Avatar of medalliah


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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry to those waiting on me - exhausted today, need to sleep
7 yrs ago
@Otaku95 - Good luck with that
7 yrs ago
Sorry to all waiting on me - been a long day. Will try to get back to roleplays tomorrow
7 yrs ago
@The Elvenqueen - did you make it to the phone at least?
7 yrs ago
You mean I can't send my Lady and the Tramp/My Little Pony crossover idea? Boo


Most Recent Posts

"Girl you'll be the first to know, as you're the first on the invite list!" Melissa replied to Yuki with a nod at the party comment "I throw the best parties. I also like...throw the only parties, so there is that. Hope the new headmistress has a few fun bones in her, last one took all of my sweet talking to keep on side" she laughed, shrugging as they reached the Orientation room door "I'm gonna fill this place one day with screaming fans. It'll be an epic gig."

She frowned as being referred to as 'dies in a mosh pit' by the wallbreaking girl. "I'm not dying in a mosh pit girl, I make the mosh pit with my music. It's how I roll. Nobody's killing me for a long time. And don't be mean to my roomie, she's awesome."

@Jaded@Polaris North

"Ugh, orientation? How boring, we went to one last..." Melissa trailed away as the wall came down. Melissa blinked, and Yuki was faster to react. She stared at the wall as the others talked, before taking her guitar off and leaning it against the wall. She studied it a little longer, before laughing.

"Girl" she looked to Lucia "if you wanted an autograph, you only had to ask! Didn't need to blow a hole in the wall" she grinned, going to one of her bags and taking out a large poster "we can cover it up for now, and deal with the mess later. Ain't nothing that can be done now anyway."

She waited for the wall-breaker to stumble through the hole, and then put the poster of a famous rock guitarist up. It just covered the hole. "See!
Good as new! Or close enough"
she smirked, before picking her guitar up and putting it on her back and walking over to the two girls. She was about to put her arms round them both, but stopped herself at the last moment.

"She's Yuki. The girls literally electric, it's pretty hot" she replied for her roomie, before adding "and I'm Melissa as everyone knows. Now, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble over the year, so I kind of need to be on time for this Orientation. Ready?"

@Polaris North@Jaded
In The Breeds 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter@King Tai@Kit DewStein@Helo@Lemons

Becca gave Jakobe a nod and a small smile, whispering "I'll look out for you if you'll look out for me" to the bigger man. She stepped forward, looking to Vlad.

"Ok, I think we're ready...let's start."
Melissa looked like she was about to cheer as the amp started to power up. Out of her bag came a cord, which was plugged into the amp and then into her blue guitar. She ran her fingers along the length of it, creating a screeching-like sound. "Awesome!" she said with a grin "get ready!"

And with that, she started up on a loud guitar solo even with the amp turned down. She glowed as she played, the music almost seeming to flow through her. Not a single bad note, no mistakes, it was pitch perfect. She even sped up towards the end, showing off. It was only interrupted by the slamming of doors from nearby - clearly some people didn't approve of the music. She wiped her brow, and winked at Yuki, giving her the traditional metal salute - the devil horns finger sign.

"Damn I needed that! Thank you electric" she spun on the spot, her guitar also spinning round onto her back, and she took a calming breath. The glow on her skin dissipating. "Let me know what I can do for you also! We're roomies after all!" she picked up her bag "now, shall we go to our rooms?"

@Polaris North

"Playing guitar a little? When I've finished with you, you'll be an ex-woah!" she hopped back at the shock, eyes widened. She listened to the explaination, and remained quiet foe a few moments before suddenly laughing. "Oh my god that's amazing! You're literally electric! Girl you are something."

She grabbed her bag quickly from Yuki, taking something out. A small and very old amplifier, which she held out. "think you can power that? It's battery powered now as the mains plug is fried, but it doesn't last long. We could be an amazing team! You are the power, I am the music" she spun her guitar around, hoping the girl would play along.
@Polaris North - hah! Melissa is the best with rules XD

Looks ok to me!

Amanda had gained a target of interest - Ai being a clothes designer had her attention. After he finished speaking and someone else started she leaned closer to him (@LyricalLas) and whispered "hey...fancy making outfits for me? I'm sure I can make it worth your while" and winked at him before paying attention to the girl in charge again.

Opening themes? Websites? Auctions? It was all so...well, less interesting. She wanted to dress up and be a host now! However, discipline and procedure was important, so she looked thoughtful. "I think...well, it's spring, and the first day back. Most people are not looking forward to being back, so we should do something to welcome them back. Something big and exciting, to show off the start of something great. Life is its own theme!"

She looked over the others, Ai getting a longer look and a smile. She waited for their ideas with interest.

Melissa rolled her eyes when someone shouted in her direction. "Some people have nooo taste" she sighed. Her expression brightened quickly though, as someone approached and introduced herself as her roommate! "Yuki? Awesome to meet you roomie!
We're gonna have an epic year!"
She gave the girl a hug "you play any instruments? If not, pick one and I can teach you. My last roommate didn't like my music, can you believe it?"

She hooked her arm round her new friends arm, and walked towards the school.

"Seen our rooms yet? Hope there's space, I have a lot of stuff, and that's not including the instruments!" she laughed

@Polaris North
We need to be roomates XD@Jaded
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