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5 yrs ago
Current "Soon you will have forgotten all things. And soon all things will have forgotten you."
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courtesy of @Muttonhawk

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@Vec *shakes fist* I'm no retiree! I'll have you know that I've got plenty of posts in the works.

@Lugubrious Ten thousand years will give you more than a crick in the neck, ah can tell you that xP
We're just chugging along here at Divinus Inc., as one does. And yes, our new overlords by broad consensus are now Mutton, BBeast, and Termite. This is still not a democracy though, obviously xD
@Vec Am I to understand that you've only just read the IC's OP?
@TheDuncanMorgan Of course I'm around xP I check in on dicord every now and again but don't always say anything.
However, I'm not going to have access to the internet from the 6th of September until the 11th as I'll be abroad.
B-but heterodox is the new orthodox. Why? Because we live in post-normal times that's why, you damn postmodernist. Get with the times. I'm gettin' the trans-modernist gang and we gonna beat yup.

So anyway, all those attempting to purge what used to be heresy are now the heretics and must themselves be purged.
Disgustin lil monstrosity is what it is! Unnatural abomination that must be cleansed, destroyed, eradicated *foams at the mouth*
@Rtron I plan on Thulemiz losing his one pre-Realta invasion
Hey, we're not machines dammit, we need to sleep on our posts, think about them, live them, weep over them, bleed them out and use the blood as ink...

Go to sleep Kho. Go to sleep.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Speaking as a 'run-o-the-mill' member of the Guild who is obviously not "in" on whatever shenanigans Mahz and the moderating team have been dealing with over this summer (or this huge debate that has apparently been taking place); I've seen nothing so broken that it requires fixing by creating a whole new layer of RPGuild Staff. The site works very well as far as its intended purpose is concerned. If there have ever been problems in my experience, it has never been with staff - who have been altogether courteous and forthcoming whenever I have had need to contact them. I've certainly never been banned, and no one I know has been banned whether on the new guild or the old - which to me only says that there clearly isn't a group of madmods banning people at random.

I doubt most members I am in consistent contact with on the site are even aware of this "issue" or are all that bothered about it. If this goes ahead and some kind of vote or whatnot is implemented, I would obviously try to be a voting member just out of principle - but not out of any conviction that whatever this is is worth the fuss. Would probably not bother after a while. That's my fifty pence.

I feel liberated having participated in this debate of great importance. That's the only bit of civic participation yer gettin from me >.>
<Snipped quote by Kho>

You dream about us and our shenanigans in the OCC?

I think I should, I need a hand dealing with all this.

@Kho You sure it wasn't a foot?

No, the dream was very specific - it wasn't some kind of limbo. A hand and a line. And you were all very excited. There were a handful of signs. What they all point towards, however, I've no idea. I thought maybe Raka was attempting to help me grasp something vital about the Divinuverse - but if this symbol means nothing to any of you, perhaps telling you about it was a mistake. Gods, have I irreversibly altered the timeline? Are we doomed?
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