Avatar of King Cosmos


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It took a bit longer than expected, but here's my character.

@Satoshi Kyou I'm still around, just waiting on a reply from the Synchro dorm before I can do anything.
Based on the information on the Artifacts spreadsheet it looks like you're using the word Artifact as just a different way of referring to derivative gear from another series and not in the Ready-Player-One sense where artifacts are unique items with no replications. Is this true?

I can answer this one at least. We are using 'artefacts' as a catch-all term for items of all rarities; I raised the same query as you when this was in the planning stages.
It was a bit of an understatement to say that Artorigus was happy with the provided gear for the fourth round of the tournament; after three rounds of being forced to fight using guns and magic and other things he had no interest in the tournament organiser had finally seen fit to equip him with something a little more in his wheelhouse. The decorative samurai-styled armour was a little more restrictive than his usual gear and the katana, although similar in principle to his Okami, was considerably shorter than he was used to. Nonetheless, if everyone was on a level playing field and using the same weapons as him then he was confident he would make it through the next round without issue; it may have been his particular brand of arrogance shining through, but he didn’t think there would be many people in this tournament who could wield this katana and wakizashi better than himself.


Arrows. He had forgotten about the arrows.

It probably didn’t come as a surprise to find that most clans preferred not to engage in a messy close range battle, instead preferring the ancient, tried and true tactic of firing mass volleys of arrows at each other. The woefully undersized by comparison Spectres of the Apocalypse had been forced to run, unable to match the larger clans for sheer quantity of firepower.

For the past three hours they had been implementing a constant fighting retreat; run until they opened up some distance between themselves and their pursuers, turn and fire, then run again when they got too close. It wasn’t the kind of battle Artorigus liked to fight but it had kept them alive for now, though that seemed to be about to change as it looked like their pursuers were finally starting to close the gap.

Artorigus covered the clans retreat from the rear while the rest ran to cover, striking down any arrows that he could with his sword; using his Okami’s unique ability had given him plenty of practise at slashing projectiles from the air and although the timing was tighter than he was used to due to the shorter length of his current weapon, on objects as slow moving as these arrows it wasn’t too hard. He couldn’t stop every one however and more than a few managed to slip past him to imperil his fellow Spectres.

A sudden yell from his left caught him by surprise as someone leapt at him from behind a partially destroyed wall; it seemed like some enterprising member from the other clan had managed to rush ahead of the others unseen in an attempt to flank them and was now rushing Artorigus with his sword held high above his head. His loss.

Drawing his wakizashi in one smooth motion Artorigus pivoted towards the charging samurai. With the small dagger in his left hand he deftly deflected the descending sword before following through with a swing of his own, his katana cutting through his opponents arm as easily as it did the air. Now literally disarmed his opponent could only looked shocked as Artorigus brought his sword back around in a horizontal swipe that took the opportunistic samurai’s head from his shoulders.

Seeing that most of the others had already made it to cover Artorigus hurried to follow, vaulting a low wall and landing in a crouch on the other side, suddenly finding himself face-to-face with Ekloria.

“So, what game plan do you think these guys are using? Are they picking us off because we’re weak, or taking us out because we’re strong?”

@Burning Kitty
@Burning Kitty does the clan ship have a name that's different from its class name or our clan name? I'm just going to call it the Glorious Heritage for now and change it later if need be.
Oberon did not get in Mourningstar’s way this time, letting her fly past him rather than try and block her again. Though he didn’t like the idea of her heading off alone, he sensed that their conversation had come to an end and unless he was willing to physically keep her from leaving or go with her there was little more he could do. Besides, if she was going to be spending time with the other wisps in the cave then she should be fine; she was just trading out one group for another, assuming that the other wisps accepted her. With a sigh he turned away from Mourningstar’s retreating form and began the walk back to the bonfire, grabbing her discarded sack of mana crystals as he did so.

3 Mana Crystals added to inventory.
1 Flame-Touched Mana Crystal added to inventory.

During the quiet walk something that the wisp had said kept repeating itself in his head, about how if she stayed who she was before she was sure to die; something about that idea made him uneasy, probably because it applied to him just as much as it did to her. “It’s not like the rest of us are doing any better. My old life didn’t exactly prepare me for this kind of situation.”

In his absence the bonfire seemed to have experience a flurry of activity. The corpses that had been strewn about from their earlier battles were mostly gone, one of the lizards was practicing with their poison spit, the rats were grouped together to one side and the green slime he had healed earlier… well, he seemed to have changed considerably. Now sporting a wizard hat-shaped protrusion and a gel flap cape the only thing he was missing was a staff and he would look the part of the classical wizard class, just in slime form. How or why such a change had occurred was a mystery to him, one that Oberon sought to solve by using Magic Analysis on the slime.

Otherwise, as usual, there didn’t seem to be anything of urgent importance for Oberon to do; no-one seemed to be dying at the moment so his healing abilities weren’t required and everyone looked to be getting along perfectly fine with whatever it was they were working on.

Setting down his sack of mana crystals near to the bonfire, as well as the ones he was still holding from earlier, Oberon sat down next to it with his back to the fire pit and considered what he should do. Continue his experiments was the obvious answer, but with an attack from the remainder of the Goblin’s imminent it was important to prioritise and think about what he could accomplish in the time he had to work with that would benefit him and the rest of the group.

He could potentially develop a working version of the Minor Regeneration skill in that time, but with his various Shield spells and Minor Heal it was probably redundant at the moment; though still something he wanted to work on later. Beginning his experiments with the flame-touched mana crystal was potentially more useful if it resulted in a fire-based spell that he could use in the upcoming battle, but given that he would be starting from scratch he likely wouldn’t have enough time to make anything workable.

No, increasing his offensive options was the right way to go about this but he needed another way to do it that he could manage in a short time frame. Given that he now had Mana Shape in a complete form to work with it was probably best that he continue trying to create a version of Mana Orb with piercing properties.

With that decided Oberon wasted no time, quickly forming the spherical shape of a Mana Orb between his hands before attempting to warp its shape using his new Mana Shape ability. He flattened and lengthened the mana, stretching it thin as he had tried to do before, finding the process much easier now that he had a spell to help guide the process. When he had a long and thin bar of mana formed between his hands, thicker in the middle and rounded at each end like a stretched out oval, he attempted to sharpen the end that was not pointed at himself. Once this was complete he let the attempted Mana Arrow fly.

Sora Ikeda was adjusting to his situation about as well as good be expected given his circumstances. It wasn’t easy attending this school, for many reasons; a new school, in a new city, in a whole other part of the country far away from a home he never intended on leaving so soon. Yeah, he was doing just fine.

Aside from the fact that he was moving from middle school to high school the classes weren’t too different from those back home; for being a prestigious school he didn’t think things were any different than they would have been had he attended high school back home. Well, that wasn’t entirely true; the class size was larger, as was the school and even the city itself, and everything was new and shiny. A far cry from the ancient and run down school building with out-dated equipment and resources he was used to. He was just a country hick after all, moving from a small town in the middle of nowhere to the big city.

It would be hard for him to pursue any of his hobbies here, if he would even have had time to, and the drabness of the place was already wearing him down.

Not for the first time he wished he had his parents here to support him, though he fully understood that coming with him wasn’t feasible; moving the whole family halfway across the country on short notice wasn’t a burden he wanted to place on them anyway. They had helped him find a small apartment with a landlord who was willing to rent to a minor living by himself and they were paying the rent as well, so he couldn’t complain. He’d had to get a part-time job to pay for groceries and luxuries himself but he had no problem pulling his own weight to help his own situation; he’d have to work extra hard to fit his work responsibilities around his schoolwork and club activities, whatever they were, but he could manage. At least with his bike he shouldn’t have much trouble getting around.

All in all, Himikai Academy was not a place Sora would ever have chosen to attend. Even with its prestigious reputation and claims of scholarly excellence for its students the distance, the location, the sheer difficulty of even attending would have been enough to dissuade him from accepting their offer.

But he had to, when he heard about the ‘Hunters Club’.

Sora had never heard of Himikai Academy, he had never applied there or even thought about applying to a school anywhere near it. Yet he had been accepted there. Sora was not dumb but he was no genius either; his test scores were hardly anything to brag about on the national rankings. Neither was he particularly athletic; his tiny school barely even had any sports teams and no accolades to boast of. Even if they did he wasn’t a part of any team so why even mention it.

Simply put there was no reason why anyone should know who Sora Ikeda was, let alone see anything special in him. So why had a prestigious academy located in a city miles away from him seen fit to seek him out and offer him what must have been one of the few opening available? More specifically why had an association with an ominous name like the ‘Hunters Club’ taken an interest in him and why did a simple student club have enough clout to request he be accepted?

There was only one thing ‘special’ about Sora and the fact that that might have had something to do with his admission was troubling.

His parents were worried. So was he. How had anyone found out about ‘that’ little titbit of information and why were they interested in it? What did this ‘Hunters Club’ want with him, or should he say people like him? What would happen if he accepted their offer? What would they do to him or his family if he rejected it?

Sora had accepted the invitation to attend this school most because he had felt that he had no choice, but he would be lying if he didn’t also feel a small amount of curiosity. After classes had ended he found himself standing outside of the clubroom, helpfully sign posted by a garish sign, steeling himself for the encounter he had been dreading ever since he had started packing his stuff into boxes.

Opening the door Sora walked into a room with more occupants than he had expected. They all looked like normal students like him and were all either milling around or eating brownies; it wasn’t exactly the atmosphere he had anticipated. It seemed… normal. At the back of the room, seated behind a desk was an older student with a sheaf of papers in front of him; presumably the club president or whatever the term was.

Not in the mood to make friends or exchange pleasantries Sora slipped quietly into the room and took a seat in an empty chair.
@MikkishtheLeprechaun I thought you took that?
“Yes. Of course.” Alastair pushed away from the wall and began walking away from the source of the noise, back in the direction they had come from, until he reached the nearest intersection. From what he had seen so far the maze was fairly simple in its design, though no less confusing for it; a seemingly endless crosshatching of straight lines with paths that ran on into eternity intersected by perpendicular paths with precise regularity.

It was a bit unfair to call it a maze at all really. There was no trick to it, no dead ends, no confusing loops or bends; just simple scale and a mind numbing regularity and uniformity that made it feel like you were making no progress at all. It the wall you were passing now looked exactly the same as the wall you passed an hour ago, six hours ago, a day ago, who was to say you were making progress at all?

It was enough to drive a person insane, if they were not halfway there already.

The unvarying layout did at least mean that circumventing the cave-in was incredibly simple at least. Simply back track a step, head half a dozen columns to the right and start heading back in the same direction; hopefully they had travelled far enough to the side that the cave-in wouldn’t be an issue and soon they were walking down a completely identical hallway and none the worse for wear.

“Whoever designed this maze was an evil genius. Or a bureaucrat. Such uniformity cannot be the creation of a sound mind.” After a few minutes of walking Alastair chanced to glance down one of the perpendicular paths as he crossed an intersection and spotted the piled rubble and broken slabs of concrete that marked the site of the cave-in. A sparkling amidst the dust and the stones caught his eye and he diverted from his path to approach the rubble.

Large, blue and glowing; it looked like an oversized gemstone, but when he reached down to pick it up it was immediately apparent that it was not a natural material at all. It was warm to the touch, still holding some small amount of energy of some kind which explained why it was glowing; or still glowing as the case might be. Its proximity to the cave-in and the fact that its shape suggested it was once part of something larger did not go unnoticed by Alastair; the idea that this object maybe be dangerous did cross his mind, but then he had never been one to heed danger when his own curiosity was involved.

So engrossed in the object was he that Alastair almost missed the elevator doors standing no more than ten feet away from him, partially obscured by rubble as it was. Luckily he managed to drag his attention away from the blue orb long enough to take in his surroundings, the sleek metal surface of the door standing out from the dull grey concrete.

“Over here! I believe I have found a way out.” Holding the blue enigma up in front of his face, Alastair turned his attention back to the mystery as he waited for Ash to arrive. “And a curiosity.”

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