Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
8 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Jessamyn "Jess" Bailey

Over the weekend, Jess started to relax slightly. She'd been worrying about nothing. When they went out, the watchers blended in so well her mom didn't notice them. Not that Jess could exactly be comfortable in their presence, but she kept mentally repeating what Roxy had told her. They wouldn't cause any harm. Not right here and now, anyway.

Of course, although her mom didn't spot the shady men, what she did pick up on was her loss of confidence. And she was quick to set about trying to build it back up, with a suggestion on the Sunday afternoon.

"You know," she said, her quick glance out of the window at the parked car making it clear what was coming. "Since it's a pretty easy route, if the two of you are ok with it, this might be a good chance for you to get some driving practice in."

At first, Jess wasn't sure what to reply. This was what Roxy had offered on the way here, and had turning down the chance really been the best choice? It had just annoyed the anchor more than it had helped. Then again, dealing with a nervous empath behind the wheel, on top of being stuck in a closed space, wouldn't help Roxy's mood either. The words came back to her: Nothing is going to make this less stressful.

"Heh, that's..." she started, then stopped herself. She'd been about to say that was the same thing Roxy had said, but it would probably lead to questions as to why she'd refused. "A good idea," she finished instead, her smile awkward as she turned to the anchor. "As long as you're alright with that."
Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@I Need A Name @KoL @SimpleWriter

Phantasmagoria let herself relax a little. Had she worried about nothing? Was this Aegis girl all talk? When the blonde took a break from snarking, Ayumu snickered at the request she made.

"Hm? And what's in it for us?" she asked, amusement flickering in her eyes, although she took care not to taunt Aegis too much. "Oh c'mon, do you expect us dark magical girls to help out of the kindness of our hearts? But I guess we could comply, as long as you don't try to pull anything..."

Whatever the request was, she didn't find out. No sooner had she spoken than a blur of green swept Aegis right off the roof, dragging her out of sight. "Why hello Touka, nice of you to pass by!" Ayumu called, although the Detention Club president was well out of earshot. "Thanks for dealing with that little annoyance."

With a chortle, she turned to Jin, releasing the crows' hold on her with a click of her fingers. "So much for all her tough talk. But geez, don't scare me like that again. You never know what to expect round here any more." Her eyes shifted to the green-haired girl, Gaia. "Although one thing you can expect is that Kiru here must be rather disappointed that her target got away. So shoo fly, before you become her next one. Of course, she does like a chase..."

The temperature suddenly plummeted as waves of dark magic pulsed through the city, grotesque forms like none Ayumu had ever seen before rising up everywhere. The normally composed magician couldn't help but stare in shock at four armoured Nightmares clambering up the building. "Proves my point about the unexpected, huh?" In a flash, she reached for her cards, flinging them at the long-limbed forms. One creature fell, an arm and a leg sliced off, but the remaining three managed to pull themselves onto the rooftop, closing in on the girls.

Tama Miyara Angelite


Without warning, the recently-cleared space filled with Nightmares, ones nothing like the horde the light girls had just fought. Angelite spun round, eyes widening as the shadow blobs sprouted spindly limbs, claws, rows upon rows of teeth...

"There are only two words for this," she said, breath rising as mist from the cold. "Oh. Shit."

No time to come up with a plan. Tama charged through the erupting panic, the rocky layers materialising around her arms once more. She raised her fist, the armour thickening and sharpening into one large spike, then plunged it into the side of a Nightmare snapping its jaws at a fleeing crowd. Its shriek ripped through the icy air as it twisted and turned on her.

"Ah!" Tama raised a wing just in time, fusing the gems into a shield. "And we thought the ones earlier were upping the ante..." Not wasting a moment while its guard was down, Tama slashed the crystal point jutting from her hand across its neck. As it fell back, more leapt in front of her.

No matter how she or anyone struggled against the creatures, blood of innocents sprayed across the snow. Bile crept into the back of Tama's throat. She whirled, sending a barrage of crystal fragments into a Nightmare's mouth before it could go for a man lying in the snow, a red puddle pouring from several deep gashes on his leg.

"Alara, we need Alara," she called, her desperate voice rising above the shrieks. "Someone needs to... agh... heal these people!" Plates of gemstone armour spread all over her body, blocking the enraged Nightmare's retaliation. "And Yui... If there's a time we've got to stick together, it's now!"

The others had to be alright. They had to. Tama clung to that hope as she fought, staying close by Soma. Alara, wherever she was, and Yui, atop the building... and Ayumu, and the other girls who'd gathered here... Dark or not, nobody deserved this.
Amber Pine

Mesalon Gym


Moments after Amber and Sophia re-entered the building, the researcher heard the door swing open again. "Ah, hey!" she said, turning to face a somewhat flustered-looking Aedre who explained the reason for her lateness. A missing item. "Ehh, we all do things like that," Amber reassured her. "If you want, I could help you find it."

Pressing at two Pokeball buttons, she let out Aeshna and Tacita. With a soft hoot, the Rowlet settled on the floor and tilted her head at the trainers, while the Yanma zoomed around the hall. "These two could keep a look out, Rowlets have very good eyesight, and Yanmas can see 360 degrees. Did you know their eyes are made up of tens of thousands of facets, and they're sensitive to over three times as many kinds of light as we are? Uh..." Noticing the look Sophia gave her, Amber trailed off.

"Anyway, if you'd like me to come along," she said, taking a quick glance at the doors to the arena, "I'll let the others know, then I'll be right over. Sophia, you going to be alright?"

At Sophia's typically insistent reply of "Why wouldn't I be?", Amber decided it would be a bad idea to answer.

Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@I Need A Name @KoL @SimpleWriter

Once beside her partner, Phantasmagoria jumped off the jackalope's back, and with a wave of her hand, it vanished into swirling black mist. She dodged one of the books that scattered across the roof as the blonde swung a bag to block Kiru's attack. "Kiru, sorry I've gotta do this..." Phantasmagoria took off her hat, the smoke-like substance pouring from it and forming several crow shapes. Their talons grasped the ragged extensions of Kiru's cape, holding her back from the blonde.

The magician's breath rushed out in a sigh of relief. Books. Just books. Nothing worse. Were the duo facing anyone else, Ayumu would have sneered, asking if that was the best they could do. Not this time. The stranger looked like a light magical girl, but her aura... Ayumu couldn't place it. It didn't feel like any light presence she'd ever known, or any dark one. All she knew was it gave her the feeling that if anyone got on the blonde's bad side, they'd be in deep trouble indeed.

Like she and Kiru were undoubtedly in now.

"Ehh, please excuse my partner, she just got a little carried away there." Phantasmagoria explained, a cautious smile creeping across her face as she advanced, placing herself between Kiru and the scowling girl. "Couldn't help but wonder though," she added, tilting her head, trying to deflect the question, "You don't seem to be a face we've seen in the light crowd, who might you be?"

Her eyes shifted from the stranger to a winged girl fluttering over and settling nearby. "Ahh, well I remember you all right. The flower fairy from the park." Again, Ayumu refrained from taunting. The pixie wasn't a threat, but who knew what the girl with the strange aura might try if anyone made a wrong move.

Tama Miyara Angelite

@I Need A Name @SimpleWriter @Noxx

"Gaia!" As Yui took to the air, Tama sprinted after her. The adrenaline was starting to wear off, some of the battle fatigue returning, but she pushed on. "We've got your back. Like you say, together."

She could already feel auras of corruption seeping through the air, some of them familiar yet twisted. Angelite's fingernails dug into her palms. So many magical girls gone astray... and the worst thing was, she couldn't exactly say she blamed them. Trying to block out memories of happier times, she stopped by an office block, from the top of which she could sense something else. Something odd. Something powerful.

Frowning at the bizarre presence, she stared up at the distant forms atop the building. Gaia, standing in front of two girls, one of whom Angelite recognised with a pang. Trick of the Light, or whatever she called herself now. And in the middle, a deceptively ordinary looking blonde radiated that surge of energy. Tama turned her attention from the group to her comrades. If a confrontation between light, dark, and some other force entirely was about to break out, she wouldn't just stand by. They were a team. They had to stick by their leader, just as they'd agreed to do.


"Hmm, it'd be easier to keep up the deal if my wings worked like Gaia's," Tama muttered. "Clusters of rocks may be useful for fighting with, but flying, not so much." She glanced upwards, mulling over options. Encasing her hands and feet in rough crystal shells would give her enough grip to climb, if she extended the points and grasped on to ledges, but that would take a while, and wouldn't help Alara or Soma... Soma. Of course. Remembering the shield user's full power in action, she faced her.

"Alright Soma, this might call for those spiral shields of yours," Tama suggested. "Think you could create ones tall enough to take us to the top if we held on?"
Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@I Need A Name @KoL

- Earlier that day -

"Aaaand just like that..." Ayumu fanned out torn card pieces with one hand, raised the other and clicked her fingers. As she unfolded a whole card, several pairs of eyes widened. "Good as new!"

If any other magical girls, light or dark, spotted her, they would likely find it odd that somebody who drew strength from suffering liked to spread joy. Well, it was only natural for someone as unapologetically self-serving as a dark girl to revel in being the centre of attention. Ayumu worked through her carefully calculated repertoire, such motives hidden along with her cards and coins - and yet, she couldn't help but find something heartwarming about the enthralled face of a little girl.

"How do you do all that?" the child piped up. "Tell me! When I grow up, I wanna be magical like you!"

Ayumu suppressed a wince. All she'd done were classic tricks anyone could do with enough practice, but if only this kid knew of her true nature. "Hehe, sorry but we magicians have gotta keep our secrets," she replied. "And don't you be in too much of a hurry to grow up."

The temperature started to drop, not just from the winter weather. "Well, I'm afraid I'll have to do a disappearing act of my own, but thank you all!" Ayumu announced with a bow, gathering up coins from the box at her feet as the crowd dispersed. Not that she needed the money, pockets being so easy to pick, but a little extra was always appreciated. She slunk from the street corner into an alleyway, slipping the real torn card into a trash can as she did so.

If only broken things could be so easily fixed, she thought as she let a black and crimson aura flow over her.


"Wow, someone sure got out of bed on the wrong side," Phantasmagoria commented, flicking cards at any Nightmares that got in her way as she skipped after Kiru. "I know, I know, it sucks that someone thinks they can lord it over us, but easy there. We've gotta know what we're doing."

Although she meant to calm Kiru, her words came out strained. She hadn't been quite herself lately, and even the abundance of prey could only help so much. In fact, as the remnants of Nightmares seethed into her to bolster her power, the shudder they brought wasn't purely thrill. It was like eating something with a bitter aftertaste.

That face...

She couldn't drive it from her mind, the image on the screen three days ago, the look of utter horror and disbelief. Ayumu knew next to nothing about this girl, but one thing was obvious. The former Detention Club president must have been close to the victim. Eyes prickling with the threat of tears, Ayumu tried to focus on the here and now, but the visual message lingered.

Had her own face looked like that, back then?

And now here she was, making others' grief into her gain... Of course, she told herself, flinging another card, decapitating a Nightmare, drawing out its essence. What else was there to do? No point in living in a fantasy world. No point in holding on to such useless feelings as hope and compassion. Better to live as she'd promised, and follow Kiru's example.

Kiru... Veiling herself in a shadow illusion, Phantasmagoria sped up her pace. "Please," she whispered, the target's presence growing stronger and setting her more on edge with every step. She'd never felt one like this before. "Remember, you've gotta think something through before you can pull it off! Who knows what tricks are up her sleeves?"

No use. Before Phantasmagoria could stop her, Kiru had launched herself at top speed into the air, closing in on the girl looking down from the building. "Kiru, no!" Fuck stealth. Dissipating the illusion, Phantasmagoria threw her cape open, a jackalope silhouette springing forth and growing to the size of a small horse. "Let's go," she commanded, leaping astride it. The shadow creature jumped onto a roof, pushing off it to reach a taller building, then another.

She wouldn't fail to protect somebody close to her. Not a second time.
Yeah, we could do, I mean looking into the counselling could help with that?
Tama Miyara Angelite

@I Need A Name @SimpleWriter

"Urgh..." The shell growing over Angelite's arms started to crumble, pieces clinking to the ground and disappearing. A second later, at the touch of a gloved hand, she felt some of the strain leave her body. Her cuts and bruises vanished. Her stone armour strengthened.

"Thanks, Yurei." As much as Tama hated making excess work for Alara or anyone else, everyone had to give this fight their all. She curled a wing around herself, the gem shards closing into a solid wall and blocking a tendril, then drove a point-covered fist into the mass of slime. Whirling to face the advancing horde, she spread her wings wide, the gems separating and floating once more, connected by thrumming energy streams. The threads brightened, sharp fragment shapes forming from the glow, which Angelite sent hurtling at the Nightmares with one sweep.

It wasn't enough. For each monster defeated, another would take its place.

"Great..." Tama muttered as the magical crystals faded, a fresh wave of Nightmares crawling over the ground where they'd been. "Yet another game of supernatural Whack-A-Mole."

Sensing a familiar presence, she raised her head to see Gaia making good use of her new battle skills. As the green-haired girl settled on the ground and swung an ornate floral blade at a Nightmare, Tama's dour expression turned into a fraction of a smile.

"We would have," she replied to Yui's comment, "but waiting isn't exactly their strong point. Not any more. So we had to turn up early too." She gestured at the nearing creatures, then nodded. "Together."

As she spoke, an idea came to her. "Gaia!" Shifting her stance to a suitable angle, she crossed her wings, a shimmering, diamond-faceted barrier appearing. "Hit the shield with a flower bomb!"

If this worked, she could reflect the energy at not just one Nightmare, but many.
Tama Miyara Angelite

@I Need A Name

To most residents of Miso City, the evening was one of post-Christmas quiet. To some, it was a time of battle with no end in sight.

Street light blazed across crystal points that tore apart murky form after murky form. "Ugh... Geez..." Amidst the unknowing citizens trudging through the square, Angelite clenched her jaw as she slammed a spike-covered fist into one filthy creature. Spinning round just in time, she lashed a rocky wing across another, each storm of shards launched with even more vigour than usual.

Panting, dripping ooze that slowly evaporated, she looked up to see just what she'd expected. Countless more Nightmares slithered in from every street like a sea of black. "Y-You're really set on starting your evening meals earlier and earlier, aren't you?" she growled, fists still coated in stone armour as she charged towards one going for a man who sat slumped on a bench. "This... This city isn't your fucking buffet bar!"

Once she'd smashed through the monster, she sagged, shaking. When was the last time she'd had a decent sleep? A decent meal? She didn't know, or care. All that mattered was mustering enough strength to keep standing. To keep fighting. Fighting alongside Yurei, being strong for her and the others, relying only on her power as a light magical girl, with no assistance from the darkness she dispelled. She forced herself to turn away from the dissolving creature, despite the effort it took to move, let alone take on Nightmares.

She couldn't go against Luna's ideals. Especially not now.

Biting her lip and keeping tears at bay, Angelite staggered to Alara's side, the crystal shell spreading up her arms and sprouting more spikes as she prepared to assist her ally against the onslaught. They had to stick together. If only they'd all done so three nights ago... Things could have turned out differently.

Alara sat and smiled as the other girls entered the bar one by one. Greeting each girl that entered with a wave and beckoning them inside. Though really, she had to give it to everyone for quickly correcting Soma's mistake. It was nice that everyone was looking out for another. Sometime in the midst of it though, Alara went ahead and took it upon herself to slip away. She left a bit of her savings in the room for the team to do as they pleased. Transforming into her magical girl self and phasing out before anyone could stop her. She wasn't going to ruin everyone's time afterall, and surely there were some nightmares out and about even on today of all days.

Thankfully, the apologies and cleaning meant a crisis averted. Now to relax... To the extent that Tama ever relaxed. As she headed back towards the reserved room, a pulsing sensation between her shoulder blades nagged at her. It was as if her magic had other ideas, wanted to be used instead of caged in a crystal while Nightmares roamed the city. Tama slowed her footsteps, glancing towards the exit. No, she was here for a reason, she reminded herself. Overwork led to burnout, which led to desperation, which led... nowhere good. It was a wonder the other light girls still trusted her. Shaking her head, she turned away from the lobby and hurried to the karaoke bar.

At first, she stayed seated next to Yurei, sipping a cup of the green tea she'd brought along and trying - hoping - to leave the singing to others. She'd only just gotten out of an unwanted spotlight, away from her parents bragging about what a charming young lady they'd raised, by deliberately failing when they'd demanded she sing. As bad as she felt about having shown them up, at least she'd succeeded in getting kicked out of the Christmas gathering and fulfilling her promise to Luna. Even if she'd done her best, they'd have picked apart the slightest of mistakes once the dinner ended, as well as a whole host of other things about her. Better to spend time with friends who valued each other, than be put on display like some precious but useless trinket.

As the night went on, though, encouragements wore at her. She sighed and stood up. "Alright, alright. Seems unwavering determination really is a core magical girl trait." Despite her reluctance, getting up on stage for her friends was nothing like facing the scrutinising stares of her family. As she sang the first lines, in tune this time, her body started to ease from its rigid posture. Maybe taking some time out was worth it after all...

Her voice faltered as she noticed the empty chair. Of course. Trust Yurei to sneak out and about as usual... With good reason. For all the festivities, there could be more Nightmares around than on any other night. Would an evening of fun for the group mean one of tragedy for others? Trying to push away the thought, Tama resumed the song, but the lines kept evading her. The more duty weighed on her mind, the more the tingle in her upper back intensified. "Ah!" The yelp, amplified by the microphone, echoed through the room as she doubled over. The flesh around her gem had started searing with pain, the buildup of power almost too much to bear.

There was no way her reaction had gone unnoticed, but how would she explain it without guilt tripping her teammates?

Yui sat down on the couch, letting a deep breathe out of satisfaction after all this work they had just done over at the front of the bar. Soma really was something...but even as she thought this, never once did she even consider blaming, looking douwn on or being even slightly angry - it was not her fault. Also, friends sticked for one another! "I-I'll have some too, then!" Yui announced as Tama and Yurei served themselves some tea. It was not to last though, as she was first on the stage.

Her face quite red and hesitant, she nevertheless managed to choose a songand sing it through. Apparently, Yui had a voice that was more...surprising than most could have thought. There was something about Karaoke with friends...it took away most of her shyness faster than she could have imagined and without it, her voice surprised even herself. Now, she did miss quite a couple notes, but all in all she was pretty happy just having been able to go along with such a fast paced song. The song itself was qite good, and Yui thought she might actually keep it in mind...

Not surprising though was the speed with which she jumped off of the stage to go hide back beside Yurei. "Tama, your turn ! Show us how it's done!" she clamoured with the others, pushing her onward. "Th-that is...if you feel like it...! Of course..."

Her stare glued to Tama and the scene in general, Yui missed Yurei's departure. Something which she would be mad at herself at a later date, to be sure. However, the reason why she was staring was not only for the skills of her friend in singing but also because she thought to have noticed Tama feeling unwell. The more the song went on, the more she seemed out of it. Upon hearing her yelp, Yui stood up with a "Tama!" and ran to her friend.

"A-are you fine, Tama?"


Something small, warm and furry was brushing up against Tama's leg. By the sensation alone, it would have been easy for the Magical Girl to recognize the shape and form of a Mascot. Were it not for the televised head, it might have provided some semblance of comfort in Tama's time of apparent anguish; but that was what her friends were for after all. Noting Yui rushing to help her, the Mascot backed off from its nuzzling to sit patiently a way's away, tail curled over its paws.


Soma didn’t even think about the fact she was tracking mud even though she was just out in the fields, digging holes and refilling them for the better part of the evening and only just remembered about the party with no time to change. She didn’t resist, nor did she care much when she had to leave her boots, they were of no use here and the replacements were comfortable a good change in her already sore and aching feet. She also remembered to check her coat in at the door on the rack before heading back to the other making note to take her prize from the coat pocket; a tattered book that looked like it could turn to dust at any moment. Walking back down the hall to the rest of the girls and taking a seat at whatever was closest to the exit and sat down and began to look through the thing that had given her so much trouble to find.

“Fuckin cypher text, ” she said under her breath

"Ugh..." Her mind racing for an excuse, Tama spoke through gritted teeth. "Y-Yeah, I'll be ok, it's just, uh... The heating. Sitting by the radiator was a bad idea. I-I might need a moment to get some air..." She cringed at her pathetic attempt at a lie. The room's temperature was just fine, but she needed some reason to slip out without bringing down the mood for the others. They deserved to take it easy, whereas she had a responsibility to put right past wrongs.

Before she could leave the stage, she felt something rub against her leg. Something equal parts soft fuzz and hard angles. Wincing at the TV knocking against her ankle, she looked down and groaned at the sight of the mascot, which distanced itself as Yui drew closer.

"Well, I take it you're not here to join in the celebrations," Tama muttered, steely eyes fixed on the cat. No need for her to worry about killing the festive joy, this little critter would surely do so all by itself, if the appearance of a mascot meant what it usually meant. "Or to be the bearer of glad tidings. Are we needed somewhere? Yurei... Luna... Are they in trouble?"

Luna had certainly been gone a long time. Probably fighting Nightmares, with Yurei at her side, but if there was anything the rest of the team could do to help...
Sophia Danvers

Outside Mesalon Gym


Great, Sophia thought, yet another person's pity. As if Amber hadn't annoyed her enough by going and getting six Pokemon first. As the little pink pixies on the screen started singing and dancing, though, Sophia couldn't help but lean forward, captivated. For once, she could let her troubled thoughts fade to the back of her mind, the mellow tune taking their place.

Music, her source of comfort since childhood, along with the proximity of Pokemon.

Resting a hand on Lacey's shoulder, she closed her eyes and resolved to focus on the song, only the song. Shame tainted the serenity at the thought of needing assistance to clear her mind, but maybe it was a step forward. Plus, she'd never let this on to Amber or to anyone else, but perhaps she did need to get away from everything for a while.

Breathing slowly, she let the haunting melody wash over her like moonlight from an otherwise dark sky...

Something pulled her from her trance. A voice. A nudge. Lacey's squeaks. A hard surface pressing against her face and left arm. She gave a few bleary blinks, then jolted alert as realisation and panic hit.

"I'm sorry!"

As the automatic cry left her lips, she propped herself up, only to wince and hunch over at the pain pulsing through her head. Through dancing lights, everything sharpened into focus. That same gentle voice. Azalea flowers. Rocks on patterned sand. Nobody would criticise her, she realised, surfacing fully into consciousness. Nobody would call her lazy or ungrateful, or ask how there could be any hope for her if she couldn't even get through basic training. It was only Amber, Lacey and Clarus around - although that didn't stop a shudder of embarrassment running through her.

"Look, I-I wasn't asleep there! I just find that position the most comfortable, ok?" she insisted, fighting the urge to roll her stiff shoulders or rub at the crick in her neck. Not that she was likely to convince anyone anyway.

Amber Pine

Outside Mesalon Gym


When the song ended, Amber opened her eyes, that peaceful feeling that had finally settled over her like a blanket staying. With a soft smile, she turned her head. "Did that help? ...Uh, Sophia?"

The girl had curled up on the ground, looking almost calm as she slept. She seemed like she'd needed it, Amber acknowledged, but a hard wooden floor wasn't the best place to take a nap, especially for someone whose body had taken a battering. "Sophia..." She gave the brunette's shoulder a light nudge. "We should probably go back inside, there'll be better places for you to rest, or it might be an idea for you to go back to the Pokemon centre and take it easy."

Sophia groaned, stirred, then woke with a start and a response that took the researcher by surprise - a frantic apology. Amber inwardly winced, the other trainer's words from the ambulance coming back to her. "I have to be who certain people want me to be"... Now she understood Oscar's concern. Just how much pressure was this girl under?

"Nothing to be sorry about," Amber reassured Sophia, who denied the little doze rather less than convincingly. "It happens, easy thing to do, and it likely did you good. Now, let's head inside, and remember there's no shame in taking a rest there if you need to." Putting away the Pokegear, she stood up as Sophia leaned on Clarus once more, and both girls left the rock garden behind them for the comfort of the indoors.

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