Avatar of Holy Soldier
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  • Posts: 3471 (1.17 / day)
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    1. Holy Soldier 8 yrs ago
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Current Posted a Game Master Guide in the Guides section. If you need help with GMing, refer to it for some handy advice. If you don't need help, then don't read it.
7 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
7 yrs ago
When you see that you no longer owe anymore posts and have nothing to write *insanity ensues* Aaaaah!HSkjhaksjhdjf
8 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
8 yrs ago
Happy Birthday to me.


Hello all. I am an experienced writer who is writing my own fiction stories on the side. I can role play any genre. What I love most is being able to go-all-out when weaving tales with other writers. It just makes the story more interesting, so I can't wait to write with you. :)

Most Recent Posts

@mattmanganonLook at the character thread. We have a main game.


Day/Time: Day Two - Evening
Location: Dream Land Arc
Tagging: @Etherean Fire@Zarkun@Guardian Angel Haruki@Leaves

Inside the Butter Building, Fl. 5

When the group concluded their discussion and were ready to continue their descent through the Butter Building, the next room could be reached through a wooden door with a bronze handle. Upon opening the door, the next chamber was dark, but the light pouring in from their location in the stairwell revealed that it was a mostly circular chamber with no stairwells or columns. The room was like the inside of the drum and there were two shadows hopping left and right. Upon seeing the door open, the two shadows started to playfully giggle.

“Oh look, Bro, dey’ made it,” the first shadow said.

“They beat Marx. No big deal. He was a loser any way,” said the second shadow.

“Yeah, easy peasy!”

“It’s dark. Let’s get some lights in here.”

The chamber lit up revealing what appeared to be a circus interior with red, blue, and white triangle wallpaper. The floor was white marble, and the light was pouring in from lamps built into the circular ceiling above. The room was spacious and empty except for the two large Poppy Bro Sr.s dancing about.

“You guys were lucky making it down here, but this is your last stop,” said the second Poppy Bro.

“Yeah, you guys t’aint goin’ further. I hope your ready ta’ hava’ blast!” the first Poppy Bro laughed.

“I don’t think these guys are bomb proof. We’re gonna have a mess to clean up.”

The second Poppy Bro stopped dancing to stare blankly at his brother. “I dun wanna clean dat up. Dat’s disgustin’!”

"I don’t want to neither. We’ll get some other schmuck to do it.”



GM Note: From here on out, all players will be required to keep track of their word count. XP will be awarded every GM post. Be sure to check the XP hider to see how much XP your character earned. Remember to keep your CSes updated. I have seen players slack in keeping their XP up-to-date and they have lost XP points because of it. I didn't take the XP away from them, they just didn't keep track of the XP on their own. It is YOUR responsibility if you want your character to level.


If a player is inactive for more than 3 days without letting the GMs know of any delays, then the player can be skipped over on the 4th day. If a player does not wish to post, they can Mention the GM and let the GM know he or she "Passes" on his or her turn.

P.O.: Frisk, Alicia Harnick, Phoenix Wright, Banjo & Kazooie, and Cloud.
@Double@Tenma Tendo@Renny@Kal-El@Zarkun@Sudkurve@Karl Kadaver@Sarcelle Renard@Fuzzybootz

Hey all,

So, I need to get a vote from you guys--majority wins. It was suggested by a player that when I run these missions that it would be better if I gave you guys 2 rounds for player decision-making including making your reactions before I drop a GM post with the consequences.

All in favor of allowing players to have 2 rounds before the GM post, is "yay."

All who are okay with the current level of game difficulty with 1 round of player decision-making, is "nay."

Race Human and Half-Saiyan
Power Levels 910
Location Quad C
Tagging @Holy Soldier@Renny

The red veins in Bolt's eyes seemed to increase and the branches of blood vessels about his temples and forehead were growing thicker just watching his supposed helper falling and eating it on the beam below. Was he there to help him? Could he help him?...Was that a monkey tail? As Bolt neared his strength's limit, he felt himself becoming rude in his struggle.

"What can you do monkey boy?" he scoffed. "You didn't bringa' crane or nothin'! How you gonna help me?"

A tad dazed and wobbly, Taeto just barely heard the man he was helping. He brought his hand down with a echoing thud against the metal beam. Through a hard smile, Taeto stood to his feet and let his instincts rush over him.

“That’s original,” he growled low. “How about you just watch guy! I don’t need a crane to help you.”

Screw him. I should leave him there but that insult reminded me my tail is actually useful. I just have to find its place and it’ll help balance me.

He let out a breath before lunging himself up to the next beam, praying that he could find his miracle. As planned, he landed up there but had begun to lose his footing rather quickly. He darted his tail around, finding that sacred place in the air that brought him evenness not a moment too late.


That too hard, too large smile appeared on his face as he peered directly up at the helpless worker. “Suck on your insults why don’tcha,” he mocked while moving over to catch the leaning side of the beam. “Drop it to me!”

Bolt stared at Monkey Boy as though he were crazy. "What?!"

Taeto raised a brow of frustration at him. "You heard me! Drop it!"

"Are you insane? It'll crush ya!"

His arms fell to his sides. "Dude, just drop the damn beam.I'm strong too. I hold it for at least a little while."

Bolt couldn’t afford to hold the beam anymore even if he wanted to. He closed his eyes, clenching them tightly in regret for what he was about to do. He was about to drop a beam on an overconfident monkey boy. Lord, this ain’t my fault, he prayed. His fingers loosened, stretching out until the beam slipped free tumbling toward Taeto.

He didn’t need confirmation, rejection, or even words to know the man’s grip was slipping. Taeto could see it in the intense strain on his face, the low groans of failing determination. He braced himself haphazardly on the thin beam, shot his arms up, and waited for the results. To be honest he hadn’t know how heavy a metal beam of that size could weigh; all he had was confidence in his own power.

While he had caught it, the thick and growing veins in his arms and neck was telltale of his struggle. He clawed his voice from out the exertion. “Hel--Help!”

Just as Taeto caught the beam, instead of receiving help, all of a sudden Bolt had fell on top of the beam he held. His arms and legs dangled to either side of the beam, and he smiled down at Taeto blushing in embarrassment.

“Eh-Heh, muscle failure.”

The crane was already on its way with four construction crewmen riding the beam it carried. Two were balancing out one in, while the other two were carried closer to Bolt and the kid was holding up the beam all on his own.

“Hang on!” they told him. “We’re right here.”

Realization had finally dawned on him. While he understood that watching this worker perform the impossible had inspired some thrill in him, it was more clear now than before why it had. There was something… something different about him. All of the workers seemed meager compared to him. But in what way? Taeto wondered.

“I---Impossible!” he responded in turn whilst holding the beam up. “Get down here carrot top!” he growled, eyeing the mane of orange. His fingers dug evermore into the metal.

Bolt narrowed his eyes at Taeto as he growled, “What’d you call me, Monkey Boy?”

The workers on the crane drifted closer and secured a rope with a D-ring about the beam. The other end of the rope was secured to the other beam and one of the workers grabbed it, jumped down, and attempted to use his weight to lift the beam. The man remained aloft, the beam being too heavy. A second worker from the other end of the crane-held beam raced over to join the other worker on the rope. When both remained aloft, they both glared over at Bolt.

“Get off you lunkhead!”

Bolt scowled back at them and peered down at the beam Taeto was standing on. He carefully climbed down, using whatever strength he had left to lower himself. His arms felt so weak. He sat his rump down on the beam and sighed in relief. Taeto would feel some relief as the beam started to go up as the workers started to go down. The workers on the crane-held beam were raised higher so they could secure it.

Bolt looked over at Taeto first staring at the strange tail coming out of his ass. His eyes then rose to his rescuer. “You had me fooled. I thought you were just some kid (said like he was so much older than him).”

Taeto soaked in the searing pain of his arms. They laid limp at his side, his hands flushed with blood and thrumming with exhaustion. He looked through that man-made tunnel and up at the sky. Its once edgy wind was harmless now that his tail was twitching and correcting his balance.

He let out a labored breath and thought back, very quickly, to that hint of anger the man had displayed. He doesn’t like the name carrot top huh? I’ve gotten my fight now.

Still though… Taeto tilted his head to look Carrot Top head on. For a moment he considered their location then tossed it aside the moment his excitement flared to life at the possibilities. Taeto smiled hard at him. “Yea, I’m sure I did. Not many would guess I’m super strong. I’m more surprised you are too.”

Bolt smiled, blushing with flattery. "I wouldn't say super, but I'm pretty tough all right."

Taeto's smile fell into a hard line. "Yeaa, you are tough huh?" he repeated for reasons unknown to him. He reached down and grabbed his shaking left hand. A soft chuckle came from him. "I'm not too shabby myself. Tough is an understatement for me, Carrot Top." Carrot Top was spoken with a pinch of emphasis.

Bolt’s smile curled into something a little menacing as his orange brows converged on his forehead. Was the monkey trying to pluck a nerve? He couldn’t be. He had just helped him out. Bolt offered his hand up to Taeto, his forced smile still on his face. “Muh name’s actually Bolt. What’s yours?”

Taeto's gaze fell hard onto the man's hand. His cross-hair pupils shifting ever so slightly out of agitation. He smacked it aside with a deafening thwack. "I don't give a damn about your name, Carrot Top. I didn't save you because I'm some hero."

He took a few backsteps to make room between them. "I saved you for different reasons," he murmured as he lifted his heavy arms up in a typical and lacking fighting stance.

Bolt’s smile shifted to a frown when Taeto harshly slapped his hand away. “What’s your problem?”

When the monkey boy declared he had saved him for other reasons, Bolt’s eyes widened a little as he gave him a blank stare. When Taeto assumed what appeared to be a fighting stance, the Southern boy continued to regard him as though he didn’t recognize what was going on. His hand rose to his chin as he gave it an aimless scratch.

Arching a brow, Bolt asked in uncertainty, “…cuz you wanna dance?”

“Dance?” he questioned. Why would he assume dancing?

Then he realized, through the mind-numbing excitement, that everything he was doing probably looked crazy. Partial embarrassment reddened his cheeks. A part of him yelled that combat was normal. That to see someone you knew was strong and immediately attempt to fight them was natural.

And yet…

He ground his teeth into one another and formed a snarl at his next thought; his mom pleading for him to pretend to be normal. But how cou--how could he when he had all these unexplainable feelings and instincts inside of him.

Taeto spat out his indignation over the side of the beam. “I don’t wanna dance you fucking idiot. I wanna beat you into the ground!”

Metal Cricket

Alain had even more of a reason to be upset as Damian retracted his demi spell in time to throw the kill switch. Caius executed his heroic fail-safe, passing between the legs of the deactivated Metal Cricket and severing the joints with his sword. The joints sparked and the cricket collapsed on its belly on top of the barrel. The SOLDIER’s blade then pierced its red eye, cracking it and taking it out. As Alain’s fist slammed into the back of the Cricket, the machine’s feet groaned against the metal beneath it as it began to tip. The Metal Cricket was tumbling from the barrel and was going to go clattering down the Sister Ray’s foundations to the tide rocks below.

Boldly driving down the residential district streets, weaving between SOLDIERs and Shinra Troops and running over AVALANCHE terrorists that got in its way, was a white limousine. It was no normal limousine for the white vehicle was tanking the fire from several Rovers and even returning fire like some vehicular weapon from Twisted Metal. Seated comfortably in the back on a red leather seat was a blonde woman. She wore a matching form-fitting red dress that did nothing to hide the cleavage of her impressive breasts that gently quivered to the turbulence the limo faced running over terrorists and dodging around Rovers. Her mirror was raised before her baby-blue eyes. Her lips puckered as she ran a crayon of lipstick across them.

“They better not have damaged my baby,” she muttered, rubbing her lips together to evenly coat them before she popped them twice. Closing her mirror, she tucked it away into a purse at her side. Suddenly, the limo stopped, causing her to rock forward a little against her seatbelt. Frowning, the woman known as Scarlet, Head of the Weapons Development Department, growled, “Why did we stop?”

The driver rolled down the back window and answered fearfully, “Uh…Ma’am…you should see this.”

Scarlet huffed, her breath blowing a stray bang of her blonde hair out of her face. She unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out from the safety of her vehicle onto the battlefield, and her blue eyes swelled in horror at the sight of the Sister Ray’s barrel falling free. Her mouth fell open and after a long ten seconds, she said nothing. Her face then flushed red as she stamped a heel into the asphalt. She yelled back in the limo, “I want to see all the SOLDIERs who were responsible for protecting the Sister Ray. NOW!”

“U-uh, yes ma’am!” the driver exclaimed. The 1st Class SOLDIERs would soon receive a radio command, ordering them to meet with the Shinra Head in District 39.

The Hacker

The Turk had spent longer if not equal to two minutes in the apartment building. Abruptly, the third floor exploded in a burst of fire, glass, plaster, and force. The bomb Jessie had left in her room detonated, and the Turk paused on the roof to gaze back at the column of black smoke that rose into the sky. The brunette smirked triumphantly, wondering if whoever had been pursuing her—if her suspicions had been right—was destroyed in the blast. Running away seemed too easy, and she felt she no longer had to cross the rooftops. Climbing down the next fire escape, she vanished into the alley way.

The Giga Hunter

Sigurd had been just about to warn Cayde about the Giga Hunter when another explosion, which sounded like a detonating bomb followed. The soundwaves shook the ATV, but it hadn’t struck. The First Class SOLDIER seemed to have the situation handled.


Where was safety in this chaos? Sigurd removed his knife and cut himself from his seatbelt. He dropped to the ground, his legs collapsing beneath him as he literally fell on top of the charred body of a troop. He stared at the clearly dead trooper, the corpse’s eyes wide in panic—the last look he had worn on his face. Sigurd grabbed his rifle and raced out of the ATV, hugging close to its side for cover as he tried to stay out of the crosshairs of the Giga Hunter and Rovers Cayde was quickly dispatching. He was panting frantically. He had thought he was going to die. Everyone was dead and somehow he had survived. His rifle was trembling in his hands. That had been too close.

Swallowing the dry lump that had been forming in his throat, Sigurd scowled and regained some of his composure. Rounding the back of the ATV, he saw the third Rover that was galloping toward Cayde. He squeezed off a couple of rounds to get the Rover’s attention until suddenly, a fiery energy erupted under his booted feet. His black hair rose on an ethereal breeze, his golden eyes shining with determination. The power that filled his body mixed with his adrenaline and Sigurd screamed as he emptied an entire mag on the Rover. The rounds pelted and sparked off the machine’s face and as it started to fire back at him. Sigurd ducked back behind the ATV’s sturdy chassis. He crouched, setting his rifle on the ground. Drawing a grenade, he released the safety clip, and pulled the pin. Holding the spoon with his thumb, his free hand went for his pistol, drawing it from its holster. Once the Rover stopped firing, and the ground started to tremble beneath Sigurd's feet from its approaching gallop, he whirled back around lobbing the grenade at the machine. He saw the machine’s eye dilate as its cross-hair settled on him. The grenade was still in descent when Sigurd aimed upon the Rover with two hands grasping the pistol.

The Rover started firing and Sigurd jumped back into a dive. He bore his teeth as the scream of a round ripped through his shoulder. His left hand left the pistol going limp as he fell toward the ground and baring his teeth, closing one eye, Sigurd squeezed the trigger of his pistol, firing off several shots until finally one of them struck the grenade. The grenade exploded in the Rover’s face, causing the machine to stagger backwards as its head wildly began to spin to clear it of the smokescreen. Sigurd collapsed upon the ground, his chest rising and falling with his panicked breaths. His hand was covering the gaping hole in his shoulder that was creating a pool beneath it.

You just had to get involved, his conscience told him. You didn’t have to do anything. You could have just hid there.

I don’t hide, Sigurd returned.

The two SOLDIERs crumpled under Lapin’s charge, revealing just how false they were. A red streak appeared across the Shinra Trooper’s thigh, when suddenly in a burst, his leg faltered beneath him falling to the ground on a spurt of blood. The false-trooper screamed, dropping the grenade as his body collapsed. He grasped the stump that continued to shoot ropes of arterial blood, wailing in agony.

By the time Rowan had leapt and rolled into the helicopter, the lab coat had secured himself into a chair had his arms wrapped about the case protectively. The false-Turks’ and the lab coats’ faces paled when they saw that one of the SOLDIERs had actually managed to board the helicopter. The Turks’ hands went for the pistols at their hips as they prepared to defend themselves. Before anyone had a chance to do anything, a wave of water slammed into the helicopter, throwing the aircraft into a dangerous spin.

The crash alarm started to beep and red flashed throughout the cabin. The pilot gripped the cyclic stick as he tried to regain control of the aircraft, but it was spinning too fast.

“WE’RE GOING DOWN!” he cried.

The helicopter descended. The propellers clipped the tops of the trees and blades started to snap against the sturdy trunks. Boughs broke against the machine that went clattering down into the Sleeping Forest. The helicopter struck the ground, the blades continued to throw dirt, clipped branches, and blade fragments into the air as they whittled down to nothing. Because the trees had broken the helicopter’s impact, the force from the crash knocked the AVALANCHE personnel unconscious. The suitcase had fallen from the lab coat’s dangling arms and was lying on its side in a bed of dead leaves and brush.

When Rowan managed to compose himself (if he had managed to remain in the helicopter during its crash), then he would find that he was no longer where he thought he was. Bone Village had mysteriously vanished, and no radio signals could reach or escape his location. The forest appeared endless, he was in a dead zone for communication, but in the distance was a mystical aura shining through the trees leading to a Forgotten Capital.

@CaelumNot until I get 5 more players, so at 10 players a second male slot is unlocked.
I made an update to the IC rules regarding PVP: Spars

Race: Human
Power Level: 910
Location: Central Capital (CC) - Quad C
Tagging: @Renny

The clang of a hammer and the whine of a bolt gun joined the various sounds banging and whirring about the construction site. The Central Capital Construction Company or “Quad C” as it was normally called was working on an office building for some wealthy company. Honestly, Bolt had worked on so many projects that he didn’t even try to figure out who they were for. He was sitting seven stories up on a beam that he was currently securing to a corner facing the main street. There was a nice breeze that caressed his sweaty brow. The teenager stopped in his drilling to sit back on the beam and remove his hard hat for a minute.

“Whew,” Bolt sighed. He brushed his orange bangs back with the back of his hand and closed his blue eyes. The breeze had felt so good like cool fingers gliding across his face and hair. He didn’t know why so many other workers were afraid of heights. He was certain that he was cooler up top than they were down below.

Returning his yellow hard hat to his head, Bolt glanced down at the stud he was about to drill in next. He set the gun over it and pressed the trigger, but there was no response. He continued to press the trigger and then removed the gun, giving it a slap.

“Right now?” Bolt grumbled on his southern twang. He growled and set the gun behind him. He turned to his right, prepared to stand and leave the beam to get a new gun when another idea entered his mind. Facing the stud, Bolt stared at it, and then he cautiously glanced to his left and right. An impish smile pulled on his lips as he started to open and close his hand. Upon closing his fist, he clenched it tightly before he raised it like a hammer over his head.

“Hrrn!” he growled as he brought it down on the stud and with a pang it went in. Retracting his fist, Bolt peered down at the stud and grinned triumphantly. “Still got it!”

Suddenly, the beam beneath him dipped causing his face to flash pale as his hands grasped it. He started to dip below the other beam that had made the ˥ he had been working on. His eyes nearly bulged in panic. Bolt released the beam snag the other one in his hands. His legs then locked about the beam beneath him as he strained to hold onto it. With the weight of the beam pulling down on his arms, he was starting to feel stretched thin and that hadn’t been the worse of his problems.

Construction workers paused as they heard the clatter of bolts tumbling from above. Everyone stopped hammering and sawing to gaze up at the teen who was dangling from the seventh floor.

“Damn! Is that Bolt Head again?” one construction worker exclaimed.

“Shit! He’s about to drop the beam. That might bring this whole project down!”

“Get the boss!”

The men below him were shouting and screaming their anger at him. Bolt’s teeth were clinched in his struggle to not let the beam go and to keep his grip strong.

“Ya’ll mind helpin’ me?!” Bolt screamed down at them.

The Quad C Project Manager kicked open the door of his trailer that seemed tiny compared to the gargantuan man—or rather beast that emerged. The massive brown bear grasped the railing of his trailer’s porch and near crushed it beneath his paws when he saw what the other workers had been telling him about.

“PAAAAAA~TCH!” Mr. Grizzly roared.

The roar had been so loud that Bolt felt its vibrations even as high up as he was. A red tinge flushed on the teenager’s cheeks. Ah guess the boss was bound to find out… Bolt mused.


Bolt tensed in fright. “WHAT?”

He couldn’t be fired (not again)! He needed this job. Daddy Patch would kill him. Mr. Grizzly then turned his anger on the rest of his crew.


Construction workers started running about like mice. While Bolt continued to hang on, the beam’s direction suddenly changed. He felt it sliding between his legs as opposed to pushing down on them. Bolt’s head snapped over his shoulder only to watch in horror the weight of the beam, drawing the corner it was connected to inwards. The beam groaned as they started to bend.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Bolt panicked. His right hand released the other beam to snag a hold of the one between his legs. His left hand pushed against its purchase, hoping to give strength to his other hand that pushing against the weight of two other beams. Muh arms gonna snap!

Bolt bellowed in his struggle and determination not to break.

Mr. Grizzly and a few workers frozen in awe were gawking up at the scene. How is he holding that up? they thought. Mr. Grizzly’s eyes then focused on the two lollygagging workers. “GO! HELP HIM OUT!”
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