Mahz is the Admin. He's the man with the plan and the Guild's head honcho.
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I'm working on experimental server changes. Email if you're having problems.
5 yrs ago
Getting some more work done on the Guild today and tomorrow.
6 yrs ago
Investigating the catastrophic performance issues.
1 like
7 yrs ago
I'm back. I had some personal issues to take care of.
7 yrs ago
You can change your username once every 3 months, and your old username will still link to you and won't be recycled. PM me if you want yours done.

Most Recent Posts

@Grape Welcome

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
It would seem to make the most sense to have some sort of global queue of bugs and features where I work on each one to completion one after another.

But I've found it more productive to listen to my energy levels and the other unpredictable factors like it.

Sometimes I'm at 1%, sometimes I'm at 1,000%. Sometimes I hit a writer's block where I'm stuck til I make progress in unrelated features/bugs. Sometimes I'm just burned on one subsystem yet am motivated to make progress on other subsystems. Sometimes I don't have enough contiguous uninterrupted time to tank and spank a hard subsystem. Sometimes I have to invest time on systems that aren't even visible to users.

It's just the nature of choosing among imperfect trade-offs and finite resources.

Unfortunately that does mean some subsystems and features languish far longer than I'd like.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
There are random errors in the error logs I need to fix that are causing some people issues. I don't even know their root cause yet or what they are affecting. Elvenqueen can't even log in on desktop. And /search is still down due to some issues I need to figure out.

Homepage customization is a cool feature, but a pretty niche one.

If I could afford to work on the Guild full-time, I could get these done in a couple days. But Guild development is at the mercy of my free time.

In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Odin Can you tell me more about the "Invalid Creds" error you got after the name change?

Since I've been changing names lately, I know other people are going to run into this issue.

Did it occur when you were trying to login via your old username?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
It would be a cool feature, but it's not a priority.

In the short term, I'm going to focus on bugs/stability.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@The Elvenqueen Damn, not sure what that could be, I'll have to take a look tomorrow.

@Odin Oh, thanks for letting me know.

I tried to make it so that you can log in with your new name OR any of your old names, but it sounds like the logic isn't quite there yet.

Might be related to Elvenqueen's problem.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Lady Amalthea Really? Nothing seems out of ordinary with the server or database metrics.

There were some weird output in the logs, but not anything conclusive.

I rebooted just in case.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Publius I bumped up the max tag count once I introduced more tags. Tag clutter just isn't a priority, yet.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Landaus Five-One Yeah, you can see and clear your drafts in the footer.

Sometimes they get out of sync, like if you open the same topic in two tabs while writing a post.

@JBRam2002 I would certainly be uncomfortable rushing to replace the current editor with a new one that's half-baked in other ways. That's not what I'm trying to do here.

One realistic strategy is to somehow let both editors exist on the Guild together. It could default to the new one since most posts hardly even use BBCode. Yet people could opt back in to the old editor. Seems pretty fair.

The only reason HTML comes up at all is because it's a necessary feature, not because I think HTML is the ideal markup language for a forum.

After all, the Guild's current editor works by rendering your BBCode into HTML for display in the browser. That's all BBCode is. And BBCode is something I could eventually implement for the new editor. The new editor is just 100x easier to work with.

HTML doesn't mean that people would be able to write whatever they want. That would be an amateur security vulnerability. HTML is similar to BBCode where the server simply ignores codes it doesn't whitelist.
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