Avatar of Hey Im Jordan


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just rewatched hart vs austin at mania 13 last night, it will always be a classic
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Story. Finished.


black clover shit incoming

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@Hey Im Jordan alright, fair enough. to everyone here--thoughts on a discord server? yay or nay? my username is olivelovesyou#2272 so hit me up :]

Mine is Jordan#0570. It won't let me add you for some reason!

I'm gonna make a rapper girl that wants to dabble in acting.


i wonder
@Hey Im Jordan do you want a discord server? I mean, I totally can, but I don't know how many of us want it? I've never done rp discord servers before so... I don't have a date for the character submissions. I'm online throughout the week so i'll be here!

Discords are invaluable for quick out of character interactions and (in my opinion) keeping hype and discussion rolling. I think it would be nice to have one! Up to you, though :)
@OliveYou Are you going to make a discord server for this? Also, do you have a date you'd like characters submitted by? I'll work on mine throughout the weekend, but I'm not sure when I'll be done with it.
<Snipped quote by Todd Howard>

I completely forgot about the OOC leakage, ugh, pls no.

<Snipped quote by Hey Im Jordan>

You just don't understand their paaaaaaaaaiiiin /s

It just gets so old so quick...worst part is, a tragic backstory can be used well. It can add some depth to a character, provide some motives, too. But no, this sort of character prefers to just be 2edgy4u.

It can be done well, yes, I agree. But it never is. Very rarely is it handled tastefully and respectfully, it's often just shoehorned in and forced. Depression/addiction/a broken family... all of that is fine, it can be used for character development and depth, but my god please. Don't make it the only thing the character has!

This is some good venting we're doing.
<Snipped quote by pugbutter>

In all seriousness, one trope I'd love to see die is the angsty, dark, disproportionate backstory of this 'tragic' character that does nothing but talk about it constantly. Like...I understand backstories shape characters but at the same time you know they do it to rack up sympathy points and have an excuse to wangst about it constantly.

Yes, yes, yes. This so hard. I write a lot of fluffy slice of life RPs(don't @me), and so so many people write long, edgy, over the top, and angsty backstories. I've done it before myself, sure, but people will make it like the entire focal point of their character.

Like, there is nothing to this character except their depressing backstory because everyone looks at roleplaying as a way to drink an espresso depresso.

I guess I should post this here too
<Snipped quote by Hey Im Jordan>

My hands are on the smaller side so I've stuck with PS3/PS4 controllers for a long time. Probably the major reason I've only ever owned Sony consoles until recently.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

The only actual game I played religiously on PC once I got it was FFXIV and I ended up using my PS4 controller for that.

If you're comfortable with it I'd just use the PS4 controller.
<Snipped quote by Hero>

Playing a fighting game with a keyboard is like playing Guitar Hero with a racing wheel.

@HeroAny fighting game is better with a controller, hands down.

For fighting games it's:

Fight stick > Controller > Keyboard

kbd is a thousand times easier on keyboard. don't sleep on fighting games with a controller. i can't kbd on a stick (and i have three different sticks that all have different hardware configurations) or a controller. keyboard is fine, especially if you're a fast typist. don't misinform this poor girl.

<Snipped quote by Hey Im Jordan>

Soon, once my commission check comes around that's one of the first games I plan on getting.

Also stupid question but it's the first time I'll be playing a fighting game on a console, do you find it easier or harder to play on a keyboard vs a controller?

Fighting games are absolutely all personal preference. Try everything out and decide for yourself. That being said, absolutely under no circumstances ever use an Xbox controller. The dpad is really bad... I guess it might work for SC since it's not as input heavy and you can use the analog stick.
@Heroface me in Soul Calibur
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