Avatar of Inertia


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4 yrs ago
Current Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
4 yrs ago
She knocked that smug look off my face but luckily I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath.
6 yrs ago
There's nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis.
7 yrs ago
Half of Blink 182 is Wink 91.
8 yrs ago
A Freudian Slip is when you mean one thing but fuck your mother.


"I like it when the center is wet."

"You're the biggest bitch I know, but you're funny sometimes, so it's okay."
Friend of mine

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Ixius’ meal was simple, it was plain white rice with eggs and a side of bacon. The egg was cooked to near perfection (atleast in his opinion); the yolk oozed out as he cut it with his spoon. Next he cut the bacon then placed it and a bit of rice onto his spoon and put it into his mouth. The flavours danced on his tongue and merrily travelled down his throat. It was delicious, to say the least. The bacon was high quality and the egg was simply pristine.

The raven-haired magus couldn’t help but overhear the conversation between Anise and Selena. As impossible as it should’ve been, this girl that sat on their table was a living, breathing Kitsune. It seemed that the rumours were just that, rumours. This was a rather large discovery and one that would likely come with repercussions in the future, just the thought gave Ixius stop.

Ixius eyed the girl, even someone like him could tell that she felt uncomfortable. And if he noticed and that Anise didn’t, she lacked self-awareness. Selena seemed like she wasn’t yet proficient in the common tongue.The Magus could almost physically see her retreating into a shell.

A sigh escaped Ixius’ lips, he felt pity for Selena. ”Hey, Mage. Are your eyes simply for show?” He directed his words across the table, to Anise, much less subtly than Karya, ”That Kitsune... Selena, was it? Clearly looks uncomfortable. Have some awareness, you’re spoiling my meal.”

”... recent changes? Not in detail, no.” Ixius replied to Karya's enquiry, ”The Librarium’s been in a stir recently. I’d heard bits and pieces from the higher-ranking Magus but nothing definitive.”

She was brought back to reality not just by her girl beside her, but also a black haired boy all the way on the opposite end of the table. He certainly did make it a point to be as prickly as possible. ”Well with the amount of vinegar you manage to speak with, I don’t think I'm to blame there.”

She looked him over a bit. She could have sworn he mentioned something about the Librarium. She had heard a little of that if she recalled from Crampernap. He wasn’t too fond of them, she last recalled.

That said… Selena did seem to be uncomfortable. Perhaps she had gone a little overboard. She cleared her throat and sat back down in her seat. “Fine. I don’t have a way to make proper notes anyway.” She turned to Selena and gave her a quick smile. ”Thank you for that. I would love to talk more about that later of course. Maybe prepare some questions of your own?”

She left the question open to her but decided to give her a break, turning her attention back to Ixius across the way. ”Well then, mister Magus, what sort of bits have you heard?”

Ixius craned his head to Anise again, a slight frown on his face. Vice Dean Maurine had essentially confirmed one piece of information for him. He didn't know if he could speak about it but by all accounts, he wasn't exactly forbidden to say- and his fellow Magus DID speak about it as if it wasn’t a secret. The red-eyed Magus opened his mouth but closed it… he also had no obligation to say it to this bunch but he felt a few of their eyes on them. Ugh...

After a moment, he finally began speaking, ”Well, since you asked so politely...” Ixius began, soft meltings of sarcasm in his voice, ”Well, I hope you lot can infer the basics of what Vice Dean Maurine said. The need for a bodyguard and such... it’s very likely that people are being attacked or kidnapped by some unknown means. ”

”Simple, no? The astute amongst you have probably already gathered that… I hope.” Ixius said, ”The bits I’ve… unintentionally... overheard from the Librarium was that same fact and that it has been happening for 7 months or so. This other ‘bit’ I’ve heard, which I’m personally unsure if it is unrelated or not, is that there’s been a string of killings where the bodies found were oddly mutilated...”

That was the breadth of Ixius’ knowledge, what they would do with said knowledge is up to them. The raven-haired Magus shoulders lifted into a shrug, ”Infer amongst yourselves what it could mean.”

”Satisfied, Mage?” Ixius said to Anise, ”You’ll have to make do… I don’t know much more.”

Anise turned her nose up a little bit, sensing the indignation in his words. Maybe her eyes were for show, but her ears worked perfectly fine. ”Well no, not really, but don’t let it shatter your pride, it can happen to anyone! Maybe the number of people around made it difficult to perform.” She was a little proud of that one. Lowbrow humor was never something she really shied away from.

She sighed, shaking her head. ” But… if you don’t know more, then I’ll have to make do with that.” Mutilated bodies could have a plethora of culprits, from monsters, to man. What she really needed was more information about who was turning up dead. Perhaps later.

What really was bugging her right now was the way he addressed her. Every time so far it has been Mage. No attempt to use her name. Even if he hadn’t heard, he could have easily asked but that was clearly none of his concerns. He already seemed like the kind to piss her off. Arrogant and self important. That much was apparent. She looked back over at him, softening her voice and taking on an elegant and demure demeanor. ”By the way, my name is not Mage. It’s Anise. Or are those ears just for show?”

”A wonderful riposte,” The Magus snapped his fingers after the word ‘riposte’, ”... from Mage, Anise.” Ixius turned back to his now cold meal shortly after as he didn’t see the point of continuing. He figured he’d let them digest the information he’d just provided.

Tag(s): Everyone at the table

Of course it had to be the table that Calven picked that had attracted the most conspicuous gathering of students. Their table stood out in more ways than one- two young Magus’, a student with mechanical appendages, a pink haired seemingly bunny-like student, a stoic white haired girl, and a seemingly petrified Dwarf. A Tiefling then arrived and had a blue-haired with yellow-slit eyes hanging around his arm, and, what seemed to be, a wood nymph.

This gathering... urgh, He silently hoped that no more would appear. The boy inched his seat and book away as the wet, wood nymph passed by him.

Ixius felt his nose itch at the many eyes staring at his table. The raven-haired magus despised being watched like some sort of exotic wildlife. Internally he blamed Calven and he shot him a dirty look towards the back of his head, his aura must've called these students to their table. He sucked in air and an annoyed sigh passed through his lips, he raised his fist upwards and slammed it into the table with a startling amount of force. The loud thump silenced a few of the gossiping and gawking tables near them.

”If you want to watch, purchase a ticket from the local theater instead and piss off,” Ixius raised his voice and hissed with knitted brows.

A few of them turned away sheepishly while others looked incensed at the freshman's audacity. It wasn’t as if Ixius noticed, however, as he had already turned back to his book. The boy hid it but his hand stung, Are these tables enchanted or something? He thought as he massaged his right hand with his left.

The procession started soon after. Ixius felt his heart thump as each teacher entered. They had this odd pressure about them- it was about what he expected from the old magic users. The mage unconsciously gulped- the drow woman and the man with the eyepatch, also seemed dangerous but in an entirely different way.

Ixius listened to the speech, it wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before (in the Librarium), but these teachers commanded an odd sort of respect from him. The speech was the general romp of rules and regulations each student had to follow, still he decided to keep it in mind. Getting expelled from Hoseforn’s Academy would bring shame to the Librarium afterall. Ixius was lost in his thoughts and awkwardly followed the round of applause.

Ixius didn’t catch what the headmaster said but soon plates of food and silverware appeared on-top of the table. Right on top of his book. The raven-haired mage daintily lifted the gravy saucer off of his book before pocketing it safely into his robes.

Ixius ears perked up as his hoped were dashed, another, albeit tardy, student wished to join the table. It was another Tiefling. The magus thought this one was a bit different from the other students- she seemed like an actual mage. Calven was also a mage, but if rumours were to be believed, he wasn't one Ixius would call a 'traditional' mage by any stretch.

The newer patrons, and the rest of the table began introducing themselves and, with little choice, Ixius listened. Again he would keep their names in mind. He deigned to introduce himself for the benefit of the newer patrons… atleast properly this time. ”I’m from the Magus Librarium, Ixius Delthrane.” Ixius’ mind flashed back to (forced) etiquette lessons from his superiors, that he found it wholly unnecessary. Still, he figured that his short and succinct introduction had enough panache to be respectful.

This is the chunk I wrote for the Magus Librarium, though waiting for approval for Chaotic on it.

Collab between: Inertia & @mantou

Ixius’ ears pricked at the door clicking open again. Great, He sighed, he honestly wanted to be alone. More room for himself- his books, scrolls, and experiments. He didn’t bother craning his neck to look at Calven and continued reading his book. Hopefully, the stranger could read body language… but apparently not. The voice spewed out a vomit of words.

”Even though you seem pretty busy, care for a mana muffin? I made them myself, and they’re meant to restore your energy for this morning spent moving. Don’t worry, you can’t actually taste the mana in them.”

Never mind, he could read body language but just chose to willfully ignore it. Ixius could tell he would love this roommate, though he did ponder his last few words. Wait, did this bufoon say mana... muffin?

”Did you just say ‘Mana muffin’. What in the hells is that, and why does it sound vaguely familiar?” Ixius replied, he had heard of something like this back at the Librarium. He also didn’t admit that injecting mana into food was a relatively impressive but impractical feat. Rumours say that the conversion rate from mana inputted to output is abysmal.

”OH, my name is Calven by the way. Calven Fallard. Nice to meet you, roomie!”

This time Ixius did crane his neck and rested his cheek on the back of his hand before addressing the blond, ”Fallard… Fallard, the son of High Magus Theodore Fallard?” Ixius paused as he gathered his thoughts, ”The so-called ‘problem child’ of the Librarium.” It seemed that Ixius didn’t get the irony. ”What rotten luck to have a fellow Magus as my roommate. Ixius continued, flipping a page and letting the conversation lull to a stop.

Cal gasped, his excitement had grown stronger at the sight of the other students’ magus garb. Oh wow… How lucky AM I! he thought, eyes turned up to form crescents at the boy sitting down. The blond’s train of thoughts began, cycling through each and every future scenario spanning the next 4 years with his newfound friend. All situations had to do with magic, food, adventure, and their soon-to-be friendship. With Cal’s imagination having difficulty coming to a rest, even his roommate’s haughty remarks went in through one ear and out the other. And did he mention something about his father?

Ixius’ felt uncomfortable at the blond Magus’ blankly staring at him. It seemed that his gears were turning, trying to place who Ixius was. Should he bother introducing himself? It wasn’t like Calven, nor any other Magus as a matter-of-fact, would even know him. Still, Calven was a member of the Librarium, a high-ranking one at that, and that... deserved some respect, with another weary sigh, he deigned to introduce himself. ”Ixius Delthrane.”

As the raven-haired boy finally introduced himself, Calven internally came to a screeching halt.

The student chef exclaimed with eyes wide: “Ixius? Ixius DELTHRANE?” The boy mused as he recalled his father’s late-night telepathic meetings, discussing with other council members about a student called Delthrane. It wasn’t gossip, per se, but the meetings weren’t for very notable, or even good reasons to say the least… so Cal chose to leave it at that.

”Yes, that is indeed my name.” Ixius replied, the faintest hint of biting sarcasm in his tone.

The blond broke away from his thoughts and beamed back at his roommate, ”Ixius, my fellow problem child. It’s great to finally meet you!”

Ixius halted his reading; the red-eyed boy opened his mouth as if to speak but closed it after a moment of consideration. It wasn’t worth the energy talking to this gleaming pile of optimism, Ixius’ words would just bounce right off. The boy seemed to be the type to endlessly chatter, regardless if there was a participant or not. Instead, he replied with another turn of a page.

The chef attempted to feign a calmness he did not feel; the spring in Cal’s step betraying him as he made his way across the room to the bed. Unpacking was an issue on the schedule to be worried about later, after the feast. The boys had just gotten acquainted with each other - for now he just wanted to relax, kick his boots off, and release himself from his heavily-embellished magus robe. With a quick swipe past the clasp, his robe proceeded to fall to the bed with a light thud. A second heavier THUD followed as Calven lay sprawled on top of his garb, assuming a starfish position. He let out a sigh as he felt the mana that went into baking those muffins start to regenerate steadily.

The noise caused Ixius to glance at Calven, who was now practically sinking into his bed. The robes sank with him, the robes that signified one’s dignity as a Magus and he treated it like a mattress. Ixius got up, his chair screeched as it dragged across the floor, and turned to the blond. His mouth contorted, he couldn’t find the words. His hands shook unsteadily. Even his mana rose and fell in equal measures.

It’s his robes, he’s free to do as he wants- Ixius repeated in his mind, it was the only thing holding him back, He’s a high magus’ son, He’s a high magus’ son, He’s a high magus’ son.

Ixius massaged his temple as he slowly collected himself. ”So this,” He gestures to Calven’s, well, everything, ”... is why High Magus Fallard is greying, as young as he is.”

Calven lifted his head up in response, “Oh? I thought he just preferred the salt and pepper look.” he chirped. “You should try one of my muffins, you’ve been massaging that temple of yours for a while now. Speaking of which, toss me one!”

Ixius blinked incredulously. Was Calven really going to eat that muffin and leave crumbs all over his bed- and even worse, all over his robes? It was at this point that Ixius mentally checked out. He grabbed one of the muffins, there definitely was mana. It was carefully knitted into the bread, it seemed that his claims were atleast true. Ixius walked over to the lying blond and carefully placed it next to him.

Calven smiled, reached for the muffin, and was about to stuff it into his mouth before his roommate gave him a word of caution.

”Don’t leave crumbs in the room,” Ixius warned, mentally blocking out the robes’ desecration at the hands of this boy, ”If I find bugs gnawing at my research...” He stopped himself and shook his head. With another weary sigh he found his seat again.

Don’t leave crumbs when eating delicious food… that’s almost like saying don’t laugh when you hear a funny joke. Then Calven swiftly laid back down, muffin in hand, and bit into it, making sure all of the crumbs fell straight into his mouth to the best of his ability. The things people do for friendship.

Calven chewed twice, opening his mouth to speak, ”Therehh, hyou happfy?” consequently letting loose crumbs scatter on both the robe and the bed.

”So help me, Calven,” Ixius didn’t even turn from his book, but he could definitely tell that crumbs were already all over Calven’s floor, bed, and... robes. ”The moment I find a single bug- ant, fly, cockroach, I will separate our room by a barrier.”

The student chef promptly dusted the fallen crumbs off his bed, as if having them on the floor was a much better choice. The boy made a mental note to put in some effort to sweep the room out later. Calven finished dusting and shot a toothy grin to the back of Ixius' head, who was still very much engrossed in his book.

"Like hell I'd let you do that! Roomies stick together regardless of insect colonies." He hopped onto his feet to get to the next point of interest - the wardrobe. The uniforms piqued his curiosity when he ran into some students who had worn them earlier, though they were female. Exclaiming in advance, Calven excitedly unlocked the hatch to their closet and his voice died in his throat. The design was rather fetching, not too shabby in the slightest. The color scheme was especially appealing to the eye. However, the thing that bothered him the most was the fact that the uniform set came with a coat blazer. And a scarf. On top of that, he was also expected to wear the magus robes over it? Did the council not consider that their apprentices had pores to sweat from? The blond already felt a layer of sweat that formed on his back. Magus Librarium, really… no matter how adept at magic you are, you can't just ignore the heat rashes…

In the end, Calven decided to simply fold the red scarf into a pocket square and tuck it into the front of his magus robe. Unfortunately, he still had on two layers of long-sleeved garments, but at least he could have his magus robes unbuttoned to alleviate some of the stuffiness. Even if it didn't help much, the heat would have to be endured, and Ixius would have to endure his complaints.

Ixius glanced at the clock, and with Calven dressing up, he figured it best to follow suit. He barely spared a glance at the design nor make of the uniform. He fastened the belts on the long-sleeved torso and slid his legs into the white cargo pants. Like Calven, he carefully placed his robes over the uniform but left the middle bare to keep his uniform visible. The logo of Hoseforn and the Insignia of the Magus’ Librarium were both shown. Finally, he wrapped the red scarf (meant to be on his neck) around his right arm.

"Over-layering aside, we look pretty damn good if I do say so myself…" Calven stated while giving Ixius an unwarranted turn-around. Just then, a thought popped into the little chef's head.

"Hey… we forgot to bathe."

Forty minutes later, the two made their way down to their second stop. It wasn’t too difficult to find, especially with the help of the map Athena provided them with. A pre-marked route was easy enough to follow, and soon enough, they found themselves at the grand entrance of Hoseforn's Feast Hall. Calven quickly ushered an exasperated Ixius to the first seats his eyes landed on, and paid no mind to the fact that they were nearly twenty minutes early.
Tell me if there's anything to change.

Edit: Changed wording and sentences a bit.
Tag(s): N/A

The carriage shook to a stop infront of the Hoseforn Academy. A listless, red-eyed boy draped in the illustrious robes of a magus, stepped out. The robe is inky blank, with golden ornaments stitched along the lapels and tapestry. A pin signifying one as a Magus was pinned to the breast. Ixius Delthrane, the problem child of the Magus' Librarium.

The boy, who didn't once look up from his book during the journey, now looked around his environment with with clear interest. The Hoseforn Academy, rumored to have sprouted out of nowhere one day and became the monolith it is today. Ixius' senior Magus had stated that Asmodius Hoseforn, the currently known longest living human mage, was a Magus' Librarium alumni. A whistle escaped the boy's lips as he took in the grand architecture. The magical aura exuded by the building was almost suffocating; so much so that even a non-magically inclined individual could feel the thrums of magic against the back of their head.

"As expected of a Magus..." Ixius mumbled to himself before a fellow student bumped into his shoulder causing him to careen to the floor. Luckily he propped his foot up before he could stumble over.

"... out of the way," The student scoffed before walking away and muttering to himself, "... Damned wizards."

In Ixius mind, that student with the two handed mace just reinforced his stigma of non-magic users being the mindless, brutish types. No choice words were said as the student disappeared into the crowd when he looked up. Ixius shrugged indignantly and continued to follow the path.

As the wave moved into the hall, Ixius eyes was drawn to the center of the room- towards the crystal ball. This was the first time he'd seen a crystal ball of that magnitude and size. His heart lurched, Hoseforn had artifacts that the Librarium didn't? It was more of the case that he wasn't yet a full-fledged Magus and wasn't allowed to interact with the more dangerous artifacts.

Ixius squeezed into an empty booth and presented his acceptance letter when asked. He squinted at the spectrum being shone directly into his retinas.

"Letter accepted. Welcome, Ixius Delthrane."

Ixius eyes shone curiously. Athena was quite something, even the acceptance letter's counterfeit measures was impressive.

"This is a map of the school grounds, your dorm number is 781. A fresh uniform and any supplies you require will be waiting for you. Please change... Bathe... and return to the Main Hall within an hour and a half for the welcoming feast. Attendance is mandatory."

"Understood." Ixius replied simply before promptly stepping out of the booth. He had some questions scratching at the back of his mind but he figured it best to follow instructions for now- his thirst for knowledge would be sated soon enough.

Ixius traced the map and located his dorm quickly. The brisk walk to his room was accompanied by the nigh-endless chatter of the student body. Infront of the dorm, it slipped his mind to ask Athena a method of unlocking the door. Before he could turn around and go back to Athena, he felt magic prick at his neck. The door hummed with magic and clicked open. "Curious..." He said, stepping into the room, "Did it detect my magical signature, somehow?" He took in the room- personal beds, study desks, dressers and shelves. His eyes drifted to his belongings, it was sent a week in advance by the Librarium, at the insistence of his mentor. It wasn't much, mostly just clothing, books and scrolls, and other miscellaneous knick-knacks.

Ixius trod to the study desk, sat on a chair and crossed his legs, facing away from the dorm door as he opened and began reading a book. It was magical theory, the basics of rudimentary teleportation. An hour and a half was a long time, and he didn't quite feel like unpacking his meager belongings just yet, so why not pass the time with reading.

"Hoseforn Academy, huh?"
I'll also place tentative interest here!

I wanna see the full thread, cause it seems very interesting and SCP-esque.
Welcome back, oldie.
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