Avatar of HereComesTheSnow


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16 days ago
Current they should let me into the presidential debates as like a stage hazard. i should be like the negligent drivers in onett, plowing into whichever seniors don't heed the warning that i'm coming
2 mos ago
frantically flipping through my notebook as i realize i'm late for my monthly bit. bomb. bomb. caesium capsule meets stomach lining. bomb. murder confession. bomb. need new material before they bomb m
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3 mos ago
Never stop creating. Never stop improving. Live life fully, honestly, and the mystical adventure never ends. Thank you, Sensei. I think I'll train tomorrow.
5 mos ago
My dreams are getting weird. They usually involve sterile lighting and a bunch of guys in labcoats discussing sedative dosages around me and getting really scared when i try to go to the bathroom lol
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6 mos ago
i consume enough energy drink i changed my zodiac sign, i'm more taurine than any motherfucker born in April and i killed eleven people in that applebees two miles down the road


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Most Recent Posts

I like to keep it spicy.
beginning to sweat in multirole
I need to stay airborne. I'll look over it tomorrow and see if I have something i can squeeze a post out with, but otherwise air superiority maintenance is priority.
Gerard Segremors


"Captain! Path's open!" Gerard called, a moment after his fallen quarry took his last shuddering breath. His own came in short bursts, unintentionally forcing his voice to resonate in the cavity of the upper chest— his call became a rough shout. Doubling back after pulling his blade free of skull, blood, and brain, Gerard scanned the ground, amber searchlights trying to focus upon— there. A small trinket upon the ground, catching the dim light in just such an unnatural way.

He ran a three and a half strides and scooped up the talisman the man had brandished, moments before little Tili's knife had made a home within the hinge of his elbow. Whatever it did, this alien arcane focus could not be allowed to fall back into the hands of the enemy. Deny them their strengths. The very basest of a warrior's principles, one that extended to all levels of combat— from man-to-man to nation-versus-nation. At a guess, it commanded the reanimated dead that the Captain and Knight Serpenta had been bogged down by. Perhaps not the key to their twisted mockeries of a second life at their cores, but likely that which directed whatever ghost lied within the machine.

Could he use it against its former masters?


As a man of faith he would not stoop to it, and as a man of practicality, he could not waste time chancing it. He probably would need to turn his back upon the Goddesses if he wished to harness this power, turn towards something blackened, turgid, evil. It would be a trifle in exchange for something unforgivable. He was wholly unwilling.

He dropped the trinket, its garnet glittering as it clattered again to the floor—

And crushed it beneath his boot, grinding his heel into the stone tiling until he heard something give before setting off further down. Whatever was happening down there wouldn't stop itself. Hopefully his fellows could rejoin him soon, but as it stood now, he needed to take this opportunity he'd earned. To gain more ground for them all.
keeping my cards close to my chest because this is a hodgepodge team of military, non military, and actually just civilians
I would respond right away, but beyond that and sharing Adam’s camera feed there’s not much for Kon to do yet. My RoleplayerTM InstinctsTM tell me I should wait until I could provide more substance, even if we account for leveraging my Nepotism Card
Still around. The week has, in particular today, been nuts. State’s on fire, finished a big campaign, health scare for cat— whole rollercoaster.

<<Not quite,>> the expeditionary force's resident Serb replied over the comms, cycling through Merlon's sensor suite from his lazy circuit of the LZ's designated perimeter some five hundred meters up. All told, the descent into atmosphere was as smooth as one could ask for— the shield had been rated for Venusian Entry burn, to say nothing of this, much less oppressively dense as it was.

To tell the truth, between the winds and the desert in the distance, he hazarded a guess at this being roughly similar to the feeling of operating in the khamsins of Egypt— simple enough, after you learned to stop letting turbulence spook you. Naturally, the winds that tossed around dusty soil at surface level were a touch stronger half a click up, and rather than listen to his Orbital shift with the buffeting gusts he elected to simply ride them when able. Atmospheric flight the evidently rare luxury it was, it may as well be used to loiter with mobility— perhaps it was old habit, but he much preferred circling to hanging still in the air. The wings on the Bedwyr's back facilitated it regardless, ailerons responding to stabilizing microadjustments thanks to fly-by-wire.

<<Something different, actually.>>

Especially if his attention was going to be planted squarely on the ground for the next few minutes. Thermal imaging outlined everyone and everything in a healthy red thanks to reentry burn, so he hadn't passed over it during the drop— opting instead for geiger, spectroscopy, polaroid (for some reason), and biometric. Once they had determined that there were plants to the north, largely inert silicates in the soil, and no lens flare to worry about...

<<Stojanovic to Landing Team. Be advised, Merlon's picking up multiple hot spots on the ground, incongruent with the topsoil temperature. LZ is full of them, no discernible pattern. Heat is probably radiating from some below-ground source. Stand by for region designation.>>

On the way down, he had made sure to set up a datalink with each craft in formation, the target identification software piggybacking off of the signal used for IFF communication. As far as Konstantin was concerned, he was playing the role of AWACS for this mission— offering those on the ground as clear a picture as they needed to do their jobs.

One by one, those on terra firma would find the soil beneath them begin to light up as a field of thin-lined boxes labelled as simply "HEAT" blossomed onto their HUDs outward from the zone's center, each congruent with a location, size, and depth of discrepancy.

High above, the Bedwyr continued its loitering.
As a heads-up, the Ajax likely has no way of detecting the anomalies on its own, but thanks to the Diomedes ITU, Holden's likely receiving sensor information from both the Bedwyr and the Odysseus-- potentially from the Voyager and the Outrider as well, though I don't know how much relevant info they're receiving from their systems. So long as someone has info from their sensors, and is marked as a friendly by the Ajax, the share of information is certainly possible.

That being said, I'll see if I can't put up a reply soon enough.

On the way down, Konstantin probably set up the Merlon System's Datasharing systems, so the sensor info should be going to the landing team by the time of this round of posts, I would imagine. I'll wait until I make my post to designate the heat signatures if Krayzikk wishes, but sharing is caring in an alien world.
AWACS online once CNS recover
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