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"I wasn't aware we became a sitcom family. What should we call it—It was the Tower all along?" Emilia said when Annabel came back offering nothing but hugs and kisses. Nevertheless, the alchemist — or perhaps witch? — returned the gesture with a knowing look in her eyes.

That night the shopkeeper duo would be nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, they would be back the following morning, just before the adventurers departed.

Emilia was indeed back to her passive demeanor, looking every bit as much like a fine doll, attending her store with an indecipherable smile on her lips. Of course, if anyone were to approach her, she would be more than willing to do any last-minute business.

After all, what could be worse than reaching into a new floor — a new world — while unprepared?


"How strange for me to be the first one to arrive. Maybe it's my lucky day, finally," Clair said as she came down the stairs the next mornign, noticing the utter lack of anyone but the shopkeeper duo. "Finders keepers, right?" she said reaching for some ice cream behind the counter, after making sure Kit Kat was nowhere to be seen.

"So, it's gonna be this one, huh? Maybe I should get a new card. That Tiger girl from before would be a good addition, probably," Clair said to herself as she looked at her lonely couple of cards before going to Emilia's place, looking for another partner to procure.

By the time everyone arrived and they departed on their exploration Clair was already all decked out and ready to rumble.

Their arrival to the world of the murky depths might not have been the most gracious one. However, Clair didn't let that shake her spirits even if the frigid water soaked her to the bone.

"Ok, while we decide on a road to follow, or if we will split again like last time, you can gimme a hand here, Aria," Clair said as she pulled Aria's card and summoned a magical gust of wind to dry herself up while waiting for the opinions of the others.

"By the way, is it just me, or does this place smell kinda... fishy?"

Assassin observed the drama before him. After heard one the young mage responsible for this carnage speak about six others, he more or less formulated the idea that they were involved in some form of unsanctioned ritual based on the Holy Grail War. As it would turn out, it seemed like his guess was true after all.

"It seems like no matter the state of the world, whenever Masters and Servants gather together in a single place, a Holy Grail War is soon to follow," Assassin said. He may not have any clear memories during this summoning but he was certain that he had fought in many Holy Grail Wars in the past.

"I believe it's best if we don't involve ourselves with these miscreants, Master. Of course, if you are willing to do the contrary I won't oppose it either," Assassin said after Shou came into the kitchen.
"Oh well, I guess it can't be helped now, can it?" Lydia said, sighing deep after being spotted by the ever so tenacious camera drones. Perhaps she should get an electronic camouflage upgrade next time, who knows? For the time being, she beamed a smile at the lenses before taking a bite of her food, channeling the best of her star power. "I guess my secret spot is busted now. That's right, these are the best treats in the entire Mevalo. You may not know where they come from, but you'll know where they are going. Come while they're hot!"

"I guess you're gonna have a lot of new customers now, Mister. You can consider that some free advertisement," Lydia said, flashing the same saleswoman smile at the owner of the food stall, before walking away without paying for her food. Just as she predicted, it wouldn't take long for the rumors about the place to spread across all kinds of social media, flooding the poor merchant with way more customers than he could ever hope to deal with. He would probably be beaten to death by the time his stock runs dry, but — Hey!— business was booming, right?

Anyway, Lydia would find herself at the track before she could run into any other unexpected encounters. The last thing she needed was being late for the race. It looked like the competition was going to be fierce, judging by the other participants she saw on Wave's pre-race broadcast, Lydia couldn't afford to cut them any slack.
@Lv1 Shade, such an interesting name...

Anyway, he's fine by me too. I suppose ou know what to do now.
In contrast to a number of other participants, Lydia had already signed off and prepared herself for the race pretty much as soon as she laid feet in Mevalo. Now that she had no one to look take care of other than herself, she could fully dedicate herself to the life of racing, make money, and spend it on herself and her ship.

Ultimately, it was kind of a wasteful lifestyle, but it fit Lydia quite well.

"I guess I could grab something to eat before the race begins?" Lydia thought as she left a body modification shop and grabbed an energy drink from a vending machine.

Lydia found what she was looking for in a food stall where she practically became a regular at this point, selling some cheap, deep-fried... things. "This isn't half bad, actually. Better than the bugs you had last time," she said to the owner of the improvised shop as she munched on the unknown treat. In a world like Mevalo, it was hard to have a full picture of where everything came and went from, but at least there were tasty.

"By the way, who are you betting on, old man?" she asked casually as she watched the pre-race show, gauging the competition, hopefully from a place where they couldn't get a read on her.

"Don't worry about me, boy. I'm just an old man curious about this uproar," Assassin said as he collected a chunk of blasted material to analyse casually, seeeminglyy not eveen paying too much attentiion to the obvious mastermind behind all this.

"That said, I can't help but think that you are an amateur at assassination. In my experience, only the most blundersome would be assassins resort to explosives, to fail while doing that is the proof of a true beginner. Maybe next time you could try not involving others in your dirty business," Assassin said in a completely matter of fact manner, explaining it with the quiet calm of someone who survived many an attempt at his life in the past.

True to Seyrun's advice, the following night began with heavy rain pouring down from the leaden clouds over Mizukino's sky. That, however, wouldn't dissuade the Pageless from their efforts to gather the life force of innocent humans.

"Quickly, gather what you can before those humans come after us! We don't have time to waste," The seeming leader of the group of Pageless that were attacking the workers of a construction site ordered its minions to speed up the collection of energy before Mizukino's protectors arrive at the scene.

As was expected of him, Scheherazade noticed the attack and moved to the place before calling the club members. He observed the situation from atop a light pole outside the barrier that isolated the site from the normal space as the winds and rain splashed against the partially exposed steel skeleton.

"Please come quickly everyone. At least I can assure you I'm not feeling the Darkkeepers' presence tonight. All I can say is that I hope they won't come out tonight, but these Pageless seem a little more powerful than the ones from the other day," Scheherazade said, hoping his words wouldn't be unanswered.

By the time everyone was back at the bar, Cait and Clair were already done with their business. The establishment's owner acting as if nothing transpired at all.

Meanwhile, the thief was now finally free and taking a bath. Despite the events that happened in the last few minutes, Clair was actually feeling better than pretty much ever. When she was done cleaning up and going back down, she was almost a different person not just because she had done her hair in a different, wilder, style but also because she had a different aura about herself.

Ever since Clair had been bitten by the mysterious dark serpent back at Victoire's, she had been feeling weird, but now she was better than ever. She was certain the next floor would be interesting.
"Don't worry, I'm the one who should be apologizing for coming at an inappropriate time," Seyrun said after Yuzu apologized for the rude manner the boy—apparently named Yuri—took his leave.

Once her business with the library club was concluded Seyrun turned her attention back from the outside to the smallish girl before her. "Very well, then, I suppose I should be the one leaving now. I hope we can meet again sooner rather than later," she said after signing the necessary papers.

"By the way, I hope you've brought your umbrella today. It's going to rain really bad later," Seyrun said to Yuzu in a casual, but sure, manner as she left the club members to their own devices.

※ ※ ※

"I suppose we can go back to our issue now. I know that asking for your forgiveness is too much, but if there's anything I can do, please tell me," Scheherazade said in a dejected voice, almost as soon as the club's unexpected visitor went away.

The feline was so down he didn't even bother moving to the food provided by the group's youngest member. How could he after all that happened?

@The Irish Tree@Ammokkx@DesperatePerson@WindsOfFate

"I'm fine, Saber. It would take more than that to take me down," Xiaoyu said to assuage her Servant's worries. She assessed the situation, taking note of the others' reactions before pulling a phone and fumbling with it for a moment before managing to dial an emergency number with a great deal of effort.

"You can do as you wish, Saber. Just keep in mind we are common citizens here," the smallish Master said as she observed chaos take over the fast-food junction.

"We should help those we can, Shou. Lend me a hand here while our Servants deal with the rest," Xiaoyu said to her classmate as she proceeded to help some of the victims get out of the debris, after noticing another girl doing the same. She hoping he would be able to help her with any heavy lifting.

"I hope you don't mind if I help these ones as well," she said to the fox magecraft user.

After a quick triage, Xiaoyu slapped some life-preserving talismans to the victims that were in the worst condition. While prolonged exposition to their curse would end up turning them into zombie-like beings, the powerful effect Xiaoyu's magecraft had on metabolism would allow them to hang on to life by the finest thread until the proper emergency services arrived.


"Ho?" Assassin let out in a voice that sounded more amused than worried when the Master of the mysterious Lancer shut him down. "Trust me, boy, there's nothing for us to gain in getting involved but that's not an option anymore," he added as he heard the explanation.

"I've been the target of many assassination attempts in my time. I know very well no one is that persistent—or brazen—about taking another's life if there's no reason for it. Whether you want to illuminate us on it or not is of no consequence. We have been involved and will be so until this incident ends," Assassin said as he stepped away from Shou for a moment, heading into the kitchen to investigate the case further after ascertaining that his Master was indeed safe.

"By the way, you seem to have some excellent form, Lancer. If by any means we are allowed to meet in better circumstances, I wouldn't mind crossing spears with you," Assassin said in a completely casual manner as he disappeared into what looked more like a scene out of some war thorn village from a historical drama than a kitchen from a modern restaurant.
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