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Arton had trotted up to the front of the caravan after finishing speaking with Izayoi, his curiosity sated from their exchange. His ears barely managed to catch some parts of the conversations behind him, but he didn't care to eavesdrop even if wasn't an explicitly private conversation. Everyone seemed to be getting along well enough, and that was all that concerned him. That was until the motion of setting up camp came up. Arton was an experienced outdoorsman used, spending countless nights underneath the watchful gaze of the stars. He had used a tent for awhile but it was ruined after a night-time attack from a blight-beast. After that, he typically would set up shelter either on a cliff-side or in a tree. There's no one to keep watch when you're alone so extra steps are needed to hear something approaching.

Despite the rising danger of the blight-beasts, Arton found himself more at ease in the countryside. The common folk out here were more honest, for better or worse, and were just trying to survive. There was no need to pretend and you were less likely to get stabbed in the back when shaking another's hand. His lips turned up into a smile at thought of passing through villages he had helped out. There was a few folks that could probably help them out with lodging for a night if they needed it.

Exhaustion had yet to reach him as they entered the tall grass, but the features of his face grew tense. His left hand rose to his right shoulder, squeezing the pauldron as he felt old scars begin to ache. Arton let go of his shoulder and slowly reached for the hilt of sword next, eyes scanning the area in front of him while carefully listening for movement. The moment he heard the grass tearing up he turned back to the rest, but the experienced Goug had already made the call. Blight-beasts.

"Neve!" He cried out as the beasts went directly for her and her chocobo. The swordsman had drifted farther than he intended from the caravan and was in no immediate position to protect Neve from the assault. Arton cursed under his breath at his mistake and had started to unmount when a larger one of the creatures leaped into the air, tackling him off the chocobo. The Sollan fell down a small embankment and disappeared into the tall grass. Arton fell into a patch of mud holding the creature by the neck that wasted no time trying to claw through his armor. His head twisted and turn avoiding razor-sharp teeth before he summoned his strength to roll the creature into the mud and position himself on top. One hand pressed against its neck into the mud as the other reached to a small hunting knife sheathed on his chestplate. He plunged the knife into the upper chest of the creature, just below where he was desperately holing it back. Pitch-like blood seeped from the wound and mixed with the watery mud, the gurgling growing muffled as its head sank completely.

Arton spit dirt back into the earth from whence it came as he stood up, leaving the dagger lodged in the beast. There was no time to retrieve it if he were to make it back to the rest in time. His slightly ringing ears could hear Galahad in the distance so he quickly oriented himself towards that direction. The grass was too thick and folded over to see through it. Lighting streaked across the sky as he heard Galahad's voice once more. However, he had no time to focus on the direction it came from this time. Arton's hands simultaneously took hold of his shield and sword, his feet tying to find solid ground as he glanced around him. Five lighting bolts had cracked in his immediate vicinity revealing five shadowy figures and five pairs of red eyes blocking off his routes of escape.

No fear shown in the swordsman's eyes as he stared down the beasts that closed in around him, even as his right shoulder began to burn. Five of the beasts here meant five that weren't after the caravan. Arton began to tunnel-vision on the enemy, lifting his shield close to his chest and drawing his sword back "WHAT ARE YOU WATING FOR?!?" Arton screamed into the night, taunting the creatures. Besides fighting better defensively, Arton did this to announce to his allies his position. The beasts, however, did not wish to wait and began to charge to answer his question with fang and claw.

May the goddess give him strength. The very first day and her highness had revealed a weakness that the others were already scheming to exploit. That was when Theodoric approached them, a person he found slightly less intolerable than most other nobles. The information about wyverns had already been spilled so he was more so ready to move past this incident "You know that I don't have the luxury of extended personal time." He glanced over at the princess briefly "Otherwise, I'm healthy and in good condition to protect her highness so I have no right to complain." He expressed with a forced sense of contentment in his assignment.

Before he could return the courtesy of the question to Theodoric, he felt the familar, chilling gaze of his liege "Of course, your highness." Roland quickly turned to Theodoric and Eleventhia and half-bowed, exchanging a look with them that he hoped expressed they would talk later. He assumed his position alongside Sherry off her right-side, trailing a couple steps behind so that she might lead. Roland's expression remained neutral throughout the rest of the tour, merely nodding and exchanging brief replies to her highness when spoken to. The monastery was a place where the promising youths and nobles of the continent would hone their futures and dreams. It was difficult to feel excitement when he was an outsider in that regard.

Despite the long day, Roland appeared steadfast and alert as they entered the dormitories. He was under the impression that he would be rooming with her highness so that he may keep her safe during her time here. His brows furrowed when he heard the names her highness spoke and moved quickly to join her in examining the list. His stone-cold façade briefly broke from the surprise that he would be paired with someone else...a stranger at that. It would seem his majesty's influence had its limits. Her highness seemed equally disturbed by the revelation of their rooming assignments.

Roland moved to break the line of sight between her highness and Leonid "I will begin moving your belongings into your room. I'll also conduct a sweep for anything suspicious. I humbly ask for you patience while I finish, your highness." He would have to voice his objection and put in room transfer request to the Arch-bishop, but in the meantime her highness would need to...parley with Leonid. Here he thought looking after the world's most spontaneous princess was already a major pain. Was it possible she would grow during her time here? The idea was almost laughable.

Roland pinched his forehead just above his nose and mentally sighed as Parthenia spoke, watching the situation unfold "I do not have to worry about unemployment, it seems." The delivery was dry but it was Roland's attempt at humor. Parthenia was undoubtedly going to be an attributing factor for the increased workload. Brief visits between her and Sherry were manageable but this was practically living together. It was enough to send a shiver down his spine.

Before he could see the small wyvern crawl out of Alphonse's coat, he was approached by an unfamiliar noble. Odd. He maintained a straight posture as she introduced herself that confirmed his initial assumption. The daughters of the nobility must have been fed well so have grown so tall. His expression softened slightly but didn't match the smile she put on display. Pernachis. He didn't recall ever meeting one in person but he knew to step carefully. Amethyst eyes flashed to her extended hand, processing the proper response, before he quickly gave Elevinthia his hand to complete the greeting.

"Roland Vaughann, guard to her royal highness." He spoke cleanly, gestured with a tilt of his head over to the red-headed princess. "I'm afraid I do not recall meeting, my lady." However, there was something familiar about her that Roland couldn't quite put his finger on. Frankly, he was glad that there was one person that hadn't immediately jumped to harass the princess.

Roland had been keeping his eyes on the princess the entire time. He was grateful for the Arch-bishop's presence. It was too soon to be having an incident. The princess's scolding brought his attention just in time to spot the young wyvern.Goddess Above. Roland raised a hand to stop her but he quickly lowered it back down. It was already too late for him to intervene, though he doubt anyone would have been capable of stopping her in that moment. Luckily, her highness seemed to realize her mistake and return to a proper sense of decorum. This was going to be happening all year long...

He turned his attention back to Elventhia, whom he had been walking alongside on the way to the mess hall "Her highness has a...fondness...for wvyerns. Please excuse her passion." Roland wasn't sure what use damage-control was at this point, but he had to at least try.


Arton felt a weight off his shoulders hearing the king speak and the high-strung tension slowly relaxed. His majesty’s words only strengthened Arton’s opinion on Galahad as a person to put his faith in. Between him and Ranbu, there was much he gained to learn from them. The viera, in particular, had shown him that in order to protect the others he would need to get not only stronger but faster. He lowered his eyes and took a slow, deep breath letting the events of the night settle in his mind. This quest had already shredded what preconceptions he had and they had barely taken the first step

“Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing you work.”

The peace lasted only for a moment as he heard Ranbu inviting the Skaelian woman to the group, turning his head to them. Her appearance and fighting style was too refined not to be a student at the Academy. He supposed that any of the Skaelians here would be seeing that the Academy produced the best of the best of Skael. As Ranbu approached them, Arton tried to find a place to avert his gaze after realizing he had been staring a little. Neve had been the one addressed so he held his tongue for her to reply first.

At the very least, these otherwise hot-headed individuals were quick to apologize to her. Neve’s smile returned to her lips as she gave Izayoi a nod of understanding, then did the same to Eliane. They appeared to be approachable, after all. Before she could give them a reply, however, Izayoi wandered off and began to speak about a chain of command. That was something that Neve knew that she shouldn’t be part of.

”No worries, friend. With so many people here, misunderstandings are bound to happen.” she told the red-haired woman in turn. Then, she glanced back up at Arton, silently suggesting that they be on their way.

Arton nodded and had begun to walk away from the group alongside Neve when Zeidgram dropped his name for leadership. The notion was not one he had harbored in his mind for a moment. Whoever was in charge wouldn’t change how he would act nor affect his goals, though he supported Ranbu’s nomination. The Skaelian warrior had practically frozen in place with a bit of color washing from his tanned skin. What had he done that warranted the red mage’s confidence?

Arton turned to face the group with uncertainty in his eyes. The words of Galahad and Leifur stung slightly but he was in agreement. He worked fine and well as a lone mercenary solving issues of petty bandits and invasive monsters, but he had never once led others on something as dangerous as this quest. He shook his head to dissuade Galahad’s worry “I admit that there is much I have to learn. I will do my best to be of help, but Neve and I must get going if we are going to help the injured.” With that, he turned to Zeidgram “I may not be ready for such a mantle, but I will earn it. You can be sure of it.” He spoke almost like a promise. Arton took another deep breath as he regrouped with Neve, gesturing with a nod that he was ready and eager to get moving.

The two made their way into a large chamber inside the castle that had been converted into a makeshift field hospital for the injured. Arton followed Neve’s lead as they treated the most severe injuries first. His job was mainly to stabilize and prepare the next patient while Neve used her white magic to quickly heal the wounds. While she focused on the patient, Arton did his best to raise the spirits of those next in line. He exchanged warm words and laughter with many of them, taking their mind off their pain. Despite Ranbu’s advice, one could say the two of them may have overdid it. Arton walked closely behind Neve as they returned to their quarters, wary she might faint or lose her balance. Arton stripped the bare minimum of armor to be comfortable and practically collapsed on his bed.

Roland always enjoyed the stillness and calm before a rainstorm. The muted sky and gentle winds a prelude to a force of nature impossible to precisely predict. A number of his most memorable hikes occurred during a downpour, drenched to the bone and winds cracking trees around him. He hoped, however, they would enter shelter before the first drops fell. It would not do for the Princess's first introduction to the other students and staff to be soaked like a wet dog. Roland had gotten so used to the typical company the Princess carried, that the thought of assessing new individuals and potential threats was almost exciting.

His father had tried to instill in him a faith as strong as his loyalty, but failed frustratingly close to success. Roland was a firm believer in the teachings of the church, but he was far from what one would called a zealot. Goddess or not, he was devout to the Princess first and foremost. That said, the Archbishop was a striking presence that incited a polite, head bow from him in reverence. His authority could match a king so it was no surprise he would have such a direct influence on the future of the land. Roland did his best to stand tall and straight, maintaining a strict bearing as he stood by the Princess's side.

He listened attentively to every word the Archbishop spoke, even if the Princess didn't. It was important he get a grasp of his new surroundings and acclimate to their new lifestyle. Roland had gone through the trouble of parsing through records of the monastery and its academy. There was no guarantee that House Grimdall's enemies wouldn't try anything while the Princess was here. He would not be caught complacent when the worst came to fruition. The announcement of the leader of the rival house drew little reaction from him. Far as he was concerned, Francette was already an adversary for being from a different nation.

Roland was quick to applaud and offer a small smirk to the princess at being assigned leader of their house "Congratulations, your highness." Being in public, he chose to avoid speaking her name in a more friendly manner. One more gift upon the mountains life had already bestowed her. Roland would ensure no one would dethrone her from the position and ensure that all opposition would be crushed. Success as house leader would bring further prestige to the Princess and such it was his mission to make it happen. The absence of their professor did not bring hope that it would be an easy endeavor.

Rather than take in its beauty, Roland observed which windows had a vantage point into the garden. It was bound to be a popular resting and gathering spot, so he would need to analyze every corner for exploitations. Gardening? He would have far more pressing matters like training and protecting the princess. Roland was not sure that the garden would even benefit from the Princess's guardianship. Judging by her whispers to Parthenia, it was not something he would need to consider further.

"I am sure you would like to know, Lord Elias." Roland stated coldly before turning his attention to the other two commoners. He did not know these two and it irritated him that they had addressed the princess so casually without a proper introduction. "Besides, it sounds to me that the Archbishop is more to the liking of you two with such open statements of admiration." Roland spoke more casually this time. It was not often he found himself in the company of commoners being by the Princess's side, thus he did not wish to burn a bridge before it was built.

Alright, he's done...I think.

Location: Balmung Castle | Castle Grounds
Mentions: N/A

Arton quickly turned to Neve while Galahad spoke, desperately trying to maintain his composure in the face of the growing chaos "Neve, let's see if anyone could you use your help. I'll make sure you don't get..." His gaze briefly flicked to the stand-off "...interrupted.". He placed a hand on her shoulder from behind with a gentle push in case the situation had made her freeze up. If a brawl was to break out, it'd be bad if the healer of their group got caught up in it. At this point, he doubt throwing his own voice and weight around would do any good.

It had astonished him how quickly Ranbu had jumped to the aid of Neve. Her methods might have been questionable but there was no denying her instincts and reactions were beyond words. Truth be told, if she hadn't moved first then Arton would have placed himself between Neve and the aggressive man. He didn't agree taking it to the degree she did, but he also respected the quick decision to defend a comrade. It was more of surprise that Zeidgram decided to join her in escalation, going so far as to strike one of the Skaellans and confirmed one of his theories about the man.

"I'm sure Galahad can smooth things over...I mean, I hope so." Arton tried to reassure Neve, but he was quite uncertain himself what was about to unfold. It was a chance, perhaps subconsciously, to distance himself from his countrymen. He never felt at ease with them "So, I'm not too bad at first-aid if you need me to help." Arton tried to offer. He was hesitant to help Galahad mediate the situation, not due to his incapability to do so but for the backlash it might incite. He was the humble, stalwart swordsman Arton and that was he had to be.
I should be able to write up a character tomorrow.
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