Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Sure. Any part in particular?

The nasty stuff first. Eyes, organs, brain if we saved any.

Assuming Unknown doesn't post doing so by then, could it be assumed that Gren does eat some parts of the tazelwurm to see what sort of powers he could get?
Sure, if she can push through the puppets the room with the hole in the middle is pretty dimly lit. Not quite darkness, but low-light near the hole itself. But the walls are pretty dark. Problem would be pushing through the crowd: as it is, it's difficult terrain so your movement speed is halved. Since you couldn't pass the table jumps, you'll have to use Athletics to push your way through if you want to avoid the difficult terrain, otherwise your movement speed is cut.
Yeah that could work. Not quite an isekai, but still a sort of "strangeness is happening" that the Stone Dragon went to look into, and ended up losing power, being removed from his homelands, and ending up on this adventure. Part of his quest is to get back home, but also to investigate and stop this danger before it hits his home.

Anyways, here's what I got for stats:


Pretty good I think! I'll allot these in my CS I'll send here later.
So here's the character concept:

My character is the Great Stone Dragon from Mulan, or the spirit that resides within.

In his world, he has had a reputation for strength and wisdom, guarding the Fa family for generations, guiding them and protecting them from threats both mundane and magical. this reflects on many of his abilities which revolve around protecting his allies and making them stronger. But there's one catch:

He's not actually a dragon.

He was a simple earth spirit called a Xian, basically like a Chinese Fairy, from a long time ago to help the Fa Family ancestor in more humble pursuits such as farming or hunting. But being a mere spirit, he couldn't really help with physical labor such as plowing fields or killing animals. Instead he used his natural connection to the earth and a bit of cunning wit to help the fa family via gifting them tools and knowledge so that they ultimately are able to help themselves. Over time, he did develop enough power to manifests a sort of avatar that can actually do things, but in order to maintain the secrets of the family's success, he created the alter ego of the "Great Stone Dragon" to masquerade his accomplishments as feats of pure strength and innate wisdom, instead of brutal pragmatism and trickery.

This reflects on the character build itself: Instead of being something like a dragonborn, he's actually an Earth Genasi (Mechanically) and instead of being a Wizard or Paladin, he's actually an Artificer (So a little bit of both). Eventually he will take on the Armorer subclass to "rebuild" the Great Stone Dragon as he was before, but for now at level 1 he's a humble earth spirit trying to keep a low profile until he can build back his strength.

Haven't rolled for stats or anything but I wanted to see if the concept itself is solid for the RP. IC, I would figure that the adventure he's going on right now is just sort of his way to growing stronger to eventually return back home to serve the Fa Family, or alternatively we can connect the Disney Mulan movie to the events of the RP: When Mushu went to awaken the Great Stone Dragon, the reason he didn't awaken was because he basically got Isekai'd onto this quest, leaving behind his dragon armor and much of everything else he usually uses to protect the Fa family.
Been watching some Disney movies as of late, so I've gotten a hankering to make some characters.

I havent really figured out any specific characters I wanna play as, but conceptually I do want to play someone who is more "side character" like. Specifically I want to make a character who's job is to follow the usual prince and princesses, but remain unseen, and protect them from the shadows. A bodyguard type.

I was originally thinking of making Marshmallow from Frozen, the snow golem Elsa created, but I'm also thinking Baymax too. Another idea I have is playing an animated object from Beauty and The Beast. Tbh I just wanna make a robot or warforged type of character.

I could use some help coordinating and adjusting the concept.

Edit: As per usual when I think about DnD, I already got an idea that could work! Just gotta put some details into it. Do you want me to talk shop in DMs or is the ooc fine for this?

Location: Forests
Quest: Hunt for Food!
Current Activity: Traveling with Vola @Unkown58, talking to a group of orc runts @King Cosmos@Kazemitsu@ERode@Crusader Lord.

Fortunately the walk towards the fire was pretty uneventful. Granted it's not like they run into monsters every couple of steps, but Gren was still a bit high off the adrenaline from the last fight, so he was just expecting a fight wherever he goes. When they reached the clearing, he spots four other grunts, having looked like they just finished eating as well. Four against two... Not that Gren was planning on fighting them, but you can never tell. It's not like he hasn't had his fair scare of scraps against the other runts in the baby pit, but he doesn't remember having to fight any of these, so hopefully they're no one who holds a grudge against him. Only one spoke up towards them, sounding really mature for her age. Gren figures he ought to respond in kind.

"Danke! Just wanna roast this beastie while we can before it gets dark. Then we're gunna go keep huntin. Y'all wouldn't happen ta know where north is would ya? Lookin fer a cave that hunt a big beastie and get stuff." Before Gren walks over, he chops a few branches off a bush or low tree so he can feed the fire a bit more. He was also thinking about constructing some extra weapons, or at least sharpening the sticks a bit so they can be used as spears. "Looks like you all just had a scrap yerself. If Lola's aight with it, I don't mind coming with ya ta help hunt! Many hands make light work and stuff, yeah?" While Gren talks, he also takes out the branches and starts shaping them with his stone hatchet, removing any small branches and bark. If he remembers correctly he's pretty sure you can harden wood with some fire, so he'll try to carefully harden the pointy end so they'll do a better job killing stuff. He also vaguely remembers how to make a spear thrower, or at least the basic mechanics of it. Which really just meant he saved one of the tungum sticks to have a little branch he can use as a hook to flick the future wooden spears in the future.

I'll try to get a post up soonish.
Posted for everyone, forgot how tedious it is to do rolls for multiple creatures! Good work on wiping out those nobles Maxwell, but you're not out of the fire yet.

@Vertigo I also finally posted something for Junwoo as well. Hopefully you're in a good enough state to post, I should've done this ages ago.
The executioner was coming at Rosalie with murderous intent. She blasted him with her spell, causing him to duck low to dodge the magic burst.(Dex Save 16) It would have worked as well, had she not had prepared another spell precisely to foil him! (Dex Save 11) This causes him to stumble right onto the path of the spell, blasting him and others around him with magic dust! While this doesn't really do him any harm, it does provide enough of a distraction that it would allow others an opportunity to harm him. But who here would possible try to do that?

Why, no other than those who are likewise stuck in this predicament as Rosalie of course. While most of the bound puppets were still hurling curses and insults at both Rosalie and the Executioner, one was inspired by her words and found the strength to break their bonds! (Strength Check 20). Once freed she rushed towards the executioner and grappled with him, initially having some difficulty but thanks to Rosalie's magic she was able to get the upper hand and wretch the sword out of his grasp! (Athletics Check to Disarm 3/20, Opposed Strength Check 8)

However the executioner wasn't defenseless yet. He pulled out a dagger hidden from his boot, and stabs the puppet! (Dagger Attack 13, Damage 5) It was hard to tell if this was a deadly blow or not due to the Puppet's inorganic body, but it seemed to heave as if it was hurt. Still the puppet was standing long enough to fight, distracting the executioner from being able to focus on Rosalie for now. But she must hurry, before the grey elf could finish off the puppet and return his attention to her!

15 - Rosalie
13 - Executioner (Healthy) (Faerie Fire: Attacks against him are at adv)

A few of Julia's bolts flew at the butcher, who raised his massive blade to deflect the projectiles. Of her bolts, only two struck, the second one splitting against the butcher's blade. One bolt sliced through his shoulder, a painful wound, while another landed in his belly. Despite the injuries however the butcher did not seem down yet. If anything he seemed even angrier.

Julia's attempts to jump to safety would fail her as she trips over the heads of a few puppets who didn't get out of her way. This would cause her to stumble back into the puppet swarm, on her feet but now mired in the crowd. The butcher charged at her, pushing the puppets out of his way as he brought his massive blade up. He slashed down with all of his might at Julia, swinging his blade with enough strength that it cracked the ground. (Butcher's Blade Attack 11/16, Damage 9) But it was also partially buried into the ground, giving Julia a chance opportunity to attack him while his defenses were lowered. But would she risk trying to engage him from up close? Or would she try to put some distance between herself and this madman?

10 - Julia
9 - Butcher (Injured)

The aristocrats were about to skewer Maxwell when he called forth his absolutely volcanic rage. Their blades didn't even get a chance to touch him before the four nobles were engulfed in flames, their porcelain bodies cracking from the heat and shattering to pieces, before being burnt to ashes. (Con Save 6/16, Con Save 20/2, Con Save 14/3. Con Save 6/7) The flames caught onto the table, burning the cloth and spreading the fires even further. The puppets began to run from the place, going in every direction away from Maxwell.

However things weren't going to end so quickly. Soon from one of the side chambers a flood of more servant-like puppets appeared, yelling about how the butcher has gone mad. Additionally, Maxwell could hear the heavy stomping of something big and armored approaching, likely tougher than what those aristocrats could bring. He could try and face them here, or chance his luck seeing what those servants were running from.

18 - Aristocrats (A: Dead) (B: Dead) (C: Dead) (D: Dead)
14 - Maxwell

Meanwhile in the dungeons below, a certain young man would break free from his prison, only to find himself pursued by a large and dark shadow! In the heat of the moment, he would see a weapon and take it. Upon grasping this weapon Junwoo would feel a presence join him by his side. But instead of the darkness that was seeking to end him, this presence was more of an ally, a friend. A massive knight armed with an equally massive sword, ready to fight by your side.

"You were always meant for more than living in the shadow of your family. Whatever you do, do it because you want for yourself. No more being pampered and dolled up for someone else amusement. Your life, is now shaped by your hands! I am thou, thou art I. Let us show these villains a good time, shall we?"

Instantly Junwoo's mind was filled with knowledge and experiences that he never had before. The instinct to fight, to move and use equipment he may have never seen outside of a movie or museum. Now he worn a set of chainmail armor, and had two swords, a longsword at his hip and an even Great Sword on his back! But he had to hurry. The shadow was here now, and it wasn't going to let him go so easily.
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