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Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
12 mos ago
Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
12 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
12 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

GMT | On Mobile

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Sorry guys, got wrapped up in killer furniture. The instructions said 40 minutes, liars...

@PrinceAlexus It's Jimbow Dread's turn. He is in melee range of 4 spiders.

@shylarah Do you want Istara, Ziotea or Elian drawn as a bust up? Like I said, they're an area of interest for me atm and I could do with the practice.
@Majoras End Super behind on everything in this thread so unlikely.

I do need practice in this / this style though and no one seemed interested last call to arms about portraits/bust ups. If you don't mind a Portrait I could jump onto it after I'm happy with Aerebella's piece as personal work for me, fullbodies you'll be waiting a loooong time for :P

@CollectorOfMyst I'm happy to visually update the characters, I'm enjoying seeing Dread, Eldress and Mariana all lined up together :D

One thing I will say though is that I can't promise the faces will remain the way they are xD I think Jamie's is likely to stay recognisable as she's newer and I'll obviously try my best to keep them accurate but Aaron's in particular might be harder to maintain with the more defined shading style. Is that alright with you? Alternatively I can update the rest of the sprite first and if it isn't too jarring, find a way to mesh the current face in ;P

Planning to go through a 80's training montage at some point to do a proper visual overhaul as mentioned here and in Discord a few times a while ago, but it'll likely be a few months minimum before that gets underway.

@Darth Shadow She misses. Spend a DT to reroll?
@Darth Shadow You line up your shot. The creature explodes with an eldritch screech! Mariana gains 10 XP.

Doubleshot triggers and she can shoot again. Which enemy would she like to aim at?

Rolling Thunder does not trigger this time...

@Darth Shadow Mariana crits the Void Spider with a powerful pump of the shotgun, doing 1 Damage! It's still standing, spend a DT to reroll damage?

Tommorrow I'll go over inventory issues btw guys <3

@rocketrobie2 I know, right? There's also a Kitsune class, Geisha class, sorcerers ect. but I'm not sure which are expansion items and which come in the new Base Set. I'll definitely be getting it though.

No multiclassing, which makes sense when you get to later levels, but I bet there's probably a fan variant out there which allows you to. There's also a proper wilderness campaign mode where the towns are locked on a map (so if a town gets destroyed it means something, and you have to travel to the different locations) which I still haven't given a go yet. Something I'm considering for IC though, in the far distant future.

EDIT: You need to pay 2 movement per space you move if you want to go safely, so the furthest you can move without penalty is B25. Nothing to stop you risking it, though...


@PrinceAlexus@Darth Shadow@Briza
Darkness Cards - 0
Growing Dread - 1, revealed at the boss. The Posse may each spend 1 DT collectively to remove.
Clues - 1/3

Mariana and Eldress see a flurry of figures dashing from a nearby mine. Going in to investigate, they find a Lawman surrounded by Void Spiders closing in on him! It's an Ambush! He surely won't survive without some help...

@Darth ShadowIt is Mariana Lapointe's turn. She has 3 movement this turn. Firing from her current position, there are 6 spiders in range at squares A11, A12, A13, B1, B3 and B4. She can move into melee range but if she is adjacent to a monster she cannot fire her shotgun.

Void Spiders: 6 + 2
Mariana Lapointe: : 5
Jimbob Dread: 4
Eldress Photini: 2

P O S S E L E V E L 1


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