Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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3 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
4 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
4 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

☠ Holiday Break - 12/18/2020: We are now on Christmas/New Years Break. This will run from December 18th until January 2nd. During this time counters are frozen. They will start back up on January 3rd, 2021. Enjoy the well earned break. Your counters will pick up on the 2nd from where they are. Example: I am on Day 5 now, I will be on day 5 on January 2nd, roll over to day 6 on January 3rd. If you post during this time I will reset your counter to 0 and it will roll over to 1 on January 3rd.

  • Lady A: 5
  • Sigil: 2
  • Riv: 3
  • ONL: 0
  • Rem: 4
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: As you are bound to notice, this post is going to look a little different. I will not be doing both my characters separately. The Court Martial is promising to be slightly complicated with the amount of characters that will be interacting together and being questioned. To try to keep things a stream lined as possible I will be posting for my characters in their locations instead of giving you two more full posts for characters to have to read and keep up with during the court martial. I am hoping this will keep things from being missed and simplify things some. I will go back to posting for them individually once the court martial is over with.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Streets Of CMB: Volts laughed and nodded. "Shit... I forgot I gotta be at the damn thing..." Volt laughed. He had totally forgotten he was summoned as well. Looked like there was no lunch for him either. Instead he turned and at a jog, headed towards the Education Center behind Nigel. He gave a slight nod towards Thalia. "Yo," he said in passing.

Hospital (B): Nikki looked over to Lisa and chuckled, the thought of ass umbrella's was funny to her. Taking a breath she looked at the rain before glancing back to Lisa. "Yeah thanks but knowing my ass I'll sit through it all just to see what happens. Rather see than hear about it later," Nikki said before popping a bubble with her gum. Pulling the back of her shirt up over her head she darted out the door and headed for the Education Center.

Mess Hall (C): Thana smirked a bit. "Shaved and braids? Gonna look like a viking b'fore ya know it," Thana said before taking a bite of her food. There was a slight nod that came from her as she chewed. "But yeah, Shears knows a thang or two." There was a cheshire grin that started to curl at the corner of her mouth. That smile turned from mischievous to honest as Thalia mention Ash. Her eyes darting over to him. "Yup, that's my man, god help me," she said before chuckling a little bit. Turning her head she looked over to Thalia and quirked a brow. Seemed a little off that Thalia was darting off but she didn't think too much on it. "Sounds good," she said before giving Thalia a little wave with her fork.

Guy looked over to Ash and shook his head. "Thanks but naw. I'm happy werkin' where I'm at. Get to get out and do runs on the sea a bit, fishin' is nice. Don't want to be back on a wall. Had enough of that in Newnan, especially when it came down...." Guy said before shoving his hands into his pockets. He never wanted to have to deal with that again. He got in line with Ash but his eyes went elsewhere. "Um actually, catch ya later boss," he said as he grabbed his tray. Taking a deep breath, Guy walked over to where Lisa was. He gave her a slightly nervous smile. "Mind if I join ya ma'am?"

Thana looked over to Ash as he took a seat. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. "Miss ya too," she said softly as she slipped a hand under the table and rested it on his knee. She had missed him today. It was one thing to work with weapons or in the garden for her, it was another to work in the kitchen. It let her mind drift more than she had wanted. "It's goin' a'right, better now, and don't ferget, I'm comin' with ya, so eat up, we gotta get movin'," Thana said as she straightened herself up and went back to her meal. "Would ask how yers is goin' but considerin' ya ain't havin' to werk today I'd say yer bored not havin' shit to do," she said with a bit of a chuckle. Finishing up her meal she waited for Ash before heading over to the Education Center.

Quarantine (W): Things quickly wound down over in Quarantine. At least for those that were headed out for lunch and/or the court martial. Wayne was glad to have Jamie back in his hands and he thanked Riley for watching over the baby for him before heading out. Wayne tucked the little one under his shirt before making a dash over to the hospital. He would need to drop Jamie off at the Day Care Center. The Day Care Center was usually located in the Education Center but as it was locked down due to the Court Martial, the day care was over in the hospital today.

General Housing (X): Chase waited for Amelia and nodded towards her as she came back ready to go. "True. Just relax. These things aren't bad. Just usually long. Never liked sitting in court, always seems like too much talking for things in my mind, but they are thorough here," she said in an understanding voice before heading out towards the Education Center.

Jail (AA): Cage laughed, an hones to god laugh. "Man, I'd never live it down. I'd have to leave camp and go to the Mill to get away from the shit talk I'd get," he said before laughs as he locked up the cell. Shaking his head he looked over to Hunter. "Okay, simple enough, we're taking a cart over to the Education Center. I'll be with you the whole time. Need anything, water, take a piss, just let me know. I'll be keeping you in holding there until they call you. It's just another room. Just stay calm, keep your emotions in check, be truthful. Seriously, some of them are walking lie detectors," he said as he lead Hunter upstairs.

Heading through the house, he went out onto the porch and pointed to the golf cart waiting. Roy was in the driver seat. It was a double rowed cart. "Okay kid, in the back with me," Cage said as he took Hunter by the arm, firmly but not roughly, and lead him to the cart. The rain was light but still enough to get damp in a few feet between the porch and the cart. Sitting down, Cage rubbed his balding head. "Roy."

"Cage, Hunter," Roy said as he waited to make sure that Hunter was secure before pulling out and away from the Jail and down the road. (They will not arrive at the Education Center this round.)

The Court Martial Of Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center: Auditorium (M)
Charges: Food Waste - 7.22.2012 | Drunken Disorderly - 7.22.2012
Failure To Report To Duty At Designated Time - 7.23.2012 | 10-886 Absence Without Leave - 7.23.2012
Failure To Administer Animal Sanitation - 7.23.2012 | Gross Insubordination - 7.23.2012

Outside of the Education Center stood two men at Sentry Positions, just general guys from Safety and Security. They were armed. The double doors for the building were propped open. Inside was another standing there, armed as well, it was Joaquin. As people entered the building. "End of the hall to the Auditorium. Take a seat in the stands and wait to be called if you are on the witness list. You may leave after questioning. Those here by choice, up the stairs to the balcony. You will have a chance to speak if you so choose before closing arguments."

The Auditorium was simple enough, like many older school auditoriums, a main sitting area with wooden folding chairs bolted into the ground. There was seating in a balcony section above. The stage itself had been cleared out. Tables and chairs were set up much like a court room. A place for the council to sit where perhaps a jury would have sat, a chair and table in the center for the 'judge', a desk to the side with a type writer, and another seat to the left of the judge for the 'witnesses'.

As Thana was not required to be there, she gave Ash a quick hug. "I got your six," she said quietly before heading to the stairs. Walking up to the second floor she followed the signs to the auditorium and entered the balcony. Finding a seat just at the front, she leaned forward and looked to see where Ash was going to sit.

Jack and Tatiana entered the Education Center and headed down the main hall towards the auditorium. They took a seat beneath the balcony together. Neither looked like they wanted to be there. Wayne wasn't far behind. He grabbed a seat in the very back as he slide down in the seat. Tesla was already in there, sitting back with Mizrahi and Ted towards the left hand side of the room. Volts headed over to them and had a seat. Daytona was sitting with DoLittle about midway towards the front in the center of their row. Bass was sitting alone, watching the door.

Nikki came into the Education Center and headed to the auditorium. Seeing Bass as she entered she went and sat alone nearly as far away from him as she could. Bass turned around in his seat and slide down as he pulled his ball cap down. He didn't look happy. Freeman was sitting front center row with his briefcase sitting next to him. He had not been listed on the posted list but it made sense that he was there considering he was the towns mental man. Rolodex came out from behind the stage curtain and had a seat in front of the type writer. The council was not yet in the room. Atlas was standing there in front of the stage on the floor, leaning back against the stage some. He was armed as he stood there and his eyes kept sweeping the room. He turned as he heard Rolodex clear her throat. Looking back at the room he said, "we're gonna start soon. Keep your mouths shut until called on."
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: This is the last round before the Court Martial. The next round we will move forward and begin. Set up is starting this round, remember which characters have to be there and which don't. If your character doesn't have to be there but you want them there make sure to include reason to why they would be going.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Mess Hall (C): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Quarantine (W): Coming back from the bathroom, Wayne pushed the door open and announced rather loudly, "Do NOT go in there, whooo!" he yelled as he fanned at his rear end. The man seemed to parade over to Riley and Jamie. "There's my little ass kicker," he said with a bright crazed grin as he held his arms out so that Jamie could be returned to him. Jamie cooed and laughed, holding his hands out towards Wayne. "Gotta get this bugger back to the day care center. Fuckers want me at the court martial, yeah, that's gonna go over good," Wayne said rolling his eyes.

Guy looked at Ash and his eyes widened. Guy was a good, well, guy, and he knew his job well but the thing was the man wasn't the smartest person walking around. "Really?" he asked about the espresso maker and the cable tv. "Like seriously?" he whispered as he leaned in. If that were true he was so signing up, he'd love to catch some new tv shows.

Then the conversation took a turn and Guy looked down. He got what Ash was saying. It helped and then again it didn't. At least not until Ash got to the end of one of his rare little verbal vomits. They didn't happen often but when they did his former boss knew how to let it fly. Slowly his eyes came back up. "Thanks boss..." he said. He tried not to call Ash that now since he wasn't the boss. Hell all things considered, Guy actually out ranked Ash in the camp. He was past the parole stage and was on a team that went on runs. It wasn't an officer or a council member but it did have its advantages. Still, he had called the man boss more than he had called him Ash over the years he knew him. It just slipped and right then he didn't care.

Putting his cards down he nodded. "Sure, could use some food. Was gonna swing by the court martial and see how that goes. Wonder how it compares to Newnan," he said as he stood up and adjusted his page boy cap. "Hey ain't yer woman in the kitchen today? Mean at least I thought I saw that on todays roster," he said before dusting his rear end off from sitting on the floor and waiting for Ash before heading out towards the Mess Hall.

General Housing (X): Chase chuckled a bit. "Yeah. Reminds of how I used to feel going to see a movie I heard a lot about. I would get so hyped up that pretty much no matter how good it was it just didn't live up to it and god forbid it was a shit show, then it was ten times more disappointment." That was how it went though. Usually she figured it happened more when a movie was crap, people wanted to make others suffer or at least justify that they had spent so much to see something horrible. Then again, there was that rare occasion that a movie was so bad it was actually good in some strange and twisted way.

Leaning back in her seat some she shook her head. "Hey, don't think like that. Figure places these days are like relationships. Make you nervous in the beginning, looking out to see what happened. Then you get familiar and settled. Then it all falls apart. After that you cry, you deal, you start moving again. Then it starts all over again," she said with a bit of a shrug. "Doesnt' mean it wasn't worth it while it lasted but don't think anything last forever. Probably a good thing if you think about it. People get too settled in anything they forget what makes it good."

There was another shrug from Chase. "Not sure, I guess it's cause I remember my first time having to be at a court martial. I was still new here and well didn't have a group. Well I did but they didn't come. Made me more nervous," she admitted before tossing her book down on the table. "Come on, I'm gonna get my shoes on, let's go ahead and head out. They should let you go if you want soon as they question you, maybe if we get there early enough you'll get to get questioned sooner and can get out of there and back to your character sheets," Chase said as she stood up before heading to her bedroom to get her tennis shoes. Pulling them on she threw her hair up to keep it out of her face. Coming back out she waited for Amelia so they could head out.

Jail (AA): Cage shook his head as he took the tray back. "No, no need for a suit. Think the last person that wore a suit in town was on Halloween," he said glancing at the dog. "Anyways, I'm going to bus the tray with mine and then be back to get you. She'll have to stay in the cell until this is over. Someone will come by and walk her if this takes more than a couple of hours," Cage said before sighing. "Take a minute and go ahead and tell her goodbye just in case this goes bad for you. You end up with banishment you'll be taken straight out and won't be coming back." It was a harsh truth but Cage wasn't going to not tell the kid. Sighing again Cage turned and headed back up the stairs. No one else was there since Hunter was the only one in a cell right then and he was going to be taken to court martial.

Upstairs, Cage set Hunters tray with his. About as much food was left on Cage's as Hunters. Stopping he shrugged and grabbed both trays, bringing them back down. "Just let her eat it," he said sliding the trays back into the cell and then heading over to the door of the cell itself. "I'm not going to cuff you to take you to the court martial but kid, you try anything security will shoot to kill so let's just get through this without incident or me having to fill out paper work to why you got the best of me alright?" he said before unlocking the door. "Come on, let's go," he said as he stood there and waited for Hunter to exit the cell so he could lock it back up so the dog wouldn't get free down there.

Gymnasium (K7): Volts got changed and noticed by the time he was done that Thalia was already gone. Medic was going through a series of forms of some sort from the look of it. Looking back over at Nigel as he came out of the locker room he grinned. "Dude, never underestimate a girl these days. But hell, guys been making that mistake for hundreds of years. Now, double that since she is down a hand. From what I've seen, those that have lost a limb that survived tend to a more badass than we might have though. We had a guy here in a wheel chair, he ended up moving to another camp since he wasn't meshing well here but damn he could kick a lot of peoples asses in that thing, talk about surprised," Volts said as he headed out of the Gym and towards the Mess Hall.


Thana Martin
Location: Education Center (M) -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Letting out a long breath, Thana finished putting on the poncho and headed back out into the rain. The streets were a bit more cluttered than before as people were heading to lunch or in other directions. She spotted Volts and Nigel as she walked and gave them a bit of a head nod. Volts stopped at the door and held it open for her. "Okay, next rainy day I'm working the damn kitchen if it means I get a poncho," he laughed.

"You can have it," Thana said with an eye roll as she stepped into the Mess Hall. Glancing around she spotted a few more people she knew, mostly Thalia. Taking the poncho off at the door, she hung it up on a hook next to the door and went towards the kitchen itself. She gave half a wave to Thalia as she went before going through the door to check on things. "Everythang runnin' smooth?" she asked those working the kitchen. There were several nods and yeahs from the staff. Morales letting her know everything was under control and she was good to go for the day. "Thanks, gonna grab somethan' to eat," she said before heading back out of the kitchen.

Grabbing a tray Thana went over to Thalia and sat her butt down across from her. "I swear yer ass was a feral dog in a previous life the way ya eat. Didn't they teach ya pinkies up back in finishin' school?" Thana said with a smirk before taking a bite of her meal. Chewing she swallowed her bite and a smirk came to her lips. "So how's yer day goin'? Anythan' happen?" she asked. She wasn't going to come straight out and ask out the little hunt she had Thalia on. She figured the woman would slit her throat by the end of it but would hold off in case she needed information for now.


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B) -> Streets of CMB (C5)
Skills: N/A

Nikki looked over to Lisa and nodded. "Yeah, funny how that works. Doubt I would have ever spoken to half the people here if things weren't the way they were. Hell I'd probably be getting yelled at a lot more. Damn young whipper snapper and her skate board thing on the side walks!" Nikki said with a bit of a laugh.

Chewing on her gum she kept up with Lisa as they continued, helping where she could. It was nice being in the hospital when it was this quiet and there wasn't something emergency going on. Granted she might like to see one, not that she wanted someone to be hurt but she liked seeing what happened. Then again since Doc was out dealing with the court martial and it was Scary Mary in the place right now, it might not be the best time for shit to hit the fan. Could be entertaining though. God they needed some new tapes or tv shows to watch, this shit bouncing around in her head wasn't the bed thing.

Heading with Lisa back towards the front of the hospital she nodded. "Yeah, if I'm done with the whole court martial thing early enough," she said with a bit of a huff. She really wasn't sure she wanted to be there. She wasn't exactly sure just what they wanted to know from her but she just didn't have a good feeling about it. Stopping at the door she looked at Lisa and grunted. "Yeah, maybe should get Auntie to ass Umbrella's to the needed supply list. I mean would be nice. But um, just gonna head over to the court martial. maybe I can get a front seat and get this over sooner than later. Then I can get back here and visit the kid. Rather be coloring anyways," she said before stepping out the door. The court martial would be held in the Education Center's auditorium. She wasn't going to bother changing out of the scrubs. Maybe by the time the court martial was over so would the rain and then she could just put her normal clothes back on and they would be dry.
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright, that first round of people testing out using the skills without the Gm having to hover over you all seemed to go really good. I am really impressed with not only how smoothly it went but how good the read is. Sigil and ONL nailed it! Can't wait for more people to be in a scenario to use this. Should be a lot of fun and let us move fights along without having to go on personal counters as we wait for rolls and results. YAY US!
Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Education Center (M): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Quarantine (W): Guy looked over to Ash and gave a small goofy chuckle. "Yeah, well I think the cards have it out for me if you can beat me with that hand, damn..." he said with a shrug. At the mention of S.B. his eyes widened, which was something considering Guy already had eyes that were pretty large. "Oh god no!" he exclaimed before giving a full body shiver at the thought. "Not her, no. I want to stay living." The man nearly gagged. Not that S.B. couldn't be cool in her own weird, twisted, and very scary way, but she was not his type. He wondered if she was anyone's type.

Sitting there, Guy thought about what Ash said and nodded. "I know... It's just..." It was hard to put into words. No it wasn't but it was hard to put into words that he didn't think would actually hit a little too hard for Ash. Then again, he'd known the man for a while, maybe it wouldn't be as bad. "Well, what happens if something happens? Don't think I could take a loss, ya know, if'n my heart was more in it than just, well friends." There, it was out there. He'd seen what losing someone had done to Ash. What it did to others. Sure it sucked being alone but was it really worth it? Leaning forward he cut the cards as Ash pushed them towards him. He wasn't sure what else to say about it. "So, um how are ya settlin' in? How's them Officers quarters?" he asked, trying to at least partly change the subject.

Wayne headed out of the main room for Quarantine and headed to the bathroom, jogging a little as he exited the room. He had needed to pee but once he stood up he realized that he needed to really go much more than he had first thought. Jamie in the meanwhile looked at Riley with his big eyes. Tatiana and Riley weren't exactly getting along and this was the first time Riley had been allowed to hold Jamie and it wasn't cause of Tatiana. Chances were if she knew she'd had had a problem with it. She was darker these day and tended to hold a grudge far longer than was needed. She hadn't said two words to Riley really since they had been let out of quarantine, that was unless she had to because of a job. Jamie, didn't know all this, so when Riley tickled him he giggled and blew a raspberry with his lips. It was wet as he was teething and spittle went everywhere.

General Housing (X): "Yeah, if you get a chance you're going to want to see it. She has way too much fun with those but hey, everyone has ways to pass the time these days," Chase said as she tossed her book over onto the coffee table. Reaching up she put her fingers into her hair and scratched a bit, fluffing it out before brushing it back out of her face.

"Yeah, isn't easy to get settled but then again once you do, get hard to be unsettled." Sighing she shrugged a bit as she stood up and walked over to the window, pulling back the curtains a bit more so she could see outside. "Will give the town this, they are pretty good at making sure people stay fit and up to date on what is going on out there. And the classes. So if this place does crumble like others, maybe we'll be okay," she mused out loud.

Looking back over at Amelia she gave a thin lipped expression. "Well no worries, I'm never getting one," she assured Amelia before letting go of the curtain. It was still raining and at the mention of lunch she shook her head. "Nah, I normally skip it. Usually out on the docks and forget but yeah just going to hang around here for the day," she said as she flopped back down on the couch. Rubbing her face she looked over at Amelia and gave her a small smile. "Hey, want me to go with you to the court martial?"

Meanwhile, Freeman nodded as Alexander spoke. Keeping the umbrella over the man, not that it really helped too much considering that Alexander had been out in the rain for a bit before Freeman had stepped out. "I believe that is life. Everyone we meet in this world sees something different than what we see when we look in the mirror. Some people see better than others do, some see worse. I believe in the end we can only hope that one day we see what they see and learn from it, good or bad. I know my biggest problem is when I look in the mirror I see the man I was."

Shrugging he looked over to Alexander and gave a small smile from beneath the bushy beard he wore that was heavily streaked with white and silver these days. "We're lucky though, these kids see us as we are. Perhaps you would be open to a group session. Yourself, me, and the ones you traveled with. Let's find out how they see you. Maybe they need to hear how you see them as well. Struggles are easier when you have a shoulder," he added before moving to help Alexander get back to his own place.

As they walked, Freeman listened more. It was what he did. He listened. It was how he learned. He gave the occasional nod in understanding of what Alexander was saying as the sound of their feet splashing over the wet roads sounded through the constant white noise of the rain falling. "No, I understand. It's the same when you have blood on your hands. You can wash but you never stop seeing it," he admitted as he looked down at his own hand. As they approached the apartment, Freeman stopped outside the door. "Alexander, I want you do to something for me. I want you to take a moment. Not now. Wait. The next good moment you have, savor it. Stop and take it all in. The colors, the sounds, the scent in the air. Seer it into your memory. Then next time you smell the napalm and hear the screams, think back to that moment. Use it to drown out the rest. It won't be some miracle mind you but slowly it may just help you fight through it. I doubt it will ever fully go away but that's life. It's not forgetting, it learning to cover come and push you. You're still here, so you've already done the hard part for the last forty years. It's time to let go," he said with understanding yet there was no pity in his voice.

Reaching forward he turned the door knob and opened the front door for Alexander. "Go on, get warm and dried. I will see you later," he said before giving a pat on the mans shoulder and making his way back out into the rain and heading towards the Mess Hall. He could use a cup of coffee and something on his stomach. He would need to be at the court martial and that time was growing near.

Jail (AA): Cage nodded towards Hunter before heading out and locking the door at the top of the stairs. Standing there he rubbed his face. He hated court martial days. He hated having to go to each and every one of them because he was the so called warden of this tiny prison.

Walking into the living room area he sat down on the couch and checked the time on his watch. There was a little time left before he needed to start moving Hunter down to the Court Martial itself. It didn't used to be like this. Looking around the room he remembered back to why the place was converted into a jail. He remembered the night it went down, back when things were bad, even after the walls went up. It was hard back then. People were struggling still for food and supplies. The walls were put up not so much to keep the dead out but to keep the living out. People were always the bigger threat. And once the walls were up there were power plays in the beginning. It was to be expected, people did stupid, do stupid things when they are hungry and scared.

Leaning back on the couch he remembered how a small group nearly made the town turn into a war zone. He remembered basic rooms and guards not being enough. Slowly they got things under control and the jail was built. It hadn't been used near as much as it had been needed before hand but now when it was needed it was there. Sure it played the roll of drunk tank or temporary punishment more often than being needed for a real issue. Glancing back towards the hallway, Cage knew it was being used because it was needed right now, he just hoped that in the end that it wouldn't be needed again by the end of the day.

Checking his watch again, he stood up. It had been a bit more than twenty minutes. Back to the hallway, unlock the door, head down the stairs. It was a wash, rinse, repeat scenario. Coming around the corner he looked over to Hunter before heading over to the cell itself. "Done with the tray?" he asked. Normally he wouldn't bother seeing if he actually wanted to keep eating or not but today was the court martial and if things went bad this would be the last meal the kid would have here.

Gymnasium (K7): Volts and Medic got out of the way and gave both Thalia and Nigel plenty of room. "I'm puttin' bets on the ginger," Volts said with a grin.

Medic quirked a brow. "Wager?"

"Yer leather duster, I'd look real sharp in it," Volts chuckled as he rubbed his chin and struck a poke.

"Fine, against yer hat."

"Fuck man, my hat? Ya know what, fine, you got a bet," Volts said as he held his hand out. The two shook on it and went to watching the fight. As the fight started, Volts grin began to grow. "Oh, this is easy. I'm gonna look so sweet in that coat this winter," he said smuggly as he watched Nigel land a blow to Thalia ribs.

As the fight progressed Medic stood there with his arms over his chest and just watched. Volts seemed to be running a constant commentary, that was until the fight seemed to shift. The smallest hint of a smile cracked on Medics lips as he watched Thalia turn the tides of the fight and take the high ground. As Nigel yielded, Medic looked over to Volts and finally smiled fully. "I'm going to look fine as hell in that hat," he laughed as he pretended to run a finger along the imaginary line of the hats brim.

"Fuck..." Volts muttered. He had not seen that coming. It wasn't that he thought women couldn't fight. He'd seen several in town put men on their asses. In fact he himself had been laid out more than once by Major. Thing was, he also had seen how Thalia was still learning to deal with the fact she only had one hand and she was still getting used to the prosthetic he and Tesla had fabricated. He figured that alone would give Nigel enough of advantage. Seemed it was wrong.

"They'll do well in class," Medic added as he picked up a towel and laced it over his shoulders.

"No shit," Volts said as he tilted his head to the side and looked down at Nigel.

Glancing at Nigel, Medic nodded. "Very entertained," he said before glancing back at Volts. "I'll want that hat before dinner." Volts grumbled and rolled his eyes but nodded. A bet was a bet. Medic held his hand out to Nigel to give him a hand up.

Volts glanced at the wall clock. "Fuck, later than I thought. Wanted round two." It was closing in on the end of lunch and then the Court Martial was taking place. "Who's up for lunch?"

Medic shook his head. He wasn't eating lunch today. He had managed to have a late breakfast. Volts shrugged. He was going to get lunch. The man was never one to turn down a meal, especially these days. He was trying to get some gains in, who knew when a time would come and he wouldn't be able to do so anymore.


Thana Martin
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A

Thana did not like the sound of what Atticus was potentially implying with those last words. Her brow hovered high above her good eye as she looked at the local preacher. Thana was not a reader but the words alone were enough to get someone's attention. Were they expecting problems within the camp because of the Court Martial? She had wanted to go and read up on previous court martials in town that were available to read but she hadn't had the chance. No, that was a lie. She had had the chance but any down time she had had over the last week had been taken up by Ash, or thoughts of Ash. Perhaps she should have gone over them but it was too late now. The Court Martial was but an hour away to begin and she needed to get back to the kitchen to finish up her shift for the day.

It felt weird to think that her shift for the day was just about over but Morales was taking over after lunch as Thana had started well before most others in town had been up. She had clocked her hours for the day and was not putting in overtime today. She could have but once again there was Ash. She wanted to be there for him during the court martial even though he wasn't the one on trial. And she had to admit a good portion of her wanted to see how this went so she could be better informed.

Lowering her brow she finished unloading the cart before leaving the council to eat and finish preparing. She didn't wait for them to tell her they needed privacy. She knew how these closed door things went. She had been on both sides of the door when she was serving back in the Navy. Stepping out into the foyer of the main educational building, Thana started putting the parka back on by the door as it was still raining. Hopefully today would go well and not turn into what she had witnessed her first morning in Newnan. She doubted she would ever forget the look of James dragging a dead body behind him and leaving a trail of blood in his wake.


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

Nikki laughed a little. She didn't really think that Cheers would off her but who knew what people were capable of these days and for what reasons. "Well then I'm going to say something that I never thought I would say.... I'm all for more paperwork," she said before giggling. She hated paper work, probably not as much as cleaning but it was a close second and here she was giving paperwork her seal of approval. It seemed the world was full of surprises and more than just the dead walking kind. It was odd that she even surprised herself with that little bit of confession.

At the mention of her gum, Nikki stopped walking and bawled at her. Placing her hands on her hips she gave a smug look over to Lisa. "Hey, I'll have ya know that this gum is a life saver. Uh-huh, that's right. I chew this stuff so I don't bounce off the walls. Ya think I'm bad now you should see me when I run out. Oh, now that's some scary shit. Like a bouncy ball you toss against the wall filled with nitrous. Pew-pew-pew-boing-boing-boing-bounce-bounce-bounce-ding-ding," she said, making the little noises go faster and faster as she used her finger as a gun pointing it here and there and everywhere.

As Lisa started talking about whether or not she thought that Nikki could actually become more than just someone mopping floors and running supplies from one place to another she stopped her antics. She had been working with Maddoc and had only just had her first taste of working security and safety. She had been figuring that was what she would end up doing for the long haul. She hadn't really ever thought of doing anything else but here was her friend telling her seriously that she actually had a shot at it if she wanted. Nodding slightly, she wasn't sure what to say. In fact, Nikki was struck pretty moved by the whole thing. "Yeah... um thanks," she said with a slight sniffle. Blowing out the emotions she waved at her face to dry the tears that where threatening to come up. "So um, lunch?"
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright, lunch time begins this round and will last this round and next, perhaps a third round if needed. Now, characters do not have to go to lunch. They can skip if they want. If you want them to go to lunch, it is basic today. Fish is in most meals these days because of the haul last week. To grilled fish, rice, and some seasonal fruit. Nothing big. You can have your character get their meal and eat it in a single post if you wish. Nothing big is happening today in the Mess Hall. Many are actually opting not to get lunch today because of the weather. Those that are eating are making quick work of it so they can get in and out and back since sitting in the Mess Hall A.C. in wet clothing sucks. You do hear word that normally rainy days meals are handled differently but since there is a Court Martial today things are locked down more.

Also, please everyone look at the Gym portion of the post - it is an explanation of how you can handle your own fights in the RP. If you have questions do ask. This is new but it is streamlined and should make future fights and use of skills in the Rp very simple and that way you can go about things with less Gm control and you yourselves having more control.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Education Center (M): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Chapel (V): Freeman eyed Manny. He had told the man not to say anything but the man didn't listen. It didn't upset him. The man did what was right even though he was told not to, it was a good sign to him. Sitting there he turned his head and looked back over to Alexander from where he sat as he wrote down in one of the files he had. Watching the man he shook his head and put his files away. Tucking them into his brief case and standing up. He walked down to the main floor of the chapel and followed at a distance, keeping an eye on Alexander as he left the building.

Pushing the door open he sighed before he opened his umbrella. It was one of the few self owned ones, it was his. Opening it he stepped out into the rain and held it over Alexander as he looked out at the ocean in front of them. "It wasn't long after I got here that I ended up doing something that I never thought I would recover from," he said in a distant voice. "Which was something for me. I was in prison before this, taking a life wasn't anything new to me. Triple life sentence only because the state didn't have the death penalty." That was something. Freeman kept such things to himself. It was in his file but that file was guarded like so many others. "Taking those lives back then didn't bother me. I was a void. So when I took a life here, within these walls... It wasn't the court martial that broke me. It was the fact that what I did bothered me and not that murder but the previous ones that crept back in."

Setting his briefcase down, he pulled up his long sleeves just slightly and jiggled his arm so that his wrist watch moved down to his hand. Long jagged scars remained. "This was before we had the jail. I'm why we have one now." Letting the sleeve drop he picked up his brief case once again. "One day, if you let yourself you will perhaps not forgive yourself for whatever it is you are struggling with but you'll learn to live with, not just survive it. Perhaps the thing you need to remember most is that before, if you died others may not have known or cared, now people will. I know at least a couple I have spoken with that would be lost without you. I'm not saying live for them, never liked that mentality. What I am saying though is perhaps knowing it matters to them can help you on a path to seeing what they see," he added as he held his hand out to Alexander. "Come on, let's get you back to your place and get you dry."

Quarantine (W): Guy nodded slightly to Ash. He knew that look. He had seen it more times than he could count over the years. It was a look he himself got from time to time. Maybe it was just part of where they were raised. Letting out a little chuckle he shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised if the last person standing at the end of this shit show was one of them. Don't think there is a tougher family out there," he said speaking of Thalia and Joaquins family. He had known Alicia and Caesar for some time. He had already heard about Thalia with her hand cut off. And he had seen some shit go down with Joaquin. That was a family he would never screw with.

Dealing out two to Ash, he himself took three. As the conversation changed he glanced around and then looked back at Ash. "Don't know, not part of your group. She works in the hospital," he said with a little grin that made his dimples show. "Ain't said nothing to her but she's pretty and seems nice. Ain't really gotten close to anyone though. Kind of stand offish about it," he followed up with. He didn't like the idea of being alone but then again he didn't like the idea of getting close to someone and losing them. He'd seen what that did to others, specifically Ash who was sitting right in front of him. Looking at his cards he folded. "Fuck, got nothing," he said. Looking back at Ash he was happy his old boss had someone but if Alicia had broken him the way it had for so long, what would happen to the man if he lost Thana? He wondered if old Boss Man would be able to keep going. Sitting there he wasn't sure he wanted to put himself through something like that.

Wayne chuckled. "Hey, it'll fucking grow back, you're lucky. Mine ain't ever comin' in again, unles they got some rogain shit in that pharmacy of theirs," Wayne laughed as he rubbed his own head. The large bald spot wasn't as noticeable now that he had his hair cut closer to the scalp but it was clear the man had been starting to bald for a while. "Hey, hold the kid for me, I gotta take a piss," he added as he sat up and held out Jamie to her.

General Housing (X): Chase quirked a brow. "I like that, Deathaton, sounds like one of those Rube Goldberg traps Lisa would build to catch walkers," she laughed as she tucked her hair behind her ear to get her bangs out of her face. "Yeah, it's weird here to me. Don't get me wrong I like it but... I don't know, getting back to how life was before everything seems to be harder than it was to adjust to shit hitting the fan to begin with. Like going feral is easy but recovering takes longer," she added as she shrugged a bit. "I guess part of it is that I'm just worried one day it'll fall apart again and the adjustment will be for nothing." It was a dark thought but it was an honest one. Chase didn't like the thought of going back out there but then again something told her one day they would.

Stopping her flipping through her book she looked over at Amelia oddly. "The dog kept you back? Thought I was the only one that didn't like dogs. I mean I'm not scared of them I just don't like them. I'm a cat person," she said as she sat up a bit more. "Maybe that's why they stuck you and Riley here with me, knew I wasn't about to take a dog in. Probably a good thing, if they'd have stuck you with Nikki and Lisa lord knows what you would wake up licking your face. She once took in a raccoon because she said it was cute..."

Jail (AA): Cage nodded as he waited for Hunter to go back into his cell, once he had he locked the door and took a step back. "Listen kid, you've brought up to me more than once and in your file it's there a lot - this whole first impression thing about being told we'd kill you. You gotta let that go. First impressions are one thing but think about it this way. We've done nothing to hurt you since you arrived. We've take care of you and your dog. You on the other hand keep causing problems. So what is worse? A first impression that turns out to be wrong? Or a series of second, third, forth, and fifth impressions that cast a serious shadow over who you truly are? Think on it kid," he said as he picked up the files and headed for the stairs. "I'll be back with your lunch in a bit, just hang tight."

With that he left Hunter there to be alone with his dog while he locked the house up, turned over the keys to a secondary watch while he headed in the golf cart to go get Hunters meal. Cage wondered if the kid would actually eat it but even if he didn't Cage wanted to make sure it was available. For all he knew the kid just needed some down time alone with his dog, could be the last time he saw Izi if the court martial went bad. The way it worked was that if a ruling came in the negative, it was carried out immediately with no break, no goodbyes, nothing to allow people to react emotionally. It was cut, dry, and fast.

It took about twenty minutes before Cage came back from the Mess Hall with Hunters meal and a little 'doggy bag' for Izibel. Heading back into the jail area he placed the bag down on the floor between the bars. "For the dog," he said before sliding the tray through. "I'll be back in twenty, let me know then if you need anything to calm your nerves before the trial," he added before heading out again and letting Hunter have some more time with the pooch. He felt bad for the kid, he remembered being just as much of a jack ass when he was younger. Not that he was much better now but he'd managed to get it under control, then again he had time. Time was one thing that Hunter didn't have.

Gymnasium (K7): Volts looked over at Thalia and nodded. "A'right gurl. Yo, Medic, you and me. Let's do a round and let the two newbs pair up. Don't know what they can handle yet," he said with a toothy grin.

Medic shrugged as he stood up. "If she's half as good as her brother claims you are just worried she'll lay you out," Medic commented flatly. Looking over at Nigel Medic nodded. "Sat in Newnan reading a lot. Lot of books, picked up a few things," he said before looking back at Volts and they both moved to an open spot in the room so they wouldn't get hung up on the equipment.

(Alright, showing you how to use your dice and skills now. Thalia and Nigel will pair up. You two will need to collab this.)
  • Step 1: Roll 1d100, lowest number goes first. Medic: 93, Volts: 89 - Volts goes first.
  • Step 2: Winners Attack - Volts attack - roll 1d100 against a called skill (Hand 2 Hand, and the like) - below the target number you hit, above you miss. There is no roll for the other person to defend, it is that simple. If you connect, you type up your attack and how the other character is hit. You don't have plan what attack you are actually doing, just roll. Depending on what you roll you just figure out how well you hit or how bad you missed.
  • Step 3A: Other persons reaction mentally and physically
  • Step 3B: Next persons attack - Medic Attacks - he rolls against his skill . Below target, he hits. Above he fails.
  • Step 4A: Person 1 reacts mentally and physically
  • Step 4B: Person 1 attacks - roll against skill. Below target, hits. Above, fails.
  • Step 5: Wash, rinse, repeat until you want to call it. Example with Volts and Medic below

Volts brought his hands up and grinned towards Medic, his fingers twitched slightly but then his foot came up suddenly and connected with Medics mid section sending him back against the ground.

Medic coughs as he rolls over. He hadn't expected that. Coming up, he tries to throw a punch but as he is still catching his breath from the kick he misses.

Volts likes this, he gets a chance to take advantage of the swing and a miss and upper cuts right into Medics rib cage.

Medic grunts and stumbles back, trying to back hand but ends up missing again. He didn't miss as badly this time but he knows he is still off balance from the last two hits Volts got in on him.

Spinning around, Volts sweeps Medics leg and sends him back onto the mat.

Medic flails, trying to catch Volts leg but misses again. "Not my fucking night."

"Ain't that the damn truth," Volt says with a grin before boot stomping Medic in the gut.

Medic coughs and comes up, curling up as he nearly looses his wind. Yet this time he finally gets the advantage, grabbing Volts boot and yanking before throwing Volts to the ground. "Or maybe it is."

Volts chuckles as he rolls over and kicks Medic in the ribs. "Sure about that?"

Medic throws his arm back and nails Volts right in the nose. "Yup," before scrambling to his feet and taking a few steps back. Holding up a finger, Medic calls the fight. "Okay, well maybe not but whoa, gotta catch my breath."

The fight is called, Medic stops. Volts chuckles as he holds his nose, it's bleeding. "I could use a medic."

"Fuck wad," Medic says with a chuckle.

(See, simple enough, it is quick and easy. You can make it as indpeth as you want but single lines in a collab are FINE! Have fun!)


Thana Martin
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A

As the drops of rain fell from her hair, Thana glanced around at that open foyer area of the Education Center. She hadn't spent a lot of time in here as of yet, in fact she had all but avoided it up until now. It wasn't that she was against education, it had just been her thoughts had been elsewhere. On getting better, on getting out of the town and back on the road. On finding Ash and Alexander and Thalia and Manny. Yes, she had blood in this camp, close blood ties, but thinking on it now she was closer to those five than she was what others called her family. Sure they were family, once again by blood but those five were her family today. Yes she loved her grandfather and uncle and father but she hadn't been through times with them like she had been with the others.

They were her family now. Thalia was like a sister, no better than the sister she had been born to. She trusted Thalia, nothing could have made her trust Zoie. Alexander and Manny, perhaps not father figures but maybe uncles? Strange uncles that showed up on Thanksgiving, ones most of the family avoided but that she would rather sit with at a wobbly card table than at the main. Then there was Ash. She wondered what they would have been if they had met before the outbreak. Would they have served together? How would that have worked? Would they even have been attracted to each other? She'd like to think so and hopefully there wouldn't have been some old flame coming up out of no where to try to derail things like Gavin had.

Letting out a short breath, Thana moved over to the cart and started pushing it down the hallway to where she had been told the council was meeting. Getting to the door she knocked and waited. Maddog answered and held the door open for his niece. "Ahh, yes, let us break for lunch, we could use it," The General said as he screwed the lid back onto the pen and pushed back in his seat. "How is the town fairing so far?" he asked Thana as he stepped over.

"Quiet," Thana said as he set the breaks on the cart so it wouldn't move.

"That's good," Cook said as she straightened some papers to clear off room on the table to eat.

"Not always..." Atticus said as he rubbed his chin. Thana quirked a brow, what did he mean by that?


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

While Lisa was trying to keep a straight face, Nikki failed and busted out laughing. "Hey, whatever fuckin' works!" Shaking her head she thumbed back towards the general direction of the distillery. "I think the only reason she didn't shoot me last time was because of the paper work, thank fucking god for everything in triplicate," Nikki laughed. She didn't really think Cheers would shoot her but she wouldn't put it past her either. Everyone had their limit. "Hey, when you suggest it, just use me as an example. 'Remember what Nikki did when she got bored? You really want that shit again?' - See, I'm a warning," Nikki added as she kept laughing. She didn't care if she was a warning, she kind of liked the idea.

The laughter stopped though as Lisa brought up Nikki actually working in the hospital. She hadn't ever thought of it before and she didn't know if Lisa was serious but it made her stop. Nikki had never been one that was queasy around blood and guts, even before the outbreak. And she was decently handy with a knife. She remembered when Thana came in, her face torn open. She didn't turn away, she wanted to see more. Then when she saw Thana again after it was stitched up she had to follow the woman around like her shadow. She couldn't look away from the stitching or the pins in her leg. Stopping she touched Lisa on the arm and looked more serious than she ever had. "Do you really think I could? I mean... like be a doctor one day?" Nikki wasn't the smartest person around, she was about average but she had quick instincts and saw things most people missed. maybe it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Keeping going as we are, make sure to double check what people are saying and doing as to not mix things up. Things are decently smooth so far. I will open up for people to start going to lunch next round. It'll just be an open thing. Characters aren't required to go to lunch if they don't want to. Figuring at least one or two won't want to eat before the Court Martial, nerves and such.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Mess (C)/Education Center (M): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Chapel (V): Dr. Freeman sat up some as Manny came up to the second floor and the balcony area where he and Alexander were seated and talking. He wanted to respond to the man, tell him somethings but they were rudely interrupted. As Alexander got up to leave, Dr. Freeman stood and nodded. He waited for Alexander to walk off before turning his attention to Manny. "I told you that I would speak to you when I was finished speaking with Mr. Polawski. You just interrupted a session. While not a scheduled one, still. It was beyond rude. You are to leave this chapel, immediately. Get the fuck out. And don't you dare bother Mr. Polawski on your way out," Freeman growled. There was something cold, visceral, and almost savage in the way he spoke. Murderous was an easy way to describe it.

Shaking his head, Freeman turned and walked off. His overshirt flared some as he turned and one could see the doctor was packing a side arm. Freeman wouldn't bother Alexander. The man had just spoken a lot, in front of someone he wasn't he hadn't even been asked if it was okay to interrupt. Walking over to his briefcase he picked it up and sat down on a pew much further down from where he had been. Taking out a piece of paper he closed the case and used it as a makeshift desk as he began to write. His eyes lifted up to watch Alexander for a moment before looking back down and continuing to write. He would wait until the man seemed like he was ready to talk some more to approach him but for now he was giving the man the space he needed and should have had from the beginning.

Quarantine (W): Wayne turned his head slightly as he noticed Riley. "Hey, hows the hair comin' in? That shit itching like a crotch rocket yet?" he asked with a grin as he bounced Jamie on his knee.

Guy knew the looks of Ash even if they were quick. He'd known the man for years. Since before Newnan. Guy figured at this point he had known Ash longer than anyone else alive. At least that was true for him. Guy didn't know anything about his own family or friends from before the world turned on its side. He sat there and listened. He nodded slightly. "Yeah, seems like it," he said as he dealt the cards. Stopping he looked over at Ash and gave a goofy grin. "Glad ya found someone Cap." He was sincere about it. He was glad for Ash. He'd seen the man go through a lot back in Newnan. Especially when he had to kick James out for murdering Dick.

At the slight change of topic from Thana to Alicia, well Alicia's family. "Really? I knew that motor mouth guy was related to Caesar, found out when he started talkin' one day. Well took me a while since everything he says seems to be like he's reading latin to me but wow," he said as he thought about the new girl. He could see it. She did have that look. His attention was brought back as he was asked about himself. He shook his head slightly. "Naw, ain't got no one. Well, at least not thinkin' anyone is interested in me but there's this one girl I think is right pretty but not sure how to tell her," he admitted as he blushed slightly.

General Housing (X): Chase shrugged a bit. "I call it the Fuckening," she said with a little chuckle. "But hey, cool you found something to do, a lot aren't sure what to do with time inside the walls, seen some go a bit ditzy," she admitted as she swirled her finger near her head. "Yeah, they probably want you there to see if you noticed anything or if he said anything to you, or even just to see if what you did see about him matches with others. It's pretty standard," she said as she rolled over onto the side and got comfortable on the couch, stretching out a bit.

Thinking on it she continued. "Yeah, we've had Court Martials before. I haven't checked in on what this one is really about. Ain't someone I know so mostly keep my nose out of it. We've had people here that seemed fine that were sent on their way, we've had others commit murder in the streets that are still here. Each case is different. I've only been to one, that was Freeman's and that was only cause I witnessed it. He's still here, close vote. Only one more for him staying than getting rid of him. The General accepted the vote count and two years later he's now our therapist. So guess it could go either way. Would put it more on how Hunter acts during everything than what he's done."

Jail (AA): Cage sat there and listened. The longer that Hunter spoke the more the man seemed to rub his face. "You haven't learned anything kid.... A week in jail and you still running your mouth like you actually know something when you don't. You never stop and wonder why things are the way they are," he said sharply. Standing up he motioned back towards the cell. "Think you just need to go sit and wait. Ain't nothing I can do for you at this point. You're the same kid that Nikki was upset about a week ago," Cage added as he gathered the papers up and started to sort them back into the right files.

"Go on, you and the dog back in the cell. Lunch will be brought after a while and then Roy will come and get you when it is time," he added as he shoved the papers back into the case he had brought them down in. Pulling out the keys to the jail cell he waited for Hunter to step back into the cell, he needed to lock him back in before he did anything else. As far as he was concerned there was nothing left for him to talk about with the kid. Kid was still on a high horse and he was done. "Kid, first impressions are like book covers. They don't mean shit. Every impression you've given since then it what mattered and that's what should scare you. Not because of what we would or wouldn't do to you. Because it reveals who you really are and are comfortable being."

Gymnasium (K7): As Thalia started searching over at the weights it seemed like she was coming up with nothing, that was until she lifted up one of the weights for the weight bench. Beneath it was a post it note that read: I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?

Volts got changed and looked at Nigel oddly. "Um, alright," he said not knowing just what the man was talking about. It was all Latin to him.

Medic on the other hand finally pipped up. "Hadrian, one of the Five Good Emperors of the Roman Empire," he said as he finished changing.

"Well look at the big brain on you," Volts sniggered.

Medic shrugged. "I've read a book or two, outside of comics," he said eying Volts.

"Hey you better watch yourself, no one says anything bad about Black Panther," Volts warned with a toothy grin.

Medic rolled his eyes and looked back over at Nigel. "Personally I'd have picked Nerva," he said with a shrug as he sat down in the middle of the floor and started to stretch some as Volt shadow boxed to warm up.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C) -> Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A

Heading towards the door, Thana was about to push it open when The Goat came over. "Here, use this," he said as he held out a rain coat. Thana was glad to get it. It was raining. Not that she minded getting wet but not having to was preferable. "And this," he added as he then handed her a tarp. Now that made even more sense. She was surprised that she hadn't thought about it. Granted her mind had been on Ash, and her sister. She wasn't used to her mind wandering, not like this, but now that she felt semi safe in a place her mind was starting to do just that.

"Thanks," she said as she took both the rain coat and the tarp. First she slipped on the rain coat. Once it was on and buttoned up she went to work on the tarp. She laid it over the cart and secured it. It would keep the food dry. Once everything was in order, Morales held opened the door for her and out she went.

Pushing the cart out into the rain, Thana was careful. It was slick outside, and hot, and wet. The cart wasn't the most stable in the world. It was good but all things considered she was glad that she was able to make it across the street and to the Education Center without the cart falling apart on her or tipping over. The last thing she wanted was her first day in charge of the mess hall to end up dumping the Councils lunch in the gutter. That wouldn't look good at all.

Getting inside was a little iffy as the place was closed off because of the Council meeting there, so there was no one to hold a door but she managed. Getting in she went about making sure that the food was okay as she took off the tarp. Setting it to the side she pulled off the rain coat. She didn't want to drip all the way through the building. As water kept hitting the ground even as she got out of the rain coat she huffed. Her hair.... Stepping away from the lunches Thana began to wring out her short strands before doing anything else.


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

"Just call me Crazy Jane," Nikki said as she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue. "And hey, I ain't going anywhere near that place again. Cheers would shoot me. Seriously. I think she could pop me, and then brew me up into some stank wine," she added with a bit of a gulp as she rubbed her neck. There was a little smile that came to her face. "Hey, I can't help it I like to bounce off the walls. Thanks though, don't think I could change if I wanted to."

Finishing up with setting her clothing out to dry, Nikki wrapped her hair in one of the towels and then turned back to Lisa. "Well they got that memograph machine, if we could get someone to draw some things up for the kids we could get some coloring books for them. Think that would be cool. Or maybe we could add it to a list for runs? Art supply store. Don't imagine many would be raided. I mean seriously. Shit, where's a Michael's?" Nikki pondered as she motioned for Lisa to go ahead and lead the way.

The idea of finding an art supply store sounded good. They were always sending people out to raid places for basic supplies but the supplies, from what she could tell, were doing well these days. Maybe they could add in some art supplies. Things like for painting or coloring, or those little project kits. It would be something for the kids to do even if there weren't many kids in the place. Then she figured she wouldn't mind doing an art project or two even if she was not an artist. Would be something different. Different could be good. Not a big different, but a little. Pushing the thought out of her head she looked back over at Lisa and smiled. "A'right, what's first? I get to preform heart surgery?"
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright folks, playing it by ear. Lunch will get glossed over in a round or two. Any questions or ideas, let me know. We will be going into 'Fight' mode for the court martial at one point, that way people will have a chance to respond to each testimony as it comes in and as you are a part of it with certain characters. Will get into that more once we reac that point, just a heads up now.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Mess (C): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Chapel (V): Freedman nodded towards Manny. People usually came into the chapel to speak to Atticus, that or to just sit and have some time to themselves. It was a decent place to have some peace and quiet. To gets one thoughts together. Granted that was what the church was there for, a place of peace in a time where peace was one of the rarest of commodities. If Manny wanted to talk once he was done speaking with Alexander he was up for it, it was his job in the camp even though the way his life had been long before that would have never shown a clue this was where he would end up. Right now though, this was what he did and he had a patient as it were.

Leaning back a little more he turned his attention to Alexander while Manny went to get himself some water. He listened to what Alexander had to say, nodding slightly. He didn't take notes or even have paper along with him it seemed. The man gave attention like many perhaps wished others did. Most people when they were in a conversation sat there waiting to interject, to speak, to be heard, to get their opinion thrown in there. Freeman listened, fully taking in what Alexander was saying. Letting the man have his full say before even starting to speak and even then he seemed to want to speak as little as possible, instead wanting Alexander to keep talking. "God forgives, at least that is what I am told. Now, it is up to you. Why can't you forgive yourself Alexander?" He didn't ask what Alexander hadn't forgiven himself over, that would come if Alexander wished it.

Quarantine (W): Guy nodded. "Yeah, seems that way," he said as he pulled off his cap and scratched his head a little. "Cause of that Sparrow girl?" he asked. It wasn't exactly a secret around the camp that Thana had tore out of the camp as soon as she was able to look for someone. Guy had only caught bits and pieces here and there but he was quick enough to start to put it together. At least once he found out that the woman with the torn up face that had been brought in was Thana. He was there the day she arrived in Newnan. It had thrown him off, it was like seeing Zoie come back from the grave. It was creepy.

"You too," Medic said before heading out with the others.

Placing it cap back on his head Guy picked up the deck and started shuffling. "Alright, alright, I'm on it," he said with a crooked smile. Dealing out some cards he leaned back against the base of the couch and let his long legs stretch out to the side of the table. "So... things serious with you two?" he asked as he glanced over the top of his cards. "Or more like it was with 'Licia?" As soon as the words left his mouth he felt like it was a big mistake. Ash had gone to that dark place starting when Alicia and Caesar died. "Shit... sorry..."

General Housing (X): Chase leaned forward a little bit and glanced over the paper that Amelia held up. "Oh," she said before sitting back on the couch and crossing her legs beneath her. "Never got into it," she admitted. "But good for you, finding something to do with your time," she added as she picked her book back up. As Amelia filled her in with what Riley was up too she nodded. (Remember you are in control of Riley, so if she is in quarantine you need to be having her react to things happening there, and others in quarantine will need to react to her presence.)

"Don't blame you. Quarantine and a few other places get really crowded when it's raining," she said as she as she looked towards the window. Shrugging she held up her copy of Where The Red Fern grows. "Just getting in some reading time, something that isn't charts and readings for the weather," she said before lowering the book and flipping it back open. "Don't have to be at the court martial and not interested in it really. I'll find out the outcome when it's posted on the board later, or by word of mouth, nothing stays a secret in this town for long," she said as she found the page she had been on. "Only secrets are just things you weren't around to already here but it all eventually gets brought back up again, like a bad rerun."

Jail (AA): "No, this is it. That is unless you end up doing something else. And even if you did that would mean we would have to start the process all over again. They like to keep things separate. Deal with what has happened, get a ruling on that. If you ended up breaking any more rules then more charges would have to be filed," Caged explained. So basically as long as Hunter didn't do anything stupid between now and the court martial or after, if he was able to stay, he'd be alright.

Rubbing his face a bit, Cage went back to the files. "So what they have on you is this. Failure to show up to work on time, failure to pick up after the dog. Those aren't exactly huge charges. Well okay, late for work is AWOL. That isn't good at all. Drunken disorderly, not bad since you didn't break anything. The wasting of food isn't good but again, nothing huge. The one charge that worries me is the Insubordination and Conduct Unbecoming. Dude, that is the big one. That one ties into not so much your mental status but how the camp views your morals and ethics. Granted none of this is really good, one by itself I wouldn't think you would need to worry but all of these, back to back...."

Sighing Cage sat back and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at Hunter. "Kid, you have to make a choice before you step into that court room and it isn't about speaking. It's about trust. You are going to have to choose to trust us now or if you can't just say goodbye. I know that's a lot to ask when you're outside those walls for so long but seriously, if we wanted you dead you would be. Considering you haven't been shot you should consider yourself lucky."

Flipping over a couple of pages. "Got here you have brought up on more than one occasion about being threatened with a being shot. Dude, that's status quo this day and age. If you are going to take that personally, you're pretty much screwed. All we are doing is saying what everyone else is thinking. You can't tell me you haven't looked at someone you never met before and thought about killing them if they crossed you, or something along those lines. Frankly thinking it and not saying it is far worse. It's being honest and well." Pausing for a moment, he leaned up and rested his arms on the table. "If you like one person in this place, she hates people who hide things."

Gymnasium (K7): What had started out as a a quick rush over turned into more of a full fledged gang heading out to earn their colors so to speak. Volts leading the way with Thalia, Nigel, and Medic in tow. It was still raining and considering it was more than four blocks from Quarantine to the Gym, Volts opted to jog it. Not that it helped. Wet was wet today and there was really no getting around it. There were a few people out that had rain gear but they were all part of the safety and security part of the camp and they were on duty. It made sense that the little rain gear that the place went to them since they were stuck in it longer than anyone else and they didn't have a choice in the matter.

By the time Volts got to the Gym he was pretty soaked and cussing about it. Medic, just as soaked, wasn't anything. The lights were on inside the unmarked building. "No weapons without a trainer," Volts said before pulling the door open. Unlike the hospital or most other places right now, the A/C wasn't on in the gym. It was nearly as hot in the gym as it was outside. It was just drier. Inside it looked to be an old perhaps office that had been gutted and just left with the bare minimal. The floors had tight knit carpet, the walls were either just unpainted sheetrock or mirrors. There was gym equipment in there but only a little: bars free standing along the mirrors, benches, and weights. "We used to have tredmills but those things break down a lot, not worth it. Want to run go outside," Volts said as he pulled his shirt off. The man had lines of scars across his back like he had been regularly been beaten with a whip.

"There's a locker room back there, has some gym clothing in it, girls on the left," he said before strolling to the right where the mens locker room was. It was a bare basic locker room, one set of showers set up, one closed stall, urinals, a bench, a set of shelves with gym clothing in various sizes, a rod with hangs on it that stretched across the back of the room. The womans was pretty much the same, save for three stalls and no urinals.

Medic took to following Volts into the locker room, taking off his boots and setting them off to the side. Both men got to work stripping down, ringing out their clothing, hanging it up, and changing. "So, what's with the Sportacus name I keep hearing?" Volts asked. Medic cocked a brow and looked over at Nigel.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Things seemed to be tense in the kitchen of the Mess Hall, at least it felt that way to Thana. She wasn't sure and she didn't pay much attention to it. She had work to do. Morales was doing his thing and keeping distance from her. At least he was working, like the others. The kitchen was quiet and frankly she wasn't complaining about it. She liked it when things were quiet. It kept her on her toes and let her focus on the job at hand. Not that it took much focus to make sandwiches. She was glad it wasn't something more complicated. In all her years in the military and before that growing up, cooking had never been on the top of her list of things to learn. Sure she could do a few basic things but cooking for a whole town, out of her league. Making some sack lunches she could handle.

As she assembled each sandwich and such Thana found herself lost in her thoughts. Her thoughts mostly these days were filled with Ash, right then they weren't. She was thinking of the last time she had seen her sister. It was long before the outbreak. And it hadn't been pretty. She remembered cornering Zoie and giving her a piece of her mind. What got her was how cold Zoie had been about the whole situation. It had been years since the incident but this wasn't something someone got over overnight, if ever. It was something that even to this day, knowing her sister was dead, she still hadn't forgiven her for. She knew she probably never would. Pressing her hand to her lower stomach she signed before getting back to work. Zoie robbed her of so much, the woman didn't deserve to be forgiven. She had been told not forgiving someone only hurt yourself. To her that wasn't true. Some things couldn't be forgiven. Taking something that precious away from your own blood was one of them.

Shaking off the thoughts, Thana shoved a wax paper sandwich onto a tray and moved onto the next. She tried to get her thoughts elsewhere, the Court martial, Ash, the job at hand, it was hard. Her thoughts kept going back to Zoie and she wondered why now. She hadn't thought of Zoie in a long time. She barely did even when she arrived in Newnan and found out she had been part of that community. Glancing around she knew secrets never kept in small tightly knit places but this was one secret that hadn't gotten out yet. Her father knew, now. She had told Ash. Maybe one day it would come out but it didn't matter. Zoie was gone and the people there didn't know her. Well a few had known Zoie from what she knew, people that had been in Newnan but even not all of them had known Zoie. One day no one would know of her sister, then again, one day no one would know her.

Packing up the last of the lunches, Thana looked over at Morales. "I'm going to run these over to the Council, everything good here?"

"Yeah, we got this," he said with a nod. Thana nodded back and started to push the cart. Maybe she should have asked Ash over, then again, probably not a good idea to drag him around with her. What would people think?


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

Nikki nodded with a bit more of a shake than she wanted, not that it was voluntary. "Thhhaannkkss," she managed to get out before Lisa left to go grab her some scrubs. Sitting there she kept drying off as best as she could. Standing up as Lisa came back she took the scrubs. "Could saaayy I'm a mmmeeenntal paaatient..." Nikki said with a bit of a chuckling stutter. Not that she was being serious. Being truthful was probably one of the few traits that Nikki had that was purely good. Though being bluntly honest tended to get her into more trouble than it kept her out of. Maybe if she was better at lying she would have stayed out of more trouble than she got into.

Nikki, not really caring, started to change right there. Not that she really showed anything, she had a sports bra on under her shirt, so that was the first to get changed out and the dry scrub top put on. Then went the pants. Quick in and out and she was mostly dry. The under garments weren't really too wet thankfully and the dampness they had would dry fast enough now that her outer clothing wasn't soaked. Looking at Lisa she smirked as she laid out her clothing over a bench to start drying. "Well that peace and quiet went out the window the moment I showed up," she laughed. The chattering of her teeth was nearly stopped now, she was warming up quickly. Sure the air conditioner was still on but now it wasn't making her feel like a melting icicle.

Hearing about little Lucy she nodded. "Well let's knock out your stuff and then we can go hang out with her, well at least I can until I gotta get over for the court martial after lunch," she said as she rubbed the back of her neck. They wanted her to testify. This was going to be interesting because Nikki wasn't exactly someone known for keeping their cool and keeping their emotions in check. This could end up being a royal shit show once she was called up. Sighing she shook her head and went back to talking about Lucy. "Um, don't know anyone that really knows how to draw. Maybe one of the new comers?"
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright, this week has been up in the air and I have done this post on multiple days between other things. I am not sure how well it flows but I think I covered everything. If I missed something, misread or misremembered something just let me know and I will get it fixed. Again I think I covered everything but let's see. (Always find something after I hit the post reply button no matter how many times I read over it before hand.) Lunch will probably be glazed over in the next couple of posts so we can get to the afternoon. Will see how it plays out right. No rush, just putting half a plan on the table.

Date: August 1st, 2012

Hospital (B): (Information for the scene will be located in Nikki's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Mess (C): (Information for the scene will be located in Thana's post below to keep things streamlined and together.)

Chapel (V): As Freedman waited for an answer from Alexander he spotted Manny coming into the Chapel. He gave the man a little wave but kept his attention over on Alexander for the time being. He was a bit surprised that people were showing up today. Normally when there was a court martial for a new person few wanted to talk. Bass had been the third in to see him today. He wondered how many more would show up. Bass was the first to show up not asking about the court martial and also the first person that hadn't come in with eh new group. Now two more where there. Granted he didn't know if they were there to talk to him or to God, either way, people seemed to have a lot to deal with even if it was within themselves.

Freeman smiled softly. "I'll listen, and answer, if I have the answers. And well he might be but I'm pretty sure he's got this whole system down so let's worry about it. Question is, have you forgiven yourself?" Freeman asked before Alexander started making his way up to the balcony. Looking over at Manny as he waited for Alexander made his way up he nodded to him. "If you want to talk, pretty sure he can listen if you want," he said motioning up. "Or I can, after Mr. Polawski. Oh, we have some water and glasses in the room over there if you get thirsty," he added quickly.

Once Alexander got up to him, Freeman reached out and shook his hand before motioning to the pew and taking a seat himself. "Yes it has. It's nothing out of the ordinary though. Not that Court Martials are common but we do have them from time to time," he said as he propped one elbow up on the back of the pew and the other on his knee as he crossed his legs. "And no, not exactly entertaining but I have been on both sides of a Court Martial here. Had to testify several times. Was the one being prosecuted once," Freeman let be known before shrugging. "Though I wouldn't count anyone out until the final gavel falls. You never know what will happen. Does the fact that Mr. Monroe is going through this bother you? And either way, why? From the files you two are not exactly acquainted other than your time in Quarantine."

Quarantine (W): Guy looked over at Ash and smiled with half a chuckle. Ash gave a rare smile, it wasn't something he remembered seeing a lot over the years. Sure Ash would smile from time to time when Alicia was alive but after her and Caesar died the man he called Boss went to a dark place, a really dark place and he wondered if he'd ever come out of it. He'd seen Ash and Thana together at Tatiana's and Jack reception but things went down with Triple B and they left. Then after what happened with James the next morning, he wasn't sure Ash would ever smile again. After Newnan fell he was pretty sure he'd never see Boss again. Yet here he was and he actually smiled, even if it was short. "Bos.. I mean Ash, you look.. better," Guy commented as he gathered up the cards and started shuffling.

Medic on the other hand wasn't as familiar with Ash as Guy was. He had come in late to the whole Newnan community with the rest of the Franklin people during the merge. He stuck around the Franklin area and kept to himself unless his services were needed. Having Froggy there back then and others getting Medical training, people like Astrid, he wasn't really needed. All of that meant that the smile Ash gave, while noticed, wasn't registering as anything more than rare to see from like it was rare from anyone to smile these days. Looking back at Guy he rolled his eyes a bit. "You just suck." Looking back over at Nigel he motioned towards the door. "Lobby," he said. The lobby was pretty much a good open area and it kept them out of the elements.

Volts looked between Thalia and Nigel and Medic. "Hell tag along man, all of you, we got room to spar in there if'n ya want. Could use some fresh meat." He gave a big toothy grin as he popped a toothpick between his upper and lower incisors. Tesla leaned against his pool que and chuckled a bit. "Don't even," Volts seemed to warn.

"Yeah, ya do need some practice," Tesla taunted before giving a cheerful laugh.

"That was a lucky fucking shot and you know it wanker!" Tesla held his arms out and took a bow. "Oh fuck you you slanty eyed bastard.


"I will sock ya in your sleep." That caused Tesla to burst out laughing. Looking at Nigel and Thalia, Volt grumbled. "Little fucker is wirey," he muttered. "Come on, it's this way," he said as he headed for the door to the sounds of Tesla sitting down on the floor, leaning against his stick, and still laughing.

"And that little man is what ya call a bitch," Wayne said as he bounced little Jamie on his lap before swatting at the air. "Shut the fuck up you bucked toothed pansy."

Medic cocked a brow towards Wayne and then looked at Nigel. "Works for me, let's go," he said motioning towards Volts and then following along.

Guy just laughed and looked back to Ash. "Yeah, and it really ain't fer the reason you probably think. When they found me and Jo, well we were kind of losing it. This one kid, David, he's like five foot nothing and a hundred and nothing, ended up knocking my ass out with a sling shot to the back of my head. And now I'm stuck with it," he said pulling his cap off and rubbing the back of his head, he swore he could still feel the lump.

General Housing (X): Looking up from her book, there was a thin lipped smile and Chase shook her head. "Nah. Doesn't look like it. We look to be alright, pressure is holding and winds are level," she said as she sat there, her legs crossed under her there on the couch. It looked like she was about to say more but then stopped herself. Her facial expression reading as if she had held up a finger to continue but then lowered it. It wasn't that Chase wasn't a talker, she was, it was just usually about weather and she had a tendency to ramble on and on about it. Yet it looked like Amelia was in the middle of something and so she figured she was just wanting to make sure there wasn't something to worry about, outside of the dead on the other side of the walls.

Leaning forward a bit she tried to get a glimpse of what Amelia was doing. "So, what are you up to and where's that girlfriend of yours? Riley, that's her name right?" Chase asked. The three of them had lived together for over a week now and Chase hadn't really said more than a few words here and there in passing towards either of her two new roommates. With the Court Martial going on today and things being rather indoors and cooped up thanks to the weather there was no time like the present. Might as well ask.

Jail (AA): Cage nodded a bit but he put his pen down as Hunter started to speak. "Yeah you are, why we are going over this. It ain't a reward kid, just figured you could use a shot in the arm, it's gonna be a long day," he said as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. Glancing down at the dog he smirked. "I'm sure she is but sadly we don't have someone that speaks dog so she can't be sworn in," he said with a shrug. Was the man cracking a joke or being serious. It was hard to tell. Things seemed to get a bit more on track and the kid had a legitimate question.

"You don't have to decide now but it need to be out there. You will be asked if you wish to testify on your behalf. If you do you will be able to give a little speech to why you should or should not stay, and pretty much anything else. Most do, but with you, kid you got a way of making things worse. On top of that, if you open yourself up to that you will submitting to be cross examined. And cross examinations here isn't against a lawyer. Anyone that asks you a question you will have to answer. So anyone from me, to Gunny, the General." He paused for a moment as he sat up more and leaned forward, lacing his fingers together as he rested them on the table. "Nikki, that Russian girl, will be open to put you on the spot. Anyone required to be there will be allowed to cross examine. It could get messy."

Sighing he lowered his head and shook it. "Think on it kid. You're free to choose but I suggest you make your choice before you leave the jail and stick to it. You reacting in the moment... Well isn't that what got you here?" he asked as he looked back up. "So think on it and try to figure it out. Now, when you're ready we can go over the official charges and concerns, that way you know exactly what you are going up again. Only what is submitted here is subject to testimony. Anything else can't, it would have to be filed later. No new incidents are allowed to be introduced after the time the charges are officially filed, which was five days ago."


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

While Thana was in the Walk-In getting things together for the lunches she was going to have to get together to take over to the Council, Morales was doing his own thing out in the kitchen itself. "Hey look you guys, you gotta stop giving her the evil eye. That shits going to come back on you," he warned, in a rather light hearted way.

"Yeah, talk to her daddy and rat on us," someone said but it wasn't clear who as they all had their backs turned and were working right then to get lunch together.

"No I ain't talking about that. She doesn't seem like the type to let anyone handle her business but her. I'm talking about Karma. That bitch drives a train and if you ain't right she will drive one right through ya," Morales said as he crossed his arms over his chest, them resting somewhat on his large potbelly.

"Oh please, that shit went right out the window when the dead started trying to eat out faces," a girl snapped as she spun back around.

"Fine, keep being a bitch to her and don't be surprised if she knocks your teeth down your throat. If she's anything like her dad or uncle I'm betting she's a fighter," Morales said as he stepped forward and grinned. That made the girl gulp a little and scurry off back to her work.

Thana closed her eyes and scratched her leg where the wounds were still healing up from having the bolts and rods pulled out the day she got back into CMB. God she wanted them to heal up and heal up quick, the pain was something she could deal with but the itching was starting to drive her nuts. Her face still itched from time to time but not like it had. The leg was still going a little bit more than she would have liked. Her face, that was tightness. She had to make sure not to open her mouth too far otherwise it pulled on the muscles and tendons that had been sewn back together. She just hoped in time that it would level out.

Pushing the cart around she bumped the door of the walk in with her rear end and stepped back as the door open. Pulling the cart with her. Lifting her head up she glanced around, it was a bit too quiet in there for her liking right then. Her brow rose as she glanced over to Morales. He just grinned at her before going and heading over to the oven. Thana's eyes scanned the room, something was off. She wasn't sure but she had the same feeling in her gut that she got when she was in a war zone, or outside of the walls and keeping an ear out for Walkers. Turning slowly she pushed the cart over and out of the way before she got to work on assembling and bagging up the lunches for the Council. The sooner she got done with those the sooner she could get out of the kitchen and away from whatever the hell this tension was that was thick enough to cut with a knife. It was quiet, too quiet in there.


Nikola Warren
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

Nikki sat there on the floor furiously trying to dry off as much as she could. In the process she managed to put a towel over her head, over her shoulders, over her lap, and had another that she was rubbing quickly over open spots. Her teeth were chattering as she looked over and spotted Lisa coming over. She tried to smile but she was really cold. The air moving around, even if only a little thanks to the air conditioning in the hospital made things much colder. She was half tempted to just go stand back in the rain. At least the rain was more like bath water than this. Next time, she was sure that next time she left her apartment in the rain she was just going to bag her clothing and put on a swim suit if it was between the months of February and November. It never really got cold cold down in Florida but it did get cooler.

"Heeeyy... yesss..... sssccccrrrruuuuubbbsss???" Nikki chattered out. Scrubs were readily available in the hospital as were dressing gown, Lisa would know the various places to get them. There was basic linen supply closest dotted through out the hospital on each floor for quick access when things got messy.

Hospitals down in the area had been raided heavy at the beginning but scrubs and gowns weren't exactly something people were going after. They hit there for drugs in the pharmacy, food in the cafeteria's, even gas in the basement from the back up generators. Linens were left behind or only taken a little at a time. For CMB they didn't leave those behind. Clean linens and clothing was a treat for a while, especially when they were originally washing their clothing in salt water from the gulf.

"Thought yoooouuu coullld uuuse a haannddd and was booorrreeddd," Nikki said standing up. The chattering was getting a little better as she used the towels as a layer of protection from the air conditioning. "How's iiiittt gooinng? she asked as she looked around. Things seemed pretty calm to her. She wondered what all was going on. Nikki was a watcher and liked to know what was up. She hoped there wasn't cleaning, she hated cleaning. Though it was better than nothing right now, she was trying to keep her own mind off the fact she had to be at the court martial. She would have gone to see it either way but she didn't like being put on the spot. And they were going to question her, about Hunter. She was still mad as hell at the guy but she wasn't sure she wanted him kicked out.

"Hoowww'ssss Luccccy?? Nikki asked, changing the subject both towards Lisa and in her own mind. Anyone that had been in town for a while would eventually know about little Lucy. People would take turns to come see her, play dolls or read to her, draw, or just talk. Because of this, there was a lot of supplies and toys set aside in the small one room day care center. Lucy wasn't the only child in town but right now she was the only one that was in the hospital and none of the other kids needed day care. They had figured that would start needing it with the Newnan's having a kid when they came in but apparently the kid had taken to the crazy man and for some reason the parents trusted him so they handled it. This left the day care center as empty as ever but full of things to do. It was like having a private play room for Lucy even if she couldn't get out of bed to use it. At least it was there for people to grab things so she could use them.
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Now that we are done with the start of the new day we are moving forward with today. The Court Martial will begin after lunch, how long it takes us to get there will depend on the usual factors. Now that your characters have been out and about in the town itself for more than a week we can assume they know where all the basic stuff is. If you don't remember where something is or where someone might be, feel free to hit me up in chat. (Do so not too long after I post so you aren't waiting to post for me to get back to you. Sooner the better since it makes things easier.)

Date: August 1st, 2012

Streets Of CMB: Its hot, wet, and sticky outside. Rain in the fall or spring is nice. In the summer it is down right miserable. One could wish for it to pass but from what Chase had in the morning announcements it was going to be like this for at least today. Small chance of it clearing out tomorrow but it was August in Florida so even if the rain cleared out the humidity and the heat weren't going anywhere for at least another month. This was the hottest month of the year and the month had only just begun, it was going to be a long next few weeks.

Those that are outside really are just trying to stay out of the rain, running if they have to go somewhere, sitting and avoiding the rain if they didn't. Those working Security and Safety seem to be the only ones with rain gear. It makes sense, they have to be out in it. There is talk that there used to be umbrella's around the camp but they broke quickly. High winds were not kind to umbrella's and they were not exactly on the top of anyone's need list when runs were made. Sure the fabrication department was more than capable to make an umbrella or twenty but resources were looked at as more long term need than immediate these days. Rain would pass, clothes would dry, colds were not caught when one got caught in the rain.

Down on the beach Ted, along with some of the older teens that were studying in the Education center the week before are hanging out on the beach. Swim trunks and bathing suits even if they can't get in the water. They walk the edge of the water and shuffle through the seaweed and debris that washes up along the shore. Collecting shells, sand dollars, and the like as they do. Whatever washes up. It seems to be a way to pass the time and maybe find something neat tangled up kelp.

Those that notice Manny wave as he jogs by, people are friendly enough in the town even if they seem a little down in spirits today. Weather plus an impending Court Martial has left a more serious feel to the town today. For those out and about, there are towels placed inside buildings that are open for people to dry off with and a place to put their shoes so they don't track.

Hospital (B): The hospital was less busy today than it had been. Even during this time people tried not to bother with hospitals unless they had to and since Doc was dealing with the whole Court Martial any tests or yearly check ups had been rescheduled for a later date. That meant only long term care patients and people who were really hurt or sick were in there outside of the skeleton crew. No major injuries had happened recently so Mary took care of discharging the few injured out and arranging for cart rids back to their place. There were a couple of were sick with what looked like the first flu cases of the season. They weren't sick enough to actually need to be in the hospital but they were quarantined off, the town tried to keep any sickness from spreading like wild fire if they could.

The long term patients, that was different. Most were older and this was a type of hospice care for those with dementia or Alzheimer's. They usually didn't remember where they were or thought it was many decades back than it actually was. Most were sweet enough but if thrown off too much they could get aggressive. There were one or two mental patients that were held since they were not so much a danger to themselves but others. Only Doc or SB or Freeman delt with them as they were locked up in a wing of the hospital away from the others. Then there was little Lucy, the only child long term patient in the hospital. They didn't know how old she was, found on the streets a couple of years ago when she was about five, just wandering. They didn't know anything about her. Now she was what they figured to be seven and she sat in a bed, sick, it was cancer, there was not much they could do for her besides try to make her comfortable. She enjoy coloring and her meds were mostly for pain.

Mess (C): The team in the Mess Hall knew what to do and what was up and they didn't seem to happy with Thana being left in charge of the place right then. They didn't need some new comer to the camp watching their every move. As far as they were concerned she would just slow them down and they didn't hide their disdain for this. Thana had gone through the ropes, she had done the work, put in her time, but she was still newer than they would have liked and the fact she was related to the General and his sons hadn't gone unnoticed. There were whispers she was only there because of who she was related to. It didn't matter if it was true or not. People liked to talk and if they could they preferred to point fingers.

Morales wasn't bad though, he didn't care. He was a happy go lucky man who just liked being around people, joking around, being himself. Because of this he stuck closer to Than than he probably needed to, talking, and doing so loudly. It kept eyes on him instead of on her. He didn't think Thana had a big problem with her scars but people did stare, especially at the one eye that was far lighter than the other, it stood out more than the scars. The scars weren't something easy to miss though, they were still new, bright, and hard against her skin. They'd probably fade over the years but she would never be the beauty she probably once had been. Scars and being the boss of the minute made others in the kitchen stand offish, Morales was doing his best to level the playing field. He felt sorry for the woman.

"Hey, how about you start putting together the lunch packs for council since they won't be breaking before the court martial," Morales suggested. There were two reasons for this. It was bottom level work which meant that the others wouldn't feel so overlorded. And two, it meant she would spend a heavy amount of time in the walkin getting things together and he could have a talk with the others without her hearing.

Chapel (V): The church was pretty much empty right now. It seems that people don't want to trudge down to it in the rain, especially since Atticus isn't there. However there are two, up in second story pews overlooking the main area of the church is Atticus and Bass. Bass is sitting there with his hat rolled up in one hand as he rests the other draped over the edge of the balcony. "What I am saying is that this is something you need to look inward on. I can't tell you what the right path is. You have to pick that for yourself. You've been through a lot but you're young. You still don't know near as much as you think you do. You talk about love but sound like you're quoting a book. Ever woke up next to a woman and felt completely happy? Looked at her and been fully vulnerable? With a look she could level you or lift you? Know that she could rescue you from the depths of hell with a smile or take you there as you watch her wither away while you hold her hand in a hospital. Never leaving her side for months because the doctors know by the look in your eyes that visiting hours don't apply to you. You haven't known real loss because you haven't fully loved yet. That only happens when you love someone more than yourself. Fully. You know war, we're there now. You've held your best friend and watched him take his last breath but you need to stop looking for the romance novel and see the reality in front of you. The romance, it's a nice get away from now but it isn't long lasting and right now, small things are good but we need more, if we are going to live instead of just survive. Once you do that, know that, then you'll know what to do. And then comes the hard choice, are you willing to lay it out there or not. If not, walk away."

Bass nodded and blew out a long breath. Voices carried in here. Turning his head he spotted Alexander and stood up slowly. "Thanks," he said before putting his hat on and heading out of sight. Freeman nodded and stood up, watching him leave before looking down below.

"Good Morning," he said as he rested his hands on the banister. "Here to talk to me or to him?" he asked as he pointed up and motioned a bit to the heavens."

Quarantine (W): The building is just like it was back when everyone was in Quarantine, save for the fact that the doors to where the rooms are is now locked up tight. The place is open to the main room where meals where taken and people hung out during the day, and the bathrooms. The air conditioning is on to help keep it from being oppressive in there. Inside of the main room Volts and Tesla are playing a game of pool. They have a white board pulled over near the table and are keeping score. Tesla is three games up and Volts is looking annoyed. Guy and Medic from the old Newnan Safe Zone are sitting across from each other on the floor with the coffee table between them. They look to be playing cards. Wayne is in there as well, relaxing in the recliner he claimed during quarantine, he has baby James in his lap. Tatiana and Jack aren't anywhere to be seen. There are a few others in the room reading or playing dominos. The music player is on, seems it is the greatest hits of the 80's playing, or some compilation like that.

Looking over as Ash walked in Guy got Medics attention and then motioned towards the doorway. Medic glanced over and nodded towards Ash. Guy waved and waved Ash over. "Want us to deal you in?" Guy asked.

"Yeah, can't be any worse than him," Medic commented under his breath.

"Hey! I just keep getting dealt shit hands," Guy laughed and shrugged.

Volts leaned against his pool que while he waited for Tesla to take his shot when Thalia came in. The sound of the balls clicking sounded as Tesla took his shot and sunk the eight ball. "God damn it, I'm done, you run the fucking table," Volts grumbled as he tossed his stick onto the table. Looking over at Thalia and then Nigel he nodded. "Yeah, we got a gym," he said as Tesla stood there chuckling and putting another score mark on the board for himself.

"Spoil sport," Tesla grinned.

"Eat my ass," Volts grumbled before looking back at Thalia. "I can show you, get me the hell away from him before I stick that stick up his ass."

"Have to catch me first," Tesla laughed.

Medic stood up and dusted his rear end off. "Actually I need to stretch my legs, take my place," he said to Ash before looking over to Nigel. "I could spar," he said looking over at Nigel.

General Housing (X): Things over in general housing seem pretty calm. People have mostly already decided where they were going to do for the day and made their way their quickly. Chase had headed out early that day to make sure to take care of weather readings. She mentioned something about how weather like this could mean an incoming hurricane. She doubted it but she wanted to double check. If a hurricane was coming through it could mean they had to evacuate north for a while until it passed or hunker down hard just in case. Either way, neither was something she wanted to do unless they had to. After checking her readings and turning in her report she came back to her shared apartment. No hurricane. At least not that she could tell. It wasn't like they had a enough gas and a plane to do check long distance in the gulf.

Chase wasn't the friendly type, at least not openly. She wasn't rude, she was just quiet, usually having her nose buried in her reports and numbers from sun up to sun down. She hadn't always been like that. Rumor had it she used to chase tornado's out in the midwest before the world went to hell. Dusty was part of her team back then. There were others but like most groups they lost a lot of people over the years. As far as they knew Dusty and her were the only two left, that and Cook. Cook was Chase's aunt. Not part of the team but like hell she was leaving her aunt behind when they were bugging out.

Stepping out of her bedroom, Chase glanced around before going and settling down on the couch. "Hey," she said quietly before opening the book in her hand. Where the Red Fern Grows was the title on the well worn paper back. Crossing her legs she hunched over and flipped to the first page of chapter one. She had her nose buried once again but this time it wasn't in any reports, it was in a book. The book was never a best seller but it was required reading for most kids growing up in the United States for decades. It was a sad story and a kids book, so it was probably odd that a grown woman would be sitting there reading it right in the middle of the Apocalypse.

Jail (AA): After a bit past the time for breakfast, Cage opened the door to the basement and pulled it closed behind him before heading down the stairs. He had a stack of files tucked under his arm, two mugs in his hand, and a rut sack on his shoulder as he came around the corner. The familiar scent of coffee wafted from the mugs as Cage set them down on a table. Cage wasn't much of a talker, at least he didn't seem to usually try to strike up a conversation, and when he did talk he came off as more than abrasive. So during this time as he pulled the table away from the wall, set up a couple of chairs, put the rut sack and files on the table, etc. he remained quiet.

After a bit, once it appeared he had everything set up the way he wanted them he pulled his keys out of his pocket and stepped over to the cell. "We're gonna start prepping you for later. Behave and we can do this civilly. Act like an ass and it's back in the cell and another thing in your fucking file," Cage warned before unlocking the cell door and motioning to one of the chairs. Backing up he plopped himself down in the other.

Opening he rut sack he rummaged through it a moment before pulling out something in a waxy white wrapper. It wasn't until he tossed it next to Hunters coffee cup that it was clear what it was: Twin pack of Twinkies. The old joke of Twinkies surviving the Apocalypse was true, they were still there and still eatable. "Warning, they'll be sweeter than you remember," Cage said as he pulled over the files. It was true, people weren't exactly consuming large amounts of sugar these days so what someone once thought of as sweet wasn't the same anymore. "Why the coffee, helps cut it. Unless you like your teeth fucking hurting."

Picking up the file, Cage flipped through it for a moment before stopping. "Okay kid, first thing. This won't be like a normal court where you have one side trying to prove your guilty and one side trying to prove your innocent. Think you'd just plead guilty and pray for mercy if that was the damn case. The council will ask questions of a list of people," he said before handing over the list of people that were required to be there. "Anyone else that shows up will be allowed to ask any of these people anything else once they are done. Anyone not required to be there will also be allowed to say something as long as they have actively been around you. If they haven't their opinion in the matter doesn't count for shit. Too bad the dog can't testify," he said motioning to Izi. Shrugging he looked back at Hunter. "Oh, and do you want to talk at the hearing? You have that right, you also have the right to not say anything. Also have the right not to answer. I don't usually tell people to not talk but you have a way of sticking your foot in your mouth so I don't fucking know, with you it's a toss up."


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

While Thana hadn't exactly gotten used to the looks or the way people spoke in low whispers from time to time when she was around, she did understand it on some level. She looked very different than she had. Scars weren't usually a big thing. Most people had them these days. Thalia and Alexander had lost whole limbs. Thing was, on the face was a different story. First impressions and all that. It made people stop and stare more than they would perhaps with others. When Thana looked in the mirror these days her scars didn't hurt her ego but she wasn't happy about them. She knew it could be worse, that she could be dead, and she was grateful to be alive. Especially now that she had Ash. It didn't make it hurt any less when people whispered. She wore it well and it didn't show it really bothered her but some of it did get to her. It couldn't be helped. She was human after all. It was almost ironic. She had never put much into her looks when she was younger. In fact it bothered her back then. People saw a pretty face instead of her mind. People underestimated her because of it. Now, they stared. One couldn't win it seemed.

The talk about her getting to where she was because she was related to the higher ups, that got to her more than her face did though. She put in time, hours, so many hours. No eight hour shifts when she got out of the hospital. She put in twelve hours, sixteen hours, some days more. Helped the town get a hold of resources from what was left of Newnan and its safe houses. She had done her part, put in the hours, put in the work. So for people to get snarky with her over who shared genetics with her made her blood boil. She didn't say anything but she did narrow her eyes. This got to her more than the rest did.

So when Morales offered her to do the delivery meal for the Council she jumped on it. Well, she nodded slightly before taking the order paper and heading to the walk in. Closing the door behind her she started gathering what she needed for the meal. Sandwiches mostly, they would need to be wrapped well and protected from the elements when they were transported. It reminded her of the picnic lunches she would be made to put together for her family before they headed to the beach. Her mother was above that and her sister was never made to do anything. They would usually complain she didn't put enough mayonnaise on them, or that she put too much, or they wanted mustard instead. Didn't matter what they did those two always found a problem. Her dad, when he could join them, never complained. Just thanked her. She wished he had been more vocal about what they did but that was in the past. Nothing to change it now. Only thing to do was to find side of ham on the list and considering she had never worked in the kitchen before it was going to take a while. She didn't know their shelving system. At least it was cool in there, her face still burned from time to time.


Nikola Warren
Location: General Housing (X: Apartment 6) -> Hospital (B)
Skills: N/A

"Well fuck..." Nikki muttered to herself as she opened the front door to her apartment. She knew it was still raining. She knew it would be raining for most of the day. Thing was, she had already changed once today and now she was about to go head first back into the rain and trudge across the camp to the hospital. At this rate she was going to end up going through half a dozen outfits today and then have to hear Auntie bitch about it. Granted she wouldn't turn in more clothes. She'd let them dry inside the apartment and rewear them. So it wasn't anymore work for Auntie, it just gave the woman something to bitch about. She was sure that Auntie liked to bitch. Like it fueled her some how the same way food fueled everyone else. Maybe she was a bitchpire. Draining from people as she bitched instead of biting their necks and drinking their blood. The tough made her chuckle.

The chuckle didn't last long as she finally stepped out of the apartment and locked it up. It was hot and humid and just down right sucked. Grumbling she ran full out towards the hospital. She hated running. She hated running even more in the rain. Still, she ran, figuring that if she hoofed it over there she would at least be back out of the rain and into the hospital faster. It did, but she was still soaked by the time she stepped inside. Her ponytail matted to the back of her neck and her shirt clinging to her. "I hate the fucking weather around here..." she groaned as she stood there and pulled her shirt forward slightly. It made a sucking sound as it released from her skin.

Sitting down by the towels she took one and pulled her shoes off, setting to them to the side with others. At least her socks where okay. They were wet but not soaking. Clumping up parts of her clothing in the towel she squeezed and did what she could to get dry. A shiver ran down her spine. It was cold. Perhaps not really cold but she had just come inside. It was hot and wet out there. The Air Conditioning was on in the hospital and it was dry. The quick change with the combination of wet clothes made her feel like she had taken a dip in an ice covered pond, like those fuckers in the polar bear club she had read about in one of those Highlight Magazines at her pediatricians office when she was younger.
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: We have moved ahead a little more than a week, nine days to be exact. We are opening on the day of the Court Martial. Feel free to summarize how things went over that week, at least mentally with how your characters are adjusting. I will lay out the opening for the day below and we will go from there. Nothing big happened over the week for the camp itself, so there are no major incidents. Each character will assumed to have gone through their duties, learning their jobs, been around the block a few times now, and are used to the daily grind by now.

Those that are required to have therapy will have been attending, and basically just been giving small run downs for about an hour each time of their lives BEFORE the outbreak. General warm up for therapy, nothing deep really. I will introduce the therapist below. Those that signed up for extra curricular activities and lessons have been informed those will be waiting until after the court martial.
Date: August 1st, 2012
A little summary for the end of day previous: Sheers was glad for the talk but agreed with Manny it was time to get some rest. Cage simply nodded to Hunter when he said thanks before heading out for the night. Chase was out cold in her room when Amelia and Riley returned. Nikki explained to Lisa that Cage had the dog moved to Hunter while he was locked up, she didn't have any ideas about prizes but man did she run her mouth going on and on about how the dog nearly took her arm off, she didn't mention talking to Hunter. Thana showered and spent the evening with Ash before getting some much needed sleep. Joaquin just sat there, the usually talkative man went silent when Thalia confessed to what happened with Gavin. It was a little bit before he spoke again but did so the next morning. No fancy talk, just a simple "We're good, you're staying, see you tonight." Aeron nodded towards Alexander and headed back to what he called home. Dusty is the talkative one down on the beach, "naw, the names just kind of come over time and if they stick they stick. Teds been here a while and never had one, Goliath got his on the first day, fucking tall dude..." After a bit they all turned in. Camp Mexico Beach had had a hell of a first day.

It had been a week, more than a week since the new comers of Camp Mexico Beach had been given their assignments and had started their new lives within the walls. It was a lot to take in. The way that the camp handled things was very structured, especially when compared to life in the wild. There were rules and regulations and paper work, enough to choke a horse on. For the most part this type of structure paid off but every so often there was one that was allowed to join the community that had more than the usual growing pains. For this group, it was a young man by the name of Hunter Monroe. He got off on the wrong foot and then ended up sticking his other foot in his mouth. Because of this he was arrested and things had to go from there.

A week passed, slowly for some and quickly for others. For the most part it was just people getting used to how things were done. Practice by repetition. Normally after the first week or two people were changed over to a different supervisor so they could get better acquainted with the place and to allow them to meet more people. Due to the fact that many of the leads and the council itself had to deal with the upcoming Court Martial, things were being delayed. The upside to this, it gave the new comers longer to get used to things before things changing again.

There were some of the new recruits as it were that were required to go to therapy on set days during the week. There were others that were recommended to do as such. Others were just open for group sessions if they wanted even if it wasn't recommended. Each evening Atticus, aka The Padre, held group sessions in the Church itself. Five to ten people would show up each evening, some only once, others seemed to be long term. Bass stopped by one night, Ted another. Roy was there every evening he wasn't working but never said anything, just sat there looking like he needed to but never spoke up.

Those that had to go to actual therapy got to meet the illustrious Dr. Freeman, or at least that was his callsign. He was named after the shrink on MASH, partly because he was the resident Headshrink and partly because he was a little looser with his practice and a bit more jovial than most. Real name? Dean Morrison. He wasn't a doctor by any stretch of the imagination. He was a former lifer that had escaped prison shortly after the outbreak had begun. What did he do? Murder, cold blooded murder. That he would let his patients know. Why or who he killed? He didn't say. Thing was, his work time for more than two decades was with the prison psychologist. Working in the office, doing paperwork, sessions. Two decades lead to a lot of learning. So while not a doctor he knew what he was doing.

It is just past breakfast now and it is already hot as hell. And it is wet. The rain is coming down, it's over 80 degrees, and the humidity is off the charts. The Court Martial is scheduled to take place after lunch. Most of the camp has been given the day off. Only those needed to maintain base operations are working today: Security, Safety, Main Medical, Mess, and Admin. Of those only cleared workers are allowed to work, new comers in those divisions have been given the day off. Therapy has been canceled for the day but Atticus is letting Freeman use the upstairs if people want to talk. Court Martials are open to the entire community if they wish to attend. No one but those that are called to testify and the Council are required to be there. That morning a list was posted, it had the names of all that are required to be there.

Required Court Martial Appearance:
  • All Persons In Quarantine with Hunter Monroe (Ash, Riley, Amelia, Alexander, Thalia, Erica, Nigel, and Manny as well as Jack, Tatiana, Hank, and Wayne)
  • All in Mechanics and Fabrication date of July 25th, 2012 (Tesla, Volts, Mizrahi, Ted)
  • All in Safety and Security that have been in Contact with Hunter Monroe or filed complaint (Bass, Nikki, Cage, Dolittle, Daytona)
  • The Council (General, Gunny, Maddog, Major, Doc, Roy, Rivets, Padre, Professor, Cook, Auntie, Panama)

Breakfast has been over for about an hour. Most people are sticking to the indoors thanks to the weather. Both the heat and the rain have made it a miserable start to the day. The Education Center is closed currently, the building is being used by the Council currently to prepare for the Court Martial. Atticus has opened the church for people to use more than usual. The basement is being used by many of the kids to play. The Quarantine building has also been reopened. It has a good supply of things to do so many of the community has headed there to watch movies or play pool. Yet the majority are just finding their friends and picking and choosing which home to hang out in for the day. A few have headed down to the beach and don't care about the rain but the water is off limits today due to the rough waters.

Hospital (B): Doc has been managing the longer term patients, getting his rounds done earlier than normal before leaving the place in the hands of S.B. while he heads to the Education Center since he is on the council. Since S.B. is having to pick up the slack she has put Lisa in charge of making sure that peoples files are checked and meds are given out today. It is something S.B. usually takes care of but now that Lisa is learning how to make the meds now and has clearance to be around them S.B. can let her handle it.

Mess (C): Once breakfast was finished, which was a nice change after a week of fish, (It was eggs, grits, toast, and tomatoes) Cook headed over to the Education Center and left Thana in control of making sure things were together. A few others were there to help and Morales stayed behind to give a hand even though he was part of the Chaplin section. The man seemed to find himself in the kitchen more than anything else. Cook left some notes for the day that Thana would need to go over.

Jail (AA): Bass had worked the night shift and was relieved by Cage midway through breakfast when he returned from the Mess and brought Hunters tray. Bass went to take a nap after eating since he was required to be there for the Court Martial. With everything going and only having a skeleton crew active in the camp that day, Cage had to take Izi out for her walk that morning. Rain plus lack of people to keep guard made it simpler. Granted Cage was not happy about it, wet dog never smelled good. He brought her back in and grabbed a towel, leaving Izi with Hunter to dry off.

*And there we have it. This is our opening setting for the day of the Court Martial. What you choose to do, how you choose your characters to interact and respond to people and surroundings is going to heavily determine how this day goes. Let me know if your character is going to head to any area so I can let you know who is where when it comes to the NPCS


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

Today was the day, the day of the Court Martial. Thana knew she wasn't required to be there. Yes she had been in Quarantine with Hunter but not the whole time. It had been deemed that she hadn't been around him with enough interaction to give testimony. Yet she planned on being there that afternoon and had already spoke to Morales and cook about it. She wanted to be there for Ash and she wanted to see how these procedures were actually handled. She wasn't a lead, or in charge. Sure she was now running the gardens but that was a division of the Mess, so that put Cook in the drivers seat for this. Still, Thana planned on being there unless something happened in the Mess.

Looking around as people were cleaning up from Breakfast, Thana wasn't sure what exactly she was supposed to be doing. She, in all her years of Military Service, had never once worked the Mess. Never done food service. She knew how to cook well enough to just not burn a meal but this was not her wheel house. Rubbing the back of her neck she looked down at the notes that Cook left her. Grunting she didn't like them. They were not exactly a manual on how to handle the Mess Hall or the food. The woman had far more faith in her than she really should have. This was going to be a disaster. Thankfully it looked like the actual Mess Hall staff knew what to do.

Seeing a different note Thana's brow went up slightly. It seemed that Lunch would be different today. It wouldn't be in a rotation. It would be open like it was for Breakfast and Dinner since so many things were shut down or with minimal staff today. People would be coming into eat when they chose during a two hour window between 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. before the Mess would be closed again for dinner preparations. That knowledge had been put out with the morning announcement, which Rolodex had handled instead of the General this morning.

Letting out a short breath she glanced at the door. She would have rather been spending the morning with Ash but she had a job to do. It was nice waking next to him that morning even if she had to get up earlier than normal so she could get to the Mess this morning. She had seen him when he came in for Breakfast but she hadn't gotten a chance to really speak to him, other than telling him she would do what she could to be at the Court Martial later today. Setting down the papers she went over to Morales. "A'right, run me through this," she said as she rolled her sleeves up. It was time to get to work.


Nikola Warren
Location: General Housing (X: Apartment 6)
Skills: N/A

Nikki lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She had gone for breakfast, gotten soaked on the way there and the way back. She was off for the day, at least until the Court Martial. She knew she'd end up having to testify but it was odd to see her name on the list. She had never testified in one of these before. This group had been the first she had actually worked Safety yet she wondered if that was the real reason she had been told to be there. She seemed to be one of the few that actually talked to Hunter, maybe that was why. Well if they wanted a read on the man they were speaking to the wrong person. Nikki didn't like reading books, much less people. It just wasn't something she did. Sure sometimes it might have been good so she knew how to stay away from but part of it seemed like a cheat to her.

Groaning she sat up on her bed. She was in dry clothing now, her other clothing she had worn to breakfast was hanging up in the bathroom to dry. Her hair was still wet slightly. Standing up she glanced around. She was board. She couldn't believe she was thinking this but she thought it would be better to actually be working in Supply with Auntie yelling at her right then than sitting around with nothing to do. Well there were things to do but nothing that really got her interest, she wanted to swim or skateboard or train. No, that was off. It was raining. There was a court martial. That left few options for someone that had a hard time standing still.

Pacing back and forth around her bedroom, out into the living room, back again, looking out the window, seeing the rain, and then repeating the process Nikki tried to think of something to do. She could go the Church, kids were probably playing. No, long haul in the rain. Supply wasn't far, Auntie would probably be there. Wait, no, she was on the Council, she would be with them. So that left one of the old maids in charge. Nix that idea. Maybe just say fuck it and go play in the rain. Maybe she would end up over by the Jail. Pass the distillery. Okay that was a bad idea, she was jonsing for something to do which usually got her in trouble. Wait, she was part of supply which meant she could go most places as long as she was working. Maybe the Hospital needed some help? Sure, cleaning wasn't her thing but he, at least she could pop by and see Lisa. It was the best she had so far.
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