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got coffee, got music, ready to roll.
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Ever write a few chapters of something you're really excited about, then a few days later reread it and it's boring as hell? :D
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There was a shooting at an art show where I had a painting hanging. I'm so shook.


I have no idea what I'm doing.

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@NewShoesForever Hey hi hullo! Yup, we're totally open! :D
"A new set of armor?" Sunny's eyes widened, and she quickly scanned the forest; as the morning sun rose and warmed the woods, the fog was just starting to thin and dissipate, exposing the twisting trunks and dangling bright leaves, a depth of forest filled with odd fruits and spiky, neon-green vines. There didn't seem to be much hope of finding a shiny new set of armor simply lying around.

In her search, Sunny's eyes landed on Laphi, who seemed to be frightened of the great forest-guardian that stood in their path -- he was all but cowering beside her, smaller than he had been a few moments ago. A slow grin grew on her face as an idea dawned.

"We accept!" she announced, and gave the forest-guardian a deep bow. "But we won't be walking in circles for days searching." Especially with the slow way this iron guardian seemed to be moving, Sunny suspected that the entire point of the challenge was to delay them for an eternity. But they had a secret weapon.

Sunny flashed a cunning smirk and rubbed a hand in Laphi's hair. "So how 'bout it? Think you can point us to where we can find a shiny new set of armor?"
Sunny kept on walking for awhile, traipsing through brush and over snaking roots, waving away the fog ahead of her in rolling billows of white. It was like walking through the middle of a cloud. She kept a tight hold on Laphi's hand, and she cast an occasional bright grin at him, encouraging him to keep moving though he was sleepy and there wasn't much to be seen. For all she knew, they were walking in circles.

She'd just drawn in a deep breath to shout once again when an unfamiliar voice called back out of the woods.

A wide smile broke on Sunny's face. She knew they'd be found! "We're Sunny and Laphi!" she yelled in the general direction of the voice she'd heard -- it seemed to have come from everywhere at once. "We're vagrants! We just arrived! Hello!"

She scanned the fog and blinked, wide-eyed, when she thought she saw a shadow moving between the trees -- it was huge! "Hi there you are, over here!" She waved a hand over her head and charged forward, eager to meet this person who would surely know where they were and how to get to where they were going.

The rising sun, meanwhile, was slowly breaking through the fog to warm the ground. One such shard of light reflected dully on a rusted helmet, the bent-postured armor, the sword pressed into the ground. Sunny ran through the fog and suddenly stopped, faced with the broad shoulders of a decaying knight among the sweet flowers and hanging branches.

Sunny gawped at the armored presence. She cast a glance at Laphi, and she spoke in a hushed voice: "This might be a guardian of the forest," she told him. "We probably have to answer a riddle or pass a test before we can pass."

She cleared her throat and spoke articulately to the knight. "O reverent guardian! We are strangers to your forest, and request passage to the next town!" She gave a wink to Laphi -- she would absolutely show him the proper way to deal with forest guardians. They were suckers for big words and proper grammar, at least as far as storybooks had taught her. "Issue us your task, we humbly beseech you!"
From somewhere she cannot see, Riley heard a deafening roar, followed by the sound of wood smashing. She kept up her breakneck pace, knowing on some animal level that the monster could not be far behind her at any time.


A horrific noise thundered in the walls; the tentacled monster crashed to the floor, slipping and smashing into a bookcase in its haste to bow low -- for the sound had not come from Riley's pursuer.

It had come from behind the bolted metal door.

Riley had no time to look around -- she now had no hands to climb to the trap door with, so the only way open to her was the gaping bedroom door. Inside seemed like a dead end -- a nice place to take a nap, perhaps, if there weren't enormous monsters lurking around every corner. There were more books here, and candles and barrels of an odd but sweet yellow fruit.

There was also a dumbwaiter in the far wall, left open with a covered plate of cold meatloaf inside. The dumbwaiter shaft extended far, far up -- and far, far down -- with openings at every floor.

Exactly one minute after Riley had recited the spell, she returned to her old self.

From here she could hear the metal door open at the other side of the library. The growling and snarling rippled through the room -- and underneath it, a woman spoke.

"Someone has touched a book of magic," she said gently. "You captured the culprit, didn't you?"

A lot of stuttering and sloppy muttering ensued -- followed by a terrible scream and the slurp and crack of bone and flesh.

"Find it."

He sat up after a short while wincing in pain and looked at the fox. "How do I get back home?" He did not care about this Dooa unless they could help him go home.

The fox's ear twitched, and she turned her head with round brown eyes searching him, confused. "Well, right, we'd all like to go home little friend."

After a moment she crawled back to him, using her wings as feet, and laid on her stomach on the grass while she watched him. "Where's home fer you? What's home like? We can't really help you get someplace we don't know what or where it is."

Her ears twitched again thoughtfully -- and finally with a small hop she skittered to the edge of the tower and peeked over it toward the water. "You arrived down there, right? In the lab. Did you see a cat?" She grinned a little and turned again to face him.

"Sshh, sshh. I can help you go home -- but there's only one way that I know. Will you listen? Will ya take what I say seriously now?" Her voice fell to a hush, secretive and trusting. "There's a lady in a gold dress, inside the tower. She can send you home."
@LordofthePies I'd assumed I'd start it up, but if you've got a strong idea to start yourself lemme know!
@Tenma Tendo @Jade113 Ok, chapter 2 is ready, go for it with the posting!

I'd like to say I'll remember to tag you both in my posts, but I never remember. As evidenced just now, haha.

Feel free to post as much or as often as you want, whenever inspiration strikes!
chapter 2

Morning dawned bright on the mountainous horizon like fire and violet and cotton candy, streaked with errant purple clouds and dotted with birds flocking to new adventures. The stilt-strider's long steps cut through a rich blanket of fog that swirled and puffed and reflected the bright oranges and blues of the sunrise. There was little to be seen of the ground below, save the tops of a few autumn trees and the elliptical silhouettes of the sloping mountains -- and, faint in the distance, the glinting spires and rooftops of a town.

Sunny had slept through most of the journey. She lay with her face pressed into the strider's fur, drooling a little and breathing peacefully. She had no clue how to steer their steed, and instead had decided to trust that wherever the strider was headed was exactly where they'd wanted to go.

A distant, rumbling BOOM spooked a flock of bright parrots out of the fog and into the rich sunrise. The fog swirled and undulated at the site of the noise -- but from here there was no other indication of its source. Sunny had completely slept through it, murmuring in her dreams.

The silt-strider stopped. For the first time since their escape from the tower, everything was still.

Sunny shifted and blinked -- but she was only barely awake before their trusty steed began to descend toward the fog. It spread its legs in all directions, and like a spider lowered its torso down at their center. All around them, the other striders of the herd were doing the same.

"Whoo-ooaah!" Sunny yelped, snapping awake in time to clench her fists in fur, stopping herself from falling over during the descent. Blearily she looked around, breathed in the chilled damp air, and checked on her companion with a grin. "Hang on Laphi!" she called, just as the fog enveloped them. "We're goin' down!"

After a few moments, the strider settled comfortably in a foggy field of bright green grass and yellow flowers, and heaved a tired sigh. They had reached their destination -- wherever that was.

Sunny patted the beast's long neck and slid off its shoulder to the grass. It felt weird to be standing on solid ground again. "Thanks buddy!" she called to the strider, and she stretched out a hand to be sure she knew where Laphi was in the fog. "C'mon, let's go see where we are!" She picked a direction and started walking, while the strider curled its neck and went to sleep.

Soon the flowered grasses gave way to roots and rocks and dewy fallen leaves underfoot. The air had a sharp woody scent of pine and petrichor. The trees here were white and gnarled and looping and woven, tangled in themselves and in one another, sharing branches and orange-violet leaves. The fog created a stillness here; a few birds whistled occasionally.

"HELLOOOOO!" Sunny called into the fog, her hands cupped around her mouth. "WE'RE LOOOOOST!"
Woop! Chapter 1 done! Thanks @Tenma Tendo for the awesome story!

@Jade113 you up for chapter 2? :D

I guess starting now we three should post normally directly in the IC -- I'll set the scene soon!
chapter 1

in collaboration with @Tenma Tendo

The dusty and wagon-grooved Gourdmarsh Road emerged out of the woods and marched alongside the swampy glimmer of a nearly dried-up lake. Clear pools of water reflected the scooting purple clouds, fireflickers darting brightly among the damp weeds, and the pink graceful necks of the flamingos that poked the mud with their stick-legs.

Sunny stopped on the road to gape at the wide open landscape of shimmering color; she thought she could even spy a waterfall at the far end, trickling happily. After miles and miles of autumn-fiery forests, this was a sudden and welcome change. She took in deep lungfuls of sweet swampy air and let the breeze chill her face. She had to be close now!

The sound of clopping and creaking caught her ear, and the dusty traveler rushed back to the road to see that a horse-drawn cart was headed her way.

With a laugh and a shout, Sunny bolted along the road to meet the confused merchant, her sandals kicking up dust behind her.

"Sir, sir!" she called as soon as she was within earshot, while the merchant pulled to a stop. Sunny skidded to a halt, her thumbs hooked in the straps of her small backpack. "What kingdom is this?"

The merchant raised his busy white brows and glanced around him, suspecting an ambush. "Well, ah --" He paused, staring down at the eager young lady, with her dreadlocks and her weathered clothes and nearly nothing on her person but a thin leather pack on her shoulders. "You're in Lythica at the moment. Might I ask --"

"WOOHOO!" shouted the traveler, who immediately dashed past the cart with a shouted thank-you before she disappeared around the next bend, leaving the merchant far more confused than before.

Sunny balled her fists and doubled her speed; she'd been walking all day, but a new kick of adrenaline threw her forward. She was so close to the information she needed! All she had to do now was to find that tarot shop -- and ask the most important question of her life.

...Finally. A quiet sigh escaped the cat hybrid as he was finally done with his last appointment. That meant that he could be alone in the confinements of his underground room; a room so dimly lit that it made it look like he was glowing in the center of it. The guards that were only a staircase away and keeping watch outside, were probably on their lunch break, giving the child absolute loneliness.

A hand slowly combed through the silvery white locks that stopped just above his shoulders and his feline ears flattened slowly against his scalp as if he was bothered by the empty sounds around him.

At times like this, where he knew he was completely alone, Laphicet would give his fortunes a little read to see where his life was going. Most of the time, his future remained stagnant with a few changes here and there, but nothing that really made checking every time worth it.

Ruby eyes scanned down at the tarot cards scattered among the table from the previous reading. Instead of arranging them back into a proper deck, the young boy reached out and picked one card up with a pale hand and flipped it over to see what is said.

...the World.

Laphicet could only furrow his brows at the sight. He picked a card like the World just based on chance? That never happens in his fortunes. Now thinking this was some kind of mishap or just pure luck, Laphicet picked up another card, only to stare in utter shock.

The Fool...

At this point the boy shook his head and frowned deeply, placing the two cards down before gathering them all around him. He wasn't in the mood to read his fortune anymore, and instead rested his head on top of his tarot card and closed his eyes, allowing the scattered deck to lull him into a light sleep.

The road swept over a hill and down into a sharp grassy valley, where a tight little town of angled blue roofs surrounded a gilded white tower. Sunny leaped down the hill, twice nearly losing her balance for her speed before she skidded into the town itself. No sooner had she stepped into line of sight of the shop windows, she was accosted by a cacophony of voices:

"Fresh fish! Fresh fish from the skies of Aldamia! Freshest fish!"
"Take a look at this, my friend, the last healing potion you'll ever need!"
"Scarves and hats here, made of the finest lleema wool!"
"Have a mug o' this ale, you'll never want anything else again!"

With wide eyes and a healthy curiosity, Sunny allowed herself to be distracted by the shiny things and soft fabrics. She told each of the vendors that she was completely broke, and asked if they'd heard of the tarot reader. Each of them pointed swiftly at the white tower, then quickly shut their doors.

Sunny took in a deep breath, rolled her shoulders, and strode finally toward the tower, ready to finally have her fortune revealed -- only the entrance door, in the dim evening light, had an ominous sign hanging on it.

"Closed?!" she whined, her jaw dropped. But she'd only just got here! With a swift look left and right, she tried the door. Locked, of course. No problem! She got down on one knee, and with swift hands procured lockpicking tools from her pocket. Just a little jiggle here and a turn there and --


Sunny was already on the run when the guards gave chase. She led them around a few shops, skirted around the tower, and just when she had escaped their line of sight she quietly slipped into the tower and locked the door behind her.

While her eyes adjusted to the dark, Sunny made her quiet way down a flight of stairs, listening for signs of the guards' return -- but it seemed she had lost them.

Below, as her vision sharpened, she saw him in a pool of light, sleeping with his funny-eared head on a table scattered with cards: the tarot reader.

She crept forward and bent to examine him a bit. He seemed younger than she'd anticipated, kinda scrawny and pale -- and he didn't seem like he smiled much, either. She grinned warmly, and she gave him a few gentle taps on the head.

"Hi!" she chirped, once his eyes had opened. "I'm Sunny. I heard you could tell me how to get to the Whistlehowl star."

Laphicet allowed his mind to wander freely, his imagination assisting by creating mesmerizing colors and shapes for his mind to run through like a slideshow. He dreamed about what outside looked like, and what he would be able to do once he got there. Unfortunately, due to his lack of knowledge, only white plains litter with ornate shapes came to mind. But that was enough for Laphicet. So long as he could dream about it, then--


Ahem, so long as he could dream abo--

*Tap* *Tap*

...So long as he could dre--


The boy's ears twitched ever so slightly before his ruby eyes fluttered open. Confusion was the first thing that hit the boy as he stared blankly into space for a moment. It was only when he heard a voice accompany the previous taps on his head that he quickly sat up to see who it was.

And, well, for one thing, it was clearly a girl's voice talking to him. The owner of the voice had an interesting choice of clothing, and that's coming from someone who has seen countless people from various walks of life. Her hair was styled into singular...braids was it? And her skin was a beautiful chocolate, far more vibrant compared to his sickly complexion.

Laphicet was so taken aback by her appearance that he hadn't even questioned how the girl got in there without an appointment and the door being locked. He simply stared at the girl with wide eyes, unsure of what he was suppose to do in a situation like this. She didn't seem scary at all in comparison to most of the people that came by, and her smile was extremely infectious (although not enough to make the child himself smile). Not to mention she was talking about something that he had never even heard about!

Skipping his own introduction, Laphicet slowly began to pull his cards back into a tidy deck, his eyes never leaving the other...Sunny.
"...Um, Miss Sunny? Wh-What's the Whistlehowl Star?" He questioned, his eyes unable to hide the raw curiosity in them.

As he awaited an answer, the boy slowly stood and walked over to the far corner of the small box room, relighting the incense that had gone out when he was asleep. His mind focused on the question, as he knew that if didn't, the reading wouldn't work.

Sunny dropped into a chair and leaned her elbows on the table, watching the tarot-reader's movements with intense interest. He wasn't smiling, but he wasn't questioning her presence either -- which was as good as a warm welcome as far as she was concerned.

"The Whistlehowl Star," she began with a broad grin and a reverent voice, "is the brightest star in the sky, and the eye of the Shambler's Dragon." She curled her fingers around her eye for emphasis. "People say that if you're standing directly under it at just the right time and you whistle just the right way, all the wolves in all the woods will howl all at once. But the best part is, the star isn't a star at all. It's a ship. The ship that belongs to the greatest Vagrants that ever lived." She tapped the table excitedly, her eyes locked on the tarot-reader to make sure he was hearing every word. "The legend goes that they defeated the sea-god that would've otherwise drowned the whole world -- and after that, they sailed up into the stars where even now they're still keeping watch." She jutted a thumb at her chest. "I'm gonna find it, I'm gonna meet those Vagrants, and I'm gonna have an even bigger and better legend sung about me when I'm through."

After a few beats she sat up straighter with a fantastic idea. "I can show you!" she piped, and she scanned the darkened room. "Where's the way up from here? We'll go to the top of the tower, I'd bet you've got a great view of the sky!" She got up immediately to search for the door that led into the tower above. "Hey what's your name?" she asked while she peered at the walls, and she stopped to flash him a smile.

Laphicet unconsciously hastened his movements, more than interested in what this foreign girl had to say. Most of his costumers would simply ask for the fortune and leave, despite the curious questions he would occasionally ask. This girl was different, nicer, and answered his question immediately after he asked. It felt nice to finally be heard...

The child slowly settled down in his own chair, directly across from Sunny, his tarot deck on the center of the circular table. He listened on quietly as the young lady went on about the secrets of the Whistlehowl Star and the legend that come with the ship. And although his face didn't show it, his ruby eyes were practically glowing with wonder. Ears perked, Laphicet nodded slowly.
"That's...a cool goal..." He whispered in response, bowing his head faintly in gratitude.

Just as he was about to start the tarot reading, the girl suddenly shot up, causing Laphicet to flinch and clench his jaw. She wanted to go up the tower? Confusion now written all over his face, the child also took a look around the darkened room, ears flattening in the process.
"I-I live down here...and I've never b-been at the t-top of the tower." He answered, now watching Sunny move around his little room. "The only exit I know o-of...is over there." He concluded, as he pointed to the staircase she had just entered from. As he pointed to the staircase, it finally dawned on him. "You wanna take m-me outside?" He blinked with an almost shock expression, as he was now standing up, clutching his tarot card close to his chest.

Sunny spun around to face him with a grin on her face -- but as he spoke, stuttering and folded into himself, Sunny's smile slowly faded. Realization dawned on her by degrees; she'd walked into something far more serious than she'd ever expected.

A key rattled in the lock, and Sunny looked quickly toward the door.

"Okay." A gleeful, dangerous grin flashed on her face, and she suddenly grabbed the tarot-reader's hand. She locked eyes with him, confident. "Hurry!"

With her new friend in tow, a strong hand gripping his, Sunny bounded up the stairs toward the door, just as the knob was turning.

She flung herself into the corner between the door and the wall, slammed the tarot-reader against the wall beside her and held an arm across his chest protectively. "Don't breathe," she whispered softly.

The door creaked open, swinging toward them, hiding them from the moonlight and heavy footsteps.
@Clever Hans hey hi thanks welcome! :D Arlo looks wonderful -- please go ahead and add him to the characters tab! Just for my own reference, could you possibly give me a quick synopsis of how his magic works and what his limitations are? Here or pm is cool!
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