Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

I like the aesthetics. And then the translations are offered at the bottom. But you can do it that way if you want

Edwina Fairfax


In the midst of their signature greeting, Edwina had used her abilities to render herself invisible. She successfully planted the tracker on the leader of the group, throwing a mild optical illusion up towards the fire escapes in order to draw the attention of anyone perceptive. Mercury hadn't actually spotted Edwina - he had spotted a shadow that she had bent into existence there. Once they entered the building, Edwina remained outside, using both the shadows and her ability to stay hidden. No one had noticed that she was there and for a moment, she wished her friend Nyt was there. They always made a spectacular duo together. Nyt manipulated sound and Edwina manipulated light.

She waited for a few minutes, before quickly hurrying out of the alleyway. The nearest police station wasn't too far away. By the time she had hit the main road, Edwina made her way into the middle of a small crowd - college students going out partying for the night - and ceased using her power. No one noticed an extra person in the crowd suddenly appear. She walked through the crowd and made her way to the police station, heading inside.

"1Olá, gostaria de denunciar um crime," Edwina said as she walked into the station.

The tired officer looked up from the desk, staring for a moment at her. He then sighed and nodded. "2Sim senhorita?"

"3O anel de abdução - o Crânio Vermelho - você sabe o que eles fizeram. Isso lhe dará as coordenadas para onde eles estão mantendo os reféns," Edwina replied. She handed over a flash drive to the officer. It contained the same tracking software that she had - meaning that even though she was giving it to the police, she also had a copy for herself.

The man blinked awake. They already had an asset in the field working this case, but there was always a chance something could go wrong. He accepted the flash drive and plugged it into his computer, before opening the program. It was tracking the abduction ring, just as Edwina promised. "4Vou deixar o chefe saber - há uma recompensa," he said, signaling one of his fellow officers to go get the chief.

Edwina shook her head. "5Não preciso de uma recompensa." She then smiled at the officer and left the police station. She imagined it'd be a while until they were on the move - and thankfully, they shouldn't notice the tracker she had planted. She had a lot of practice with this - it was her field of expertise. Edwina paused for a moment before heading down the street, stepping into another alleyway and using her power to vanish from sight. She didn't want anyone to follow her. She then made her way back to her tiny apartment, only letting herself be visible once she was inside and sat in front of her laptop, program running.

It was just a waiting game now - just waiting for the gang to move.

I'm good - and I'm on the semester system, so no finals atm. Having a snowday and using it to get caught up on data tabulation for my labs.
@Peridot: Day 6! I will be updating here today. Since Alec is interacting with people via Skype, I think it'd be okay if I update without you posting - but I'd much rather you post first!

Guin's Tech

Dean Kesseli / Lightning
{"I'll just...I'll just be over here, doing my best, while the world tries to blow itself up...Go team!"}


Beatrice Decker

Location: in a TANK
Skills: Tank Gunner Amateur

Beatrice couldn't help but be a little startled as Lola suddenly sprung into gear, moving the tank from their position. It was one thing to take aim at a target with everything calm - another to adjust for the slight movement and get that shot off once the chaos had already started. Beatrice shut her eyes for a moment and took a focusing breath, adapting rapidly to the new surroundings by the time Lola told her to shoot. With almost perfect clarity of mind, Beatrice fired off the first shot.

"Payload delivered," Beatrice replied, a hint of almost childlike excitement in her voice. The shot hadn't been perfect by any means, hitting a little low and to the left. But for someone who had never seen a tank shell in real life before, it was extraordinary watching it hit the gate. She was grinning as she reminded herself of the procedure for loading that Lola had shown her - load the shell, point first, and then close the hatch. Simple. And as much as she wanted to watch the destruction she had just unleashed on Eden, she got to work on reloading. They'd need another shot to go off soon, she imagined.

Jack Hudson

Location: Walking Towards Arnco Mills
Skills: Survival

"R-right, sorry 'bout that," Jack apologized, awkwardly making his way off of Tiffany and the walker. There was one bright side to this - they both smelled a little more like death and decay. If they were lucky, that might actually help to put some walkers off their scent. He doubted they were anywhere near enough death stench to be effective - but still, a man can hope. He took a quick moment to assess their current situation. None of the buildings nearby looked like they'd be a good place to hole up for the night. Either there were too many walkers, the buildings looked terrible, or some combination of the two.

"Don't think we'll find any sheltah here," Jack said, before offering a hand to help Tiffany up. His last estimate had said they didn't have the time to make any stops at all if they were to make it to Arnco Mills by nightfall - and that was assuming they could get a car. Their best bet now, as far as he was aware, was to get in a car and put as much distance between them and Newnan as was humanly possible - and find somewhere to take shelter on the way. Plus, with the way Tiffany was tired, having a means of transportation that only required one of them to be alert and focused would help. He had been the man of the house growing up and he was fine to fill that roll now as well. Gender stereotypes could be fulfilled for a little bit of time and it wouldn't hurt anyone, as far as he was concerned.

"No way we'll make it to Mills at this rate eithah," Jack added. "Should probably try and find some sheltah somewhere."

Scott Rydzynski

Location: Crash Site - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Gideon, Jace, Janelle

"No, you're not," Scott agreed, still continuing to size Griffin up. "But after what I'm about to tell you, you might want to be," he then added, before clapping Gideon on the back. It was meant as a friendly gesture but getting clapped on the back by a merc would technically qualify as having someone crack you up against the back - it'd hurt. Scott did know his own strength, but he was also used to dealing with other mercs - people who have seen so much violence that some of their nerves had been deadened slightly through the abuse. Maybe Scott's mannerisms and humor would put Gideon at ease - maybe they wouldn't. It didn't matter to him either way.

He then turned around, seeing two ginger kids. His expression was hard when he regarded the brother, but softened when he saw the sister. She looked to be about his daughter's age. However, as the boy mentioned that they had seen each other before, Scott grinned widely and laughed. "This is terrible, for fuck's sake," Scott said, still laughing. The officers had left the scene - which was good. "Yeah, we all know each other. Hell, you two saw the murder in Phile as well, didn't you? Saw that little piece of ass getting ripped to shreds?"

"You see, I'm willing to bet that we're all alike," Scott continued. He noticed a bit of metal that had come off in the crash - must have been from the bumper. "We're all freaks," he said, as he held out his hand and the piece of the bumper shot upwards, hovering for about five seconds. He then shut his hand and it dropped as he broke his concentration.


Location: Lab Facility

Nine let out a small sigh of frustration. They didn't bring any medical supplies with them - great. At least Ten seemed to have medical training, from the stuff he was spouting off. "Alright. The storage room might have those - if not, we'll case a place and hit it for what we need," Nine said. This was coming all too natural to her. First, it was murdering (in self defense!) Zacharia's fellow soldiers. And now, it was turning into theft - and with the way her mind was going, likely an abduction as well. They couldn't risk Zacharia giving them up. They could either kill him or hold him hostage. Given that he cooperated with them, Nine was in favor of the later - for the moment.

"A global war and scientists conducting illegal human experiments," Nine repeated. "I have to imagine it's connected somehow - what was the war over?" She turned her head as she heard pods open up - two of them, to be precise. It raised their head count to be a little higher. There were supposedly thirteen of them in total. However, there was also a chance that whoever stepped out of those pods might have some answers for them - maybe they were some of Dark Anarchy's scientists.

"Do you know who you are?" Nine said, as she raised her gun and pointed towards the individuals vacating the pods. "Did you work for Dark Anarchy?"

Trust was for children.
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