Avatar of Ithradine


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@Doll Maker

They sure are!

Thank you! I'm glad you think so!

Also, please refrain from posting in the IC tab and post here, in the OOC tab, as the IC tab is for character posts

Health: 3900/4100
Mana: 2180/2900

Kira felt her feet dig into the hard, dirt ground with every attack from the pathetic goblin's little puppies. A wide grin spread from ear to ear as she took the hits, feeling the blood-lust inside of her only strengthen. Every point of damage would be repaid in kind and she could practically smell the goblin's fear. After their assault concluded, Kira turned her head back towards River only to be pulled back against her indomitable will. A low, short growl escaped her throat before stopping in front of Willow. She watched her health bar go up a fair bit but with it, came the scolding from Willow that she was expecting. Thanks to River's heal as well, she was basically back up to full health and now she was seeking revenge "I shall keep that in mind, but Kira does as she pleases." Her voice carrying a chill, though she actually did take her words to heart.

An inferno burned inside of Kira as she turned her eyes on the only target that interested her: the goblin trainer. This was greatly exacerbated by the support that she received from her allies. The extra power from River coursed through her already tremendous pool of deadly strength. Every muscle in her body tensed up as she prepared to launch forward from her spot, watching as the rest of her party fought against the terrible beasts. "The pathetic creature shall not see another day." After a buildup of energy throughout her body, she once again exploded off her feet and rushed for the goblin trainer.

She didn't wait until she was in direct combat before unleashing her fury. Both of her blades surged forward as she used her Lunge action, driving both blades towards the chest of the monster. The whip was a problem that she wanted to deal with immediately so she targeted the hand that held it and tried to Disarm the goblin trainer with an upwards,crossed swing. A foe without a weapon would just make this all the more easy. With the swords above her, she transitioned the move flawlessly into downward slash using her Strike Down action. Kira ended her strike by striking across the goblin's chest with her long-sword flowing into a follow-up attack with her katana slicing down from its shoulder down.

With that last attack, she backed up until she felt her back hit against Karuu's while preparing to parry an attack from the next fool that dared to attack her. "Hmph, I hope you can keep those mongrels away from me. You would make a excellent chew toy." The day that Kira actually genuinely thanked Karuu would be on the very apocalypse itself. Of course, she did apppreciate him protecting her but she would never admit that as Akumi.

Attacks Goblin Trainer with Lunge, Disarm, and Strike Down.
Attacks Goblin Trainer with two regular attacks.
Backs up to Karuu and prepares parry.


CS Approved!

The fully-plated Bradamante stood at the top of a short series of stairs that lead to the large, front door. A masterfully crafted spear with a long blad was held in his right hand with the blunt end of it jammed into the solid stone beneath his feet. From here, he could observe everything that move out in front of the castle though he did not need to rely on sight alone. His head turned ever so slightly from his rigid posture to look at the new arrivals that now walked upon the Sanctuary's sacred grounds. Ripples in the magic that surrounded the castle informed him of each arrivals, as could be felt by every other sentinel and the master himself of course. First to approach him was a being of hybrid blood, a stalwart female warrior that didn't any signs of fear. That was when he sensed its presence around her, a feeling he had not experienced in centuries. When she spoke to him, Bradamante did not move an inch for his position.

"Greetings, young Asri. My name is Bradamante. Your purpose is not known to me. The master will know." He spoke in a clear, dignified voice, his tone carrying a mystical kind of quality.

No hostility was presented by the guardian other than his imposing figure. Her purpose for being here did not change whether or not she could enter. Those who arrived here were already granted permission by through the selection of the Sanctuary's magic, designed by the great ones. His gaze shifted from Asri to another female, this time a human, who came after her. This one appeared to be less confident and more frightened, which was evidenced by the sound of her voice when she spoke up. What was strange was the second sentence she spoke was done without the movement of her lips. Being the Avatar for Humanity, Bradamante always felt more emotional for humans that came to the Sanctuary and tended to view them as his charges.

"Indeed it is child. Fear not. Nothing will harm you here." His words were strong and filled with sincerity.

Bradamante could feel traces of magic from the necklace but did not identify that as the cause. It did bring him some joy that her prayers for safety would be answered today. Movement in the distance captured his attention once more and he was a bit surprised at what he saw. An Anubis was a rather rare sight even at the Sanctuary so this would make Ve'Tal very happy, though Bradamante hoped that the Anubis Avatar did not smother him. As expected, the Anubis wasted no time in running up to the entrance. Their ground speed was one of the fastest of the races living on Alskyra. Bradamante gave a single nod of acknowledgement to Ar'oa, while the other two conversed.

"The same to you. This is not that unusual. There should be more arriving in fact. Once everyone is here, I shall bring you to the master." He seemed assured in his statement.

He had remained firm in his stance and only his head had moved since Asri arrived. Shortly after replying to the Anubis, Bradamante received a telepathic message from one of other sentinels. It appeared that the other arrivals had approached the rear entrance instead. Hmm. That was unusual but again, it was nothing he had never experienced before. Now they no longer had to wait at this entrance and could proceed inside. However, a familiar and mischievous energy was detected just within the large doors. This did not come as a surprise to the construct in the slightest.

"I must address my previous statement. It appears that this will be everyone for the moment. Please, follow me inside. And mind your step."

Those last words were a subtle warning for whatever the trickster Aetheri had planned. Of course, Bradamante would not directly spoil her fun. That would be most unsporting of him. He raised the staff of his spear in the air and tapped the blunt end on the ground three times. After he had completed the third, the large metal doors slowly began to open to reveal the magnificent central chamber. A long, royal purple carpet was rolled from the central stairwell at the back all the way to the door. Bradamante finally moved from his position, pivoting on the spot, and walking in a straight line into the castle. He continued into the center of the room where he stopped and turned around to face them.

"Feel free to converse among yourselves. The master will be here shortly."

Meanwhile at the Rear Entrance to the Sanctuary


A golden knight with the visage of a wolf on his helm emerged from the smaller, yet still daunting, rear entrance of the Sanctuary. With a fury in his step, he moved towards the first two guardians of the four that had drawn weapons and placed his hands on their weapons and forced them downwards. One of them would have been more than enough to subdue the being before them that had caused this apparent commotion. This was the first time that one of the Veidish had arrived at the Sanctuary's doorstep, though this kind of response was unacceptable.

"You will all lower your weapons this instant!" The wolf sentinel growled at them.

The four other guardians complied with his order, adjusting into a straight posture with their weapons held to their chest. Thorin let out a soft groan before he noticed that this Veidish was not the only being here. There was a wounded dragon not too far away that required immediate attention. Every single one of the fifty guardians of this Sanctuary could use healing magic but as luck would have it, their best healer was already present. He would task him with healing the dragon while he attended to the Veidish himself.

"Suriel, attend to the dragon's wounds. The rest of you can return to your duties." His voice carried with it a stern seriousness "Now then....I welcome you the Sanctuary, a place of peace and respite. My name is Thorin, a guardian of this castle." It addressed Nidhogan with a neutral tone, the fierceness in his previous voice completely removed.

Meanwhile, the sentinel called Suriel rushed over quickly to the fallen Vilkas. Despite being irritated from being commanded by Thorin, she immediately went to work using her complete mastery of healing magic to restore the dragon. Whatever he had done had been incredibly reckless to leave him in such a state. Her metal hands hovered over Vilkas's chest as she sent forth a wave of magic into his body. Every wound was sealed and closed, appearing as though they had never occurred in the first place. Not all of those that arrive at the Sanctuary do so completely intact. It was usually do to them taking a risk that they were not prepared for.

"You are lucky you were sent to us. You would not last the day." Her words were rather cold for a healer.

Once his wounds had been dealt with, Suriel stimulated the natural creation of blood within his body with her magic. This was only done for a couple minutes as any longer would risk over-saturation. It was hasten his recovery time so that she would not have to deal with him for longer than possible. If she was correct, which she usually was, then Vilkas should be waking up from his nap shortly. Weaving the magic of life was something that was dangerous in the wrong hands. Saturation of healing magic could caused unintended consequences and required a delicate touch to heal grave injuries such as this. Her brilliant white wings curved around him.

"It is time to wake up, child." Her tone this time was softer.

It would appear to most that came across the slumped Daniel that he was dead, the stillness in his facial features and the lack of movement resembled a corpse. Perhaps he was one of the living dead. A body that refused to die long even after its soul had left it behind in pursuit of salvation or eternal punishment. He thought about the words that Jean said to him. Humanity. Life before the army. Every bit of regret Daniel had for his words faded. Humanity was just an empty word that meant absolutely nothing to him. Daniel broke his statue-like posture as he bared his teeth in anger. Jean knew nothing of what it was like to be trapped in a pit of darkness, reaching for the smallest bit of light each and every day. What was humanity worth when you were starving or cold?

"Put your faith back in people, please...for me."

Those words passed through his mind like a faint whisper which was more than enough to shift his thoughts. You were the only one I ever had faith in. Slowly he turned his head up to look at the sky, propping his rifle up on his right side. Trust. Faith. Humanity. These were words that Elizabeth tried to teach him the meaning of that she never got to finish. It seemed like those lessons were not going be completed anytime soon. He put some of his weight onto the rifle and used it to help himself up, the weight shifting now onto his boots which sank a little into the muddy ground beneath him. Daniel didn't change his mind about Jean nor did he have any intention of apologizing. However, he would keep an eye on the lance corporal.

The sharp whistle, more chilling than a banshee's wail, grabbed Daniel's attention which drowned out any possibility of hearing Jean's yell. His survival instincts immediately kicked in as the first explosion detonated and by the second his body was already moving. Weaving through the trench, he looked for anything that might be able to shield him from the barrage. A fellow soldier, who was visibly shaken, was crouched with his head in his knees crying. Daniel's eyes locked onto a dugout a little behind him, and called out to him "Move you fucking idiot!". It appeared though that yelling at a someone who was already panicking was not the best choice as the soldier barely moved and looked just as scared if not more. Daniel sighed and rushed towards the soldier, who he proceeded to tackle into the dugout. Their bodies hit against the hard ground within the relative safety of the dugout. It was just in time as moments later one of the shells landed a few meters from where Daniel had been standing, sending dirt and other debris flying into the dugout's entrance and landing on the two. After moving off of the soldier, the two spent the rest of the barrage in relative silence amidst the sounds of screaming and explosions.

Emerging from that dugout was like walking into hell once again, leaving the other soldier to deal with their own problems. There was no time to linger in one position for long. What Daniel saw however made him stop in his tracks. Bodies of less fortunate souls were spread across the trench system, many of them missing limbs and their uniform torn to shreds. He felt his chest tighten at the sight as the bitter taste of smoke entered his mouth. Life was cruel. This was something that Daniel always believed but the sight before him only reinforced it. How many of these soldiers came from loving and caring homes only to be tossed away for a bit of dirt on some dumb hill. Meanwhile, a person like him who has known a life of suffering was forced to continue fighting. He thought he would find a purpose in the military but he never considered what it would cost.

Just then he overheard the order to leave the trenches and burned the image of the strewn about bodies into his mind. The same would happen to him if was not careful. Without another thought, he rushed towards the edge of the trench and climbed over the top. It was unnerving running back down the hill surrounded by all the bodies without the loud crackle of machine gun fire. Finally he reached their original trench-line, climbing down from the edge into a group he was all too familiar with. His eyes met with Jean's but didn't say anything to him and simply took a few steps into the area. The man seemed like he had finally cracked from all the death. Nothing that he could say to the lance corporal would help. Daniel did feel relief upon seeing Kalisa even if he had wanted to keep his distance. This was day one and the end of this war was a long ways away.


Here is a link to the discord if you want it: discord.gg/vNf5YF

Yes it is

Nearly done actually. Intro posts take me a long time, but I am excited!


Haha, glad you are interested! It should be starting soon but you will be able to jump in at any time.

Health: 4100/4100
Mana: 2580/2900

Kira turned her attention around to the sound of a heavenly voice and was ecstatic to see it belonged to none other than Cecila. She huffed with a grin and placed her hands on her hips in a haughty sort of pose, flicking a few stray bangs of her hair to the side "I had been expecting you to show up! The great Akumi never backs down from a battle and neither do her great generals! Now that you are here, it shall be a complete culling of these weak fools!" She took her right hand off her hip and formed it into a tight fist in front of her. Kira had always been a kind of tomboy ever since she adopted the whole demon personality, so she rarely ever expressed the kind of femininity that the other girls in the party did like Cecila and Willow.

She lost interest pretty quickly after Karuu began to rehash the same information he gave out to Cecila. It didn't matter how good her academics were, when Kira assumed her demon personality she traded all of that for pure aggression. Kira only looked at Karuu after he called her name, and she gave a sly, devilish smirk in reply to his challenge "You should know how foolish it is to challenge me, but very well. I shall make sure to empty those pockets of yours." She spoke in a deadly serious voice, with a hint of playfulness at the end and began to walk off further into the dungeon.

At least, she would have if she hadn't been suddenly grabbed by Willow. A tilt of her head expressed her slight confusion before Willow brought up a point she gave some consideration to. For a moment she gripped her own chin, closing her eyes in thought, before giving a small nod "Very well, I shall be gracious and lend you poor mortals a sample of my power." If anyone outside of their group had grabbed her arm like, she would have been inclined to take their head off. However, it was drastically different for those she considered her allies. Once her arm was released, she straightened her posture and walk a little farther ahead pretending like she was not listening to Willow's strategy talk. In actuality, she memorized every part. It was like this nearly every time, as she wanted to appear like she did not need strategy to win just her raw skills.

Kira decided to take Cecilia up on her offer for a free yellow potion as she came over, reaching out and taking one of the yellow vials "Your tribute is greatly appreciated. I shall return the favor with a brilliant show of my power." Translated it meant she was very grateful for the potion and will use it the best she can. Along with the yellow potion, she drank two others from her inventory and tossed them all to the ground where they shattered like digital glass. A delicious flow of new power spread throughout her body as the potions activated, whether that was their actual effect or another figment of Kira's incredible imagination.


The self-proclaimed demon-lord watched around her as everyone ran to engage the enemies in front of them. Her head was slightly lowered as she walked forward slowly as the power from her title engulfed her, the raw boost to her stats practically doubled them. A loud, creepy giggle left her lips as both her long-sword and katana were drawn from her hips, making a cross in front of her. There was only one target on the battlefield that interested her right now and that was goblin trainer. None of the other monsters were worthy of her attention right now. It was also just so perfect that Cecila had delivered him to her and was quite a nice gift. Champion of the Lesser....yes, she was a god compared to these lower forms of life. Now she was going to demonstrate to that goblin just what it meant to go up against the great Akumi.

She yelled out across the battlefield to Dennis "Don't touch him. He's mine!" Within a few moments she had pushed off the ground, the katana in her right hand and the long-sword in her left, and moved like the demon she claimed to be. Her emerald eyes carried with them a wild look as she bared her pearly white teeth in a vicious smile. Once Kira was engaged in battle, she became more wicked and harder to control. A sinister laugh left her as she reached her target "You face the great demon Akumi!" The moment the last word left her lips, she sprang into goblin trainer smashing her right knee directly into its face. Her foot pushed off the creature's chest and she made a short flip backwards before charging in again this time with her swords at the ready.

A flurry of steel came flying at the goblin trainer as Kira utilized both of her weapons. Each one striking faster and harder than the last as the true demon side of Kira was unleashed. Once she had finished using her 'flurry' action, Kira stepped to her opponents side to into its blindside. There she demonstrated how skilled she had become with her dual-blade skill with as she attacked three more times with a seamless flow. The first strike was her katana at the creature's legs with the second strike was made across the torso at the same time. Finally she ended it by thrusting both weapons towards the goblin's rib-cage. Afterwards, she used her superior agility to push off her feet and launch herself backwards next to Tower, while readying her 'parry' action just in case "The power difference between us is far too great. The way I see it, you are already dead." She taunted once more at the goblin as she landed.


- Drank Yellow Potion, Potion of Resistance, and Potion of Might
- Charged at Goblin Trainer and used Knee strike
- Used 'Flurry' on Goblin Trainer
- Used sidestep to move to Goblin Trainer's side.
- Struck goblin trainer three times. First a slash from the katana and then the longsword. Ended with a thrust using both of them.
- Readied 'parry' action and pushed back to line up with Tower.
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