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    1. Lionhearted 7 yrs ago
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Geez, I had half a sheet done, then I realized I can't go Interview with the Vampire route and make a creepy kid vampire. Damn.

Lunatic in a suit of medieval armor it is...


@Wistful Dreams@QueenNugget Sorry for the confusion! So I really wanted to refrain from trying to limit people's choices by reserving spots. So I initially wanted to make all of the roles as applicable roles instead of by reservation. That being said, I would gladly look over the two sheets that I would receive from ya'll and decide which one would better suit the role for the RP. In no way does that mean one player is a better writer or conjured up a "better" character, but it would be chosen based on which would best fit the plot and the group dynamic that we have going. I did put strike throughs for roles that already had interest to avoid this, but you both had PMed me asking about the role and I didn't want to deny either of you. I believe I said that you both could apply and I would review it, but I understand how it could be confusing since I'm kind of going back and forth. So, in short, create whichever character you wish and I'll see which best fits the role and which would be accepted.

@Royaletutor59 Neil is accepted! I would just like to note that the pack within Salem might be a little territorial towards him, so bear that in mind when playing.

@Lionhearted here she blows

I absolutely love the complexity of Sascha. She definitely seems like a character that has many layers to her and I don't doubt that she'll be a great addition to the RP! I look forward to seeing your creativity within the RP! Sasha is accepted.
@Rabidporcupine Sorry for the confusion! Jeremy is accepted. Try this link to see if it helps! I'll await your message on discord to discuss your character further! :)

@SamaraJayne96 Sure thing!

Make sure to let me know who you are on RPGuild if your name is different on discord. I'll link this to the main OOC!
@ineffable Awesome! She is accepted. You may move her into the char tab!

@Akayaofthemoon Juniper looks great! She is accepted. You did list Juniper as a detective/private investigator, which might've taken up a good chunk of her early adulthood to go through with. I'm sure that it all happened after the events within her backstory, though. So it should be fine! Just note that she would be within her wolf pack for some odd years+.

@Severance Spectacular character! He is accepted.

@Sanity43217 While your character concept is interesting, I'm afraid that I cannot accept him with that type of power. The witches/warlocks of this RP will follow the more ancient ways of witchcraft, in which were passed down from generation to generation. While the repertoire for spells is very broad, they will not have capabilities relating to technomancy.

@The Narrator Martin is accepted. While I do wish to read more about his character, I don't believe it's absolutely necessary since he can unfold as the RP plays out. While his abilities pertaining to the Loa and the Bokor are a little foreign to me, I believe the concept will add an interesting flare to the RP! I will also add the Cauldron into the main OOC so that players can note the existence/importance of it! Also, just fix the header, that I'm assuming is a logo of his name, before placing him in the char tab.

@Hoekage I'm currently working on a discord right now! Been weirdly busy this past week.
Here ya go! It took me mighty long but I think she turned out great, hopefully! @Lionhearted

I very much enjoy this character. I love her appeal, her look, and her personality. I really enjoy the idea of her being promoted to head of the hunters, primarily for her incredible skill with tactics, organization, and strategy when it comes to a hunt. It makes sense that she's not totally collected when on the hunt, but that isn't what she's favored for; her promotion is based off her leadership and not her battle prowess, though that shouldn't be underestimated either.

One question I do have is her heirloom. When you say that she has resistances to bites, do you mean like the actual injury/bite itself, or the aftermath of such? A vampires bite can weaken, more or less from just the blood loss. But in a lot of pop fiction, a vampire bite can feel euphoric. Some say it's from a venom, some say it's from the vampires charm. I'm going to edit the vampire tab to include the effects of their bite. The venom will have an endorphin-like effect that makes it so that their victim is less likely to struggle against them, allowing them to feed as necessary. The venom will also release traces if their DNA -- almost like a virus. This will begin the process of turning a human into a vampire. I'll reiterate the process in the vampire tab of the OOC.

With that said, there's a small thing in Evren's backstory. So her father is assumed to be turned into a vampire, but all that Evren sees is that he's bit by the vampire. Given that there's a process to becoming a vampire that almost requires the consent of the human(although the venom gives them a certain lust that'll overpower the unwillingness if there is any), Evren's father would have had to undergo the turning process which could not have happened within a quick instance. Except, maybe there's something that Evren doesn't know, and perhaps her father had a previous engagement with a vampire in his hunting days that resulted in his coming turn. So this could very well still be possible, but not in that immediate instance. It would have had to take time, but this could be a cool thing within Evren's past that she unfolds throughout the RP.

Yay! Then can I reserve the spot? The CS should be sent to you pretty soon and I can discuss things over with you also in Discord :)

I'll put a strike through to note to everyone that a CS is being created for it. Though if I'm presented with another CS for the role that I find a better fit, I may choose them! So keep that in mind.

Head of the Hunters still free? I’m loving the concept of this RP!

I believe so. Nobody has shown interest in that role yet. Also, thank you!
Technically it might be able to count as a coven, but really it's more of an apprenticeship. He definitely isn't in one in Salem, because he's doing everything he can to make sure they don't realise he knows about all that supernatural stuff until it's too late. Also, he doesn't particularly resent anyone from the supernatural community, but he steps in to stop them when they start targeting innocent people. Again, he does it to hunters who target the more innocent members of the supernatural community as well.

Ahhhh I see. So he's in Salem in hopes to find Hannah, but to remain under the radar within the supernatural community? I'll probably list him as a warlock, but not connected to any coven.
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