Avatar of KatherinWinter


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Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I am an online college student going for my masters in marriage and family counseling. I have been happily married for 22 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

Most Recent Posts

@Phantomlink959AWW.... So everyone on one team. I like it.

@BlueflameUmmm.... what is this?
I believe we are just waiting for Amaya and Mason to arrive at the simulator. We have an odd number so how do we want to do capture the flag?
@Blueflamewhat do you mean?
@LightningMaidenthey would make it safe for all species.
@Searat I haven't decided but I think he just wants to talk how they can keep him in the group. Trying to decide how much to include on that.
Kyle was thrilled that the first activity would be arts and crafts. Even if it meant less interaction. He loved art. Unfortunately he rarely had time to do it. He got up and headed to the room. It sounded like they could do the project anywhere but the supplies were in the dining hall.

The dinning hall was the size of a school gym. There were several rows of tables the tables had plenty of space between them they should be able to look around without being being on top of each other. Each table was covered with art supplies. He had never so many different types outside of an art store.

Ivy bounced inside after the others. She gave no thought to the task she was supposed to do. She was too excited about meeting others to focus on anything. She bounced over to Aly. She was curious why the girl had her music so loud. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO COLOR? WHY DID YOU CHOOSE CRAYONS? WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THE BOY." That question brought her attention to Lukas. She bounced over to the boy. She tilted her head as she watched him. "WHY ARE YOU CARVING WITH SCISSORS? DON'T YOU THINK THAT'S A BAD IDEA? THEY ARE STARTING TO BEND! DO YOU THINK THE COUNSELORS WILL BE MAD?" she asked him. Before he could say anything she noticed Willow. The girl seemed uncertain about what to do. "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! ITS OK IF IT ISN'T GOOD! NOT EVERYONE IS GOOD AT ART! I'M NOT GOOD AT ART!" she announced before Trent got her attention. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? WHAT KIND OF TRICK? DO YOU KNOW A LOT OF TRICKS? I DON'T HAVE ANY SUPPLIES! I WILL ASK KYLE TO DO MINE!"
Ok team building or team assignments? Amaya

Would it be safe to assume there would be signs pointing to the training room?

Most likely there would be a few.

@Phantomlink959 I think the only one still in the room other than Mason is Amaya right?

Nope Griffin is still.
"Amaya you will have to learn to interact with others. If you can't be patient and listen to those who have more experience you are welcome to leave. I don't need agents who are impatient or determined to do things their own way. While we don't report to anyone that doesn't mean that we don't have to follow some rules. I am going to have you work in pairs for now. If Argus comes up with a team building activity you will be doing that as soon as possible. He is correct. You can not baby Mason. No one here will be babied. You are grown adults. While you and Mason have not been trained you will be and there is no room for the weak in this agency. We are dealing with very powerful supernaturals. Most will be determined to cause as much destruction as they can. Richard I expect to see you spending time in the training simulator. Actually that is a good idea for all of you. Mason man up. Otherwise we will have no choice but to imprison you until Rost gets those wards right. Griffin I will see you in my office. As for the rest of you you are dismissed."The director stormed out of to the room.
@bloonewb@medalliah there would be craving supplies

@YangXiaoLong you need to fill out a character sheet and be approved
@DarkHuntressdon't wait.
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