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Joshua Tamashii, Amelia Averyonna, Fraquar Alinstar, and Pyrrha Arvanitas


Joshua had spent most of the trip simply napping whenever Amaya didn't need him. He found the rocking of the boat and the sounds of the ocean rather peaceful and also somewhat nostalgic. His original homeland had been a frozen tundra but the village he had been raised in had been by the ocean, since fishing was one of the most reliable ways for their people to get food. He had faint memories of being on a boat once or twice but they weren't very clear. Whenever Amaya did need him though, all it would take was a simple tap on the shoulder to wake him up and he would help however he could.

Once the reached the island, he immediately got in one of the boats heading to shore, taking note that Amaya would be flying ahead, something that concerned him.
"Don't get too far ahead you two." He said. He knew Amaya was eager to get on the island to see if there was any sign of the dragon that had raised her, but he hoped she would show some patience so that she didn't get in over her head.

Amelia, in the meantime, had spent the entire trip sleeping to try and get over her fever. While it had gone down one or two degrees, she still had it but otherwise seemed fine. When her father addressed her, she looked up at him.
"Am I still staying on the ship or can I come along?" She asked, her tone hopeful, as she did want to join the others and possibly be of some help to her guild for once.

Meanwhile, the guild master of Rider's Blade and his apprentice had spent the trip mostly to themselves unless otherwise approached. Once they were given the sign to get on the small boats to get to shore, they climbed into one along with anyone else who would join them, wondering what lay ahead of them

Joshua leaned back in his seat, remaining silent for the time being. He knew this was Amelia's adventure and therefore her choice. But he was the one that had snuck her out of town under her parents nose so he was responsible for her health and safety, especially in dangerous scenarios like this. But for now, it was best that he remain silent and let Amelia have some time in the spotlight again.

"It might not be a temple. It's just some ruins that are on, called the Old Tombs on the opposite end of the desert. They're on of several places I want to visit because of the possible presense of Ghost-type pokemon there. There are also the Known Ruins on an island north of here and maybe one or two other places. I would like to go back to the Witchpeak Cemetary but... if I go back home, my journey might be forced to end. So I need to grow much stronger first." Amelia said, her tone becoming a bit sorrowful as she brought up her home town. She quickly dismissed this though and gave both of the boys a smile. "But there are several pokemon I'm hoping to find in the Tombs. Namely Golett and Yamask. It might be possible to find Honedges there if any of them are the tomb of a king or royalty I guess. And if I can find a keystone there, I might be able to get a Spiritomb."

"You've really though this through in concerns to the Ghosts you might find." Joshua said. "Though there are other dangers. Namely more Cacnea and Trapinch, as well as things like Baltoy, Sigilyph, Bronzor, Sandile, Hippopotas, and others. This isn't including their possible evolved forms, which neither of you will be able to handle. And if you're forced to run out there with a wild pokemon chasing you and it won't let up... again, you could get seriously hurt and repels only work so long. You need to take proper precautions on a route like this. But I guess I'm sounding like a broken record at this point."

"If that is your choice, I won't argue with it. I've cautioned you and given you the option but as a trainer, you have to make your own decisions and others need to respect it. Unless you one of the many Teams running around in the world. Those people deserve no respect." Joshua said before turning to Amelia. "You, however, I'm more hesitant to allow out in the desert alone. You need a guide or someone to take you along and make sure you're okay, especially with your health. And I know you have no tolerance to heat, since you love spending all your time outside during the night, when it's coolest."

"I'll ask the gym leader or some group in town to take me to the temple. I can't lean on you anymore then I have, so I want to see if someone else can help me." The young girl replied calmly.

Joshua nodded.
"If neither of them do, call me. I'm the one responsible for you being out here and I do not want to deliver bad news to your parents." He said.
@Gardevoiran Hey, another character with a condition. Nice to meet ya by the way.

"I didn't know it was a major gym. I didn't know how the gyms system worked so they had to explain it to me." Amelia said, her face growing a bit red as she was embarrassed by her mistake.

Joshua didn't reply to this right away as their waiter returned with their drinks and asked what they would be having for their entrees. Joshua ordered himself a burger while Amelia went with a fish and chips deal. After Dawkin had ordered his food, both turned their attention back to him.
"Waiting until you have six pokemon seems like a solid idea. But sometimes, the more you delay, the more hesitant you'll be to attempt what you originally set out to do." Joshua advised. "Your current team aint bad. I'm sure if you ask around you'll find information on the various minor gyms around the regions and find one that suits your team and that you have decent odds against. Oitherwise, I would stick to your plan for the time being.

Now, if I recall, you two are heading into the desert tomorrow, are you not

Amelia nodded while sipping her tea and, after getting Dawkin's likely confirmation since he planned on catching a Cacnea, Joshua would proceed.
"I'm not letting you two go into that alone. Deserts are extremely dangerous places, both because of their harsh environments and the pokemon that have adapted to living in them. It seems calm now but you never know when a sandstorm might occur and you could get easily lost out there and if you do, the worse can happen. And Arceus help you if happen upon a Trapinch you aren't able to handle. So, whether you like it or not, I'm coming along, if only to make sure you both make it back safely." He said.
@Joshua Tamashii Iz you dead like me? :<

I'm at a lawers office watching papers get signed, you tell me
@Ever can I have Amelia talk with Headmaster Hadrianus?
I wasn't sure what to have Amelia do after she left the library.
Wow, I love how this dies and randomly comes back lol.

It's a vampire!
That's always worth a shot.
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