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<Snipped quote by TootsiePop>

That's 36 posts in ten days, for the record

Featuring: Kit Thomas
Location: A Denny’s… The Professor wouldn’t approve!
Date: Saturday, before True’s hang out!

“Your mom —”

“The Professor.”

“The Professor would kill me if she knew I took you here, with that health kick she’s on. Why do you even like this place?”

The Kitastrophe and her father, the Doc, were sitting in a Denny’s off the side of the freeway in Los Angeles. It smelled like old old grease, and the Doc could have sworn he smelled a hint of Lemon Pledge in there. It was, to be honest, not a place he would have normally went, but the rules were, if Kit wanted to talk, then Kit would choose where they were going to go.

The Doc and Kit had a few such rules. It helped that she was secretly a huge daddy’s girl (not that anyone could blame her, Oliver was pretty good at this), but the agreement was: if they both adhered to the rules, then Kit would be open and honest with her father. At least then, he didn’t have to worry about her drinking and driving, or doing something worse. The agreement had served its purpose over the years, Kit had been in some shit — once or twice dragging True with her — and Oliver had always been ready to pull her out of it, so long as she talked to him about it.

It was easy, and Kit loved it. It made her life so simple and straightforward. Even if she was just yelling and screaming at someone online, and needed the Doc’s help to get that bastard, he was there! When she needed to talk about how she was pretty damn sure she liked girls, the Doc was there. It was easy, and it was nice, and Kit was always surprised to find that there were people in online that didn’t have great relationships with their dads.

Kit had an okay relationship with the Professor too, but lately… the Professor seemed like she was going through some shit (Kit had heard the Doc say the Professor was a day drinker, but Kit didn’t really get that), and the Doc had always been more easily approachable for Kit anyway. When he offered pancakes in the morning, Kit had been happy to take it.

And here she was, enjoying delicious pancakes.

When the Doc asked his question, Kit looked up as if he were an idiot. Did the Doc seriously not know? That was insane! How could he not know? It was clear as day. Taking a bite from her Oreo milkshake, Kit decided to explain; the Doc had helped her a lot over her life. It was time to give back.

“Where else can I go to get an Oreo shake, with a stack of Cinnamon and Salted Caramel pancakes, a side of bacon — extra extra crispy because Denny’s bacon isn’t really that good… — and then finish my meal with a chocolate lava cake with salted caramel and Oreo pieces on top?” After Kit spoke, the Doc stared at her if she were crazy, and Kit waved a fork with a huge chunk of pancake on the end of it. “Exactly. You got nothin’ , Doc.” Kit said triumphantly, and the Doc just shook his head. He wasn’t going to fight her, at least he could have bacon and eggs here.

“Just don’t tell your mom —”

“The Professor.” Kit was ever vigilant in correcting her parents. Eventually, they’d get the message.

“Just don’t tell the Professor I let you get all this stuff, alright? She’ll have my head. ‘She’ll rot her teeth out!’” The Doc shuddered, hearing Molly’s angry screaming voice in his ears. He knew he’d have hell to pay if she found out that he let their precious daughter eat cinnamon and caramel pancakes and two orders of ice cream at ten in the morning. There was more sugar than sustenance on Kit’s plate, but that wasn’t important… Not really.

“So. The glass.”

Oh no, there it was. Kit wasn’t read for this, her face immediately darkened when he said the not-so-magic words. She was concerned about many things. And she wasn’t sure where to begin with it, was the main problem. She tore the piece of pancake off of her fork, and chewed slowly while considering things. What was she supposed to say? She didn’t even know! This kind of thing was too hard for her, she wasn’t good at this part of their deal.

She stuffed another bite of Oreo milkshake into her mouth, before she started. Her words were slow, and measured — Kit wasn’t sure if she’d end up emotionally broken down again. “Okay, uhm… I think it’s important for us to start at the beginning… Do you remember when I said I liked girls?”

“Yes, that wasn’t that long ago. Selena started it, right?”

Kit nodded, sipping at the milkshake again. “Yes! Partially. It was partially Selena and there was another girl, too, but I didn’t think she was like… real. You know? Because she was a celebrity! Like, a YouTube celebrity. Selena was — is, still I guess — pretty much… perfect. Sort of like…”

“Something you want but can’t have.”

“Yeah! Exactly! Something I want but can’t have. But she was physically there! She was touchable, so I came up with my master plan — you know my master plan. Oh, by the way I kissed Selena… it wasn’t all that. But I kissed this other girl and that was pretty good! But, uhm, that’s not the point. The point is this other girl! You see, there was this other girl. Her name is VanillaSunrise.”

“Twitch streamer?”

“YouTuber. Remember when I wanted to start playing 14 and I made you buy all the expansions and then like a year of gametime? That’s because she plays 14, and I liked watching her videos… even the older, cringey ones! Because, like… because I just like listening to her talk. I like listening to her talk about the game, and I liked… you know, her. I really did, Doc!”

Kit took a deep breath and a moment to take another bite of her pancakes, enjoying the delicious, sugary, salty, caramel-y whipped cream that topped the pancakes. She needed to keep a cool head, “basically, I fell in love with two girls at once — Selena in real life, and the voice of VanillaSunrise. And her personality, and the way she talked and spoke… I even liked the way she wrote! See, it turned out she writes, like…. fan fiction, kinda? It’s good, but I don’t think you’d like it.”

“So… I… met her, Doc! I met her at school, she goes to my school. Isn’t that insane? I just… I met her, because she’s dating Hailey.” Kit explained, sucking at her milkshake again, and frowning when it was empty. She looked at the Doc, who shook his head, but grabbed the remainder of it — in the mixing bowl, and poured it into his daughter’s glass. “Thanks, Doc. So, it turns out that the VanillaSunrise, the smut writer, the 14 player, my hero, and like my SECOND LOVE OF MY LIFE goes to school with me! I was like, inches away from her, Doc. I could smell her. Is that weird?”

“Honestly? A little bit.”

“Well… okay, okay. Fair. She smells like… delicious vanilla… Sorry! So basically, I ended up talking to Hana — that’s VanillaSunrise — in gym class, and telling her that I knew who she was… I dunno, it was after Selena and I thought that I… I dunno I wanted Hana to like me, I guess. But she didn’t! So I… I pulled some strings. I got Hailey to force her to come over last night… and she did, and we played games, and it was great. BUT.”

Kit paused again, taking another bite of her pancakes. She was running low on food, but she was getting pretty full… she just didn’t want to stop eating because it tasted, really really good. She was gonna get fat, wasn’t she? She totally was… Kit grumbled, but she definitely didn’t stop eating the pancakes.

“But! It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted more. So I like… looked for an opening, and then I found one… so I like… took it. The truth is, Doc. When the glass broke, I wasn’t… I was faking it. I knew it wasn’t a big deal, and I knew I’d get another one from you. But I didn’t act like that! I cried and I threw a fit until… until she agreed to kiss me.” At this, the Doc raised an eyebrow, and Kit shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, I got a kiss… it wasn’t much, but I wish I got more. I want more.”

“I wasn’t upset when I called you about the bong, I just didn’t know what to say! I was upset, because of how easy it was. I knew that she was with Hailey, but I still manipulated her into kissing me! Maybe there’s something wrong with me… maybe I’m a real like… like psychopath! What if I grow up to be a cult leader, Doc!? Why is the only thing I can think about doing it again!?”

That… that was a lot to digest.

“Do you… do you know what you did was wrong?”

“Well, well yes… but —”

“But nothing, Kitkat. Look, I know you well enough to know that no matter what I say or do… Kit’s gonna do what Kit’s gonna do. I think you learn best via trial by fire, anyway. Let’s just… let’s let this play out.”

Well… the Doc had a point. Kit nodded, and sipped from her milkshake, before dipping a chunk of cinnamon pancake into it. “Let’s go get True.”

Collab with @TootsiePop

Scott was locked in his room. If he never spoke to his father again, that would be for the best. He’d dealt with his father, and they’d reached something of an agreement. Scott wouldn’t talk to him, and in return, Gabriel would leave him the fuck alone. It’d helped that Katie had lashed out at Gabriel too, but it wasn’t enough. Dad had crossed the line! Scott was sick of his shit, and he wasn’t gonna put up with it anymore, no matter how much it would upset Grandma Bi at the next family get together.

For now, he was sitting in his room with AJ. They were… just sitting, but they were best friends, so sometimes just sitting was what they needed. It may have been quiet, but it was nonetheless comforting. Scott was in a good mood, anyway! He and Katie were a thing, completely and totally, and the truth was? That was awesome. It was way better than Scott could have ever hoped it would be.

He wanted to climb to the highest point in the tallest tower and shout it at the top of his lungs. That, of course, was not something he could do. He had to settle for the next best thing. At least AJ was here. “Dude. I think I’m in love.”

Sitting, his back leaned against the backboard, holding a bowl of opened starbursts, AJ Tyler, designated ‘asshole ex’ of Jamie Callaghan, threw a red one in his mouth, as he glanced at his best friend. Love, he said? With the feminist bitch? He chewed slowly, his shades hooked onto his shirt, and surveyed Scott’s expression. He was… happy. It wasn’t AJ’s place to ruin Scott’s honeymoon phase with cynicism, “Yeah? How do you know?” It might be best to keep his bitterness locked inside and the fact that he let Cecily convince him to fool Bailee into a relationship with him. Yeah. That was definitely for the best. Lifting the bowl close to his friend, he offered, “Want some?”

Scott looked at the bowl of candy, and thought about it for a second, before taking a handful of them. Popping one into his mouth, he nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I’m not… like, sure, but she’s really awesome.” Scott couldn’t believe what he was saying, but really, he couldn’t believe anything that had happened over the past couple of days. The realization and admittance that he didn’t just like Katie, he liked her. After all, who else knew him best? “She came over and yelled at my dad, and it was frankly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. After that, we fucked….”

“Right where you’re sitting, actually.”

“Nice. Are you guys as loud in bed as you are in… general?” AJ chuckled, really not caring if he was sitting on a dirty blanket. Katie was hot. He could get behind laying on the sheets she was naked on. Ain’t nothing but a thing.

“Maybe.” Was Scott’s only reply, before he grabbed a basketball off the ground, and tossed it into the hoop, watching it swish through the net. That wasn’t the important stuff right now, AJ! The important stuff was that Scott was now engaged in a serious relationship. “I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that before.” AJ knew better than anyone that Scott’s dad was… beyond ‘douchebag’ levels, especially when his mom and sister were gone, and both of them had been gone for a few weeks now. “It was… cool.”

“Might help that like, she doesn’t know the dude. Because I grew up seeing your father and if it wasn’t for Mama Blair. He’d probably throw me around just like he does to you. Yeah. No.” At least when it came to Gabriel, AJ would admit he was scared of him. He’s SEEN some shit and if he intervened he’d make it ten times worse for Scott. Maybe tits was the solution. Katie had tits. Blair had tits. So did Ana, sorta. They were coming in. “I love you, my guy, but I want to live to see tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I don’t even know what to do.” Scott complained, shaking his head. He didn’t understand why his dad was such a fucking… prick, but he knew one thing: He hated it. And he loved that Katie hated it too! The people that knew didn’t like it, sure, but no one really did anything for him, not even his mom. She stepped in when she had to, but she didn’t exactly try and get Gabriel to never do it again, not like Katie had. Katie had told Gabriel off, and it was awesome. “Like, what do I do next? Do I call her? Do I text her? Do I do nothing?”

Jesus. AJ forgot how inexperienced his friend was. Katie legit was the first. First kiss. First fuck. First to tell his dad to fuck off. The fucking first. AJ was in middle school when these questions were all he could think about, but after Jamie? Fuck that. He wasn’t here for love and sure, he had a potential good girl and was going to be her first in a lot too, but it wasn’t out of love. High school wasn’t meant for love. Sorry, Bailee.

Throwing a yellow one in his mouth, AJ shrugged, “She likes that you annoy her, so yeah sure. See if she wants to do something with you tonight. Maybe do like a double date thing with her best friend and Dames. That could be fun. I don’t really know Katie like you do, so that’s the best you’re getting from me.”

AJ did have a point; Scott definitely knew Katie better than AJ did, and one thing that Scott had a very strong feeling about, was that Katie was a private person. Scott wasn’t even sure there would be any PDAs from Katie in his future, though it wasn’t a bad thing. He didn’t mind not sucking on Katie’s tongue in front of everyone — he was different from AJ. While AJ wanted to show off that he was with someone, Scott felt like it was enough for him and her to know.

A double date though? It was… an idea. Maybe she’d like that, since Joy was her best friend, and as far as Scott knew, they were both in their first relationships… It was worth a shot. “I could ask about a double date, that’s a good idea.” Scott was just… new to relationships, yeah. “I think she’s like… busy, right now, though. Shopping with Joy.”

“That’s okay. Call her around lunch time. Those girls can’t shop forever. Well, they could, but doesn’t Joy… eat a lot? I’m pretty sure she eats like a beast. OH!” AJ snapped his fingers with a sudden thought, the bowl resting on his lap, “Do you need condoms? Lube? Toys? We could totally go get that. Like right now.”

“No! I don’t need none of that stuff, dude!” Scott protested, looking up at AJ and shaking his head. AJ was too much for him sometimes — sure, Scott did a good job of having that ‘cool, chill’ persona, but AJ took it to the next level… sort of. Scott would argue that AJ had actually never been the same since he’d gotten his heart broken (AJ would never admit it) with Jamie. That was why AJ had tried to flex on Jamie in the hall, and Scott knew the truth. AJ was just… jaded. He didn’t say it aloud though, because AJ would have never taken it seriously from him. “Look, man, I got this, I think. I think this could be really good for me.”

“You sure? Like not even condoms? That doesn’t even require us to go out. I got some in my backpack.” Even if he hadn’t had sex since Jamie. But, hey. No one needed to know that. “I don’t want to see a mini Scott or mini Katie anytime soon. God that would be a nightmare.” Those two were so rowdy. If they ever made a love child, that would be them times TEN.

“Yeah right, yours would be too small.” Scott scoffed, rolling his eyes. He had condoms already, anyway. AJ did have a point though, and Scott decided he’d try and broach a dangerous, volatile subject. “Yeah, I get that. I guess that’s why you were fucking Jamie, huh? It’s easy if you just bone other dudes, huh? Then you don’t even have to worry about kids. I guess there’s still like… diseases.” Scott said, looking at his phone, and sitting down in a chair by his desk. “How are you doing, anyway? In the way of getting laid, I mean.”

In defense, AJ grabbed the pillow beside him and flung it at Scotty, “Fuck you, dude.” He didn’t take it personal, but that was a LOW BLOW. Purposely hitting his head on the backboard, AJ grumbled and answered, “I guess sooner or later Bailee will take off that chastity belt for me. BTDubs. Me and Bails are sorta a thing? At least her drunk self was like into it. I might give her a try.” To make Jamie jealous.

“Playing with fire.” Not that Scott was going to judge. AJ, it seemed, liked to light himself on fire. Maybe it was in his blood? Scott wasn’t too sure — he didn’t care to ask, either. AJ was doing his thing, and it was working for him… more or less. “Right, and the goal of the plan is to… what, get Jamie to realize what he’s missing?” Scott was treading lightly, but he was definitely in a minefield.

“Why the fuck would I do that, Scott? Jamie and Marshall can have their fairytale romance. I’m over it. We said our goodbyes, anyways. He’s tired of hurting people, and I’m tired of him running to me for advice.” Half truths. Half lies. “I’m gettin’ back in the game! That’s why I got Bails. She’s the fire that I need. Maybe I need a fiery girl to tell me to shut the fuck up, you know?” Honestly, if he wasn’t still in love with Jamie this plan did make a lot of sense. Bailee was kind of a bitch, but a sad bitch. The only thing that didn’t remind him of his ma was she was also pure. Ew. What was he saying? Why was he comparing Bailee to his MOM?

“Bailee. Is the fire that you need in your life. Uh-huh.” Scott was going to have to let it go, AJ was clearly guarded and jaded. Scott wasn’t the one to break those barriers down, that was up to someone else — maybe even Bailee. Scott couldn’t do everything for him, all he could do was offer support when AJ’s plan ultimately exploded in his face. “What, like your mom?”

“Okay. That’s enough of this pussy bitch talk. Let’s do something. I’m bored. You’re in love. What-the-fuck-ever. We should ride.”

“Yeah, okay let’s go —”

“SCOTT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” Scott was cut off by his father, and that caused him to glance over at AJ. If his dad wanted him, then there probably was nothing good that was going to happen...

“What do you want, motherfucker!?” Scott yelled back, frustrated that his dad would even call him down after the way things had gone so far this weekend.


oh mb i haven't checked rpg in a while

the discord link i got was expired, could i get another one?

edit: also i remember Ambra saying there were two champions who were unavailable. who were they?

J4 and Viktor are the NPC champs. =)
Location: The 365 Combat Club
Time: Sunday afternoon
Zachary Webb

“You okay, man? You look… distracted, which is… like, super weird for you.” Zach asked, looking over at Owen on the other side of the ring. Owen looked back at Zach and shot him a glare. Zach helplessly shrugged his shoulders and found himself wondering why he even bothered with this guy. At least Owen was a good teacher. Zach had gotten a little stronger since he’d started doing Owen’s weird ‘training exercises,’ between that and fucking around with gym equipment until Owen showed him the right way, Zach had bulked up just the slightest bit. At least he liked to think so!

Was he going to beat Sam anytime soon? No, probably not… but dammit, he felt like he was on the way. There was a chance, even if it was slim...

“I got a lot on my mind, young grasshopper.” Owen explained, as he moved over toward Zach and adjusted the heavy bag that he had been practicing on. “Breathe, with each of your hits. You know, considering you’ve only been at this for like, what, a week? You’re not doin’ too bad. Don’t get a swelled head, either. You’re not that good, but you’re learning, it’s good to see. Watch.” Owen took a step back and gestured for Zach to stand on his side of the bag. Owen made sure Zach was out of the way, before he slammed his fist into the bag, and began to… vent, so to speak. “I’m sorry, dude, I’m just a little mad. Because. I got this bitch Jamie writing things about me. And Trixie thinks she can just go talk to my fucking mom. After I told her to just stay with Ophelia! And then my mom gave her one of those fucking BROWNIES! AND SHE DOESN’T COME BACK TO THE GYM! LIKE I TOLD HER TO! SHE JUST FUCKS OFF! TO OPHELIA’S HOUSE! DOESN’T ANSWER HER PHONE! DOESN’T ANSWER MY TEXTS!” Zach watched as Owen exploded on the bag and in his words, and when he finished the final kick, the bag slid down the line, and Zach was staring with wide eyes, wondering if Owen was going to beat him next. “See? Ya gotta breathe… young grasshopper.” Owen said, breathing slowly as he caught his breath from the outburst, prompting Zach to nod slowly and look around the empty gym. Was this how Owen acted when he was alone?

“Hey, should I come back later, or…?”

Zach turned to look at the new voice, the one he hadn’t heard before. Owen, still breathing heavily, spun around slowly to look at the voice, and then he smiled. “Hey, you came.” He said, and he seemed like all his problems had been lifted off his shoulders; in fact, if Zach didn’t know better (Owen wasn’t capable of expressing positive emotion, was he?) he would have reckoned that Owen looked excited, maybe even… did Owen look happy? There was no way.

“Yeah, I thought about it and I figured… why not. This is basically what I’m built for, isn’t it? Screw it.”

Owen nodded his agreement to the mystery man, and gestured for him to come inside. The young, handsome blonde man did as was suggested, and stepped deeper into the gym from the doorway he was standing in. With a duffel bag on his shoulder, he looked almost like any other gym goer, but from the way that Owen was reacting, Zach knew that wasn’t true. “Zach, Sean. Sean, Zach. Zach, go close up. We’re done for the day.”

At that one, Zach was confused again. He should have learned a while ago not to really question what Owen said or wanted, but unfortunately… Zach either didn’t care or just was an idiot. “Wait, but why? Don’t we usually close at like, 10:30? We can’t close now, what about the people who come in late?” Zach asked, before the ire of Owen was turned onto him.

“Man, you must be real fuckin’ stupid. Sean, you were just outside… The sign on the door say 365 Combat Club, or 365, 24/7 Combat Club?”

“Sign says 365 Combat Club.” Sean piped in, throwing his duffel bag on the ground. Zach looked at Owen, who nodded his head, and Zach groaned, but walked away from the heavy bag. As he walked around the room, closing the windows and the blinds, Owen was in the ring, and gesturing for Sean to follow him. Sean, who seemed confused, ultimately obliged. Watching Owen throw off his shirt and put on his gloves, Sean shook his head. “Wait, hold on. There’s no… there’s no reason to fight,” Sean protested. He didn’t want to fight Owen! Didn’t the Lyon boy get he message when Sean kissed him instead of hitting him?

“You ain’t got one? Well, brother, I do.” Owen said in a blunt, terse voice. He wasn’t going to let it stand. There was no way that he let Sean go without figuring out which one of them really was the baddest dude at Beverly Hills High. Without waiting for a response, Owen threw a pair of gloves over at Sean. Sean stared at Owen, and realized that he didn’t really have a choice. Sighing, he took his own shirt off and tugged the gloves on.

Zach finished up, just in time for Owen to yell for him again. “Zach! Come here.” Like clockwork, Zach walked over, and then he looked between Owen and Sean with great interest. Was he going to get to see a fight? Between two people who knew what they were doing? That was enticing! It was going to be great — Zach had heard about the blond kid’s fight at the boat party, and Zach knew what kind of person Owen was… “You’re gonna ring that bell, then you’re gonna count when one of us goes down, and can’t meet the ten count. Got it?”

“Got it!” That was easy, Zach could do that in his sleep. He went over to the bell, and picked up the striking hammer. Before h e could hit it though, Sean spoke again.

“We reeeally don’t have to do thi—”

“Yes we do. Ring the damn bell, Zach.”

Sean sighed, but put up his hands.

Ring ring ring!

Almost as soon as the bell rang, both competitors rushed across the ring toward each other….


The Detention Room

“Remember! Attention, in detention.”

Their ‘handler’ as Tony had come to refer to him always said the same thing. He said it everytime, every single time. And Tony didn’t even get it! What did it even mean? It was such a drag, being in this building, and in this room. And on a Saturday, no less! He had better things to do, surely they all did. But no, he was trapped in here until the end of the school year, just like the other five. Tony didn’t know anyone here, sure he knew of them, but he didn’t necessarily know their names.

He had just… assigned names to them. There was ‘Lives Under Her Own Dress Code,’ ‘Probably a Former Girl Scout,’ ‘Might Be Able to Kill Me,’ and ‘Has a Nice Car Guy.’ Strangely, if you asked Tony anyway — and maybe it was sexist — he and Has a Nice Car Guy were… the only guys there. Probably a Former Girl Scout belonged here the least, she seemed out of place — she didn’t seem like she had a single bone in her body that deserved to be detained.

Has a Nice Car Guy seemed like he belonged here the most — Tony figured it was the jacket he wore. Might Be Able to Kill Me and Lives Under Her Own Dress Code seemed at home, if nothing else, though Tony reckoned Might Be Able to Kill Me only had one setting, and that was quiet and not talking to anyone ever no matter what. Tony imagined if she ever did speak, her only words would be ‘lawyer’ and whatever ‘lawyer’ was in… whichever sect of Asia she was from.

“Attention in detention.”

The Handler said it again as he walked toward the stairs, and without missing a beat, he abandoned the entire detained squad. Tony wondered if he knew what they did down here after he left. Following the Handler with his eyes, Tony came to a sad realization… The Handler didn’t care. Did anyone? Probably not. Tony wasn’t sure he even cared what he did down here.

What was important was… their time together was reaching its apex, the midpoint. Tony thought of the detention kids as a ‘group,’ even if they never said more than three words to each other, but… still, it was the closest thing he had to friends. Tony had a plan to celebrate, all he had to do was… ask. Unfortunately for him, that wasn’t going to be easy. It was never easy, not to speak to people. What was he, some kind of social butterfly? No, no, Tony was more of a social… moth. He just didn’t know what he was doing, and suddenly he flew into a bug zapper and bing bang boom he was dead.

This sucked.

Tony stood up from his desk amongst the pit of kids stuck in detention, and cleared his throat. “Hey, guys. Thank you for… gathering here. It’s been nice meeting you and all, so to, you know celebrate our uhm...—” Oh man, this was painful, he was worse than he’d thought. He’d just get to the point. “I’m going to Angel Grove mine tonight, at six thirty, to blow some stuff up. You guys wanna come?” There. Who wouldn’t want to blow stuff up?
@AmbraBee's in the discord, he just hasn't changed his name.
Friday night, after Hana broke Kit's bong,
before Saturday hangout with True
Collab with @TootsiePop

The fact that the house was quiet and clean when they walked inside was a problem. Oliver knew his daughter well enough to know that it was a problem. Kit being quiet was almost like her way of giving her parents the biggest red flag in the world. The last time she had been quiet, they’d later discovered a hole the size of Kit behind a cleverly moved piece of furniture. Oliver knew based on the phone call Kit was upset. She had even been crying, and she definitely hadn’t been faking it.

“Sorry our date got cut short… do you want me to go talk to her, or…?” Oliver asked, looking over at Molly before glancing toward the stairs… when he noticed his daughter standing at the top, with an almost wraithlike appearance. Based on his first glance, Oliver thought she might have been crying since he got off the phone with her. Oliver glanced over at his wife, but before he could say anything to Kit, their daughter was hobbling down the stairs, and talking.

“I brought her over and she had cake and we played games and then she broke it and it’s gone and she broke it and I let you DOWN.” Kit said through teary eyes and sniffles as she approached her parents. Oliver hadn’t really been mentally prepared for this kind of thing; he’d thought that he was just going to hang out with Molly and maybe get lucky, but now there was this. “And she took the whole cake! I told her to, but I really want cake now!”

The harsh smell of wine could be smelt off the Professor. There was a slight sway in her legs, as she stood there watching her daughter be mopey and make her way to her and her husband. Listening as carefully as she could to her child’s needs, Molly fumbled in her purse, dropped it, bent over to pick it up, then fumbled in it again, “I’mma give Rem’s a call.” She slurred. “I get you cake to make you better. Mommy loves you sooooooooo much~!” She blinked at her phone, trying to find one of the Wells. It was blurry. She handed her phone to her husband, “You do it!” And proceeded to pull Kit into a motherly hug.

Oh god, the Professor smelled like nasty grapes. Kit gagged, mostly involuntarily. Kit didn’t know what that was, but she definitely knew that she hated it. “Doc, what do you guys do when you’re out? Why does she smell!? Why can’t she hold her phone?” Maybe it was just the stressors of being an adult getting to the Professor… some kind of tragic tale… Kit didn’t have time for that! “I don’t have time for this! You need a bath. Let’s… let’s go.” Kit declared, squirming her way out of Molly’s grip and gesturing for Molly to follow her up the stairs, turning around to tut at the Doc. “Clearly, you let the Professor lose control!”

“Yes. Clearly.” Oliver muttered, following after Molly and his daughter. At least, it seemed that Kit was over whatever she was upset about — or this was just the calm before the storm…

Unable to go up the stairs, leaning over the railing, Molly debated if she should crawl. She had forgotten about the cake request and now was trying her best to make it to the bathroom. Her legs wanted to give out. Maybe she should let her legs give out. She was kind of sleepy. “You bathe with me? We can have bubble bath! And I’ll put one of my lush balls in toooooo.” Molly slowly, slowly let all her weight go to her legs. She started to drop.

Luckily for Molly, she was married to the super dad. Without skipping a beat, Oliver caught Molly and scooped her up into his arms, looking at Kit as he walked past her. “I gotta go put the Professor to bed, KitKat.” He said, looking down at the girl, who stoically nodded. “We’ll talk soon, just me and you. We’ll go get pancakes, and then we can pick True up, alright? Tomorrow morning?” Oliver offered as he headed toward the bedroom. He would have liked to talk to Kit then and there, but the fact was… he couldn’t. The Professor was too fucking trashed, he had to make sure she didn’t choke to death on her own vomit, or like… worse. Cry.

“Uhm… yeah, that sounds good! And I wouldn’t bathe with you, Professor! I’m 15! You don’t bathe with other people when you’re older than like, freakin’ 10!”

“You’re gonna make her bring up college…”

“WHEN I WAS TWENTY…” The Professor spoke nonsense, though to her the story was coherent. The volume of her voice got further and further away until she and her husband were in the master bedroom. The door closed and she yawned, “It’s good story.”
I still am interested in this if a slot becomes available for the sixth ranger, but I just need to know if this is first-come first-serve, that's what it appeared to be in the interest check so it was kind of confusing. Lol. I've been parts of other Ranger RPs where people completed an app and the GM picked the rangers that way, but if that's not the case then how would I know as a potential candidate if I'm too late to jump at the opportunity? Does that makes sense? ^^

Hi! It's more or less first come first serve, yes. I'm not going to let a bunch of people make apps and then have to decline a chunk of them, it makes me feel bad. The most important thing to me is consistency, and I'm lucky enough to have a group of pretty consistent friends who were willing to join with me. I'll PM you when a slot opens and you can join then! :)
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