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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. olympic club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Hera@smarty0114 | Ares@Legion02
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Melissa [NPC]

Waking up in the early hours of the morning with someone new was steadily becoming a new routine for the Aztec. It hadn't ever really been the same since her time in Madrid, tangled up in cotton sheets with War incarnate. But it did enough to quench the lust and loneliness buried deep into her bones. For now at least.

Her boudoir visitors had only grown more frequent this past month when one of her girls mentioned that she was to cater and escort a one Mr. Alexander Marvos around the city. A mortal name Tlazōlteōtl would and could never forget. She made sure all her employees knew it well and to report to her if ever they come across it. Melissa did well with her part, though there was a seething anger that boiled beneath her skin at the fact that he was going to be there for the Festival and didn't even consider contacting her as his personal guide.

The fucking nerve.

So, a plan had hatched in those early moments of finding out. Consulting with those closest to her about what it would take to make him as jealous as possible. For him to realize he fucked up big time and in the process it got her mind off of him. Again. Until it drifted to him once more. A rinse and repeat that continued on a loop for the last thirty years or so.

It didn't take her long to dress and prepare for the day, she still had businesses to run and the Festival starting today didn't halt that in the slightest. Her regular patrons understood that the club wasn't going to be operating at their usual capacity and therefore didn't fret at the small, minor changes to scenery. One of her more seasoned girls always took up the mantle of running the place to Tlazōlteōtl's standards; 'She better, else she would face consequences otherwise.' And Illicit? They could afford to be closed for "remodeling" for a few days at least.

Everything was coming to a head as the latest bed warmer; some mortal that struck up a very boring and one sided conversation at the Jaguar the night before, had long since been kicked out of her abode and after she had double checked that things were in place and ready to go at the Jaguar. A subtle breeze picked up as she made her way to her car, top down to enjoy the good weather before it turned sour. It always did when the pantheons came together under one roof and Hera was the host. The Aztec had nothing personal against the Queen herself, it was by word of mouth she obtained all the dirty little secrets of Hera that made bile rise in her throat, that placed that nasty opinion of her there. In no time at all she was pulling into the parking lot of the lavish country club. If there's one thing about Hera it's that she knows where to host 'em.

Valet took the car for her and before she could make her way inside she was pulled off of the sidewalk and onto a side path, just off the main entrance. "Excuse you-! Oh, Melissa it's you," The quick burst of indignation quickly fizzled and gave way to recognition and then curiosity at seeing the mortal woman. It meant one thing. Ares was here already. Perfect. "What's the matter?" All of her previous thoughts were thrown out the window as she looked over the woman once more. She seemed to be shaking, nervous almost. A seasoned veteran, used to working with some of the more difficult clients because she wanted too and here she is acting like a scared child about to be reprimanded.

Closing the distance to her, Tlazōlteōtl placed an arm around her, trying to calm her down from her anxious state. "Ms. Lalli, I-I have some news and I don't t-think you're going to be pleased with it." A million things were rushing through her head. Had Ares gone off the handle and mistreated her? Asked something so debased of her? Of himself? Did she know of his divine hood? Of her own? What exactly could have her acting in such a way? Instead of voicing her confusion, she just nodded for the girl to continue. "He's seeing someone. Or rather, he has someone he's off to visit after his business is finished here in Seattle. He said he was going to see them in DC and that he uh, he uh..."

At this point Tlazōlteōtl had tuned out her stuttering. 'Seeing someone... meeting up with them after the Festival...' "It's fucking Madrid all over again!" The wrath broke through her internal spiraling and it startled the poor woman beside her. Taking in a deep breath, she ran her manicured nails through her curls, scratching lightly at her scalp to soothe the tension away, if only for a moment. "Is there anything else to inform me of?"

"Uh, umm, well. Yes ma'am. He told them he 'loved them'," another primal snarl fell from the Aztec of Lust and Melissa had to cover her ears from the close proximity. Without another word Tlaz was storming up to the entrance and throwing the doors open with a fury unlike those present would have ever seen - in recent years at least. She thought to make a scene. Find her darling War and lay into him. It would only be fair. She is owed her dues and an explanation. Though finding him would pose difficult as he enjoys hiding from her year after year. Stalking into the main parlor she took a deep breath and blew it through her nose positive that smoke billowed from them. Hera had recently concluded her speech and everyone milled about, chatting or otherwise. Topaz eyes scanned the throng of guests, mortal and immortal alike, searching for the target of her rage, snatching a drink in the process.

Tlazōlteōtl was on a war path of her own and gods help Ares when she found him.

𝖆 𝖇𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖆 𝖇𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. Saga Antiquities | The Olympic Club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Hel | norse pantheon
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. Hebe | Loki
a @Danvers collab

When the Fall happened, Odin worked his ass off for a lot of things. Making things right with the rest of the Norse pantheon was top of the list and the only one that was still considered a work in progress. Other notable accomplishments he can successfully say have been crossed out are; Making connections with other immortals, constantly and forever learning the ways of the world around him and establishing not one, not two, but three corporations that have made him almost as wealthy as his former life. With those businesses being as successful as they are he would have thought he was done with the humdrum life of a founder and CEO. Retired

Yet, here he was. Sitting behind his large oak desk, one he made sure was always available should they call him into the office to sign papers or hold meetings - to "show face" as it were. Useless. The lot of them. 'What's the point of paying them if they aren't going to work for it...?' There was a reason he was "retired". He put in the hard work, built the company(ies) from the ground up; literally. He shouldn't have to be here in person to sign papers. That's the beauty of the modern world; everything was electronic nowadays. Didn't change the fact that the Allfather was here instead sipping whiskey instead of champagne with a certain dark headed trickster.

Another glass of whiskey down and sigh passing his lips had Odin pressing the button to his personal assistant's intercom, "Miss Hebe, could you bring in those files on the latest Skara Brae dig site and another glass while you're at it, please?" Slumping back into the plush leather chair, hands coming to rub down his face, another exasperated sigh escaped him. This should have been an easy day, come in, do work shit and get out. Checking his watch he noticed that he'd already been there for nearly three hours.

Pulling out his phone while he waited for Hebe to bring him his requested, he hastily typed out a message before sending:
To: midnight trickster🗡️❤️
Looking to start some chaos today? I need an excuse to get out of here and please skip the rat poison this time love sent

A freezing chill came over him, blanketing the room as if it were covered in frost. Loose papers fluttered to the floor and the air turned crisp; burning the lungs with every breath. In the distance Odin was sure he heard the cawing of a raven. When nothing immediately happened he relaxed a bit, enough to settle back into his chair. That was when it attacked.

A ghoulish figure emerging from the shadows of his office, pale as snow, screeching at the top of her lungs. A draugr. No doubt sent by Loki in his latest attempt to end his life. If Odin had time he would have rolled his eyes and scoffed at the whole situation of it. Honestly, when did Loki have the time to conduct the ritual for this? He shouldn't be surprised, it's very on brand for the Trickster. Instead, Odin was preoccupied with dodging the revenant's slashing motion as she advanced on the Norseman.

Items and furniture were overturned with every backwards step the Allfather took, all in an attempt to get out of the way and find a better approach to this, currently, one sided fight. A battle was something Odin never turned away from, why would this be any different? He grabbed at anything he could, lobbing it towards the creature, only for it to phase through and land on the floor with a resounding thud. "Greaaaat." The woman continued to press on, only having stopped to change directions and follow her prey. Her talon-like fingers grazed him across his right shoulder, sending him tumbling into the floor. More items were thrown from his position on the ground, all of them missed or passed through her. She was on him, so close he could see the fog of his breath, could see the jagged incision of the wound to her throat. The only thing that was left for him to use in his position was an artifact, a shield, he had procured during the fifties in a hidden castle in Wales.

'Shield of Evalach, said to bring holy protection... Here goes nothing,' His internal monologue cut short as he grabbed the shield and held it between him and the draugr, quickly bashing it up into her chest. Luckily, the material made contact and it sent the creature stumbling backwards into his desk. The mini battle continued on like this for some time, with Odin finally being able to land a hit, and the draugr refusing to give up. "Under different circumstances, you would have done well to reach Valhalla." Another successful hit made contact and with it sent the body of the woman into the opposite wall of his office door.

The noise of the door opening distracted Odin enough that the creature lunged at him, knocking his weapon away and pressed him into the floor below. Odin looked up and noticed Hebe standing there in the doorway, papers clasped between her hands.

"I..." The young assistant blinked, blonde hair draping over her shoulder as her head tilted to one side, akin to one examining some abstract (and bizarre) piece of art. There was a rather awkward pause before the details of the Skara Brae dig site crept up to hide the bottom half of her face, a giggle escaping her lips. "I-I didnt realise you were interested in interpretative dance Mr. Odin." She managed to stammer out between her gentle bouts of laughter.

Were he caught in any more of a precarious situation, Odin might have found that comment to be laughable. Instead he gestured with his eyes back and forth between the two women in the room as if to ask "can't you see?!" In a matter of seconds, the draugr screeched trying to nip at his throat before disappearing completely, an ominous sign for sure.

Cautiously getting up from the ground Odin dusted himself off and took in the sight of his office with a crease between his brow. Debris and trinkets scattered throughout, littering the floor and making a mess of the room. He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Helga is going to have a fucking field day with this one."

He approached the giggling blonde at his door and reprieved her of the items in hand, taking the paperwork and signing it against the wall - one of the few things that wasn't destroyed - before tucking it under his arm then downing his glass of whiskey in one go. Smacking his lips in pleasure he tossed the glass somewhere behind him, listening for the shattering sound to follow and turned to his assistant with a smile on his face.

"I do believe we're due to make an appearance at the Olympic. Care for a ride?"

Regaining her composure, Hebe shook her head. "Thank you but I'm going to catch the bus. This guy was telling me about how the polar bears have no ice left and it was super sad...so yeah. Bus it is." She finished with a small smile, realising he probably didn't care about any of that.

"I'm sure I'll see you there though Mr. Odin! And I promise I won't tell anyone about your secret hobby!" She chirped lightly. It was best not to question the Allfathers actions too much, she'd found it was better just to roll with his moods & whims. It made for a diverting day job...and at the very least he'd seemed to enjoy the dancing.

Odin watched as she practically skipped out of his office, her grin still plastered on her face as if she were just let in on the most hilarious of jokes. It made him chuckle before doubling over in pain. The draugr did a number on him too it seemed. Before taking his leave he stooped low to pick up the shield that had been tossed to the side deciding to bring it along should he need the protection.

When he finally arrived at the Olympic Club the atmosphere had already warped back to normal. Daily life seemed to have not been interrupted and people were still going about their day blissfully unaware. Stepping through the threshold, icy eyes locked onto his target, but not before scanning the others in attendance. Hati talking to one of the Erotes, Hel lurking about… somewhere he couldn't pin her location but he could sense her. He made a mental note to speak to the Moon chaser later during the festival about restocking his utterly destroyed office.

For now he simply strode in, snagging two glasses of the bubbly, and weaved through the gathering of immortals plopping down beside his brother. His elskhugi sat there, eyes refusing to meet his own, studying the party goers with an intensity that screamed he was scheming. So, Odin sat there talking a long sip of the mute golden liquid, a content sigh falling from him, "If you stare any harder Loki, they'll surely combust and then where will be the fun in that?"

@Akayaofthemoon @TGM @Wolf Mother
last one... i think...

𝖘𝖔 𝖎𝖙 𝖇𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖘... 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓
𝖘𝖔 𝖎𝖙 𝖇𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖘... 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. the olympic club
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. artemis | pothos
changing melinoë's txt color to #e96b7e for this collab
a @smarty0114 | kz collab

Apollo saw her before she saw him. It had always been like that, he thought. He played coy though, letting her eyes rake over him and all his glory. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips as he sipped his champagne. When he felt her gaze divert, he trained his eyes on her, watching as she took in the crowd. Her back turned, he moved from his space on the wall. He was bored, and Melinoë was oh so fucking exciting. It was a shame that Pothos wasn’t here to see the show, and yet, that didn’t stop him.

The Bright One came up behind her, soft as the final notes in a sad, sad song. That was what this was to him after all; a song, great and loud and impossible to resist, one he hadn’t quite written the ending for. He didn’t know where it might go, but he knew he liked the melody, and he would indulge himself as long as he was able.

He leaned over her shoulder, whispering in her ear with that musical hush that drove mortals to throw out their best laid plans in favor of a life devoted to art and beauty and wonder. “Long time, no see.”

With an utterance of a few simple words, Melinoë was transported back to when they would meet in the gardens. When he would play his instrument, soft tunes stemming from lithe fingers and full lips. Time seemed to cease to exist but only in those moments. Sun shining and warmth crept along her usually cold flesh. He uttered those words before, when he had stood above her as if she were one of his many worshipers, gazing down at her through long lashes, the sun's rays casting a halo ring behind him. He was beautiful, she remembers thinking in those moments. Moments that were only meant for the pair of them.

Now, however, as his breath hit the shell of her ear Melinoë couldn't help but to roll her eyes, a shiver running up her spine. And she tells herself it's out of disgust. "Long indeed~" She wanted to fall into him, lean into the warmth that only came from when you lay out amidst the sunshine. That's what he provided for her. Then and even more so now. Yet she refrained, instead plucked her own glass of champagne from a wandering server and tipped it back before finally turning to face the sun.

"Looking to break more hearts?"

“I’m always in the market,” Apollo smiled, and took a sip from his glass. “You look good. The Agatha Christie work’s still going well for you then?” He looked into those bright, maddening eyes and smiled wider, like no time had passed at all since their last meeting. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like this game, one sided as it was.

Artemis thought it cruel of him, but could he do much about his nature? She was drawn to girls, and he was destined to an eternal cycle of rising and setting. In place of stability, he offered blue eyes and a smile, promises of tangled bodies, twisted sheets and whispered words of love, dripping from them like notes falling from the strings of a lyre. He offered himself and made no mockery of it; only fools touched the sun, and were shocked when it burned.

Another sip to finish off her glass had her in a very different mood than when she walked in. "Got your attention didn't it?" It was coy enough to garner his fleeting attention. His games he plays. One of the many things about Apollo that infuriates her to no end. What was a game and what was truth? A game she could never hope to win at. Fairly or otherwise. Though she continues to try to compete in, regardless of the outcome.

How she longed for just one more moment of the past. Of feather touches while a gentle breeze shifted the tall grass around entangled bodies. A laugh so musical falling from lips she couldn't believe wasn't his. Endearing words that made her malicious heart soar into the blue sky above them; the only one to witness their time together.

To go back to before everything came to light. The lies, the hurt, the burning that once stood for something passionate and lovely turned scorching and enraged. The familiar feelings boiled low in her gut and if she were to think too long on them it would surely come to the surface. Melinoë didn't want to ruin this moment. She wanted to pretend that those hurt feelings, feelings of getting burned, were all a dream and here in the now was what was true.

Of course, with Apollo, the answer lay somewhere in the middle. He was a poet, and he buried his reality beneath layers and layers of honeyed words and enticing gazes. The game was the truth.

“That it did, that it did,” Apollo said. His eyes peered over the edge of his glass as he took another sip. One did not need an Oracle to deduce what was on his mind. “I’m playing a set at The JJ tonight. Maybe I’ll see you there?” He brought a hand up to gently brush a strand of hair behind her ear, smooth even now, in the face of madness.

Melinoë played absentmindedly with the rim of her empty flute, stopping herself from leaning into the brief contact he provided; like a moth to an open flame. Instead, she looked up through her lashes into eyes like the sky, searching his face for any tell that he was toying with her. It wouldn't be the first and definitely not the last. A small drop of champagne clung to the corner of his lips, and as she mulled over his words - coupled with the action of him tucking her stray hair - Melinoë was filled with a sense of proclivity that came out of nowhere. "The Jade Jaguar, hmm?" The faux pondering was strictly for show as she shifted her weight to the opposite foot closing what little gap there was between them. Her empty hand coming to rest beneath his denim, nails scratching lightly across the fabric of his dark shirt, stealing his cap in the process, "I'm sure I could make an appearance for my favorite musician."

She reached out to thumb the liquid off his face, bringing it to her own lips to suck off, "I’m going to need another refill, Sunshine~ Wanna join?" Melinoë gave a wink, proud of herself for being able to keep up in this game of his and for once coming out ahead. Even if it might be short lived she didn’t mind. Being so close to the sun this go round, she didn’t mind a few burns in the process. ’I’m prepared this time…’

Apollo’s good mood remained unfazed. He let out a breath, suddenly struck by the goddess before him. His heart beat faster, spurred on by Melinoë’s flirtations. He lived for these moments, when she surprised him and took the reins in her own hands. “I’d join you anywhere, Little Death. Just lead the way.”

𝖏 𝖚 𝖘 𝖙 𝖕 𝖊 𝖗 𝖋 𝖊 𝖈 𝖙
𝖏 𝖚 𝖘 𝖙 𝖕 𝖊 𝖗 𝖋 𝖊 𝖈 𝖙

𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. the loft ⟼ the olympic club
𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝. just perfect
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. hercules
𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. apollo | comus 😭 | hades & perse | macaria | hera |

Tending to the garden. Picking flowers that she just knew would please her mother and sister. After, she planned on getting Zagreus to not take his princely duties so seriously. A lyre plays softly in the distance and though she's heard it before while basking in the sun's rays, she's never officially met the musician. Today would be different...

“...-til I get dragged off to eat teeny tiny little sandwiches, I’ll be keeping you all listening to some, dare I say, groovy tunes.”

Melinoë woke with a start, the radio still playing in the background of her lavish loft. She'd fallen asleep again atop a stack of case files currently in the process of being closed out. It was only a matter of time before she would be contacting her clients to update and collect the rest of her payment. A cheating spouse here, embezzling money from a trust fund there. It was the ones in which she could actually do, scouring in the night and collecting the wandering spirits - delivering justice to their persecutors, something that she gave the most detailed of attention to. The lost souls having been mistreated in life and then again in death. It was a sad life, melancholy even; or at least it should have been. These types of cases would bring even the most seasoned veterans to their breaking point. Melinoë wouldn't blame them for it though. She was born for this after all.

As the deity of madness was shuffling about,putting case files away where they belonged, there came a rapping at her door. Upon opening it she was greeted by the superintendent standing there squared shoulders, a cigar already smoldering between his lips and a look on his face that screamed he wasn't paid enough for shit. "Hey there Miss Mavros," he always had a feeling that that wasn't her true name. However, he wasn't gonna pry into her assorted past life so long as she would extend the same courtesy to him. To Melinoë it wasn't hard to pinpoint someone on the run from a seedy past; one they were trying to avoid at all costs. She wasn't going to expose him - there was no need to. His conscience was doing enough damage to him itself.

"Mornin' Mr. Orsini. What can I do for you?" She held him at the front door, he didn't want to come in anyways. It was easier this way. "Some of the other tenants are still complaining about the odd commotions and comings and goings of some of your, uh... clients?" There it was. The complaints were steadily growing more and more in numbers and Mel assumed everything was going well. She was conducting business out of her home, but she had been up front about it all when she first got the apartment. Why was this suddenly a new development?

"I'm sorry to hafta do this to ya, I really am. But with so many complaints, and the amount of people coming and going outcha your place... I gotta let you go. You're gonna hafta find a new place to live by the end of the month." Instead of lashing out, like she clearly wanted to, she instead tuned the mortal man out. He clearly had some kind of speech prepared on the off chance she would berate and yell at him over the travesty. However, in his eyes, she took it quite well. It left him with a foreboding chill that traveled the length of his spine as he walked back down the hall towards his office. "Heaven help us..."

As Melinoë gathered up her belongings to attend the festival, she was stewing in her disappoint and anger. Her phone dinged somewhere from the confines of her bedding and she stormed over to it, angrily opening up the group message Hercules started ages ago. It was usually something she indulged in when she knew Apollo wouldn't chime in, typically for some kind of get together at a club or bar where a lot of the other gods partook in. Everyone was welcome. Except Hera. She shuddered at the mere thought of the woman. Hercules had posted something along the lines of; we need 1-2 housemates! must love parties! must enjoy good times! Hera not allowed! Seemed like perfect timing with the shit news she just received. Besides, how bad could it be? Parties all the time? Psht. OK that's not that bad. Dealing with muscle-headed jock like beings? Also, not that bad. Mel caught herself grinning in her mirror. Shaking the tantalizing daydream from her mind she opened a separate text thread to Wonder Boy himself.

To: WonderBoy🏋️‍♂️
interested for damn sure. i'll meet up with you at the festival, yeh?

That was that. She tossed the device back on to the bed and continued getting dressed for the event. Since Hera hosted, every.fucking.year. Melinoë's made it her mission to piss off the once queen every chance she got. It wouldn't do well to outright attack her or make claims of war on her in the open. It would incite a riot. Not that Comus would mind; if he were here. But she wasn't entirely sure of who still supported her and her endeavors. She couldn't stand to be blindsided like that. Though her restlessness was getting the better of her as time has passed. Something needed to be done. Sooner rather than later.

◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷
◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷

Walking up the doors of the country club, Melinoë let her lip curl into a snarl. Of course Hera would choose this pretentious place. "Plympic Club" How gauche. If she actually looked at the place from a point of view other than hatred for the hostess, she would allow herself to think the place was actually pretty decent. Nice even. However, it was Hera, and this was Mel. And that was never going to happen.

There was already a substantial amount of immortals present that it threw her off. As she made her way to a small table of finger foods she took notice of Hati coming in through the doors, looking more ragged than usual. She couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Something clearly ruffled his feathers and she was going to make sure to poke fun at it later. Over on the other side of the room sat her parents, looking as in love as always, and it made something constrict her heart and press on her ribs. It wasn't that she wasn't excited for them, on the contrary. However, she would be lying if she said she desire that own look from a special someone - at least at some point.

But those were thoughts for another time. She would have a moment or two before running into him. He was never on time for anything. Always too concerned with, well, everything else. Never what he's supposed too. Clearly not me... Another thought she had to shoo away. He was not going to ruin the Festival for her. Not this year. Not the rest of her life. Never again. Melinoë learned her lesson. At least, that's what she told herself before she caught sight of the Bright One himself.

"Well, fuck me..."


𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞
A New Leaf Café
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⊳ isabel @Legion02 | persephone @Aewin

Isabel wasn’t nervous. Nervousness was something doubters felt and she wasn’t a doubter. With absolute resolve she strode out into Seattle, fresh off a nighttime flight from DC. She still had her luggage in tow. Lesser people would feel exhausted. They would be searching for their hotel room to stash their things. Not Isabel. She had vastly more important things to do and nothing – especially not petty things like sleep or discomfort – would hold her back right now.

With high heels clicking off the pavement she eventually made her way to A New Leaf. A quaint little café. One too quant for Isabel. It all looked too flowery, too nice. A friend – a very resourceful one – had suggested the location. It was far enough out of town that she didn’t risk bumping into her father accidentally. “It will do I suppose.” Isabel sighed to herself as she stepped in, luggage still in tow.

She took a seat and ordered a coffee. Black, with one sugar. Isabel wasn’t about to entertain the hipster ridiculousness of the locale. From her luggage, she pulled a manila envelope and put it on the table. Ready to be passed on to Mr. Wolff – had to be an alias, the accomplished P.I. a mutual friend highly recommended. She only ever gave him an address and her name. If he was as good as people claimed he’d have no issue finding her amongst the people at the café.

Hati had been waiting at this dinky coffee shop for what felt like hours. Rising with the sun wasn't something he was particularly used to, before the fall, but after? It was the best time to people watch. Scope out their mannerisms. Find weaknesses. It became a new sort of normal for the moon hater. Though he still absolutely enjoyed being surrounded by the cover of night and the light of the moon, he found a sense of... peace in these early hours to himself.

Today was no different. Well, it was, but it wasn't. A luncheon had been set for the start of the Festival and he was expected to make an appearance. However, this new life of his demanded his attention for a new case. Something about it stuck out to him and piqued his interest more so than he cared to admit. But money was money, and if he wanted to be able to blow it at Tlazōlteōtl's club, he was gonna have to piss off a queen or two.

As he sat there, drinking his black coffee, he took notice of those that milled about the place. It was out of the way enough for him to be cautious yet casual. The owners and management had a working agreement with the bounty hunter. He can conduct meetings here, complete with free coffee and a fresh Danish or two, so long as every month he checks their security systems to make sure they're up to date and protected. A win-win in the wolf's book.

So far, in the three hours he'd been there since opening, Hati clocked a total of eight new faces waltzing in and out of the doors. It was the ninth body to walk through that his senses were heightened. Just her aura alone was enough to get the wisp of hairs on the back of his neck to stand at attention. Hati's sharp gaze never left them, even as two more people followed in behind her.

He gazed at her, over the top of his cup, as she ordered and then sat down, three tables from him, a manila folder presented professionally before her. Grabbing his drink, he stood slowly, so as to not scare a deer while on the hunt, stretching slightly from being stuck in a position for too long. 'No time like the present,' and with that he strolled casually on by the beauty, placing a large hand atop the file and sliding it to the seat opposite her; plopping himself right back down in the process.

"Mornin' doll. You my," he checked his watch nonchalantly, "8 o'clock?" Of course she was. He wouldn't be this alert if she wasn't. Something was clearly different about her scent. Something... immortal and godly about her. Though he would have recognized her had Hati seen her traipsing around the Acropolis or among the friends of Zagreus and Pothos. He would get to the bottom of it sooner or later. This meeting should be testament to that.

“My name is Miss Markov. Not. Doll.” Isabel said without skipping a beat. Her eyes were transfixed o on his. She was used to cocky people like most P.I.’s were. As the envelope moved she kept her own hand on it. Her other hand was still around the cup of hot coffee. Then she let her gaze go over him quite openly. He was young. Way too young. There was no way that he was former police like most P.I.’s were. Nor could he have any meaningful military career. Maybe a tour or two at the most. Already she began to doubt his capabilities. If he didn’t come so highly accredited by their mutual friend she would’ve up and left after his first few spoken words already.

“And I hope you can be more professional than you appear right now, Mr. Wolff.” She added, throwing him the fakest, most forced smile she could summon on her lips. “Or should I start taking off zeroes from the cheques I’ll write?” So far she wasn’t impressed and she didn’t hide it.

She was a pistol. All business, no fun. This was going to be thrilling. But Hati resigned himself to a calmer approach, instead the snapping bark he could feel making it's way from the back of his throat. He forgets how easily mortals and gods alike get offended. Straightened his posture and released his hand from the folder, raising them in a non threatening, defensive way. "Forgive me, Miss Markov. It's been a long 72 hours," his tone smoother, yet more approachable, and as if to punctuate the validity of the statement he ran his fingers through his hair; a habit he picked up from watching mortals interact with one another. Supposedly it helps put others at ease in times of mistrust and anxiety.

"Before we discuss payment methods and costs, how 'bout you tell me a little bit more 'bout this folder of yours?" Hati tapped the object between them before sipping his drink.

Isabel couldn’t care if it’s been a long life, she wanted results. Professionals got them and his attitude hadn’t convinced her yet. Her eyes narrowed as he moved his hands through his hair. Normal people would start feeling at ease as he straightened his act. However, if you were conscious of such facts then you could use it to manipulate the other side. Isabel knew this because she did it herself. So her guard didn’t drop.

She didn’t forgive him. Isabel – nor the people she worked with and for – never had time for forgiveness. If you screwed it was all on you. You fixed it and moved on. If you screwed up too often then you were moved on. “The trunk of the tree whose roots and branches I want you to find.” She answered curtly, before taking a drink of her own coffee. Letting him wait on an explanation. When she put the cup back down most of the coffee was still in the cup.

“In the envelope you’ll find information on a man. I want you to find his family. Siblings, parents, grandparents,-“ She stopped for a moment. Then finally said the word “-children.” During the whole flight it was a thing she knew she’d hate: to entertain the thought that he had more children than just her. “Their name, and address if they’re alive. Their grave if they’re not. For each name you bring me I’ll pay.” And with that she released her hold over the envelope to let Mr. Wolff take it.

Hati let loose a long, low whistle at the job she had broached. It was a lot. He'd done more in a shorter time frame. He's also done less in more. Cryptic messages and the like was something he'd expect from his aunt Hel, or any other immortal with divinity ties. This chick was another one of those. Hati didn't even hide his eye roll at her mysterious message. What he didn't care for is to be ordered around by someone so… inferior to him. Well, being ordered around in general rubbed him wrong. As soon as she opened her mouth to bark out orders, that facade he put up fell completely and Hati felt the need to bite back.

"Ah yes," his tone shifted, as did his body language. A quick revert back to its original state. Laid back yet ready to rip throats should he need to. "Well, looks like loverboy left a good one. Look, I'm not entirely sure what our mutual friend has told you, but I hunt for people and sweetheart, this doesn't seem challenging enough for me… find out a mark's familial relations? Seriously?" Hati eyed the folder beneath his fingertips. He couldn't shake that feeling from her. Other than she reminded him of Sekhmet, and not in a good way, he felt compelled to at least view the file.

He’s a bounty hunter, not a private investigator. Hati hunts people. Tracks them down and arrests them, collecting on a sum of money that was placed there on the board for him to see. He doesn’t look up genealogy on targets and pass information from one person to another. That was out of his wheelhouse. Hati would much rather prefer the actual chasing of a victim prey culprit.

Though as he sat there, halfheartedly listening to the annoying, albeit beautiful, woman in front of him he couldn’t help but consider his options. On the one hand, did he need the money? No, not really. His funds were well stocked and easily accessible to him at a moment's notice. So, to not take this particular job wouldn’t hurt him in the slightest. However, her reaching out to him first due to some mysterious “friend” piqued his interest in the most paranoid of ways and if they were to suggest him it must mean something… more. Not to mention, Miss Markov seemed to be extremely adamant and passionate about this case in particular. She didn’t emulate a weak-willed mortal. It would be a shame to see such a pretty face sob uncontrollably at his pant leg and get him covered in snot. Hati shuddered at the mental image.

Before she had a chance to take back the folder, he quickly swiped it up and flipped through it with a glance. It was all he needed, seeing as the only information provided was a name, basic facts - estimated height, hair color etc. - and a charming photograph of the woman before him and a very, very familiar face. ‘Oh~? This is shaping up to be an intriguing case.’ Closing the dossier immediately, a wolfish grin spread across his face.

"On second thought. This case, based purely on the limited information you've provided, will provide the perfect challenge, Miss Markov."

Well, at the very least he learned a little respect. That had to count for something. She did suppress rolling her eyes when he called her father ‘loverboy’. I just felt wrong. Though she kept it to herself. This wasn’t the first time she was being underestimated. That would allow her to come out hard when she needed to. Though the way people talked down to her – much how Mr. Wolff here did right now – never sat comfortably with her. A frown formed on her face. She was ready to just grab the envelope and head for another contact she had. Someone older, with some police experience and manners. Her feet already moved under her chair, ready to get up and leave when he suddenly took the envelope. It didn’t contain anything a half-decent investigator couldn’t find on his own. Still, the way he so quickly took it put Isabel even more on edge.

Him suddenly changing his mind didn’t help with that. It did confirm her suspicion: her father was a known figure in some circles. Perhaps his family was involved in some less than savory business? It wouldn’t surprise her. Either way, she got what she wanted. Now it was time to bind him to her. From her luggage, she pulled another envelope and put it on the table. It was small but thick. “That’s 5K as an advance.” She said. Then she conjured up another envelope. This one was literally double the thickness. That one she kept in her hand though. “This is 10K. You’ll get it if you drop any other cases you’re working on. I want your full attention for this, Mr. Wolff. Can you give me that?”

Ten thousand? Just for information on someone among them. Not just someone. A war god. A harbinger of destruction and loss. Hati would be lying if he said he didn't admire the being; from a distance of course. However, the consequences of investigating Ares would have to be dealt with when he gets to them. At the moment he could think of, at a bare minimum, five thousand reasons he should delve deeper into the man.

"I can assure you, Miss Markov, nothing else will take precedence over this case here. I guarantee you that much at the least." Hati was most likely in over his head. Granted there weren't many other cases for him to chase at the moment. Specifically because he carved out time for the Festival, spending time with those he hasn't seen in a year. It's not like she would know whether he was working every minute of every day.

She was underestimating him and that would be her biggest mistake. Dabbling in things she didn't know, shouldn't know. But hey, it wasn't his business to warn the mortals of their impending doom. Just sit back and watch it happen.

Hati leaned forward, shifting in his seat to make himself more comfortable, his coffee sat there long forgotten. "How would you like to receive the information I collect? An all at once type of situation or would you like me to update you with every little thing?" Eyes like fire trapped under ice shine with the morning Ray's filtering in through the windows as he scanned her appearance one more time, along with the bags she carried with her. "Is it safe to assume you'll be in town a while? Or…?" He gestured for a response.

“I’ll be around.” She gave him a small, disingenuous smile as she put down the second envelope for Mr. Wolff to take. In the end they were all same. She kept eye contact for a second and played a game she liked: imagine the bill. What would he be spending 15.000 dollars on? He definitely wasn’t going to invest it. If he was bad at his job he’d waste it all partying. That would have to be verified, so she’d have to find the biggest party place in this god-forsaken city. If he was better than average he’d use it to get the info quickly and secretly. That money should be used for bribes.

With a deft hand she conjured up a card from her wallet and put it on the table. On it was a number and an e-mail address looking like that of a bot. But before she continued she took another long, drawn-out sip of her coffee. Just to establish – again – that he was waiting on her. That he couldn’t leave here until she let him. She cherished these little moments. But she wasn’t about to push it. “Keep me updated.” She said after the sip. “Send the info – any info – you find to the e-mail address. If it’s satisfactory you’ll get your 10K wired. And don’t worry, I have your bank number already.” Courtesy of their mutual friend.

Hati had to bite his tongue. He should be used to being treated as a dog, didn't hurt any less. More so even because here was this human dangling treats before him expecting him to do tricks. And it irked him. But it was held back, especially as their table was approached by a familiar face.

"Ah-hem," A woman stepped beside the table, a soft smile on her features as Persephone got the attention of the two at the table. One she recognized as Hati of the Norse pantheon, someone she'd only seen in passing, but the dark haired woman was unrecognizable. Date? No, seemed too cold. Business? Perhaps, it was Hati after all. "I'm sorry to intrude but there's an event I need to get to." She looked at Hati, knowing that the god would understand. "I hope if you do come next time that you will be able to enjoy yourself for longer." She subtly took a step to the side, showing the now empty parlor around them. Chairs had been stacked on tables and counters wiped down, all ready for closing.

He quickly snatched the card up from the table, along with the envelope of money and tucked them away into his back pocket. Since there was no more reason for him to stay he patted the tabletop in a mismatched rhythm, "Welp. It's been real. You'll hear from me," and with that he stood, stretched and half assed saluted her as he made his way out the shop and into the morning light of Seattle. Planning to show up to the luncheon wasn't on his list for the day but after his morning, someone else's chaos would do wonders to lift his spirit.

Isabel just took a deep sigh. She looked at her coffee cup. It was still half full and steaming. Well, she did just fly through the night. With one gulp she downed the coffee, dropped 20 dollars on the table, and got up. Not once did she smile at the person asking her to leave so she could close up. While walking out of the café she pulled out her phone and dialed a number. It went straight to voicemail.

“I better not have wasted my money on him. You know how much finding my family means.”

@Wolf Mother @Akayaofthemoon @TGM

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