Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

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Asahi nodded his head. "I'm glad to have you two on my side." Asahi turned towards the opposition, a serious look on his face. "We're done here. Let's meet back at the academy and set up the challenge properly. I'll chat with the staff about letting us use these cats." Tori nodded. "Fine by me. My team will set up the karoke booth, and we'll let the General's Student figure out what to do for the scavanger hunt." Said General's Student gave an exasperated sigh. "I have a name you know..." Eventually everyone left leaving just Asahi, Hitomi, and Tomeo behind. Now that he was alone with thin he visibly relaxed and he seemed tired. Even though his quirk specifically prevents him from needing to sleep, he looked like someone who needed to lay down for a nap.

"Thanks for sticking around you two. Honestly, I wasn't expecting you guys to show up or even stick around this long. It's no secret that there's a bit of bad blood between 1A and 1B. Frankly I wouldn't have even bothered asking anyone else if I didn't already know you, Hitomi-san." Asahi received a check for the purchases made by the students as he put them on his card. It looked somewhere in the 3000+ yen range. As he waited for his card back Asahi scratched his head. "Even after we win this, there's still a lot of work left to do. Gotta make sure this Komei Collective thing really takes off and starts making a difference. A lot of what those other guys said was right too, once we start our internships there's a good chance most people who take part of Komei Collective are going to drop out. But all the more reason I gotta make this count." Asahi clenched his fists together and looked fired up again. He took out his phone and extended it towards Tomeo and Hitomi. "If you two don't mind, could we share contacts? That way if either one of us needs anything we can just call each other. I got big dreams for this collective thing, and I wouldn't mind your help."

@liferusher@Silver Carrot
Right then. Sometime this weekend I'll have a post up. For now, we use the same rules as the old Gm until I find some reason to change things.
Ooph. That is unfortunate. Hmm... I can try to be a GM if sorts until someone else wishes to take over leadership.

Alternatively we can do a sort of thing where each mission/quest has a new GM deciding the dangers and reward.

Dust Apps
Taking Notes

Gren had to admit, once things were explained a bit more, his interest was piqued. Even for someone like Gren, dust was too volatile for him to work into anything beyond bullets and grenades. His experiments with a dust powered Jet Pack being an obvious indicator of his expertise when it came to handling those materials. As the professor continued, he took a brief moment to look at his own hands. Being a little over 90% cybernetic, he wondered how his body would react to Dust being infused into his synthetic flesh. He wondered because he knew that since he had this body, his own Semblance has, in a way, weakened. It's range and versatility had been limited to an area around him and a considerably smaller one than when he was entirely flesh and blood. This concerned him since if it's his will that can activate the Dust, and his own will is questionably present as it is, could he actually manipulate Dust as the teacher expected?

"Well, no reason to think it wouldn't. Semblance and dust are two different things. Besides, I'm slowly regaining my ability with my Semblance too. Bit by bit."

Soon Tearlag asked for volunteers. While many hands went up, Gren's hand stayed down. He wasn't too certain how he might change the normal variables of Dust due to his body, not to mention he has no idea what the teacher planned for. It could be embarrassing. Instead he blinked a few times to activate a video recording through his head so he can review the lessons later. And if it just so happens that he records something funny, even better.
Annabeth Gulch

Since their return from Djarkel, Annabeth has been training with Helena and Athalus. And nothing sexual either; while Annabeth still has regular contact with her lovers, she had been putting those off for legitimate training. Honing her skills and agility to be better prepared to face off against the creatures the college tends to pit against their students. Of course Annabeth in general has also tried to patch up her life. She felt that maybe she had gotten too... Eager with all her relationships. Not that she regrets any or intends to cut them off; but perhaps she had spent too much time playing around and not enough actually improving her skills. She had let her vices get the better of her. Slowly, she was trying to change that.

Annabeth rode alongside the carriages on her trusty steed Samson. Ever since their cooperation dealing with the roc, Annabeth and Samson had gotten to know one another better and they both improved. Using her magic she was able to train Samson to be quite a war horse; his strong body and great endurance was great when running from or towards threats, and his sturdy body would ensure that he can hold his own in a fight alongside Annabeth. Annabeth herself had also begun training her swordsmanship. She had mastered the basics but now needed to hone her skills to a more refine point; she can duel most people just fine, but when fighting monsters she needed to figure out what she was good at and worked on it. Thus she started to improve upon her agility and changed from a brute-force style of swordsmanship to a thrusting style; a mix between using a spear and a two-handed sword. And thus her weapon had changed from a regular longsword to an estoc; a thin but sturdy thrusting blade, like a heavy rapier. It's tip was sharpen for slicing but it's main attribute is to be a thrusting weapon capable of piercing armor or hides, or seeking out weak points in such things. While mounted it can also serve as a light lance.

Annabeth's armor had also chained from her heavy coat of plates to a lighter armored jacket. This time the armor was more evenly distributed over her body, making it easier for her to move around as opposed to having everything concentrated around her torso and turning into a more sluggish but enduring fighter. She still had a long way to go, but compared to before she had gotten much better. Annabeth's magic had also been improving; telepathy was much less of an issue for her now even when used over a long period of time and with multiple parties. She focused much on wide concentration spells allowing her to be more useful for others by becoming a mobile communication hub, as well s seeking out and detecting threats when she otherwise can't. Speaking of magic, Annabeth finally saved up money to purchase an enchantment for her sword. The enchantment itself makes her blade innately magical and thus more capable of harming her enemies and withstanding the strain of battle, but there was a specific enchantment that allows her to bypass magical wards and protection related to Psychomancy, so long as she cast her spell the same time her sword peirces the body. That should help deal with pesky people who actually have resistances to her magic.

None of which Annabeth actually brought, for better or for worse. They weren't in Eania for a quest but celebration. She couldn't help but feel excited; they were finally going to her homelands after all, and she already knows that she'll be meeting her family in the city for celebrations. She wanted to show off all her friends to them as well as show them her new abilities. It almost felt like years since she has seen her relatives and she wonders how much they've changed since she left. When she saw the city ahead, Annabeth couldn't help but ride ahead and get the scent of her homelands back. The smell of hot oil sizzling doughy goods in the sun, fresh fruits being served and sliced for customers, the strong aroma of butchered meat that roasts on a split, and the occasion dog dropping. Fortunately, Eania does employ street sweepers. As the rest of the college students arrived into the city Annabeth dismounted and fed Samson an apple. "Follow the others and be good, okay? I'll come back with treats." She said affectionately to her horse before giving him a peck on the snout and meeting with the others.

"Ah, smells like home. Welcome to Shimmerstone! Capital jewel of Eania, and my city!"
Speaking of deadlines, @Hekazu I think we all can also agree that we've lingered long enough on the camp scene. If we could transition into night and begin the rescue and escape, potentially?
Name: Varrock The Executioner
Age: 33
Gender: Male
History: Varrock was a simple farmer when one day his family's farm was attacked by a deserting army. Desperate for supplies, they raided his little field of grain and animals, leaving nothing behind. His family didn't survive the attack; his father and brothers died defending it, and his mother and sisters were taken away. By the time Varrock recovered and tried to get them, they had already been disposed of. Just like that, his entire peaceful life was turned upside down. He had nothing left to go return to, and nothing left to hold him back. With no family support he had to resort to begging on the streets for much of his early adult life, until he finally managed to get enough money to buy himself a wood cutting axe. but instead of becoming a lumberjack, he used that axe to become a brigand; murdering travelers in their sleep to pilfer their money and supplies. He did that for years, eventually joining a gang to get better weapons and armor. Tackling bigger, tougher, more valuable targets.

Eventually Varrock even gained some infamy. "Varrock The Executioner" they called him. Known for both his battleaxe and his perchant for executing prisoners, fighters, and many many others. Of course with this infamy came a bounty. Though he never became a proper bandit chief, tales of his horrors had grown enough that people could identify him simply by his gear, and so he had to flee to avoid capture or worse. His running eventually brought him to the town of Brighthaven. Here he rubbed elbows with criminals and madmen worse than him, throwing his pursuers off for a short while. But running away from the law left him very little time to amass his fortunes. With nothing but the armor on his back and the axe in his hands, Varrock needed money. And there was only one way to get a lot of money here in Brighthaven: the ruins of Norn.
Armor - Varrock's rather elaborate full plate armor. Made mostly of bits and pieces he collected over the years killing knights, the only uniquely made peice of armor is his helmet, which appears to have a simple smiling face on it. It's unsettling to most people when they see it, the innocent smile brandishing a bloodied axe. Good at protecting him from most weapons, however as most of the parts were looted and never properly cared of, it is falling apart.
Battleaxe - Varrock's signature battleaxe, and how most Bounty Hunter's identify him. He took this weapon off a northern warrior who said that it was enchanted so it could cut through any sort of armor. Thus, Varrock and his mates shot the warrior with arrows. Varrock isn't sure if this axe is actually magical, but it is very well made, and cuts through armor just as well as it cuts through bare necks.
Ive no issue with it. Welcome back man, missed Torus’s mad rantings.
Interesting. I know you don't have a CS, but I figured I'd make this basic one just so you have some idea of who my guy is.

Name: Varrock The Executioner
Age: 33
Gender: Male
History: Varrock was a simple farmer when one day his family's farm was attacked by a deserting army. Desperate for supplies, they raided his little field of grain and animals, leaving nothing behind. His family didn't survive the attack; his father and brothers died defending it, and his mother and sisters were taken away. By the time Varrock recovered and tried to get them, they had already been disposed of. Just like that, his entire peaceful life was turned upside down. He had nothing left to go return to, and nothing left to hold him back. With no family support he had to resort to begging on the streets for much of his early adult life, until he finally managed to get enough money to buy himself a wood cutting axe. but instead of becoming a lumberjack, he used that axe to become a brigand; murdering travelers in their sleep to pilfer their money and supplies. He did that for years, eventually joining a gang to get better weapons and armor. Tackling bigger, tougher, more valuable targets.

Eventually Varrock even gained some infamy. "Varrock The Executioner" they called him. Known for both his battleaxe and his perchant for executing prisoners, fighters, and many many others. Of course with this infamy came a bounty. Though he never became a proper bandit chief, tales of his horrors had grown enough that people could identify him simply by his gear, and so he had to flee to avoid capture or worse. His running eventually brought him to the town of Brighthaven. Here he rubbed elbows with criminals and madmen worse than him, throwing his pursuers off for a short while. But running away from the law left him very little time to amass his fortunes. With nothing but the armor on his back and the axe in his hands, Varrock needed money. And there was only one way to get a lot of money here in Brighthaven: the ruins of Norn.
Armor - Varrock's rather elaborate full plate armor. Made mostly of bits and pieces he collected over the years killing knights, the only uniquely made peice of armor is his helmet, which appears to have a simple smiling face on it. It's unsettling to most people when they see it, the innocent smile brandishing a bloodied axe. Good at protecting him from most weapons, however as most of the parts were looted and never properly cared of, it is falling apart.
Battleaxe - Varrock's signature battleaxe, and how most Bounty Hunter's identify him. He took this weapon off a northern warrior who said that it was enchanted so it could cut through any sort of armor. Thus, Varrock and his mates shot the warrior with arrows. Varrock isn't sure if this axe is actually magical, but it is very well made, and cuts through armor just as well as it cuts through bare necks.
Donny was chewing on a stick of sugar cane when Tawny came back to the wagon. "Aye. See the others yet? Thinkin it's about time we head out."

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