait to hear the end of Lizzie and Tigerlily’s conversation. As Tesoro ran off with a stolen dagger to wait for the enemy to board the ship, Nym took off towards the storage area for the powder and a firestarter. Upon his return, Nym caught sight of Helio who sprang up from the crow’s nest and shot an orb of dark energy at the enemy ship. Funny, he’d always thought that was a strictly dark elf sort of ability. And every second the fairy prince gets a little more interesting. He thought before he returned his focus to his own task of loading a cannon with grapeshot and preparing to fire it. He would wait for the right moment, when the rest of the enemy would emerge from the belly of their own ship, to ensure as much damage as possible. He had no guns, no crossbow, and no magic orbs to fire, so until the enemy boarded a cannon was his best bet.

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor-Bed and Breakfast
Interactions: Slick@FunnyGuy, Aurora@Mole, Sophie@princess, Caelen@Alivefalling,
Equipment: The clothes on his back and a pouch of amas.

Leaf followed along with the group, eyes kept watchful for any sign of danger, believing this entire day was going to be a very long job interview with Slick, bounty hunter extortionate. And it was important to watch for danger as this group was made up of traveling companions that were friends with not just one, but two princesses. There was Sophie, owner of the pet pixie, who was an alleged excellent cook and sweet on Slick. Caelen, who did in fact smell a bit like zemak, which meant the pixie’s information was probably accurate. So he kept a healthy distance from Aurora, who Alette had claimed had contagious blindness and Leaf didn’t want to catch any strange elf illnesses.

He had, begrudgingly, admitted to Slick that not only had the pixie offered up much more information than he’d been able to gather, but what she said had checked out with the bits he’d overheard. So, even though he was a bit annoyed to be outdone by a pixie it was hard to hold any sort of grudge against Alette, especially after she flew off and returned with a fella offering drinks.

“Absolutely!” Leaf said to the man offering the colorful drinks. He didn’t think twice about enjoying the drink while technically working as Slick didn’t seem like the uptight sort. “A must-try during your visit here, if you want the full Myraimor experience.” He added before thanking the man with the drinks. Caelan mentioned playing games, which was entirely agreeable, and then swimming which sounded terrible. He’d already had his unfortunate tumble into a fountain earlier that day and he did not want to repeat the experience.

“Seeing as how I am not a catfish I’ll have to pass. But the oasis here is the finest water in all of Avalia.” Leaf said with his signature toothy grin. He found playing tour guide much more enjoyable than looking for orcs.

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 117 amas

“Excellent. I’m ready to go.” Orias said, a bit surprised that they’d all come to a unanimous agreement so easily. He had no interest in lingering in Roshmi any longer than they had to; it would only make leaving harder and nothing he owned was worth risking a confrontation with dark elves. He would leave with what he carried with him, from the brief conversation Yuka had with a random man at the bar it sounded like dark elves were already making it hard to leave the city.

“A round of shots for the road.” He said, flagging down the bartender and gesturing to the group. Once they were poured he held up the small shot glass of liquid courage. “Here’s to Roshmi, and to us.” He said before downing the shot and hopping off the barstool.

“So what’s the plan Yuka? Got some potions that grant flight? A stash of hoverboards perhaps? Or, did you really snatch us up a dragon after all?” He asked, curious as to how she planned to get a group of four non-flying folks up to Avian City. At least, he had assumed none of them could fly, then again Aiko had the surprising ability to shapeshift. “Unless you can grow wings as well?” He added glancing at the shapeshifting fox.
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