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Humanity has been living in their comfortable lifestyle in a world that has become overly dependent on technology for decades. As bacterias and viruses are adapting to antibiotics at an alarming rate, some people began to question this dependency. Then, a deadly virus infected millions of Africans and killed thousands in a matter of months. A few foreigners were affected but were contained before they could spread. It caused widespread panic among the populations of the world. After developing a treatment for the virus, the CDC designed and released a preparedness guide for combating outbreaks. It was adopted by the governments of the world shortly after the release.

The United States of America was worried about a possible outbreak hitting America, resulting in the collapse of their government. That was when a presidential directive was quietly signed into law as a response to the entire situation. It's known as Directive 18, a directive that puts forth several plans from the US government and military in case of an outbreak in the country. The public didn't know of the directive's existence and their plans for tomorrow. However, the CDC and the American government partnered up to issued preparedness messages to watch for the warning signs of any virus outbreak. And they also started a massive nationwide health campaign that is making positive changes to personal health and personal hygiene in America. Meanwhile, the United States Military also launched several programs of their own about health and maintaining control during an outbreak, becoming more strict as a result.

It had been seven years since the last major outbreak to occur in the world. The world handled itself during minor epidemics and illnesses, but what if the world was introduced to a different kind of virus? A new type of infection capable of killing its victims and reviving them within hours. No one has the answers or the cure to this question, but it will happen. Either in a small town or a large metropolis, the virus will spread and slowly wipe out its target. In doing so, the virus will cause fear and selfish intentions to take over the avenge person. Will the government be able to deal with the most potent virus that mankind ever face? Or will it be another chapter of mass extinction of man? Can people manage to save civilization?

Or will it be too late?


In Colorado, Jake Elliott grew up in a lovely foster family after his mother lost her battle with cancer, and his father disappeared. Jack eventually felt like his adoptive family was his actual family. He was fairly popular in school and even made a few friends along the way. His love for photography earned him a place as a respected wedding photographer. And after getting his degree in photojournalism, he was hired by the Denver Post as their newspaper photographer.

But, it only lasted a few years before he decided to quit and moved to Washington. Jack grew tired of working on a deadline and wanted more freedom in his life. His friends and family supported his decision and the big move to Baltham. After settling into his new apartment, he found work as a simple clerk in a small thrift store in the historic downtown. As for his photography work, he got some job that he paid decently enough to save it. So far, however, life is going good.

"Right." Bates agreed and made his way out of the security room. He entered the ramp and kept on following the signs pointing in the direction of the field hospital. There were a few more dead police officers with bullet wounds similar to those in the security room. Then, he made his way to the entrance and read the sign above the door:

Field Hospital
Critical Treatment

Bates had to take a moment to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to see. It wasn't going to be pretty, but it was definitely going to be worst. He turned to his partner and advised, "No matter what we see, we keep moving. Even if there are people... still here. There's nothing we can't do for them for now."

"...Let's go." Bates moved forward and entered the arena, which was filled with rows of hospital beds. There were only a few mobile rooms built due to the size. And of course, there were still patients too injured and left for dead. He looked away for the bodies and kept on moving. It seemed like an eternity, but he made through the hospital. And a working elevator was waiting for them. Bates entered it and waited for his partner before pressing the button. Once the door closed and it started moving, Bates closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"What a fucking mess. I thought things were bad, but this... this is something else entirely—rogue police officers, a declining safe haven, and a makeshift hospital that's now just an abandoned morgue. Either command didn't know the full extent of the situation or... we were lied to and sent on this suicide mission."

1.02 // ANSWERS

Everyone looked at the woman with the mask and kept their distance except for Miguel. He approached her and took the bag of fruit snacks. While the others stared confusingly, he did his best to avoid them and quietly ate the snack. She pulled out another bag and offered it to the group again. But, Lonnie wasn't in the mood and finally gained enough strength to stand up. He went over and knocked the bag out of her hand.

"I don't want anything other than answers!"

"I understand." The woman picked up the box and dropped it beside her. Then, she grabbed her mask and took it off, revealing herself to them. "My name is Drew Fisher. I was the one that brought you all to Angel's Hand and used Q-Juice."


"The nickname that STAR Labs came up with while studying the gas. I'm not going to bore you with the science. The primary purpose was to give the person affected metahuman abilities or activate them, depending if they have the metagene. And it seems to have work on one of you." Drew made her way towards Holly and frowned. "I am sorry for this. I know what you are going to. Is there anything you need?"

"There's actually one thing you can do: help me up." Holly looked up at Drew, exhausted and weak.

"Alright, then." Drew smiled and extended her hand out. Holly grabbed her arm rather violently and pulled towards her. Her world once again collapsed into oblivion, but something was different. The images were clear and somehow made sense. And then, Drew's voice appeared to explain everything.

"Growing up, my family never talked about Uncle Mitchell. I didn't even know about him until I was fourteen. They told me that I wasn't allowed to speak to my uncle because he wasn't family anymore. But, I did anyway. He was so excited to spend time with me when he wasn't busy with "work." I knew that it was hard on him. Then, he just snapped one day."

"I wasn't there, but I think the stress of work finally broke him. I was waiting to surprise him when my parents came instead. Suicide by cop, they said. Mitchell was attacking customers with condiments when the police arrived and..." The image of an older man lying in a pool of blood appeared while Drew took a moment to sigh. "Well, I wasn't surprised to learn that one of the officer's body camera contradicted the official story. Instead of receiving proper help, my uncle was murdered, and his murders got away. So, I leaked the footage for everyone to see."

Another image appeared of Drew leaving her childhood home. "But nothing happened. An investigation found the officers innocent, and people eventually forgot. I had lost hope until Channel M found me, and I knew what needed to be done. I may have never got justice, but I will make sure others will with my skills."

Both Holly and Drew reawoke to the real world, completely shaken by what they experienced. Drew wasn't, for some reason, angry nor troubled by whatever mindfuckery it was. Instead, she turned to Holly with an emotionless stare, "Now, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I do." Holly answered sincerely. If anything, she related to Drew's struggle with her own ever since police officers killed her father. It didn't mean she forgave Drew for giving her whatever power she had. But Holly felt sympathy for her. "But, it still doesn't explain why you dragged us into your situation."

Drew remained silent for a moment and went to speak, but someone else came running towards her. They also had a mask on, similar to the one Drew was wearing earlier and appeared to be whispering something. Her eyes widen before whispering something back. Then, she looked back at the group and sighed. "Listen, I know that you shouldn't trust me, but I need help. The authorities took one of my friends away and-."

"If you are asking me to do something incredibly illegal, then you have to find someone else." Roshanna interrupted as Miguel looked down to the ground while finishing the fruit snacks. "I am not harming police officers."

"They aren't like your average police officers. They are rooted in corruption that goes all the way to the commissioner. I am afraid that they will kill my friend if you guys don't save her."

"Then, why not ask one of the masked individuals to do it instead?" Lonnie asked.

"Because her, my friend, and I are the only ones left." Drew responded and then sighed. "Listen, I don't have time to explain. Just help my friend out, and then you are free to leave. Please."

Everyone remained silent and tried to look away from Drew expect for Holly. She approached her and said, "Alright, where is she?"

"Wait, you aren't serious?" Lonnie raised one of his eyebrows.

"I am."

Lonnie tried to stay still but then groaned audibly and went to stand next to Holly. "I can't let you get killed, especially if there are dirty cops involved."

Miguel knew that he had to go with them as soon as Lonnie joined. He awkwardly made his way towards them and then looked at Drew. "You can also count on me."

Now, everyone was looking at Roshanna, who remained opposed. She was feeling the pressure. "Even if we get to your friend, how do we fight them? Besides Holly, we don't have powers."

"Yet." Drew quickly corrected Roshanna. "Your powers will eventually come... or they won't. The odds are fifty-fifty, but regardless you all will need masks to protect your identifies."

Roshanna was still thinking of her next move while everyone else agreed to help. She had never harmed a person before. But if she got powers and wasn't able to help... So, she decided to go with them and then see what happens afterward. And with that, everyone was following Drew while she was digging around for some masks. She was feeling somewhat hopeful for the first time in a while.

You know, If you guys would like, I could link a discord server (which is mine btw) that has been in the making for a while now. So that collabs could be done faster if yall are fine with that? @Kaggs, @Inkarnate, @alexfangtalon, @alimariloasun, @sassy1085, and @The Ghost Note.
@The Ghost Note, @sassy1085, @alexfangtalon, @Kaggs, @alimariloasun, and @Inkarnate.

The OOC is finally up with a fresh character sheet waiting in the CS tab along with Andy's sheet to get an idea of who he was. As for the deadline, the sheets will be due on the 14th which gives you two weeks to get them done. I would have done one week, but my birthday is next week so I will be busy with that.

Also, I am wondering how you guys would feel about using a discord server, or do you prefer the old fashion way of communicating?

"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on." — Irving Berlin, 1927

Seventeen years since Andy Rutledge's life was taken for him due to a terrible car accident. The world around his death site changed for better or worse. Several fires broke out throughout the years around the area, while the freeway received much-needed work to improve traffic flow. But, Cajon Junction remained the same as the years passed. The gas station received more people as they were eager to take a break or refill their car. There were now two fast-food restaurants instead of one competing against each other. And the local inn recently received minor touchups to attract more costumers. Today, though, it was a quiet one with only a few cars at the parking lot.

In the distance, though, there was a faint song playing nearby the railing. Suddenly, a hand appeared as it desperately tried to muster all of its strength to pull itself up. Eventually, the person successfully got themselves onto the asphalt. That person was Andy Rutledge in the fresh as he kept on coughing up a mixture of sand and blood. His glassy eyes were still dilated as the song faded. Then, his eyes changed back to normal. Still wearing the same outfit that he died in, Andy was left dazed and confused for a minute until he noticed his car was gone.

The first thing that Andy did was raced over to the inn and asked one of the employees if they saw his car. Unfortunately, they haven't seen that kind of car in awhile. So, he went over to the nearby gas station to see if it was still there. Again, no luck. Naturally, he tried to contact his folk but found out his phone wasn't working. In the act of desperation, he decided to hitchhike. There were people at the station, but none of the owners were willing to give him a lift. Until he reached a young man who just got done refilling.

Andy waved him down and attempted to plead for a lift to Blanco. Fortunately, the man planned on passing there and agreed to drive him there. The two men got in the car and exchanged names before driving off. Dustin, the driver, turned the radio on, and it began playing a rather unknown song. Andy was taken back by the strange sounds and the vocals but in a good way. He kept on listening to several similar songs and wondering how he never heard of them before.

Abruptly, Dustin got his attention and told him that they had arrived. Andy was surprised how quickly time flew but thanked him for the ride. Now that he was back in Blanco, he had a second thought about going to the police immediately since he couldn't remember what happened. And it would have been rude to not tell his family first. So, he started making his way home. Thankfully, it wasn't far for the freeway exit—just a few minutes of walking until he made it to the apartment lot. Immediately, Andy realized that the buildings were a completely different color. They were a dark tan instead of the light blue, which he didn't like the choice. But, he wondered how it was painted that fast.

He made it to his door and tried to open it, but it was locked. Luckily, he still had his keys in his pockets (along with his wallet) and unlocked it. Upon entering, he saw some beer bottles on the table and knew that his dad was home. Andy shouted out loud as he closed the door, "Dad, I am back!"

Andy was going to look for dad in the master bedroom, but he heard his stomach growling and looked at the kitchen. So, he went to the kitchen and began looking around for something to eat. That was when he started to talk about his car loud enough that his dad was able to hear. "I... I think that I was robbed at the junction. I don't know where the car went. I asked everyone in the area, but nobody saw anything!"

He paused for a moment to prepare the stove to make some grilled cheese sandwich and then resumed telling his day. "I tried to contact you and mom, but my phone wasn't working. Said it had "no service" even though I paid a lot of money. What kind of crap is that?! Anyway, I had no choice but to get a lift for a stranger..."




In the desert town of Blanco, rumors that a local was involved in a deadly car accident on the I-15 quickly spread. At first, they were only rumors, and everyone assumed that it was someone from down the hill. Until the body arrived at the coroner office and was identified as Andy Rutledge, the recent graduate of Golden Valley High. That news was devastating to everyone, especially to the friends and family of Andy. He was known for being determined to do whatever it took to improve his situation. His main goal was to leave for the City of Angeles to become the first to graduate for college.

And once he did that and started earning enough money, Andy wanted to buy his family their own home instead of spending their lives paying a landlord to live in that apartment. Of course, that dream was shattered on June 7th, 2003.

Andy planned on heading down the hill to be interviewed by some potential roommates while hunting for a job. He said his goodbyes to family and friends before departing. Before he drove off in his first car, Andy told them that he will call them once he got to his destination in Los Angeles. However, he never got the chance. It took fifteen hours before his family learned of his death and accident. According to witnesses, another driver suddenly braked, which caused Andy to swerve into the railing. His car was totaled entirely while the body remained good enough condition to have an open-casket funeral.

The funeral was held at McCaa Memorial Cemetery, where his body remained to this day.


Andy dreamed of being a zookeeper but ultimately settled on being an architect.

"Farewells can be shattering, but returns are surely worse." — Margaret Atwood, 2000


Andy Rutledge - Departed Son - Risen


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