Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
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Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
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Even if our words seem meaningless
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Time turning on us always
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Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

When the master of Rider's Blade began to speak in earnest, General Sanders listened with intent. Fraquar described the empty crater that now stood where Fiore's most notorious prison once loomed, citing what he believed to be an ultra-violent jailbreak. Having received no such intelligence thus far about the issue, Sanders assumed it to have been a very recent occurrence, providing the man was speaking in total honesty. Though the commander in chief of Frenzy Plant regretted thinking ill of his colleagues, he could not depend on his counterpart delivering nothing but the truth in every detail—simply omitting things could be just as calamitous.

The warning Fraquar issued toward the close of his briefing momentarily roused Sanders' interest. Jamie's daughter had been experimented upon in the past? He could only think of such a suggestion as odd. Were the child his own, he might have fretted over her safety with more passion, but as it was the old man mused that knowing what an enemy wanted was a big step toward beating it. If Phoenix Wing's leader knew that somebody would be coming after her kid, she could take all sorts of steps to protect her. Judging by her confident response, Jamie certainly seemed dedicated to the idea of keeping her daughter safe.

With theorizing and a cautionary tale out of the way, the floor was Jamie's, and she used it to tell the guild leaders that they'd spoken in the past of cooperation. As fast as he could, Sanders cast his mind back to the ball that cemented the Grand Magic Games' end two months ago. He recalled meeting with Jack Goran, the currently-absent administrator of Dragon Fang, but not to anyone else. Then again, perhaps he'd simply disregarded such a suggestion from Jamie and then forgotten it. Being the General's age meant coming to grips with many facets a grim reality; that memories are slipping away, for instance. As such he elected to not deny Jamie's statement, but instead to acknowledge the follow-up. “I know not the specifics of your particular situations, masters, but Frenzy Plant's presence in Oak Town has deterred the rise of dark guilds in the territory. I will admit to perceiving more natural disasters as of late, however. Are you indicating that they are not natural phenomena?” Thoughtful and probing, Sanders stroked his short, well-trimmed beard.

Owen Whately

@Joshua Tamashii

So, she was going to stay. For the briefest of instants, Owen exhaled through his nose far more sharply than usual, pursing his lips. While he could admit to himself that he went into the situation on alert for any kind of mistreatment, Owen could not help but to feel as though this 'Amelia' was being disingenuous. He and his team were obviously here on official business; why would somebody try and butt in like this? She even plastered an oh-so-compassionate smile on her face. Who does that? The obvious conclusion was that she was being bothersome, wanted something from them, or both. Passers-by often messed with stoic guardsmen outside castles and the like to try and break their dignity, and so assert themselves over those restrained by their profession. Still, Zander would say: never call malice what can better be explained by foolishness.

He gave a shrug. ”Whatever floats yer boat, miss Amelia.” He chose his words carefully, as a reminder that this young woman held no sway over the soldiers' actions, and that his company was of the sort who addressed strangers with at lest semi-proper honorifics.
<Snipped quote by Caits>

I would post but I'm waiting on @Lugubrious

I don't have very much to offer, but I'll throw something up for the guild master convo -as well as the situation with the guards- tonight.

Hey so uhh, my opponent is gone.

That does seem to be the case, unfortunately. You may conclude the fight at your own leisure.
Duly noted. Be aware, however, that I might be indisposed this Thursday due to travel.
Never before had Souta felt so much like a soldier. Working parallel to the nearest squad of angel soldiers, he had advanced step by step. It went without saying that he could not afford to plow into the enemy ranks, ripping into the demon horde like a force of nature. Even if he could have given a good account of himself, he would have tired, and in this scenario he didn't feel like he could rely on the shaky alliance with the Army of Light to bail him out. His fellow agents, once separated, did not seem apt to look back out of concern for his well-being, and he wouldn't have wanted them to. Human or not, he could stand on its own--demonstrating that was the will of all men who stood with Gilgamesh. Either way, his combined weapon made short work of the smaller demons who challenged him. With Escre's sepulchral essence infused with Deluge, each sickly-green shot exploded into a spray of deadly bone shards, making each bolt a sort of fragmentation grenade. When he'd noticed that the angels, thanks to the Charred Council's agents, had gained the upper hand, he used the distraction to make haste toward where Fenn and Lily were cleaning up. The mausoleum -the point of interest around which this entire raging battled revolved- soon stood before him.

Late to the party, he hurried inside. The telltale noises of shattering stone, tearing metal, and guttural growls told him he'd arrive too late to contribute, but he emerged into the main chamber just in time to see an unusual-looking Hatred give up the ghost. Surely that wasn't the 'boss' of Hell's forces around here? If I remember correctly, they're only Tier 2. His attention turned elsewhere, first with a degree of surprise toward the crotchety old sorcerer, then to the arcane artifact in his hands. "Oh, is that the thing? Hey, cool." Souta debated whether or not to comment on the perceived anticlimax, but not only was there a good chance he just missed the fight, there was also a pretty good chance that the battle was only beginning. "So, we have one half of the way in to the seal. Hello by the way, Mr. Akoni. We've still got one hell of a catch-22 to deal with. If we just knew where that snake was, we'd be able to figure out what to do."

The smith banished his combined weapon, returning it to twin streams of water that faded into the runes on his hoodie. He scratched his chin, the wheels turning in his mind. "You know, given the amount of fighting going on on this island, I'd bet that there's a Gilgamesh team on the way or maybe here already. If that's true, they're coming in a chopper, and that chopper's got the latest and greatest instruments the company's got to sense demonic energy. It's a long shot, but if Gilgamesh is out there, we'll be able to tell if Sevrin's already gotten to the seal." Still standing by the doorway, he crossed his arms. By his body language, he was indicating that the agents should waste no time leaving this place with their prize.
Well things should get easier after a brief time skip and characters split off into groups or go solo.

Given the dry spell over the past few days, folks might be waiting for this. Maybe now (or soon) is the time?
Can I break Oren's drone?

Edit : Not gonna try, but I will say that BS had his body back when the fight concluded.

Heck, I missed that part of the reading. I'll go back and edit it.
Final round posted! I hope I've drawn the battle to a powerful conclusion.

@Roughdragon1, your new character is accepted as a guest. You're able to place him wherever in the City of Echoes you want; once you make an introductory post doing so, I'll respond and get your situated.
Knight Sylvestre vs the God Hand Round 3

Location: the Neighborhood – Grocery Store

This time, Juniper didn't charge. Her opponent had changed somehow, courtesy of that creepy screw in his head, and she was not a fool. By now, she knew her enemy's strength's and weaknesses, and with the time for playing around passed she did not hesitate to use every tool at her disposal.

Around her body, the air shimmered, and from ethereal magic currents a whole host of small spheres began to form. The projected ball bearings hung in the air, menacing and still, for a split second before shooting at Cyril like a firing squad's deadly barrage. For the second time the armored man boosted sideways into the shelter of an aisle, and with a sigh Juniper pursued him.

Cyril had almost reached the opposite end of the aisle, running at near-full tilt despite his rising fatigue, when a magicked wall appeared in front of him. Without breaking a sweat he attempted to shoulder-charge right through it, only to find the wall double-layered. He spun in place to find Juniper opposite him, surrounded by another volley of ball bearings and flanked on either side by what appeared to be giant projected crossbows. All at once the priestess's projectiles blasted forth, and with no other recourse the vanguard used his sheen to boost upward. Beneath him the wall crumbled with a violent noise, blown apart by its maker's other projections, but Cyril's focus was on the secondary batch reforming around Juniper before his eyes. He landed on top of one of the shelves, crushing cereal boxes beneath his weight, and began to sprint along its top while more projected items narrowly missed him. In a matter of second he closed in on Juniper position.

The priestess tensed her legs and leaped. She sprang up toward Cyril's high ground and aimed a devastating spinning crescent kick toward his head. Knowing better than to block, and spurred on by sharpened perception and reflexes, he ducked beneath the kick before reading a halberd swung toward the woman who hung in the air. As her revolution brought her back to facing her opponent, Juniper unleashed a facsimile of Cyril's own weapon straight toward him. A split second before the polearm's point would have sunk into his throat, the vanguard shoved his glaive upward, and deflected his enemy's blade with all the strength he could muster. It shot up and over to stick in the ceiling like an arrow in an archery target. Without missing a beat, Cyril took advantage of his raised weapon to deliver a brutal overhead chop Juniper's way. Already falling, she pivoted out of the way long before the blade had a chance to bite in.

As she touched the ground, Cyril felt a twinge of familiarity. With only a second to ponder it, he cast his mind back to the previous day—the brigands that attempted to kill him outside the city walls. He'd extinguished one's life by cutting short a large, telegraphed swing to deliver a fatal thrust to the chest, and the muscle memory of those moments stuck with him here. Almost before he knew what he was doing, he linked the cleaving stroke into a speedy jab, and his halberd's curved point dug into Juniper's shoulder. It hit the collarbone and stopped cold due to its lack of power, but the vanguard knew even though his foe only grit her teeth that it must have hurt like hell. He couldn't dwell on this little victory, of course, and followed the thrust up by revving up and hurling his shield down at his enemy from above. For a moment it looked dead-on, but the martial artist span out of the object's glittering sawblade, and the moment her rosary began to light up Cyril's every instinct told him to dive straight back.

By some miracle, no doubt attributable to the screw, he landed on his feet the next aisle over, albeit heavily. Eight blasts of potent, vengeful magic annihilated the upper portion of the shelf he'd perched upon a second before, sending pieces of cereal flying in every direction. He then heard a cry of hatred, and the next moment the entire shelf exploded outward as Juniper punched straight through the barrier.

Taken by surprise, Cyril weathered the blast of debris as best he could, but didn't manage to evade the oncoming freight train in time. He got the briefest of glimpses at Juniper, and the three black arms sprouting from the shoulder of her missing left one currently planted in his chest, before he himself was sent through the aisle. A massive crash echoed through the grocery store, louder even than the one that immediately preceded it.

Without the aid of the screw's focus, Cyril could not have pulled himself together and wiped away the blurriness of his vision, but compose himself he did. Ignoring the thick hair that stuck to his neck and cheeks from the sweat, he struggled to get to his feet, and with his off hand he cast away the mangled remains of his breastplate. Behind him, instead of a shelf, was the cold, solid surface of glass. Rather than marvel at the modern cold-storage unit behind him, Cyril looked to his own wounds. His forest-green gambeson was ripped and stained brown in several places, the result of the dents pounded into his armor having broken the skin beneath. He was terribly sore all over, and he felt sure that some of his bones were fractured. “Uugh...” He watched Juniper walking toward him, knowing that she wouldn't try and make a scene like last time she thought she had the advantage. This time, he felt sure, she would try to end it quick.

The adrenaline flooding through him forced his battered arms to bring his weapon, still clutched in a deathgrip, forward at the last moment. Juniper had launched herself toward him, straight into his weapon, but to Cyril's shock the point of the halberd she practically impaled herself on did not sink so much as a centimeter into her belly. Instead, his polearm was forced backward—repelled by an immovable object.

She's invincible like this!?

“Now die!”

She was moving too fast to stop herself as Cyril put all his might into angling his glaive upward. The elevation gained was slight, but it was enough to turn a fatal skullcrusher into a blow that, with all of Juniper's weight behind it, glanced off the top of his helmet and continued into the display refrigerator he'd been thrown into. Her fist penetrated the glass easily, ripped through the plastic bags of frozen vegetables, and came to a stop against the refrigerator's steel back.


If the impact hurt, she made no noise, but neither did Cyril, who Juniper was now essentially lying on top of. Given the angle, none of her arms could reach him, and her legs weren't in a position to strike with any force at all. Lifted off the ground, she couldn't employ her massively increased speed, either. The vanguard saw the opportunity, and seized it.

He planted a shoulder in Juniper's midriff, clasping his arms behind her back. His armor shimmered with its familiar silver sheen, and he barreled forward with Juniper in a full-body tackle. When his boost ran out, he continued sprinting forward, through the holes busted through the two separate aisles.

“If you saved...this power until now,” he told her matter-of-factly as he ran, “It's gotta...be...your trump card. I'm guessing...it doesn't last too long. Right?!” Juniper made no sound until she was driven into the far shelf of the original aisle a second later, the breath torn from her lungs in a tremendous gasp. Jolted, Cyril reeled back, and saw to his satisfaction that though Juniper's freakish extra arms remained, the power surrounding his right had faded. With startling speed, the martial artist recovered and aimed a sweep kick to take her foe to the ground, where he'd be finished. Cyril saw it, and used his sheen to dodge backwards while bringing his halberd back for one last blow.

The vanguard wasn't a gambling man. He hated the uncertainty of life—of not being able to depend on things staying normal or safe, of having to wake up knowing each day could be the last. But now he could see Juniper's pitch-black fingers balling into fists, and knew that this next second was everything. All or nothing, feast or famine, it would all end here.

Cyril swung low with everything he had left.

There was a flash of silver and scarlet, followed by a low groan.

Black eyes wide, Juniper fell sideways, her calves carved clean through.

She hit the ground in a splash of red and black, the former spreading out while the latter faded away. The instant he realized it was over, Cyril's whole being sagged. With a clatter his halberd hit the floor. He stumbled backward, hit a shelf, and slid down into a sitting position. Never in his life had he felt more exhausted than he did now, but it wasn't just tiredness that plagued him. He tried to avert his eyes from Juniper, but in his state of perception he could not avoid her stare. Even as she still breathed, her eyes looked glazed-over, and they were fixated upon Cyril's own despite his visor. Beneath that hollow glare a dreadful moment passed. For the Knight Sylvestre it was a victory, but it hardly felt like he had won.

The Lady in White

Location: Governance Hub – Art Gallery

“Aaaand that's a wrap, folks!”

The facetious phrase resounded through the art gallery's foyer, followed by the incessant noise of the drone's rotors. “Magic!” The announcer shouted, the arm of his flying machine gesturing theatrically. “Mayhem!” It span in one circle after another before coming to a halt with the arm extended. “Melee!” Pulling back, the pincer delivered a punch to the empty air, then another. “A brutal fight with a nonlethal ending! Finally, something I can get excited about. But how didja know ya could steal Mr. Dew's soul usin' the spike? I told Lily, but I don't remember tellin' you...”

Mountain stirred, and the drone's camera swerved to capture him as he grabbed the gallery's welcome desk with his good hand and, whimpering, pulled himself to his feet. Once standing, he took a moment to breath before turning to glare at Pithy with unadulterated hatred. In one fluid motion, even with the agony of his arm and the lingering pain caused by his opponent's voodoo-esque torture of his phylactery, he scooped his rifle up from the ground and pointed it at her. Of all things, the sort of amused intonation that often accompanied a smirk could be heard through Oren's mike, and a tense second passed before he lowered the weapon. Shock polluted Mountain's wrath-infused features, and he looked at the drone as if to question it. Though he said nothing, what happened could be inferred: for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to shoot his opponent. This realization, oddly enough, came separate from the magical attacks Pithy no doubt prepared. Mountain lips moved, something imperceptible and unprintably foul muttered between them, before he let his gun fall to the ground. With very little ceremony he stormed from the building.

“Look at 'em go! That suppression sure is something else. You didn't know, did you?” Oren's drone directed its camera back to the Lady in White. “Man, today's a big day for lucky breaks, wouldn'tcha say? Just look at that pigeon!”

As he spoke, the flying machine hovered toward one of the statues in the entry hall, a sage kneeling in prayer. A splatter of drying brown blood stained the clergyman's raiment, and just beneath it was the mutilated corpse of an ordinary-looking bird. “Nailed by a stray bullet during the fight! No wonder there weren't any space shenanigans. I'd say something about two birds with one stone if it wasn't so darn easy...” The drone abandoned the scruffy, blood-matted body to float in the direction of a statue in the hall's center. In the lap of the seated crone was a nest, and between the two snow-white eggs was a golden arrow. “Yoinks!” Oren directed his contraption's arm to clasp the object with its pincer and hold it up.

Spinning about, the drone began to head for the exit, but the announcer's voice did not abate. “Good work there, Miss White! Your opponent, as I'm noticed, had a habit of getting' on people's nerves—even yours truly! After takin' that dude down, you're pretty much a favorite. Anyway, you're free to do whatever. Since you're all about modern technology from the looks of it, maybe ya wanna find out Mountain's hoverboard. Bet that'd make the highlight reel, eh?”

You can loot:
53. Board
Fly away to the danger zone
Provides speedy horizontal transportation and long jumps (provided enough speed has been reached) for the rider

The Fungal Knight

Location: The Shore

For once, Oren kept quiet. With most of antiquity's warrior burials, the blade was pointed down toward the noble corpse's feet, with the hands clasped across the hilt. Of course, there was the logistical issue of Saria's current stock of hands, but the announcer maintained his silence so as not to disturb the moment. His usual eagerness with witty quips and colorful commentary did not extend, necessarily, to ruining a salute to the fallen. No doubt, his surprise played in; his money, were he betting, would have been squarely on the Blood Devil. Everything about her spoke of a more hardcore swordman than the less serious skeleton, but it was he who stood victorious. Maybe it had been the venom coursing through her veins, or the burning blood, or perhaps her death wish had won out above all else in the end. The pumpkin song was a nice touch, too.

His respectful vigil did not last, though. The whir of the drone's rotors brought the machine down from its lofty angle, and its camera fixated upon the body-deprived skull of the winner. “Visceral—that's how I'd describe it. Raw, messy, and passionate. I didn't expectcha both to respect one another at the end, given the vehemence with which ya fought, and the words used. Then again, I didn't think ya'd beat a Frenzied opponent either, Boney, but after all that fightin' ya came out...'ahead'.” His pun made it clear that the fight didn't lay nearly as heavily upon him as it did on Bonesword. Still, while he'd be quick to laugh at his own hilariousness any day of the week, he barely managed to snort this time. Even Oren could not commit to making light of this outcome.

“Well, congratulations, I suppose. No prize in tier two of the tournament, if that's whatcha were expectin'.” He paused for a moment, thinking about what he was going to say next. “Battle's not done, Fungal Knight. You're almost halfway there. Oh! Actually, you do get something. Your opponent got her artifact not long before the fight. Almost a waste to see it wasn't used at all, actually, but on a beach...might not have ended well, yeah.”

You can loot:
18. Egg Timer
Rules were meant to be broken
Changes the direction of gravity for the holder based on the turn of the timer

“See ya later, skele-tons-of-fun. I got another fight to call.”


Location: No-Man's Land

As Lily ministered the healing estus to her critically wounded canine companion, she was doubtlessly aware that the drone belonging to Oren was hovering nearby. Its presence would have entailed little more than an ambient vrrrr if not for the visible bullet hole in the machine's side. Damage to internal circuitry had completely disabled the drone's pincer arm and item clamps, which all hung limply from the gadget's hull. Its rotors did not sound healthy. Really, it was a miracle that the thing could still fly, but compared to other miracles going on in the vicinity that little triumph was small potatoes to say the least.

The drone's program drove the camera to zoom in on the touching scene unfolding before it, impartial and businesslike, but the man behind the motor did not react with such soullessness. He could not, and did not for a moment think to try to, suppress a smile. Coming on the heels of a particularly gruesome spectacle, that was saying something. After a moment his voice, somewhat distorted, rang from the machine's microphone. “And we have our winner. Nothing like something heartwarmin' to take the mind off a 'shockingly' violent death, huh? I'm, uh, really gladja both pulled through. World'd be a darker place without my favorite fluffer and sharker. If you're itchin' for an item, I'm sure poor Jiang had his tier one artifact around here somewhere. Rest of the day's yours, but if you're at all into givin' the ole College a helpin' hand, there's something not too far off we...well, we could really use help with.” Unbeknownst to the announcer, the drone had begun to list, and was losing altitude at a slow but steady pace.

You can loot:
45. Glasses
See that which is unseen
Provides x-ray vision
Shoot, I totally forgot that was where Apocalypse Now was sent. I ought to just stop saying things.
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