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Yo, I'm Kidd. 29, latte enjoyer, not immune to anime girls.

Timezone: GMT +8

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@Erklings25 I'm thinking new students have their own dorms--freshmen dorms. But then returning students have a variety of buildings to choose from. Players can work out roommate info or if you have a roommate at all.

Oops, forgot to tag people who were already approved since I just copied my previous list. xD Sorry about that!
@NarcissisticPotato@jeroukoo@SilverFallen@Emma@Ayame@Helo@Weird Tales@Apoalo@The One@Afro Samurai

'Ight. The IC post is up. Hope it's up to OP's standards. Be free!

Olympus Academy | Day 1

The day was oddly dreary for such a magical place. Olympus Academy's magic usually provided only the most beautiful and comfortable weather for students, but that morning was wet and cold. While incoming freshmen might mistake the weather for normal, returning students and professors would be on edge: storms meant conflict among the Olympians. In fact, 2075 marked a dangerous year, and some students opted to attend school with mortals this semester. The student count this year was lower than it had been in a long time, parents godly and otherwise fearful about the tension in Olympus extending to Olympus Academy.

Weather aside, the campus remained gorgeous and decorated with statues standing as testaments to the gods and their children. It was a short drive from one of the largest airports in Greece, no more than an hour. Mortals unknowingly passed by it all the time, in fact. The magic that protected the Academy created an illusion that it wasn't there. Instead, mortals saw beautiful and untouched fields and forest, protected by environmentalists that were proud of the gorgeous site and its large lakes. Mortals were also inclined not to explore the campus they couldn't see: the magic often suggested they were too short on time or had some other important task to get to.

The morning sun remained hidden behind clouds as students arrived at the academy. They would have their dorm buildings and room numbers in mind, returning students having the choice to keep their dorms and roommates from the year previous. The grand tuition included books and some basic school supplies, generous compared to schools found world wide. The administrators--a council compromised of friendly "monsters" and demigods--weren't going to shake down Zeus for money, after all.
Riddley Kingsley | 17 | Athena

Naya Tonnerre | 16 | Nyx

@Weird Tales

TECHNICALLY Hecate is a Titan. =p It's a disputed argument at the moment.

Also, Nyx is a Primordial so there's that as well.

Yis. I made Naya pretty strong because of it, but she's made to be reigned back from the plot a bit. She'll cause some petty drama at most, I'm thinking.
@Afro Samurai Looks way better! Approved.
@NarcissisticPotato@jeroukoo@SilverFallen@Emma@Ayame@Helo@Weird Tales@Apoalo It's just about 12 hours, so I'll go ahead and accept for the GM. You're all good to post to the character tab. If you posted a sheet and I didn't tag you, let me know.

@The One If you want those powers, I'm sure that's fine. A lot of the demigods have some control over emotions and feelings, so it's okay to have some minimum godmoding in that respect. Elsker looks good to me, though, but Idk if you want to add a last name.

@Afro Samurai Your sheet is very lacking compared to everyone else's. I would beef up the personality and either write in appearance or find a suitable picture.

I'll have a IC post to get us started up by tomorrow morning (it's 11:30pm for me now).
Vivian squinted at the disconnect between the two: did they engage with different goals in mind? Whatever the reason for two different answers, she welcomed the slight pause. She even hesitantly lowered her knife as the older one raised his to sheathe it. But he suddenly dropped it, and her gaze flickered instantly to the second male, who was dumbfounded by the bullets scattered on the ground. Finally, her eyes fell on Dawn, who was managing to slowly stand on her shaky legs. Now would be the ideal time to attack, take one of them down while the girl had her brain claws on them--but which was the regenerator Dawn had mentioned? Where was the third? Dawn wanted to back off, why? Her hesitation costed her the chance altogether and she tensed again as she looked around--she would flee if Dawn did, but the girl didn't seem like she could get far. "Lead the way," she told her, bitter sarcasm lacing her words.

Not counting on going anywhere fast, Vivian looked to the one who had requested a simple conversation from her and her companion. It was the second time he brought up alliances. She wasn't sure if they wanted her or Dawn or both, but a united front would be stronger than a split one. "We just met. But even I'm not so cruel as to leave an innocent girl with strange men," she sneered at him before glancing around again, staying vigilant for number three. She could feel her breath steadying again, her strength returning.
@jeroukoo I will not formally accept quite yet. I want to give the GM time to return. If she's not back by tonight, I will accept/deny characters (spoiler alert, though, I've been reading them all as they've been posted and I will accept the ones posted so far lol).
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